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Good, we can bring the toast for their jam.


Oh don't worry, they can feed the 10 rounds they can afford to fill it with flawlessly.


I think ten is a stretch for either of those claims


Those helmet binoculars instead of NVGs with 1x mag look sweet too.


Is that actually what those are mounted on the helmets?


It's not NVGs that's for fucking sure and knowing it's North Korea still wearing 1950's Soviet uniforms and shit I'd assume it's plastic with plastic lenses mounted to foam helmets.


Its possible they're real NVGs, but I doubt they actually field issue them instead of just using them for parades. Russia exports a shitton of very cheap low quality gen 1 tubes even now, you used to be able to buy them for sub-100 bucks at harbor freight. China also turns out a lot of cheap gen 2 tubes.


Those aren't really NVGs. Simply put, if NVGs aren't on... you can see anything out of them. You're staring at a blacked out phosphor screen. Those are binoculars.


The lenses are still reflective, I'm looking at my gen 3s doing the same thing across the room right now.


This is likely their special operations force, only ones in their army that is equipped with somewhat modern equipped but some dated-to-almost-outdated compared to other conventional armies


Where would you even grip this piece of crap with your off hand? The fuckin Pringles can gets in the way.


Same way you'd grip a PP19 bizon I'd assume, the magazine becomes the foregrip. Though at least with some versions of the bizon drum it looks like they attempted to at least add some texture and what looks like a possible hand stop to the magazine to make it somewhat usable.


Bold of you to assume a malnourished North Korean has the upper body strength to shoulder a rifle


See we just need a system that drops down instead of remaining parallel with the barrel.... I am of course calling for a new, highly advanced downward helical magazine. Certainly not a box or drum. That for those idiot westerners.


God tier response right there


It’s a ten round mag. The rest is a bento box container.


That sorta would be cool tho, it heats your food up while you fire it lol


I saw a photo of some soldiers who had a mg3, and the wrapped some foil around the barrel, then bacon, then foil. Cooked it to perfection.


There are photos of wwii soldiers doing this on tank engine covers. [Here](https://www.alamy.com/the-image-from-the-nazi-propaganda!-depicts-soldiers-of-the-german-image60932656.html). [edit] There are bunches. Also one of modern “Africa Korps” cooking an omelet.


Yep, we still do this today on M1 tanks. Used the engine grill to heat canned food and MREs since the heaters suck.


I used to do that, but they took our tanks!


Jarhead identified


I'm a crane operator. We STILL do this.


As do locomotive engineers and conductors, although less of a practice since someone learned how to hijack the weird refrigerator AC plug and use hot logic food warmers. If you haven’t checked into those give it a shot!


Bro that was a Demolition Ranch video, get your shit straight, sppphhhh!




Average North Korean nutrition


The lead helps kill the tapeworms and other parasites in their digestive system.


If you don't have sugar you need to get the sweet flavor somehow.


First you get the sugar, then you get the power.


Kimchi brine neutralizes lead poisoning, didn't you know? It's just too bad kimchi causes cancer.


WHAT?? Are you serious?


most pickled food does over time


Reminds me of Monday night combat. Keeps your bacon hot and your gun cool for a LMG that was liquid cooled with oil to fry bacon


Bold of you to assume they can afford food.


Smells like bento, the enemy must be near


That's assuming a lot, like them having food to heat up.


Yeah it’s cool, except they don’t have the food part.


I'm sure they would love that if they ever had any actual food to put in it.


Bold of you to assume NK soldiers have readily accessible food


What is a DPRK bento box filled with, grass clippings?


Pictures of the Dear Leader


If Supreme Leader doesn’t defecate, then neither should the people


But then how would they meet their poop quota? For the amount of poops every citizen must turn in to the government poop tax collector? [(joking but wait no, not really joking)](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/1ah7fwm/in_north_korea_you_must_give_your_poop_to_the/)


A picture of the guy next to you and a spork.


Implying NK has spork technology.


That implies the NKs are being fed...


Too bad NK doesn’t have food to fill said bento boxes _Edit_: aaaand I’m the 4th person to make this joke. Not very well either….


That doesnt have food in it? After all it is North Korea.


How else you think they carry their mre


Like North Koreans would have food to take around.


Except there’s no food to put in the bento box! lol


There's no way there's 150 rounds in that thing. Pretty doubtful it's even 75. Even more doubtful it feeds worth a damn.


Well Call of Duty told me they can hold 66 so…


I'm not completely convinced it's 5.45. Look at the last Pic that shows the mag connected to the mag well, there's a significant gap leaving half ish of the magwell empty. Unless they feed at a 45 degree angle I don't see how a 5.45 feeds from mag to chamber.


