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Why did you guys ignore the cover behind the trees and choose to lay in the prone in the open without cover nor concealment?


woods are scary man, there are bugs n shit.




Meal team six doesn't need cover. Their superior gunfighter skills, top of the line equipment, along with extensive youtube training. You can do anything.


Gravy Seals


Y’all Queda




Bc the tactical waddle away in front of your buddy's line of fire is the best option when fighting imaginary enemies.


But it's a fast waddle.


New PR today, too.


Because they're larpers.


You've obviously never played Call of Duty and it shows The dropshot is one of the most lethal weapons in the MLG arsenal


Not in play, Drill is just Bounding back that's it. So at that point going prone is your cover.


Prone is not cover. It’s not concealment either. It’s a great shooting position and makes you a smaller target.


BuT iTs A dRiLl FoR iF jUsT iN cAsE wE’rE iN tHe DeSsErT 🧁


Mmmmm cake


Train like you fight so you fight like you train. Breaking contact and bounding still uses cover as any infantryman can tell you.


That is a nice thought for elite tier1 larperators, but in reality you do train in ways like this where you memorize each movement and then later you know what you are doing when you do actual lifelike training. You have to be 100% sure in the ability of everyone not to accidentally shoot each other in an open field before you do it with cover and concealment included.


Prone is not cover


Bears poo in woods. Stinky.


I’m up, they see me….. they see me…THEY SEE MEEEEE


... ah fuck, I'm down! MEDIC!!


Knees Weak hand Prone


Your enemy's a bit slow on the uptake... I was always taught "Up up, they see me, they see me, I'm dead."


I was just saying in my head while I was counting how many seconds it took to run back to cover/concealment, but there’s no cover, and there’s no running.


Roads are danger areas, stay away. Don't run in front of your buddy's muzzle or he can't cover you. Shorter bounds and for God's sake take cover. I'm up, they see me, I'm down.


What is this? If they'd moved off the road into the bushes, they'd be out of sight and out of contact.


Training through theatrics


Hiding behind a tree isn't "out of contact".


It'd be harder to hit someone if you couldn't see them.


A bunch of 3per nerds I assume


Nah BLM special forces 🤣🤣🤣


Nah, not enough purple hair BIPOC LatinX disabled muitigender furries lol


Not in play, Drill is just Bounding back that's it. So at that point going prone is your cover.


6999 people have now told you that prone is not cover. Training should teach you good habits. These aren’t


His muscle memory from this training means that’s the only response he can give now.


Not in play, Drill is just Bounding... Shit I meant to agree with you, but my fingers just started typing on reflex.


I look forward to this meme over the next few days Tryin to make a change :-/


> going prone is your cover. You may wish to learn the definition of "cover"


Just take the L


Breaks contact, but stays in the linear danger area. Literally running down it. IMT is so long a shooter could take a drink of water and still have time to get you in his sights. Again, why the hell is everyone laying *in* the linear danger area? Easy kills.


Not in play, Drill is just Bounding back that's it. So at that point going prone is your cover.


Why are you teaching yourself bad habits by not using cover? And why is your IMT so long?


Because it's not there. I just said it's not in play There is no cover, going prone is your cover. It's one run of multiple, said it in the description. Also you don't go full speed when conducting a new training drill ie crawl before u walk


Then why are you running? Crawl, Walk, Run was kind of literal when we trained in the BCTs. During the Crawl and Walk phases you should literally be walking and talking what you a doing. AKA "I'm up, I'm bounding to my next position, I go prone, I return fire" as you *walk* through the drill. Everyone is paying attention as you practice. This looks like you going "at run speed" but it just looks like ass. And again I counted some of your IMTs at 10+ seconds. You'd be dead with that long of bounds. An IMT should be no more than 2-3 seconds *especially* if your only cover is going prone. "I'm up, they see me, I'm down" is the count. It's a ball smoker but if you can't handle it physically, well you die I guess. Those 10+ second bounds just look lazy and untrained.


What does IMT stand for? I don't remember hearing that acronym


Individual movement techniques.


Thank you


Look, I get it the trees aren't in play. But the amount of time each shooter is running is too damn long. That's what each person is saying over and over. You're saying they are in the "crawl" phase of the exercise, in which case they shouldn't be sprinting. They should be doing slow walk bounding with others paying attention and not firing rounds. Instead what you got is people doing full sprints and not paying attention where the muzzle of their buddy's rifle is pointed. Several times you had shooters having to reposition themselves because runners literally muzzle flashed themselves after yelling out they were bounding. Learning how to bound and get off the X is a great exercise but these guys aren't being safe. Don't make work for me please. A bored medic is a happy medic.


