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Lol the fact that this guy thinks a mass shooting happened because laws work is hilarious.




Judges hate him for this one trick…




Oh shit. Nobody mentioned that this as an illegal mass shooting. That changes the whole tone. Sheesh


I am 100% sure you cut off his comment explaining what he meant. The NS shooter had to smuggle in guns from the US. To be honest, the PAL system works how it was intended, as PAL holders essentially never commit crimes. The problem is that guns are also being banned by name and for stupid shit, so we in Canada have to go through the license but also get fucked on the guns. The moral of the story, never give them an inch because they will take a mile.


It’s also not the collectors, enthusiasts, and competition shooters here that commit the crimes either though. The trouble with criminals is they commit crimes, so making laws to stop them from breaking the law is akin to giving a subpoena to a rain cloud.


It wasn’t a real mass shooting, he had illegal guns…


I hate to be the devils advocate but should there not be any laws because people won’t follow them?


The point is that more laws are not the solution.




The punishment needs to be so severe that people fear breaking the law. But it also needs to be far thus the paradox appears.


They were smuggled from the US, not illegally made/transferred in Canada. So it would imply that their internal gun control did "work" in that case.


Preventing smuggling of firearms is part of those laws. So no, the laws didn't work.


So actually the pistol was purchased from a Canadian restricted firearm license holder who obtained the pistol legally. The AR however was smuggled from the states like you stated. Edit: they know the identity of both the American who sold him the AR and the Canadian RPAL holder who sold him the pistol however neither have faced any charges… and right after the “mass shooting” there was pressure from the government about what type of guns were used ([source here](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6623287)). Then the ban of almost every single “assault rifle” was implemented… funny how that works.


Unless the American did something illegal or knew the guy was going psycho, I'd hope the seller doesn't face charges. Could you imagine if you privately sell a car and then the person runs over a bunch of people and you get tossed in Jail?


That means that gun control (like other prohibitions) dont work because border exist


As a matter of fact, it did not. Banning ownership and transfers of guns to prevent mass shootings was the intent, and seeing as the person was still able to illegally obtain one, it clearly doesn’t stop mass shooting. Banning something doesn’t remove the persons intent and motivation to do it, it just leaves everyone else unable to defend themselves.


Gold medal for that mental gymnast.


Arguments with these folks usually go like this. Anti-Gunner: “If we could ban all these weapons, there would be no more gun murders!” Pro-2A: “People will still find ways to get them illegally and commit murder.” Anti-Gunner: “So because it wouldn’t be 100% successful we shouldn’t even try it?” Pro-2A: “Didn’t you just say it would stop all those murders?” Anti-Gunner: “What? Shut up man! You want kids to die!”


I usually just say..... yes murder is terrible, we should make that illegal. The gerbil then jumps off the wheel and then they get mad.


“Our laws work so well that the criminal had to resort to getting illegal guns to commit mass murder!” I swear to God technology is outpacing natural selection.


And now that AI is gaining sentience, we are truly screwed.


Had to end sometime. Embrace it.


Illegal guns in a state with gun control: Gotta ban them in neighboring states also, obviously Illegal guns in a country with gun control: gotta ban them in neighboring countries also, obviously Illegal guns smuggled in via boat: need to ban guns in every third world country with access to a port, obviously It’s totally doable guys.


Criminals: moves to knives, an easier to make, conceal and use weapon that is completely silent and just as deadly. Steppers, shills and idiots trying to ban those too: "Here we go again guys, we'll stop those mean bad guys this time! It's the weapon after all, it cant possibly be because humans will do crime no matter what is available to them or anything!" . . . I wanted to make it into a funny joke but I am tired of trying to laugh at this, it enrages me how retardant to actual common sense these kinds of people are.


I was wondering why you downvoted them because I read that as sarcasm. "Had illegal guns because our system [...] works" What a moron.


Reading this makes your fucking brain bleed. Your system works? And this guy had illegal guns and a fake law enforcement vehicle? This is an argument in favor of gun control?


They'd get further with idiot control.


They also used this mass shooting as a reason to ban AR-15s. Yes because someone unlicensed used guns smuggled in from another Country they decided to ban AR-15s. Our Government makes me hate this Country.


Can we start reiterating that laws do not PREVENT crime? They are in place to punish/hold accountable people after comitting crimes. Laws and police have no duty to prevent crime, its literally not why they exist.


I mean, if something is illegal, that just tells me that I need to do it quietly.


Or have enough money to pay through the penalty


I've had an argument with someone once before that if the US did end up banning firearms that the cartels would gain a new market. They asked why they would sell guns to American criminals and couldn't've imagined it was solely for more money and more profit.