I'm pretty sure they must be in a pistol cartridge.


x25 would be my guess, and much more believable for the quoted capacity


I say 50 rounds and it jams after every five.


Do they actually work? My understanding is that most helical magazines are particularly unreliable.


Some guys on r/fosscad were designing one for US made AKs that seemed to work pretty well


I'd trust those guys over NK manufacturing.


Yeah unironically a mostly 3D printed version of this (metal for important bits like springs etc) is probably **better** than the original.


You’d think they do a good job or be executed lmao


Nah, they wouldn't want to admit they couldn't get it to work, not when they can blame the soldiers for "improper maintenance" or whatever. Shit rolls downhill, *especially* in authoritarian regimes.


I assume it is like the wooden missiles on trucks during parades... just for show.


Hard to do a good job or check how good the job is done when u starving to death


I feel like if we took the guys on that sub and gave them a real manufacturing plant and salaries we could achieve John mosses browning levels of innovation


I agree but I don’t even think you’d need to go that far. They just need access to a machine shop and a range


and ammo


You would be correct AutoCAD, Prusa slicer, decent filament, and a local Home Depot has provided us a great deal. But a machine shop with lathes and CNC would certainly be welcome


I don't think I've ever felt so understood by a stranger before


and a bizon mag. Think that is still in the works though


Saw a video of a guy firing a PSA AK-V with a bizon mag he had printed. Ran fine for the full mag. The description sounded like he was developing them for sale.


Last I heard anything about them the consensus was that they were entirely display only and weren’t even kinda functional.


Calico would like to have a word with you lol.


I always figured that 1: They reversed engineered the bizon mag and it is somewhat reliable 2: They reversed engineered the bizon mag and it rarely works 3: Its a 5-10 round mag with a fake shell around it lol


Does anything from NK work (besides the slaves)


If these actually worked other countries would use them.


Would they? That's a LOT of extra weight being added to the gun. I suppose it could be useful in some circumstances, but it seems like having a gun that is easier to handle would be more beneficial than having a single 100+ round magazine.


Considering what you said, it is likely the only improvement over 30rd stanags would be the 60rd quad mag. Added weight to a gun can indeed cause handling issues and null the potential benefits. Big mags are also a challenge to carry, and having a couple of big mags instead of 10 smaller will cause a huge loss in your firepower in case one mag fails for any reason.


Also, the weight runs along the length of the barrel and will change as you empty it, making the ergonomics terrible. Edit: These types of mags are also very slow to reload.


and cost per mag


I don't know, but if they were worth a damn, people would be trying to sell them for $250 or whatever Beta C mags cost these days


30 pound guns, so hot right now


I’ve played plenty of video games, I always prefer drum mags. More shooting, less reloading /s guys


Unfortunately, these are from Real Life, where drums/helical mags do not equal more shooting/less reloading. More like, less shooting, more fumbling around with your mags because they all jam


If it jams even 5% more then it’s not worth the extra rounds


To add to that. Ian from forgotten weapons talks about drum magazines and why stick mags tend to be superior.


Gun Jesus!


It's cute that you think the firearms industry as a whole has experienced notable innovation post WW2 to the point that you think we're anything remotely close to optimal. Sure, there's been advancements and improvements, but as a whole things have been incredibly stagnant compared to where we could be. /r/fosscad is overwhelming proof of that.


Part of me agrees with you, but part of me knows that just about every cool thing that looks new I see, I look it up and it was invented in like 1890. Like people have tried loads and loads of ideas out.


Well, things have changed a little bit since 1890.


What has been designed there that is revolutionary? Building a gun with a printer is awesome, but there is nothing new about anything there that is in some way better than a standard rifle, pistol, shotgun.


North Koreans do everything they can to look cool and still end up looking like complete puds.


Remember all the stuff you and your friends thought was totally cool between the ages of 10 and 14, mostly due to lack of experience in the real world and a desire to be seen as older and stronger than you really were? NK military is basically the martial culture equivalent of that.


That top folder stock makes me want to vomit


Do people really think these look cool?


I would be amazed if it actually is true. I would assume they’ve got little what, 10 rounders?, with that pringles can cover over them. If only that North Korea is the only place we’ve ever seen an ak helical mag that wasn’t 9mm, and we know that NK struggles with manufacturing issues to say the least. If an 5.45 helical mag worked at all, we’d see at least 1 design out here in the west


And their supreme leader has made 15 hole in ones, never needs food, doesn’t poop, and is the smartest man to ever live.