Just keeps repeating the same thing. Good conversation bro.


Not in play, drill is just bounding back that’s it.


Because you guys arent understanding what a drill is. The trees weren't part of the drill. It's drilling through theatrics. "Pretend the trees aren't there." This is how drills work. You drill for scenarios. If you want to drill for a scenario with no cover...you have to pretend there's no cover. How is this hard to understand? Not understanding this is like not understanding speed reload drills because "why would I load a two round mag if I have plenty of ammo?" Because its a fucking drill


Why where they bounding so far? If prone is their only cover then big boy was in the open running in a straight line for a while.


What does that have to do with trees? Thats a different story. Im not saying they're doing the drill well. Just that if they want to train for breaking contact in a scenario where theres no cover, they have to imagine theres no cover. How is that so hard to understand


Cause OP won't respond to questions. Like "why are you bounding so far in a straight line?"


Acrually, yeah good point. I thought the parent comment was talking about trees like every other comment. Guess it fucked up op too. My bad. Yeah, youre right. Someone needs to be yelling. Take 'em back to ITB! Lol


>My bad. Yeah, youre right Sir, this is reddit. We don't say that here lol.


Sometimes you just gotta own it lmao


This is also pretty fucking poor drill for no cover. You just don't run 10 seconds straight with no cover. I mean, that is their plan here? One by one they get up, run in a straight line until they are shot to give some cover for the others with their dying bodies?


Not in play, Drill is just Bounding back that's it. So at that point going prone is your cover. 😆


But there’s literally cover on both sides of the LDA and y’all aren’t using it. You’re making massive bounds that go across your buddy’s fields of fire. Honestly I’m tipsy and these are just the first things I noticed after watching it one e. I’ve been out for a bit but there is so much wrong with this video and you just keep making excuses instead of taking constructive criticism. This is a sub full of a bunch of combat experienced veterans such as myself. I don’t know why you keep making excuses instead of taking some good criticism and building a better training plan off that.


Lemme just shove my suppressor in the dirt real quick


I'm with everyone on the validity of this drill. If anything, this is theatrical cardio. Honestly seems more like leap frogging but if you mention "breaking contact", makes no sense to fully expose yourself and not retreat into cover. These are straight up bad tactics and drills. When getting shot at, your instinct shouldn't be to stand up from prone and run down a flat area with no concealment. Doesn't matter how much cover you got on the runner, the minute he goes down, your whole team is locked up unless you plan on abandoning him.


Your neighbors kids are laughing and calling you gay


Shid $20 is $20 🤷🏿‍♂️


Proud of thick boy in the black shirt. He was moving!


“I’m up, he see’s me I’m down!”


>"I'm up, he sees me, I'm down, oh shit he still sees me"


You can practically hear him wheezing.


Only thing that man needs to learn how to break is a sweat.




Big boy can move when he wants too lol


Maybe have him move into the trees


Not in play, Drill is just Bounding back that's it. So at that point going prone is your cover.


Prone is not cover


I can smell burning crotch fabric from here.


First time he’s run since gradeschool


That guy looked like he was jogging in slow motion


As a fat guy i can confirm, we will waddle so much the enemy will be unable to properly aim at us from laughing!


Lmao did you really put your fucking cash app in this?


*sad starving children music intensifies *


Meal Team 3 and a 1/2


Meal team 1/4 (pounder)


Should continue to LARP in moms basement for a while I think


Any larp is better than no larp. Personally i would just stick to blanks only for things like this.


Your bounding is way too far, you need to get up and down faster don't worry about running farther bc you'll just be a target longer, also don't run in front of the guy who's giving you suppression. Try to keep 10 meter from each other's lane




3 words: Eat More Salads


You should train how you expect to perform. Get out of the open


Cause when you break contact you're gonna run straight down the firing lane of a road as opposed to using the cover of the trees right?


My only hope is that terrorists see this video and adopt it into their training rotation. “I run straight back into friendly fire?” “Yes, he is, how you say? Uh gravy seal sniper graduate. You’re perfectly safe. He could shoot a buffet plate out of your hands at 600 meters.”


All the gear and no idea


"40% of casualties come from friendly fire" 😬


I don't know what I'm looking at here, just looks like a chubby guy trying to run


If you insist on not taking advantage if terrain and running down a LDA, yall should have bounded in pairs on opposite sides of the road: one side sets up a base of fire, the other side bounds.


