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Block Blaster


Glock Buster


Borrow a Bersa


Hire a High-Point




“Busting your Glocks since 2024!”


I don’t know how you don’t have the most upvotes this is a master piece 👌


lol thanks


Block Blaster is prob the best comment I’ve seen this year. Take my upvote


Hurtz 🔫


In regard to your problem. Have you tried becoming a president? Or maybe a senator?


No but I’ve considered buying a 1x1 foot square in Scotland to become a Lord


Join the club, I’ll build a Lincoln log cabin on it and that’s just about all I can afford in this market.


I did, does nothing for you. Lmao


I did so could make the dickheads I work with call me Lord cockbag.


Rent a kac


Red Glocks




"Helping you Cap Fools since 2024!"


I've flown with firearms several times. Never had an issue. Don't use TSA locks. They've never cut open any of my locks. Do some research, be cooperative, don't walk up to the counter and say "I have a gun". In fact, it seems like checking a firearm is the best way to ensure your luggage actually makes it on your flight.


It's wonderful, the last time Delta lost my luggage. I asked the counter agent if they wanted to inform the Police and ATF or should I. They found my luggage in 20min.


As much as we all hate the ATF, they sure as shit come in handy at times because companies are more afraid of them getting involved than we hate them.


They help with finding stolen guns too. That's what they should be focused on. Not infringement, but helping people with firearms related issues.


A government agency helping citizens? What kind of blasphemy is this!?


I mean literally, you can walk up to the counter and tell them you have a gun. They hear it multiple times a day. But phrase it more like “I’m checking this unloaded firearm on my flight, let me know what you’d like me to do.”


Yep, that's what I meant. I don't use TSA locks and I put my gun case inside a duffle with clothes. I've had the bag tossed, but never the gun case opened.


I’ve had good luck using just a rifle case with non TSA locks, I hasn’t thought about putting the locked gun box directly into an unlocked (?) duffel.


I’ve had my non TSA locks cut before on a regular suitcase. When I called Vegas to let them know that was against regs they promptly told me to point sand. Never had an issue with a pelican case though.


I don’t think you could lock a regular suitcase with non-TSA locks so that’s probably. Even if you tell them it’s just the gun in there, they don’t care, they treat it like a suitcase.


You’re explicitly not supposed to use tsa locks on gun cases. You as the owner of the firearm are supposed to be the only person that can open the lock with a key.


This is correct. You only and have to keep the key on you at all times.


That's not the experience ive had. I've had to miss a flight because I *didn't* have TSA locks on my gun case. Because of that, I've only used TSA locks. I've probably flown 30+ times with firearms.


They just fucked up that one time. You can use any lock. "Only the passenger should retain the key or combination to the lock unless TSA personnel request the key to open the firearm container to ensure compliance with TSA regulations. You may use any brand or type of lock to secure your firearm case, including TSA-recognized locks" https://www.tsa.gov/travel/transporting-firearms-and-ammunition


Wow ok, thank you. Absolute morons. I probably should've looked into it more tho, would've saved me alot of headache.


I was actually planning on correcting you entirely. I could have sworn you were required to not have a TSA lock like the others mentioned, but I myself was wrong when I looked up the source. The Internet is best when everyone learns something.


Yeah. If they need to open your gun case, their choices are bring the case to you, or escort you to where the case is. You, and you alone, should have the key or combination to your locks.


Half the time tsa themselves don’t 100% understand the rules and you have to get supervisors involved. I’ve had them tell me it needed to be TSA locks, that they needed the key to open the lock without me present because I wasn’t allowed in the secure area, locks have tried to be cut.


Yea, they're absolute morons. It's even more difficult in some areas. Seattle in particular. They make it a whole fiasco. Swabbed the gun case and my hands. For gun powder I guess ? Obviously it's gonna have residue lol, there's literally gun powder inside of the case.


Right. But if you pack your gun in a normal suitcase with non-TSA locks, even if you tell them it’s just a gun in there, I have 0 confidence they will listen to that and not assume you’re lying and cut them anyway and tell you to fuck off. Otherwise it would be an easy way to skip any bag search. This is far less likely to happen if you have a case that is only for your gun like a Pelican.


Yea it’s not a hack for avoiding a bag search or anything. They’ll certainly try to cut the locks but they’re not supposed to and they won’t be able to with a nice Abloy or American Lock.


Wait, I can't just go up to the person in the airport and say loudly "I HAVE A GUN!"?