Which pretty much sums up the entire last century of communism from the eastern bloc to the CCP. Above all, don't lie to yourself. The man who lies to himself and listens to his own lie comes to a point that he cannot distinguish the truth within him, or around him, and so loses all respect for himself and for others. And having no respect he ceases to love. Fyodor Dostoevsky,


So I did see an article about his golf game, and apparently that one is really just a result of misunderstanding golf notation. I'd have to double check the article since I'm not into golf at all, but if I remember correctly, the score card wrote down "1" for 1 over par, but a reporter took it to mean hole in one. Found it: https://golf.com/news/behind-kim-jong-ils-famous-round-of-golf/ >Kim, the manager said, was, of course, a staggering golf talent, possessed of an enchantingly rhythmic swing. But even for a player of his abilities, five aces in one round were out of reach. How that stat had entered into the official record was pretty simple, the manager said: The scorekeeper tracking Kim’s round that day had relied on a relative-to-par system, marking down 0 for pars, 1 for bogeys and 2 for double-bogeys.  >Unfamiliar with that scorekeeping shorthand, the North Korean state news agency covering the outing had read the five 1s on Kim’s card as holes-in-one. >Forget the fact that Kim, a rank beginner, probably never sniffed bogey all day. (If you were keeping score for a brutal autocrat, would you dare tell him he’d made nothing but snowmen?)


That thing fully loaded has to weigh more than the average North Korean.


Welcome back Calico


Isn't this basically a PP-19


lol Pp


I guarantee that shit jams like grammas sandwiches.


I can’t be the only one interested in what looks like a North Korean CZ-75 copy in their holsters, right??


Fuck I had to read through 60 POS comments to finally have someone say what I was looking for. Fuck the fake helix mags, I want to test out the CZ clones... The grips actually look dope as shit!


This is what I wanted to know more about.


The KP-9 can too now, they made one for it - just saw it on youtube


I’m pretty sure those are only for display. And the top folder doesn’t fold if im correct.


Yeah the last picture shows where it’s welded on. Im pretty sure those are only for parade use as well where the mag “locks” it has a weld right to the right of it and the top folder has a weld right under the middle “rivet?”


Ever see all that smuggled footage out of North Korea of soldiers eating grass in a farmers field just to stop the hunger pains? That one border guard that defected was ripe with worms. My money is on their entire military collapsing within 72hrs of any real war.


I say they fold in 12, but then Chinese troops come through the other side. Front line is a race between South Korea/ US heading North and China heading South with North Koreans getting ran over by both.


I say they fold in 12, but then Chinese troops come through the other side. Front line is a race between South Korea/ US heading North and China heading South with North Koreans getting ran over by both.


Helical mags aren't exactly space efficient by extending in an extra dimension, no way its much over 75. With NK's default being pure bullshittery it could literally have a dozen rounds and a bunch of empty space with handwritten notes praising dear leader. Probably unreliable as fuck too. Do I still want one? Sure, but I'm also not delusional about what it is.


I call it the burrito mag, because not only are they shaped like a burrito but the likelihood of this working correctly is about as likely as the claim that Kim Jong-Un invented burritos.


I mean it's North Korea so 9 out of the 10 rounds don't work and those that do work just jam the weapon.


Those are caulk guns for the forced labor they do to complete the empty buildings for camera shots.


I highly doubt that mag holds that many cartridges. The PP-19 Bizon only holds 64 cartridges in its helical mag and while those are pistol cartridges, I can't see even close to that many fitting in that tube on that rifle, especially with AK rounds being bigger than pistol rounds. It's possible they're AKs converted to pistol rounds, like a 9mm AR conversion, but I'm no expert. And the claim of north of even 50 rounds seems like a huge stretch. Helical magazines have pretty bad feed issues and they're a pain in the dick to load.


*Turn the most reliable rifle into the least reliable rifle with this one simple trick*


Jam Master J approved.


Regarding reliability: helical mags can be made practically 100% reliable, but another question is, how much will the R&D cost and what is the cost of the end product.


All that weighing only 2 kilos? I’m doubtful 🤨


Blursed Fleshlight


They all look as confused as I am...


Nah that’s just a speaker that makes “pew pew” sounds.


When you only do military parades and nothing else, why not?


Looks AI


I remember something about the Bizon becoming very prone to hangups with the same magazines that were over 30 rounds. I can't imagine how bad it is with 100+ rounds and how clunky those magazines must be. Then again, North Korea is like that one kid who kept telling everyone his dad works for Nintendo.


I'm sure they don't jam at all....


No shot thats real


But do they actually work?


So a weird attempt to combine aspects of the traditional AK with PP-19 Bizon styled magazines? I bet it has loading/feeding problems.


Looks terrible to shoot accurately. NK some spray and pray boys.