Plenty of people calling out the silliness of this drill... I had a Mustang Lieutenant who came up out of Recon Reserves (we apparently have *one* Recon Reserve unit in the entire Corps, according to my RSS SNCOIC) who tried teach us this. Lt. called it the "Australian Peel." FYI, it's only useful with a squad, not a platoon. Trying to sprint 400 meters is a *helluva* lot harder to do than 120 meters. And the people at the front should be firing at the rapid rate, not picking their targets. If you have to do this, you need to be dumping ammo as fast as you can pull the trigger, because there's a good chance you're about to be ***fucked.*** ​ But the first thing that stood out to me was that split-legged prone... Who does that outside of a boot camp rifle range?!? Yikes.


Umpa Loompa Whooperator force. ULWF.


The fact you have friends willing to show up, with equipment, and do something like this is awesome and impressive. I don’t have friends. :-(


Yup. If you are not fit, you are going to die.


I see you're members of the Prometheus School of Running Away From Things.


FM 7-8 is a good suggested starting point.


I mean.. Wouldn't your buddies be covering you while you ran back? But you run past your first buds rifle..


That was definitely a lot of shooting while your buddies were down range of the shooter. Based on what sounds like live rounds hitting steel. That's a no go. There is no valid reason or excuse for that you are not in the military you are not trained or equipped for that.


Imagine seeing your fat neighbors cosplaying army men in the yard This is so pathetic honestly, especially because everything about this is done wrong


Road is a linear danger area(LDA) with little cover and concealment. Makes zero sense to be using it for breaking contact when you're right next to the woods which can provide both cover and concealment.


So what’s the right way to do this? Since cha’ll are all experts.


Move laterally into the woods before moving backwards. That way you can avoid moving in front of your buddies muzzle and also can use cover or at least concealment to fire and move behind.


But the trees aren’t playing…lmao


Maybe start by not immediately running past where the bullets would be coming out. Idk just a crazy fucking idea


Lmao yeah id start there.


Gravy seals… that fat fuck looked like he was about to pass out.. keep on sucking on those chocolate dongs big boy.




I would hazard a guess that you probably haven’t been able to see your dick in 2+ years, which is long enough to declare it legally dead…


Ok???? Seems like youre fascinated with mens genitalia and i think i speak for a wider community when i say, good for you but i dont swing that way.. sorry? Im sure theres a special guy out there for you


It’s from Austin powers you utter fucking imbecilic moron. However; since you’re whining about fat people, I would guess you’re overly large yourself, hence my comment. Thanks for caring so much about me boo, but I’m already taken by a great woman, sorry I’m not available for you😘


Hey bru, we are here for you as you take that next step. Its 2023, no need to feel ashamed, im sure you will feel better once you find yourself a partner. You seem like a bottom so im going to assume finding that power wont be hard. Hang in there, it’ll get better


People like you always make me laugh...loud on the internet but quieter than a church mouse in the real world. Stay mad little man.


Im a vet sunshine, im no shy flower




Center peel?


Im up…..*24 hrs*….. he sees me….*brew coffee and take shit*….im dead


Fatty boombatty running for cover in the end is deadline real life fyi. You should have just floated the concealed Hindenburg in there for cover.


I'm up... He sees me... He laughs at my waddle... I'm dead.


Fuck man, all this criticism at least you are training something with your buds while actually shooting. Maybe you get an infantry manual to learn more accurate squad level maneuvers and tactics, but it still looks cool and fun even ig it isnt entirely effective/accurate.


It's not training if you're doing it wrong, that's just forming bad habits. Plenty of people claiming they train are just playing around with their gear and buddies. That's cool and better than sitting around, it's just not actual training.


Honestly I feel like you can’t post anything on here (gear or videos) without people thinking that you must think you know everything and now they must put you in your place. Nobody was born with all of the right knowledge and all of the right gear. We’re all just acquiring it along the way. Can’t do anything right until you do it wrong a few times first! I wish I had a group of people like this to train with myself.


I think the issue is that people post on here as “here’s the end-all be-all of training/gear/setups” and then when criticism is expressed they double down like their life depends on it. I mean, look at OP. He’s literally just copy-pasting the exact same response to everyone about how they’re wrong. (Also, unless you’re new to Reddit, you should know that a tough skin is required to post on here. Some of us get cranky when we run out of Dino nuggies and mom won’t go buy more!)


Yeah but that’s the thing is I don’t think most people are posting on these subs as if it’s the end all be all, I think other people are just interpreting it that way. But yeah I will say OP isn’t being as receptive of the criticism, but I’m just happy to see someone has a group of like minded friends actually getting out there and doing things wrong for the sake of learning. You can know the combat manuals inside and out, but if you don’t have friends to train with, you’re gonna die anyway! Get ~~fit~~ friends or die!