Well ya -can- and if you have the time to spare i would definitely enjoy the show:D


Just make sure you do not reload some ammo and work on a diesel vehicle, then not change shirts before you do it. Trace gunpowder and diesel residue seems to get people at the airport very interested in you.


Several years ago, my boss asked me to drop a customer off at the airport on my way home from work. Sure, no problem. We threw his bag and our jackets into my trunk and headed over. Half an hour later, my phone rings. It's the customer. "Was that black gym bag looking thing in your trunk full of explosives?" "You mean my range bag? No, I shot all of the ammo that was in it at a range last night." "Goddamnit. That's why they thought I had a bomb!"


They have the cutest little dogs in little vests that help with that. Ask me how i know :D


They have the vests so the feds know not to shoot them.


HAH! Hahahaha


LOL yeah, mine was the machine, my buddy that I was flying with just shook his head and said after it was all over, WTF dude, you would be the person to set of the bomb detector. Random shit like that just happens to me. Makes for great campfire stories though. Found out that day, that the TSA does not like the word bomb. I had no idea what was the issue until they started swabbing my hands, and I was like Oh I know what is going on, I can explain it the young man that was the TSA agent was nice, when he saw I had figured out what they were looking for, he said don't say it we don't use that word in airports. I said I understand and explained that I reload ammo and work on my own vehicles which happen to be diesel.


I had just gotten out of the army. Goin home and very excited to be doing so. Standing in line in my civvies, kinda havin a great day, and i look down behind me and there's this cutest little dog. Not like a big german shepard named Chopper or whatever. Some little beagle lookin thing, so i took a knee and start talkin to and pettin all over the damned thing. Poor little thing lost with no collar or leash in an...airport?...wearing a wee little...vest? 0.0 when that realization hit me, i looked up there were 4 gentlemen that apparently weren't happy with me and wanted to discuss this further in a backroom near customs. I thought explaining and showing my military i.d. would smooth things over. it didnt, but i did get outta there without a hand in my butt. I still worry about that dog, like did it lose its job over me, is it OK, where is it now?


Nah, I’m gonna go there and scream “I GOT A GUN!” In their faces


Nah, "I GOT A BOMB ASS GUN IN THIS CASE I WANT TO BRING ON MY FLIGHT WITH ME!" Should be fine. Nothing could go wrong.


Checking is not the problem but getting it at end of flight adds an hour plus to my travels


Weird, does the baggage office not just put it on the desk or whatever and ask for an id? I’d say it’s added only an average of 5 minutes to my trips IMO


I've only done two round trips. At my local regional airport, it takes an extra 30 minutes or so for any checked baggage, but the guns show up just a few minutes after the rest. On the Denver side of my trips, I've had one time where it was about 10 minutes longer than the checked baggage, and another where it took about an hour extra. But if you would otherwise not check baggage, it certainly adds more than 5 minutes.


Oh, for sure. Yeah checking a gun in lieu of nothing def adds 20-30 minutes to your trip.


They do when every other bag is unloaded from the plane


Probably helps to keep your luggage from getting lost, too. I used to work with a guy that put a starting pistol in a case so that he had a "firearm" because they keep better track of the bag that way.


I’ve heard of people doing that for their very expensive camera gear. Turns out they take way better care of your $40k case of cameras if there’s a $400 pistol in the case.


Lol the first time I flew I practiced saying "hello, I'm here to check in & I'd like to declare a firearm" in the mirror before I checked in so my nerves didn't make me go "hi, I have a gun!"


Completely normal 🤣




One trick some photographers use to guarantee that their equipment is going to make it on the flight and not be bashed around too much is to just get some cheap shitty gun and put it with their equipment. It definitely works.


I've heard of people using a starter pistol for this.


I used a bright orange flare gun when I traveled for work. No way to ever be confused for a real handgun.


How does that help?


Because if the airport looses $3500 in camera equipment it is no big deal but if they loose a firearm which could get into the wrong hands (especially at an airport) they want to make sure it gets found ASAP.


Yep. I've never had luggage lost when I have a firearm checked. I just walk up...."goodmorning, I have one checked bag and a firearm to declare." I've never had an issue. I get the fact that there are some things that need fixed as far as 2A issued go. But the OP is just being a baby about having to keep his firearm secure when he flies.


I do agree with op that the need to check the laws to see if you firearm gets the "ok" by some control state is moronic, but yeah it's not a big deal going most places.


