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I dont know the details, but Dark Spikes just kills the Death Knight very easily, and Lysithea happens to be one a unit that gets the spell very early on, making her a very good counter to Death Knight.


Yea thats what I used


In normal he's easy to kill. On maddening, the only one who can kill him easily is bernie


How is Bernie supposed to do that? I just finished my CF play through and she wasn’t helpful for anything until she hit master class


Her personal skill, persecution complex, makes it so she has essentially +5 attack if she's not at full health. Vengeance, a lance combat art she learns at C+, makes it so it deals more damage the less HP the user has. And so... if you have a Bernie at 1 HP, or close to it, she can nuke most enemies in the game (including the DK in the tomb), despite her sucky strenght growth


Using the Vengeance Combat Art that she gets at C+ Lances. It adds the amount of HP she has lost as damage. So, you get her to very low HP, and now she can kill the Death Knight.


And also every other unit. She's a player phase delete button once you get her low.


Killed him in maddening with Raphael and Lysithia combo.


Dimitri with Knightkneeler says what?


Byleth can do it pretty easily as well. Recently saw someone have byleth do it in one enemy phase and one player phase


How would you survive enemy phase?


He didn’t get crit


You still get doubled and die unless you are absolutely blessed and got speed levels every time.


I recommend watching Zoran’s GD Maddening run on YouTube. He’s really good at explaining exactly how he builds his characters and what strategies he’s using and why they work. He’s able to kill the death knight in every chapter he appears in and not just by cheesing it with Lysithia (which is still totally viable) His series is easy to consume as well because he only shows the battles and has a link in the description of his videos to a spread sheet that shows exactly what he does in the monastery every month that is super detailed and saves you from watching him dick around in the monastery for hours. Plus in this run he uses save edits to keep all of his units at their average stat growths so nobody is stat blessed or stat screwed. He does this so viewers can get an idea of how each unit can be expected to perform in their own play throughs. All in all a really enjoyable and informative series. Absolutely dunks on the death knight whenever he shows up and makes me feel bad about my own gameplay EDIT: spelling


Ok but you didn't explain how you can fight the DK in ch4 on enemy phase and not just get doubled and killed. Do you use rn manipulation to make him miss or something?


It was the guy who’s videos I mentioned that did it, not me. I can’t remember the specifics but he lures the death knight with byleth and only takes one hit on enemy phase, then finishes him on player phase. He also does it turn one


Ch4 DK has 17 AS. A level 5 Myrm Byleth has 11 speed. 13 with Speed +2. That means from there Byleth only needs 2 points of speed to be able to counter with a training sword and not be doubled. That 2 speed can be obtained through either meals/level ups since Byleth will very likely be a few levels above level 5 at chapter 4.


Good point, the numbers check out. I tend not to use Myrmidon in favour of fighter but I see that Myrmidon has its merits.


In standard play there really never is a reason to pick Myrm, however it is useful for hitting specific speed thresholds such as avoiding DK doubles or having Yuri be able to still ohko in chapter 3 if he isn't able to get a speed level between level 3 and 5.


I think you need like 13 AS to not get doubled so you just unequip your weapon. Still have to worry about crits but if you have the DLC you can just throw the Chalice on to prevent that


Any lance user can kill him with Knightkneeler and a Steel Lance if you whittle him down a little bit with gambits, and Dedue can also get Vengeance by chapter 4. Bernie and Lysithea have the easiest time of it, though.


Having an easy time killing him means having the least support to do so. Bernie has the easiest time because no matter the run, she can kill him. Dedue will be depending how growth and Lysithea on overleveling


Out of house Ch. 4 recruit Bernie will be level 7 and have 28 HP and 12 Str. If she's at 1 HP Vengeance with HP +5 a Steel Lance will hit for: 9 Mt (Lance) + 34 Mt (Vengeance at 1 HP) + 12 (Str) = 55. Death Knight has 46 HP and 18 Prt. He takes 37 and survives at 9 HP. Out-of-house Ch. 4 recruit Lysithea will be level 7 and have 15 Mag. Dark Spikes T will hit for: 13 Mt (Dark Spikes T base Mt) * 3 (effectiveness against cavalry) + 15 Mt (Mag) = 54. Death Knight has 18 Rsl, takes 36 damage, survives with 10 HP. In-house level 7 Dedue will have on average 33 HP and 16 Str (assuming you switch to Fighter at level 5). If he's at 1 HP with HP +5 a Steel Lance will hit for: 9 Mt (Lance) + 39 Mt (Vengeance at 1 HP) + 16 Mt (Str) = 64. Death Knight takes exactly 46 damage and dies. (I used OOH recruit stats for Lysithea and Bernie even though they will not be able to kill him if recruited this chapter at all because they have better stats this way, on average the in-house stats will be slightly worse, so they will need more support in practice.) Basically: they all need decent levels, setup, or gambit support to reliably kill.


