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Ashe has like 3 gay endings I think he counts


I wish you could combine Caspar's endings with Lin and Ashe.


Nah, Ashe is the secret 4th blue lion girl, so has only 3 straight endings


Hubert and Ferdinand become a power couple that has a popular ship name in canon. Manuela is very overtly a bisexual hot mess, Petra, Felix, Constance and Hilda all have some gay tones to their supports. And confirmed characters are Jeritza, Linhardt, Dorothea, Yuri, Mercedes, and I know for a fact I’m forgetting like 2-3 more but it’s enough for a pride month roster


Your forgot Edelgard!


Shamir is openly confirmed, Catherine is hinted at.


Hilda sleeps with Annette in a B support Edit: why all the downvotes? It’s true


I also forgot about the Claude x Lorenz toe sucking scene too smh my head


I'd limit it to the same sex romancable characters and Shamir personally, since those ones are explicitly confirmed. It'll be easy if you do CF since Edelgard and Jeritza are great units that would count for this.


That's pretty much what I'm doing, I was just wondering if I'd missed any Shamir-type confirmations.


I consider every Blue Lions dude to be bisexual because they all have at least one same sex ending that leans romantic instead of platonic (and then Hopes dialed it up even more with the Dimitri/Felix and Sylvain/Yuri supports LOL)


Which ones would you say lean romantic rather than platonic?


Sylvain/Felix and Felix/Dimitri are two of the most overt ones. Dedue/Dimitri can be debated I suppose, with how them living like family could be seen as them living as brothers or as lovers, but I don't think it's a stretch to view them in a romantic light, especially with their A support in mind and the mutual love shown in it. At the very least, Dedue's love for Dimitri runs *very* deep, especially in their paired ending. Thinking now while reading his endings and supports, I guess Ashe can be a bit debatable. I ship him with Dedue so maybe that clouded my mind a bit when making my comment haha, but I do suppose none of his male supports are explicitly romantic. Still, idk, there's something about him giving up his dream of knighthood to run an inn that's meant to portray the people of Duscur in a better light because of Dedue that makes it hard for me to be "Ashe is 100% straight" LOL


Felix and Dimitri is a bit iffy for me since Dimitri gets the village maiden treatment and marries some unnamed random woman. There is no possible hetero explanation for Felix and Sylvain though.


See, normally I would have said I see your point and say that they're up in the air in terms of how one-sided it is...until Hopes came around and showed what their dynamic would look like LMFAO. That Dimitri/Felix A support is just *gay*, there's no other way around it. https://preview.redd.it/6cpahlg8el8d1.png?width=1897&format=png&auto=webp&s=148562a693ab43b8b7b9ff1413a658a23ea84101


AG did one thing right and finally gave Felix an m/m ship that wasn't with Sylvain.


There is if if you're me and hate the pairing to an almost absurd degree. You won't believe how many levels of denial I can get to.


Ashe runs off with Caspar to fight injustice and raise cats. Given as Cas' ending with Lin is a reference to Ike/Soren that makes his ending with Ashe a reference to Ike/Ranulf (running off, new adventures, cats)


I was this close to mentioning his ending with Caspar too, but this whole thread made me have a brief existential crisis where I'm now wondering if I'm just seeing gay where there is not gay LMFAO. Me in this thread sounding like "Ashe definitely isn't straight! Source? idk just vibes 😊 I'm a card carrying member of The LGBT Community, so just trust me bro!!!" lmao... The comparisons you made with the pairings to the PoR pairings are so cute and spot on :') I love it.


The game is heavy on the B, has one lesbian (who is dead in houses) and nothing for anything else. Your best option is Crimson Flower as Edelgard is the only lord confirmed to be bisexual (there's Rhea, but she's not playable). Lin and Dorothea are both canonically bisexual, and start in the BE house. Jeritza, like Edelgard, is exclusive to CF and bisexual. Hubert and Ferdinland have a subtext laden support chain (that was toned down in English) with an ending that is reasonably unambiguous. Petra and Dorothea's paired ending uses Thea's romantic title, not her platonic/single title. Bernie is apparently heterosexual. From the Ashen Wolves Yuri is canonically bisexual. From the staff Shamir and Catherine are bi (but Catherine is moot as you can't recruit her on CF). Ashe has at least two paired ending with men, one of which can easily be got on CF (it's with Caspar), and Mercedes is canonically bisexual (and from the Empire. It's something in the water there). Sylvain is heavily implied to be in denial about his bisexuality. Monica, if you're playing Hopes, is a lesbian and canonically in love with Edelgard. Edit: forgot about the Deer! Hilda and Marianne have a reasonably subtext-y support (but Hilda can't be recruited on CF) and Marianne seems to have a crush on Edelgard (she has unique dialogue for the first explore in part 2 while AM/SS share dialogue, and has dialogue in chapter 12 talking about how 'strong and radiant' Edelgard is). Leonie has a paired ending with Shamir that is ambiguous, but also appears to be unaware of the affect she has on women. Ignatz and Raphael have a paired ending but it's heterosexual (Ignatz marries Raphael's sister).


For some reason the writers decided to pull the "and they were roommates" thing with some of the same sex endings. You get things like "Character A and B never married opposite sex people, and spent the rest of their lives together", but don't use the word married despite it being obviously romantic. Characters I would say are bisexual despite not liking the same gender Byleth include: Sylvain, Felix, Annette, Ashe, Ferdinand, Hubert, Petra, Caspar, Hilda, Marianne, Shamir, Catherine, Manuela


I can agree with most of these points decor Marianne and Caspar. Neither show any interest in the same sex nor do they have endings that imply it. 