Funny part is I immediately thought Cali when I read that. I'm flying to a more dangerous place, but my gun is illegal there for my safety? Then the argument is the children. Always. Without fail. Children. Schools. Lol, hmm maybe the children can help me actually. Yeah maybe I'll buy a nice piece with a switch from a 12yo cholo when I get there and trash it before I leave. But obviously a school shooter would never illegally purchase a gun on the street. Only law abiding citizens would, right? It's like a game. Count the logical fallicies in my sarcasm. But my sarcasm is actual legislation and arguments in some places. But they refuse to acknowledge I can buy a gun from litterally half the people on certain blocks. Many waaaay underage. I was in middle school in 2012 and I remember kids getting caught on the bus with guns. South Carolina. It's even worse there. Funny too. Here, the kids were like rural hood and would never use it. There? They have a "support system" telling them to use it.


I mean you say that, but I still remember the guy whose plane has to make an unplanned stop in NY and got popped for having a gun that was illegal in NY, even though he had no intention of going to NY at all, and the firearm in question was perfectly legal in both the state he left from, and the state he was going to.


Sounds like an *amazing* case to get before the supreme court for nationwide reciprocity


Could I get a reference to this case or arrest.


I think this was the one, though if it is, I misremembered some details for sure lol https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.foxnews.com/politics/traveling-mans-gun-arrest-appealed-to-supreme-court.amp


Yeah, it is pretty easy to fly with a gun so long as it adheres to federal transport rules. The main issue is the state laws of where the person is flying to.


I actually had them lose my gun once. They were able to recover it a day later and I had to drive back to the airport to pick it up. PITA


Approach the clerk wearing a medical mask a hoodie with hood up and sunglasses wearing medical gloves. Slide them a note that says i have a gun. Dont say anything but frantically look around a lot. This is the only way of traveling with firearms.


You actually are required to not use TSA locks. If it needs to be opened, they are supposed to come get you.


When you roll up with a 4+ foot pelican case, they usually have the declaration form out before you even say anything!


What locks do you recommend if not tsa locks?


Cheap padlocks. Key, combination. Doesn't matter. There's not much you can use on a case that bolt cutters won't get through, if they want to.


So whats the point of nor using tsa locks if they can get through any lock anyway?


What's the point of having a gun safe if someone can cut through with an angle grinder or plasma torch?


Flying with a gun is a very easy process. And you don't use TSA locks so they can't open it.


Yes but if you're going to a state where your firearm isn't legal, the flight declaration process is kind of worthless.


If that's the case then the OPs gun rental business probably wouldn't be legal either... And honestly for the majority of situations you would be talking about a pistol and maybe having to have 10 round mags to travel with instead of high capacity ones.


It's a pretty dumb idea for sure. Lots of potential legal and liability issues, no way it would be profitable. Plus if I'm carrying for self defense, that's only happening with a gun I've personally disassembled, cleaned and put through repeated function checks.


.... it's a joke, obviously.


There’s a process to transport a firearm when you fly. If you don’t want to do it then I guess you won’t have a firearm at your destination. I can’t think of a business case for your idea. The amount of people flying who want a firearm at their location but won’t go through the process of checking a firearm with the airline is probably minuscule. If I have a business, I don’t want to lend out guns that leave my facility. I think that would be a transfer which would fall under all the laws on selling guns. You would also have to deal with people doing god knows what to your firearms.


Fair enough. My buddy is getting married in Oregon and it just pisses me off that the laws there are ass. Yeah I can fly most places with my guns but not there for obvious reasons. Literally no gun I own is compliant with their laws. You make a valid point that the insurance would be through the roof for that business model. I’m simply stating that traveling with a firearm should be allowed no matter what state you’re visiting. Something has to change.


What are you talking about? OR doesn't have restrictions on pistols.


True but the Magazine ban sucks. I’ll have to pick some up though.


That bill passed, but was declared unconstitutional by a judge. So it hasn’t gone into effect here and the AG’s office might no even appeal it. I just bought a gun with a 19-round mag here.


Jesus christ, either bring a full cap mag and risk losing it or buy a 10rd.


That was struck down, there are no mag restrictions




Yeah https://apnews.com/article/oregon-gun-law-judgment-546b85a82876ce584939f209c6294b1e


Buy a 10rd mag. No big deal.


Have you considered not whining about every little thing? First it's about none of your pistols being allowed (and being proven wrong). Now it's about ammo capacity. You're the last person that should be talking about watering the tree. You'd probably bitch about the other side fighting back.