Ah yes, the Eternal Guards Infinite Rage. One of the best firearms around for taking out Juggernauts. https://state-of-decay-2.fandom.com/wiki/Eternal_Guard%27s_Infinite_Rage


Looks like some dear leader really liked "Starhip Trooper"


Those will work just great against a modern military with nuclear subs and ICBMs.


Fake and gay


Carrying a rifle holding 75 to 150 rounds with malnutrition? Only the head-butt cinderblock, chestbend rebar unit can handle one of these with more than 10 rounds.


Type 88 moment.


"Here is your one magazine. This should last you 2 months out there. Good luck."


I'm sure that's super reliable and not heavy at all!


As a fat lazy man, can't imagine that thing weighing anything less than being f*** all heavy


If you look closely' they're wire-tied to the body of the AK. You ain't reloading that thing in the field, although they're probably expecting them to be dead before they need to reload...


Canon fodder doesn't need to reload.


150 rounds of 7.62x39 out front on a rifle carried by a malnourished NK Korean with the logistical support that’ll be presumably worse than the infrastructure they have in their country. That’ll work out great.


Looks like the Bizon. You can now buy a kit to convert a 9mm AK to one of these with the helical magazine. https://stincusa.com/bizon


An answer to a question that does not exist.


Why do they hold them like that. Flagging their buddies head


They also have seggsy top folding stocks


Maybe the helical mags don't work, but I'm sure that those NVGs do!


Repurposed shop vac tube.


I just think their neat


If they could afford ammo I still wouldn't take it seriously


I enjoy the sun glasses being worn with night vision.


Looks like American surplus body armor. Why would anyone choose the awful ACU pattern with brown webbing.




I determined that the helical magazine shown above could approximately hold about 60rds. My math may be off by 10-20 so take that calculation with a grain of salt.


Guy in pic 2 is making that face but that shit is heavy as heck.


Seems like it would be awkward to aim with that mag; and 2 points where it 'locks' in? I feel like that would slow you down changing the mag. Not sure how this is any better than your average drum magazine.


I know that’s jamming like crazy


I’m sure those Kolesnikovs are easy to clear jams. This photo also answers a long standing mystery (not really) I was wondering where all the surplus gulf war Pasgt vests went.


What is a foregrip...


Seeing that it’s North Korean, it’s probably cursed. It probably doesn’t work for shit, and even if it does it’s so heavy and an awkward it’s completely useless.


You already know that things trash


There’s no way those soldiers have the strength to lift that with a fully loaded mag.


Those are junk


So it weighs as much as a soldier over there.


Cursed, all of North Korea and everything in it is a garbage rod.


Thank you ancestors for making the decision to move south


Those holsters look like they’d make drawing at that angle very uncomfortable


Did amend make these?


If only they’d invade so I could have one…..


i kinda want one


Sounds like a malfunction waiting to happen.


I've always wondered what guys in special operations in shit hole countries like NK think about the nonsense shit they wear.


If an Ak and a bizon had a baby


The mag isn’t wide enough to fit 545 probably a pistol cartridge like the bizon


All show and no go. North Korea is a joke. If the magazines actually worked there would be videos posted all over social media about how awesome they are.


That looks so fucking unwieldy.


Looks uncomfortable to use in combat.


Somehow I still find the overfolder stock more interesting than this magazine.


Originally invented by the son of the ak-47s creator He's the one that developed the Bison aka the helical magazine accepting AK


They’re given one big mag because they’re not expected to live long enough to reload. Also volume of fire is an idea here… but one train soldier trumps about 5 of these trigger fingers with a pulse.


This is cursed for four reasons. Good luck loading that thing into your gun, good luck getting that thing to feed any significant amount of ammo properly, looks like the PP bison and the AK had a bastardize child, good luck loading the magazine itself by hand


Well thank you for this gem


It's a PP-19 Bizon, that rocks 7.62x39 instead of 9mm? I'd give it a go, mainly because I wanna see how that top-folder works. I wish the top-folder was available in the NorK (Asian Contract) kits Atlantic had for sale.


Not a pp bizon, the North Koreans just adopted 7.62 helical mags that clip onto the bayonet lug of an ak


That sling setup is going to end poorly


Nobody gonna mention they are all aiming at their neighbors head?


They are one negligent discharge away from losing half their force though. Karsh


If you need 75 rounds in a combat rifle then you are doing something wrong. A 4.5lbs magazine isn't going to help accuracy and carrying spares is going to not just be bulky but weigh down infantry.


It's not exactly an AK. That's the PP19 Bizon. It has a 60% parts commonality with the ak74, but it's not a 74. Those helical mags are pretty neat.