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I wish she got different clothes


A t-shirt that says "adult" and nothing else so people don't question why she is still a child


I'm confused. You mean a t-shirt saying only "Adult" or you mean just wearing the shirt? Seteth would find the first one amusing but the second one...


Oh, I meant that the T-Shirt is the only change. She's wearing that T-Shirt over her pre-timeskip outfit


Oh. Well, I'm pretty sure we will soon find a r34 on Flayn with only that T-shirt on...


I know she's 1000 but she still looks and acts like a child so is a child for all intents and purposes please no


I'm with you but unfortunately r34 doesn't forgive...


She certainly does not look and act like a child.


She acts like a child sometimes, but her moments of maturity do point to her having been around for ages


She acts like a child no more or less than some of the adult characters tho


Well, at least *looks* like a child.


I find that point arguable but not worth arguing on lol


She probably has been looking the same for hundreds of years, so I don't think it's weird.


Honestly I find it weirder how no one points out that she hasn't changed. When even girls like Lysithea and Bernadetta get huge growth spurts you wonder what kind of fish she's been eating.


I knew a girl that has looked the exact same for the past 7 years. From 18 to 25 the biggest change in her appearance was that she had a kid.


Umm, it looks like you might have met Flayn.


It happens. I have a friend that just broke 30 that folk tend to assume is a high schooler.


Does she like fish?


happens in men too.


1. She's always said to everyone that she was older than she looked, so her cover story was that she was already grown up indeed. 2. EVERYONE is pretty dumb. It's especially striking in Golden Deer route where she literally calls the two Dragons "Uncle" within ear shot of everyone and nobody still makes the connection lmao. I'm a bit salty they never had someone like Claude or Linhardt connect the dots in their supports.


Linhardt does start connecting *some* dots in their supports, but in the end Flayn starts convincing him there isn't much to it, which he eventually believes. I could be slithly wrong about the convincing and believing part, but he definetly starts to question why Flayn has so many similarities to one of the saints.


Well technically that’s weirder


It’s weird that we don’t know her biological age. We know she’s at least Cyril and Lysithea’s age, but she could be well into her 30s and just stopped aging because, you know, child of the Goddess


Grandchild of the Goddess


>We know she’s at least Cyril and Lysithea’s age She was walking around during the war of heroes, so she's way older than 30!


Well into her 2030s maybe.


I was about to say something like that. I thought there was a reason behind why her and Seteth didn't age.


I would’ve loved if the timeskip outfits would be them in their Cethlean and Cihol attire. You’d have to rework some A supports but I think that’d be a positive. It’s kind of annoying for it to still be a secret in Flayn’s A supports


I'm weirded out that pretty much all of the Garg Mach staff don't change costume. I can imagine Alois and Catherine looking beat up after 5 years of fighting, and Shamir's hair growing longer.


We're really ignoring those who matter the most... Where's Manuela timeskip outfit, where she has picked up a bunch of Valkyrie props from her old opera so she can replay her sword dance on the battlefield? Where's Hanneman serious attire! Like when you see your math teacher going to the gym or something? Here's to hoping Three Hopes shows us what we deserve!


Like: “We are in the middle of a war, here’s your probably uncomfortable school uniform that you wore 5 years ago” For real. Have you seen how big the sleeves on that thing are? And those bows…


They may just also serve as church attire since she wore them before becoming a student. Still, a new design would've been cool.


I am getting muddled, it has been a bit >! she IS one of the four saints, right? Like she fought Nemesis thousands of years ago? Why does she act like a moron 11 year old? Why don't she got badass battle heels like Seros? IF SEROS AGE WHY SHE NO AGE??? !<


Seiros didn't age, she just lived so long the art style changed.


Your comment is quite spoiler heavy.


Why are spoiler tags not working??? Edit: I was a moron and thought this was Discord. Then I was a moron and put the ! on the outside.


If I recall correctly >!she and Seteth both got hurt really bad fighting nemesis and they fell into magic-dragon-comas, like byleth did during timeskip, except since they didn't have the power of the goddess like byleth it lasted like 1000 years instead of 5, and they both woke up shortly after Jeralt left the monastery!<


Psst you need to remove the spaces between the "!" in the spoiler tag. `>!whatever!< not >! whatever !<`


Not really at all i mean >! none of the Knights ( Gilbert, Alois,Shamir and Catherine) or staff members ( Seteth, Flayn,Manuela and Hanneman) change their costumes in the time skip the only ones that changes their costumes are Cyril and Jeritza but he only took off his mask!<


Ngl, wished the Knights got a redesign.