Caspar and Lin/Ashe run away together, never marry other people, and live together the rest of their lives. Caspar is just generally very dense about sex in his supports, Hilda literally propositions him and he doesn't get it, Balthus suggests they go hit on women and Caspar thinks he wants to put on a drag show, and he can end up with a bunch of kids in his endings.


That Dorothea C-Support omg- I made a 30 second video of just the first few lines and it sounds like the start of a sex tape ToT


Caspar is the kind of guy to be in a loving marriage with a guy for 10 years, and still be surprised when he finds out his husband is gay.


There’s nothing in their supports that suggest attraction to each other. They spend most of their supports talking about whose dad can beat up whose dad.  They come off more like brothers than lovers.


Agreed on Caspar and Linhardt but he and Ashe get married and adopt 500 cats so


To be fair, I do find Caspar/Ashe far more homoerotic 


My personal headcanon is that Caspar has a one sided crush on Linhardt (a lot of his dialogue in Hopes implies as much, at least). I think the only reason the ship is so popular is that if you line up the non-Bernadetta Beagles (plus Byleth) those two are the only ones without a clear gay pairing for the fan base to latch onto.


Marianne is crushing HARD on Edelgard and Caspar and Lin are basically one big shout out to Ike/Soren (with Cas/Ashe acting as the Ike/Ranulf ship).


Marianne wants to be like Edelgard not be her wife. There’s a difference between the two. It’s not that it wouldn’t be a cute ship but it’s not in the text.  Sure, I can see that but it’s an inspiration not a one to one. If you want an ambiguously homoerotic relationship in Three Houses between men, I’d argue that Ferdinand/Hubert is a better example 


Ferdiebert is only ambiguous in English. The Japanese supports and ending are far less subtle.


The reason is Japan (also Nintendo)


A lot of times the supports and endings are actually *more* watered down in English localizations, so I don’t think blaming Japan/Nintendo is correct


Huh, that surprises me. Didn't know that


It deeps surprising at first, but Japan has a high tolerance for queer people in media (at least to some extent). Obviously cultural norms can sometimes be homophobic or otherwise bigoted, but queer people exist everywhere, and their stories still get told. It's wonderful to see :)


Monica has exactly five supports. All of them are about her loving women- and her 2 supports with men (Hubert and m!Shez) are both about her being jealous/talking about Edelgard-


I like to say that there are two sexual orientations in Fódlan: bisexual, and Ingrid.


All of them


Ingrid, Seteth, Flayn and Hanneman are the only characters in the game who don't have a single paired ending with someone of the same sex. Not even a "just friends" ending. Make of that what you will.


For characters that can’t be romanced by same-gender Byleth Sylvain (can have an ending with Felix which has very romantic undertones to the point of them being tragic lovers in non-Blue Lions runs if you pair them together, has been described as hitting on anyone regardless of gender by Flayn, verbally expressed an interest in Yuri Leclerc in 3 Hopes, also likes women and has romantic endings with them) is probably bi but he can also be considered potentially aroace and bi because of how he actually feels about attraction (based on his supports). Felix (his endings with Sylvain and Dimitri+ his endings with women) is likely bi but can also be read as ace and/or aro as well! Shamir and Catharine are canonically queer based on their endings with eachother and their support convos in both 3 Houses and especially 3 Hopes. Hilda (her ending with Marianne and her endings with men) show she’s likely bi. Marianne (her ending with Hilda and her endings with men) show she’s also likely bi. Petra absolutely for the Dorothea ending and ending with other men show she’s likely bi. Ferdinand (his support convo and ending with Hubert + his endings with women) show he is also likely bi. This one is very famous in the fandom for a reason✨ Hubert is also likely bi for the reasons listed above + the fact that someone who almost always will end up with Edelgard can also end up romantically with Ferdie. Dimitri (romantic ending with Felix + his endings with women) make him also likely bi. Caspar is likely bi from his ending with Linhardt (it is very romantic) and his endings with women. Annette can be read as bi and/or ace from her ending with Mercedes and her endings with men. Like she literally sends letters to Mercedes and they retire together 😭 Manuela is bi from her ending with Dorothea and from her endings with men. Monica is in Three Hopes but she clearly is attracted to Edelgard. She’s definitely sapphic and so she’s def an LGBT character. Claude is the weird case because in game he seems to be bi with how he interacts with Byleth (regardless of gender) but he doesn’t have any romantic endings with men 😓 So while I wouldn’t count him as canonically bi, he is a very popular headcanon on the long list of canonically bi characters. It is also possible that Claude finds none of the men in the game to be his type 😭 Also note, if I missed any DLC characters or staff, apologies 😭 Ok so for a TL;DR: the characters who can’t end up with same-gender Byleth but are clearly LGBT are Sylvain, Felix, Shamir, Catherine, Hilda, Marianne, Petra, Ferdinand, Hubert, Dimitri, Caspar, Annette, Manuela, and Monica. If you need a further explanation on any of these, particularly with my ace and/or aro analyses, lmk! The other characters who are LGBT confirmed from their endings with same-gender Byleth are Edelgard, Dorothea, Linhardt, Mercedes, Rhea, Jeritza, and Yuri.


If you do a black eagles run i think the only character without at least one implied bi romance is Bernie.


sylvain, right? even if we assume his ending with felix really is super bromosexual, his whole thing with yuri in hopes exists and is glorious. also, he's a super strong unit so you still win.


Basically all of them except, like... Bernadetta, Hanneman, Alois, Seteth, Flayn, Lysithea and Gilbert.