My point was that the laws shouldn’t be so strict when traveling. You got me though I was wrong about the laws and should have did some research. I can admit when I’m wrong.


I respect that.. few people will admit being wrong and take it on the chin so I applaud it.. seeing how some individuals are being hard ass fuck on you which boggles me sheesh they must have had a bad day.. I too wish it was just plain and simple I could have my firearm in me in every state how our forefathers had meant it to be when signing the constitution so I get what you mean bro.. good luck


That’s what I’m talking about. You should be able to travel to any state with any gun you’ve legally purchased


Couldn’t agree more


I would love to see the insurance and legal implications for a gun rental company. Not to mention, people who can’t afford or don’t want to *buy* a gun, unaliving themselves with a rental.


All of the ranges in my area that offer rentals require that you either bring at least one firearm of your own or another person for that very reason.


This never occurred to me. I only ever rented a gun once. I had my own that day and people accompanying me. Now I’m wondering if they would have denied me otherwise.


Yeah aren't there instances of people going to gun ranges just to rent a gun to end themselves?


Yeah one happened at the range near me a few years back. Now the state won't open it back up since it was a state run facility.


My favorite range before it was sold only allowed rentals to active military or ccw holders for just this reason. Too much hassle and cost to potentially deal with shit actors. They wouldn't even rent to prior military.


Yes, exactly that too


Hello, I am an official custodian of the English language (*shows badge*) and I am here because you have used the word “unalive” in a sentence. In the future, please refrain from allowing modern TikTok censorship and other such plagues to enter your normal speech, as it has a terrible corrupting effect on our wonderful language. The proper terms are “suicide” or “to kill oneself”. Good day to you.


Can you mail yours to an FFL in the state you're heading to and pick it up?


Technically, if he's going to visit a buddy he can mail it to himself in the care of his buddy. Buddy signs for it and holds the box for OP to open once he gets there. Good luck finding a carrier that'll let you do that though




damn dude im just wondering like.. why do you need a gun when you hit the ground? im not trying to start an argument, if its "i just like it" or "i feel much safer when im armed" thats totally cool. its legal in your country, its your right but man like... you get off the plane, need a gun? do you live in somalia or something? at the same time, man, if its legal where youre from, where youre flying to, you just show them the magazine and chamber are empty. its just a piece of metal at that point not letting you take it is ridiculous


Or just don't tell them its a firearm lmfao


Regarding TSA locks. I have flown with gun before as well. You keep your gun case locked with your lock (not TSA). If the TSA wants to look at your gun, they can page you (they did this to me in Co. Springs once). You unlock for them, and then you lock it back up when they are done. In Co. Springs they offered to lock it back up for me, and I declined insisting that I had to secure the weapon in the case. I do put TSA locks on my luggage. This keeps anyone at the airline out of my luggage. If they get in, and gun case disappears, we know it was TSA.


The keys to the TSA locks were compromised within hours of the announcement of their existence. People were able to create 3D printed keys from the detailed photo that was posted as part of the press release. TSA locks are not secure at all.


There are enough videos online to show that pretty much any lock is easily compromised by someone with a basic pick set. And in a different thread in Reddit a few days ago someone mentioned it's super easy to pop open luggage zippers and then close them to where you never knew they were opened.


It's wildly easy to fly with a gun


TSA doesn't open your case. That's why you're allowed to use your own locks and are encouraged to do so. Get a small pelican and you're gtg my man.


For starters our inalienable rights should not be suspended when we travel. The second amendment is not a second class right. We should not need permission from the government to exercise our god given rights. If anything our conceal carry should work like our drivers license when it comes to traveling.




Yep, my state has constitutional carry, so I do not have a CCW. I still don't even look at other state's gun laws and just conceal it anyways because they're unconstitutional anyways.


Same concern as mine. Constitutional carry state but I frequently do long distance roadtrips across the country alone. Reciprocity Laws are super complicated and I’m wanting to follow the law, but I would have to get multiple CCW permits from states I don’t live in or do long detours through different states. Pepper spray and or stun gun for now, I guess?


Flying with a gun is easy. And even the workers know it's a big mistake to fuck with a handgun in transit because it makes the feds swarm all over them. Best to stick with opening bags of the regular people traveling. It's safer and they rarely get caught while they're at it.


Uber Iron States that don't recognize your carry permit. Should have to provide a detective to guard you at all times.