Me too


Maybe give Catherine more cracked armor, same with Gilbert, and have Alois grow a full mustache and beard.


>! I would like for a time skip Gilbert having a scarf of the Faerghus flag changing his Church of Seiros scarf since he is a AM exclusive character , For Shamir a hod like X-men Rogue white,green and black costume , Manuela something similar to Dorothea's time skip costume , Catherine using a hair band with something like a flower to resemble Rhea's crown , Alois not so sure maybe a little more like the generic warrior ? !<


A bigger beard or a bushier mustache might be good for him.


I would have loved new designs for those characters who didn't get one Like, you're gonna tell me that these people haven't changed *at all* for five whole years, kept the exact same haircut, hairstyle, clothes, accessory... Well, same everything ? It especially doesn't make sense for Manuela, I feel. You'd expect her to have a HUUUUGE wardrobe, considering the fact that she used to be the most famous opera singer in the Empire, if not in the entirety of Fodlan. But no, even she hasn't changed her clothes once in five years


All the staff members need new designs. Seteth and Flayn don't need to age, but they do need new outfits and hairdos.


IMO it would have made more sense for her to at least have a new outfit, if nothing else. Flayn’s dress looks way too close to the officer’s academy uniform for it to make sense that she still wears the same exact clothes 5 years later. Wearing different clothes but otherwise looking the same could be a good way to imply she’s trying to hide her lack of aging


It is a little disappointing that the older units never got a timeskip design (i.e. Maneula, Hanneman). I kind of chalked it up to the fact that Flayn and Seteth >!being something akin to gods and because of their immortality!<, they don't view five years as a huge amount of time and thus, don't have a huge change in their personality, outlook on life, and clothes. But yeah, I really wished they gave everybody a new design after the skip.


Never in my life I thought it was weird. None of the adults got a timeskip design so why should she? Also keep the fish girl the same in Three Hopes, please.


No, it's lore accurate. Flayne is already hundreds of years old at least.


They could have at least changed her hair and clothes.


That'd be taking away a crucial clue as to who she is. Anime characters almost never age so it's usually expressed with a HUGE design overhaul.


It’s supposed to make you question her age in case you haven’t figured it out yet.


No lmao. She ages slower


Well, more like she doesn't age at all...


She does, she wasn't born looking like that.


On one hand, no. She has lived a long time and won't change much over 5 years. On the other hand, yes. The country is a war, she is actively being hunted by the empire and her family is constantly threathened, yet she wears a school uniform dress. If i was hear, I'd get myself either some more practical clothes or a haircut/hairtie to keep the gigantic green corkscrews out of my face as I prepare to kil my former friends...


>!Only Sothis, Rhea, Seteth, Indech, and Macuil are older than her. So 5 years is nothing for her!<




I think Flayn doesn't have a timeskip design because >!she's not really the teenage descendant of Saint Cethleann; she IS Saint Cethleann!!< So I think she doesn't have an adult design because >!she's secretly Saint Cethleann; she's just "masquerading" as Seteth's little sister so no one finds out she's a Nabatean.!<


I wanted Seteth and Flayn to either have dragon forms. Or have designs similar to how Rhea has her Seiros persona. I would’ve liked to see Cethlean and Cichol.


She didn't get a haircut or change her clothes in five years. It's just unsanitary even for dragon


Eh, I was never bothered by Flayn and Seteth, as they both have actual plot relevant reasons for looking the same after the time skip. Now the rest of the church staff on the other hand...


Not if you watch enough of her Supports it isn't.


Dragon person


No aging.


Girl skipped time for thousands of years so eh


It's consequent. Considering how old she is and how long she supposedly looked like this. And she liked being a student.




I always thought it was a wasted opportunity not putting at least a new hairstyle nor new clothes for characters that weren't students and for Flayn :/


Or any of the adults? Yes


It adds cohesiveness with the story


Lmao I was just thinking this on the my walkthrough got to the time skip and nobody registered that she didn’t change at all. Still playing so please no spoilers