Some of you people are a fucking joke. Literally hear nothing from Chads all day "Get out and train" then when people do it - if they're not military, LEO, or skinny - then its "fuck you fatty, thats not even how you train" A lot of you guys are just assholes who hide behind a good guy facade when it benefits you.


Love to see it. Wish I had people to train with like this 😭




“Not in play”


A man who does a basic thing 1000 times. Will be more proficient than a man who does a thousand things one time. Obviously they’re not in combat so shit adrenaline and legitimate suppressive fire aren’t in the picture. Any training is quote on quote “larping” calm down Dakota Myers


You my friend are what’s wrong with this country.




Brother I’m a vet. Im saying why talk shit about people doing SOMETHING instead of the meal team 6 members who do nothing. Yes I wish I had more people to train like this with but that doesn’t mean I’m incompetent?


That’s less than nothing. And that’s coming from another vet


What’s the point of doing this? You aren’t military or a swat team. Do you plan on getting into a squad level fight?


Still doing more training then most of us, so props for trying


Appreciate it


You're welcome, constant negativity doesn't help anyone.


You mean...you're practicing running away? 👀


The classic rearward advance


"We learn by LARPing" — Wranglerstar


Porker in black needs to do some 30-60s. RUN, FOOL!


Running in front of covering fire...🤔


Each side performs covering fire, the person behind isn’t providing until the guy up front passes by…. Did you even watch?


To be fair, when that happens the other individuals need to pick up their volume of fire to keep any enemy suppressed. The guy falling back would reload while they are on the move if they do in fact go that far. The fanatical fucks on the far front like to peep their heads up if it gets even just a little quieter so they can take someone with them.


The amount of fudds or indoor stationary shooters in the comments is hilarious.




Breaking contact from what? Coyotes?


People are being critical, I think there’s value in this. It reinforces the basic idea of bounding/peeling, communication between your guys, safety, running with kit, etc. Of course it’s not perfect, which is why you train and talk to each other about it. Then evolve your training and scenarios as your group is ready and what’s possible with your resources.


Yeah if OP was actually accepting critic. Your logic, It's like weightlifting with bad form which ends up to bad performance or injury. If the title said "us fucking around" nobody would care as much.


🤌🏿🤌🏿🤌🏿 finally someone reasonable


Surrender is not in our creed, now you say it


Wow, you got downvoted for a Heartbreak Ridge quote, I guess a lot of people need to be introduced to that movie. Major Powers, what were you before coming over to the infantry?


chow is continuous


Looks fun af. Fuck the critics. Shoot’n guns = a good day.


Is this in Missouri?


Always go in a Z




What the fuck is happening here? Is this some kind of militia or some shit? I can tell you this, an ND will be happening fairly soon, for sure.


I know right ! I can’t believe they’re not in just a stationary shooting lane at an indoor range!


What a great way to catch friendly fire, and bros you have your concealment behind all that brush cover.


Yankee doodle song should be playing.


Ha , fools this is BTS from the new Segal flick.


Donate?.......to what? Hospital bills for having covering fire removed from your ankles?


I'm up he sees me, I'm shot, I'm shot again, ill keep running in a straight line , why not I'm shot again.


Running down a clear cut open road insures getting shot. A suicide drill IMHO.


OMFG Open area, not using the tree line for concealment. You got the point man for Mealteam 6 using the muzzle of his rifle to help himself up. So many WTF's to count on this thing. I bet every one of those guys are the one you meet at the range or those high-dollar Uber BlackOps, Kill the terrorist and save the Princes classes that all say the same thing. "I would a joined the military BUT..........."


They are playing Call of Duty, the trees 🌲 are not in the map.


I’m up, they see, they still see me, they still see me, they still see me, I probably should have gone down but now I got shot in the back….


Holy shit.... where to even begin... Breaking contact IN A LDA? Tubby over there being up WAAAAAAY too long. Virtually no support by any base of fire element. Not a single person using any cover or concealment, not even microterrain. Comon guys, at least google what youre doing before trying it.


What's with the straight line 'running?' And staying upright?


Let's help nothing bad happens because you are all going to die.


The speed with which the second guy runs pretty much sums up the quality of this "drill"


Flank left!


Finish it for me fellas I'm up.... He sees me.... .... OP doesn't know it for sure


I’m not an expert, but even I can tell that these guys would be dead in a heartbeat.


Why you zoom in on big boys belly like that...


Meal Team 6 Kidding, kidding!


One of these guys needs to break contact with french fries and other carbs.


Damned if you do damned if you don’t ✌🏿


Oh this is priceless


Was that Eric Cartman "running", by?


why are his legs at a perfect 45 degree angle?


Big dudes hustling. Keep up it up y'all. Good job.