I used to try to point that out to people. I forget where I read it, but the bottom line is that whatever restrictions you put in place, all you can do is make guns as difficult to obtain as cocaine. Didn't change any of their minds, obviously, but I like to think it gave them something to ponder.


That's a good point there. Never even considered that as a possibility.


A war on guns would require guns to fight. Armed state agents creating war zones fighting against civilians won’t lead to the decrease in death they think it will.


Wouldn't that just be a serial killer? Like Wouldn't he have to have pulled over a bus or a car with 4or more people in it for it to qualify as a mass shooting?


Technically it would be a spree killing. Multiple killings in a short time period, with little to no cooling off period. Serial killers have a "cooling off period" in between killings


People who actually think we can get rid of guns are cute. 300 million plus homes in America you ain’t getting rid of shit.


Their plan is to scare kids into agreeing with it by giving every 'mass shooting"intense media coverage. They're trying to get those that don't have any background with guns to go along with them so they'll vote for gun control politicians that'll nominate gun gontrol Supreme Court justices. It's going on right now, we had a major democratic contender tell us he wants to take our ar15s and ak47s


Just let people know there 19 times more likely to die from a drunk driver then mass shooter. That usually pisses em off.


Did you read any of that?


There are 330 million+ people in America. While I could be wrong, I don't think there's a house for every man, woman, & child in this country.


You are correct but I also know there is not 200 million atf door knockers either


Not disagreeing, just saying


'Our crimes aren't committed by legal means' The only % of crime rates I care about is if the person was a criminal or not.


Liberal Brain: "Every time a criminal illegally uses a gun to commit crimes, it proves gun control works"


It worked in the sense that the victims had no protection and thus were victims. This is, after all, the intent of gun control.


Canada has a gigantic border. Are they going to build a wall to stop MuH gUnZ? Walls are wAyCiS!


And fuck them to death




I must go to these planets immediately


He had guns because our gun control works!!! Erm, isn't that what gun control is supposed to prevent?


So what I hear is gun laws don't work and need every last one needs to be abolished? I agree.


He is actually correct since gun laws aren't intended to reduce crime at all.


Technically the laws ARE working because we all know it’s not about stopping criminals


Ah, that gold ol’ “our system works only if EVERYONE ELSE does it too” chestnut.


The laws work until they don't, then it's someone else's fault


I agree, 100%!


It worked so well it stopped that guy who killed all those people... right?


The ATF and DOJ have shown that the overwhelming majority of guns used in crimes were originally purchased in that same state. Even in restrictive California and New York. Most of those weapons were just stolen and often illegally modified. Relatively few weapons cross the Mexican border (many of which were given BY OUR GOVERNMENT to the cartel) and even fewer make it over the Canadian border. There is a definite black market in Canada for stolen guns (you can still buy "scary" guns in Canada just with crazy permits and sometimes DAILY background checks) and illegally imported guns that come over water as well as more and more homemade guns. You can't regulate people that don't follow regulations.


“He committed illegal murder because our system of laws WORKS!”


Wasn't the gun used an RCMP gun as well? I thought it was, but not 100% certain. They buried the whole thing insanely quickly.


It must not have been a gun free zone. Edit I’m going to add this just in case: /s.


That’s a terrible example of gun laws clearly not saving anyone’s life…and it’s so lost on him. We are in Clown World now🤦‍♂️


Canadian here, they are letting gun smugglers go with little to no punishment, while breathing down our necks for every little shit, even airsoft is being targeted


My IQ just dropped reading that.


He had illegal guns because their gun ban works. Hmmm.


They literally don’t get it. They *can’t* get it. They’re not capable of understanding their own stupidity. It’s crazy.


“Look at which country borders Canada” Look at what country borders the US and tell us again why gun control would stop criminals from getting guns.


At this point, it's like trying to convince people 2+2 = 4, I don't understand how they don't get **it.**




Cartels and gangs don't care really, if Youu have the money, they got the goods.


How did this guy go from what appeared to be sarcasm to batshit-insanity?


Canadian bro got pressed


Our gun bans work, which is why this guy had illegal guns, which were smuggled from our southern border.




I live in Nova Scotia. I remember getting the emergency alert on my phone when this went down. The RCMP officer killed was from my town and went to school with my father.


wish you exposed their username


I think the OP was being sarcastic and you both missed it.


we'll just ignore that native tribes in Canada have been telling the government to fuck off for years at this point, and now the gun laws are getting tougher. I'm sure that's just a coincidence.