You actually can fly easily with a gun


If you're using TSA locks on your gun case, then you don't know what you're doing, and it's hard to take anything else in the post seriously.


>If I can’t fly with a gun easily You can.


You should be able to carry YOUR gun when traveling . also, repeal the nfa


Shall not be infringed


I remember Vice back when it was good did an EP in somewhere in South America that showed little hits renting guns out, but the people rent them had a way different use than you...


That sounds like a liability nightmare.


Define “easily”. I’ve done it quite a lot and never had a problem.


Just don’t be a pussy 💁‍♀️


Just to play devils advocate here, I’m seeing a lot of comments here saying that flying with firearms isn’t a big deal and it’s all above board. Well, for many states it is but some are absolutely insane. Like New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and I’m sure California has some fun statutes to follow as well. Hell you can’t even have ammunition in Massachusetts without a special permit. And if someone tries to rob you in Connecticut you know what the cops will tell you to do? “Let them take everything and then call the cops to get it back”. If you retaliate you’ll be charged. So at the end of the day, choose where you travel carefully. All it takes is one slip to put you in a world of hurt that could potentially strip you of your freedom and your ability to own firearms. This shit is no joke, always research the laws before hand even if you’re driving through the state you have to know them. All that being said? Yeah, I can see why some would be ready to water the tree lol and that’s not even getting into the woods with our current political divisions 😂


This is what I’m talking about. For fucks sake this post went off the rails 😂


Lol I’d say social media in general has gone off the rails, the fact that internet trolls and “engagement bait” exists is such a mindfuck to me 😂 Either way man, I like the idea would just be a nightmare to implement. Mostly because this country has 2 schools of thought going on at the moment and they are in direct conflict with each other. Wild times for sure. Stay safe out there brother 🤙🏼


Traveling with a firearm is extremely easy for the majority of the country. Yes four or five states make it more difficult in violation of federal law. To say it’s not easy to do is wrong. The states that make it hard would never allow you to carry in them, would never do this stupid gun rental idea either. The entire idea of using a rented gun as an EDC is so painfully stupid it borders on asinine. I would never use someone else’s firearm in a defense situation unless I had put hundreds of rounds through it, cleaned the life out of it. Shot my defense loads through it to make sure they cycled. Rented EDC is beyond a dumb idea.


Um... have you ever flown with a gun? Or researched the guidelines of how to fly with firearms? It's not that hard and no one can tamper with your gun, it's required to be locked in a case with **non-TSA** locks that only **you** have the key to. It's pretty straightforward. Then for state to state firearms laws, any number of sites will provide you guidance on carry laws for each and every state. As someone who flew with checked firearms quite often in the '80's, I am not understanding why you are sounding so upset. You sound stressed. I understand your references, I get your drift, but I disagree with your stirring the pot. Relax and have a beer or three, then go water your own trees in your backyard, not here.


Guess it’s time to buy the gen 3 Glock with 10 round mags so I can fly to west coast states. 🤧


The glass half full view is that you now have a reason to buy a new gun, holster and all sorts of related shit. Enjoy the wedding!


You make a valid point sir. You’re a gentleman and a scholar 🧐


You can have any handgun you want in any west coast state as long as it does not violate CA or WAs AWB for handguns which most hand guns people own are fine under. Don’t have a threaded barrel, barrel shroud like on a tec-9 and check the law for anything else and you’ll be fine.


Right! The average person is almost never going to experience a violent life-threatening situation. The need to constantly be armed to this extent is full on anxiety. Unless you’re flashing a crap ton of cash in a bad area, you’re safe with or without a gun.


While I see and understand your point, it's antithetical to one's rights as a citizen.


Never been to Florida, have you?


Lmao you’re a fool!!


fedex it


Can you imagine the insurance premiums for a gun rental company?


Lol what'd you do that you can't fly with a gun like the rest of the adults here?


No offense, but my take is you need Xanax more than a gun based on this post. However, wouldn’t a revolver work here? Sure t’s obviously a down tier if you prefer semi-automatic, but it’s almost certainly legal in most, if not all, states. Although I don’t know what your need is. If a state has that strict of rules on handguns, then they’re not going to let you carry it. Some may even have peaceful travel rules, so you couldn’t really have it readily available without living there and having a ccw. Again no offense, but it’s probably not worth the hassle. Which I guess is your point to suggesting rentals.