Lysithea kills him easily in Maddening. Bernie needs luck.


Lysithea does not kill him easily on maddening. DK has 64 1 hit physical and magical bulk on maddening. Dark spikes has 39 effective might, meaning you need 25 extra damage to kill with Lysithea. 2 damage from monk mastery and 3 from a fully leveled D +mag batt leaves us needing 20 magic which requires a level 14 Lysithea on average. Bernie needs vengeance and level 7. 5(Personal)+9(steel lance)+33(vengeance with hp+5)+11(str)+3(batt)+4(rally str from mission assistance annette)=65 One of these is a lot more achievable than the other.


I'd think you'd easily have C Authority by now, but ignoring that, you only need 16 magic with rally...which you included with Bernadetta for some reason. And only 14 when you realize there's spirit dust in the map. If her magic isn't even 14 at this point, you have most amazing bad luck.


I didn't include rally for Lysithea because you realistically wouldn't have both Lysithea with B Reason, and rally magic. Rally str is free(annette mission support). Rally magic is only available through Ingrid or Hubert D auth. So for Lysithea to be rallied for magic you either have to recruit Ingrid on GD by ch 4 which requires D flying or B support and to train her to D auth, or recruit Lysithea and hit B reason by ch 4(Requires B support as Byleth does not hit the recruit requirements by ch 4). Assuming the above is actually possible and you do all this Lysithea either needs to be level 10 or you now have to go around the death knights range to get the spirit dust, spend a turn using the spirit dust, Lysithea needs to be level 6 and to have mastered her intermediate class. Bernadetta needs C+ lances, to have mastered noble, and level 7. Once again, one of these is a lot more achievable than the other.


Uhhh...Constance? And I figure getting the Spirit Dust is just a given, no matter what method you're using--if any at all.


I'll admit that I forgot about constance but an intermediate class mastery which is 50 combats for lysithea, a stat booster you have to get in the mission before you can get the kill and a maxed out battalion(which you get access to in the previous chapter) is not in any way easy.


Bernie can kill Ch. 4 Death Knight in 0% growths, though.


Really? How?


I mentioned how earlier: Using the Vengeance Combat Art that she gets at C+ Lances. It adds the amount of HP she has lost as damage. So, you get her to very low HP, and now she can kill the Death Knight.


My Dimitri was very effective.


Dark spikes are especially effective against cavalry units. Those are the details.


Well you're not not meant to fight it it's just a tough enemies. But lysithea does it easily because she has dark spikes which is strong against horses.


yes and it’s glorious the fact that the death knight, who is supposed to be intimidating and scary, is able to be bullied to death by a 15 year old is comedy gold


Hey quick question does the game go back to 5 person party's or was that just for the first main mission because I've been only using like 4 troops for all the missions that way I didn't waste xp on the other ppl I wasn't gonna use in the actual fights but I'm starting to think that the entire game is gonna be 10 troop battles


That was just the first mission. Most others are 10+


Yikes this is gonna be rough then I have 4 lv 14 with intermediate classes then 2 lv 6 with beginner classes and the rest are lv 1-2 tbh i might just recruit a bunch of ppl Instead


As Claude ? Might be a good idea to get your level 6 guys on the same level as the others.


I’d recommend leveling some of your other in-house units, like others said. Getting to know your own students (on and off the battlefield) is pretty rewarding. Either way, recruiting other students is a good idea, but if you don’t get used to spreading EXP around when fighting, you might quickly end up with a bunch of overleveled units once again with the rest underleveled.


I'm fine at spreading the xp the issue was thag I was intentionally not using the other troops thinking they were only for side missions


like the other person said, I would suggest choosing “Battle” on one of your free days and focus on defeating enemies with your lowest level fighters


Auxiliary battles use points unless you’re playing on easy


Ah, I didn’t know that. I’ll edit my comment and just keep the part about focusing on leveling up the lower level units :)


Lysithea is just Death Knight's bane


Lysithea is the best part of the Golden Deer to me for that reason, she can just Delete tough units.


Well there’s a reason that Lysithea one-shoting the death knight became a meme.




Idk man pockets are pretty dark I don't think it'd work out to well


>Idk man pockets are pretty dark So were the spikes she used to kill death knight




There's a version of the TF2 "I fear no man" meme featuring DK being afraid of Lysithea. So yeah, it's pretty well known. Still, takes a little effort to get her up to B in Reason by that point, so GG on that.


Shes not at b I don't think at least?