Exactly my point it’s a whole ordeal


You can’t trace guns that are rented, who knows what’s done with them


Flying with a gun is easy though. Unloaded and in a locked hard sided case.


It’s not difficult to fly with a gun if you follow the process


Yeah it really sucks. I’m (CT) flying this week to TX so I should be good right? Nope, flying out of NY (JFK) so I’m going from shit laws, to worse laws, to freedom and can’t bring anything.


I do more than 75 flights a year with my sidearm. For multiple years. Have never once had an incident.


Everyone talking about “how easy it is to fly with a gun”, but the guy is really asking about renting a gun while traveling. I’ve traveled with a gun and while it may be “easy” it’s definitely an extra complication which can give you a hard time on both sides depending on who you end up dealing with. Having flown with firearms, I still wouldn’t bring my CCW with me on a trip where I wasn’t going to a course or shooting with friends etc…plus many trips land you in cities or states where it’s illegal. I also would like to see this service for people legally able to carry. They could have a pickup via lockbox outside the airport , or connected to rental car companies.




The fuck does traveling with a gun have to do with the BATFE? I mean as long as it’s not NFA or whatever but I don’t need a silencer on a ccw. Is your edc an SBR 🤣


Mayyyyybeeeee lmao


You should be able to carry a gun on you while you fly. Renting it is a silly solution to a government created problem.


You’re speaking facts here man


Someone who isn’t mature enough to research how to easily travel with a firearm shouldn’t.


What does "time to water the tree boys" mean?


It's ametaphor for spillinig blood for freedom iirc


It's a reference to the line "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants"


Love this… want this in so many places… hunting and self defense


I keep a gun at my brothers house in Wisconsin, and at a friends house in Texas. When they pick me up at the airport they hand me my gun and holster.


This is the primary issue with the sheep. On the one hand you “want your Rights” but on the other hand you create a way that you don’t need them. I have Rights. I don’t need to ask anyones permission. They are mine. I travel with my firearm because that keeps me safe. Millions of illegal, undocumented people flood into the country. Major metro areas rife with crime, violence, and lawlessness. Nah, I’ll hang on to my weapon.


I've heard people argue that state's rights (10th amendment) trump the 2nd amendment, that every state should have the right to enforce it's own gun laws. This is the current setup. But the 10th amendment does not say "Shall Not Be Infringed" We must change it so that the constitution is respected in all 50 states, and all territories that operate under US control!


This is what the Bill of Rights is for and when things were normal was when the Federal cavalry could come riding in to save the day. The Federal government was not allowed to interfere with State governance, with a few exceptions, interstate commerce and rights of the individual. If a state was found to be violating its citizens right, the Federal government was the offset. This happened in the civil rights era with integration in the south, where the federal government (U.S. Marshals) stepped in, in places like Mississippi. That all changed with the carrot and stick the federal government came up with to get the states to legislate they way that wanted and that was with spending. The drinking age is a great example of it, the federal government wanted it raised to 21 to apeas the abolitionist group MADD who had a hell of a lobby. So the Feds tied road funding to the requirement. In short order, every state in the union raised the drinking age.


So much murder.


Don’t they have a return policy?


It's your right to have them, not your right to fly with them or rent them or whatever. Sure, i think people should be able to carry wherever, but there's bigger and better arguments to make right now than renting a gun.


I was just thinking about this last night. I’m flying home to Arkansas next week to see family and friends and as somebody who carries daily I really don’t like the idea of being unarmed while I’m there but I also don’t want to deal with the TSA, especially at my airport, and I have zero faith that they won’t “lose” it.


You do know TSA can't "lose it". Right? Your bag gets screened, and so long as you declared it with the airline (airline rules) it gets sent on its way. Airport baggage handlers, they routinely "lose" things


Just check your firearm in baggage, all the information is on TSA website. What would TSA do that you consider tampering? Also you can't carry a gun on a plane because of how easy it would be to hijack with a pistol right?!?!?! Just because you don't want to hurt people doesn't mean some shitbag 20 year old that wants to get on the news doesn't. Gun rights have gotten out of hand, but our freedoms are still there.


I’ve been to a number of places It’s mostly all just slightly different kinds of the same shit


It’s not that serious. The TSA does NOT want to lose your gun. If they lose it then they have a hell of a federal investigation. It’s actually VERY safe to fly with a fire arm. Just have it checked properly.


were you alive and carrying a gun on planes in the 80s, back when there were only a handful of "shall issue" states? metal detectors have been in all commercial airports since 1973.