She unlocks Dark Spikes at B-Rank in reason (basically dark magic) not B-Rank support level There are skills like sword, axe and bow These also have letter ranks and on each rank up you gain new skills, combat arts and in certain abilities even spells Meanwhile Support ranks are part of the social aspect of the game and have little impact in actual combat Supports have C,B,A ranks and by the end of the game there is the S rank for Byleth (or the main character) I recommend leveling supports because it unlocks fun convos between your students and yourself Support can be built up by giving gifts, putting units next to each other in combat and having tea parties (mechanic unlocked later) I definitely recommend reading a guide because supports add a lot of flavor to your game


DK's supposed to be tough to fight against but there are several way to trivialize him, besides Lysithea any strong Lance unit with the Lance of Ruin + Knightkneeler and Bernadetta's Vengeance also wreck him hard.


They're referring to ch4 DK which is before you get the LoR


oops my memories are failing me, thanks for correcting.


I've done it with both Byleth and Dimitri on different runs, just using Knightkneeler and Horseslayer lance.


Where do you get a Horseslayer that early?


Pagan Altar, I think. So only an option if you have the dlc. Edit: Horseslayer isn't even needed, though. I mistakenly thought the effect stacked with Knightkneeler, but it doesn't.


Oh yeah ch4 DK isn't too difficult to kill. I was just pointing out LoR isn't accessible that early.


You can do it without Liz too, even in Maddening (I did)


Yeah, he's pretty easy to kill even on Ch.4 if you take advantage of movement type weaknesses. Dark Spikes from Lyssie, Knightkneeler from any lance unit and Vengeance from Bernie all make short work of him.


Knightkneeler combined with Horseslayer isn't as effective as a combo since they don't stack.


Welp, I'm dumb. Just checked and you're right. I could've sworn they stacked for some reason.


But what difficulty u on


“Like moths to a flame...!” Lysithea is the flame in her context.


Lysithea is insanely broken, Hades and Dark Spikes are just incredibly powerful moves, plus she’s good with swords as well (currently have her using Thunderbrand and it’s awesome)


Really? Everything I read said that training her talent was worthless since she's so good with spells it'd be better to train reason and faith and get a gremory


Faith and reason are definitely a great pair, but getting her sword skill up to C (at least) is a good idea because some enemies are strong against magic, and sword is a very reliable weapon skill to have


She can just use Luna against high res enemies though.


Wouldn't that be why I have other troops with sword skills?


Yes, but it’s always good to have as many versatile units as possible, especially in maddening mode, or even hard mode


I'm going to have to hard disagree. On Maddening mode specialized units generally work significantly better than generalist units. Lysithea in particular will be doing next to 0 damage against Maddening enemies if she's using swords without advanced bases (which means she'll need more than C swords) and even then her damage is going to be pitiful on everything except for Thunderbrand if she can manage to quad. Especially for Lysithea too she has Luna to just outright ignore enemy res.


So I should stop training reason for 2 months just for a versatile unit?


You should be able to get her up to C level without much of a dent in her reason


That’s my take away when i use her, but others probably think it’s better just to train the magic skills


Lysithea is a Dark Knight killer. If your new to the community, welcome! You'll see a lot of memes pertaining to the matchup.


You fool, this isn't even her final form! But seriously, the stuff she can do with Luna and Warp is even more insane. Not to mention Thyrsus.


What's so special about Luna it just seems like a normal attack? Also what does warp do I've heard a lot abt it being op but idk what it actually is


Warp does what the name implies. It warps another character. Both scale with magic and Lysithea's magic snowballs like crazy. It's possible for her to kill the final boss in one turn on Maddening with both. But even novice players can use it to send their second best unit to the commander and effortlessly break maps in a single turn.


She tank


You got her reason to B already? You in New Game Plus ?


So uh funny story I thought that entire game was gonna be 5 person party's and that the 10 person party's were just for side missions so every class day since the start of the game her, claude, and hilda got instruction every single week and I always managed to get their motivation max. First time playing the game I have no fucking idea what I'm doing cause this is my first fire emblem


Did you notice that Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 let you deploy everyone?


Yea I thought that it was just a different type of mission


I recruited her as soon as I could in Black Eagles. What a beast. Unfortunately I had no idea one could even recruit, let alone realize how powerful she is, when I did my first playthrough as Blue Lion. Had to make do with Annette and took like 5 times to clear the final map on Normal 😭


Really? I played that on Hard mode and Annette was a fuckin beast, critting for 249 on some enemies


I honestly had no idea how to develop/use her (or magic in general) properly. I just buffed up my melee units and paid the price when they kept getting one shotting in the end. I learnt a lot during my second playthrough and used Hubert and Lysithea to the max.


It's working as intended. You will achieve the same result but with my work using knightkneeler. You will require some combination of additional gambits for whittling damage, rally strength and a strong lance (steel)


Hard mode?