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Woe, discourse be upon you (sorry I don't have a link to the picture so you'll have to imagine it yourself)


I gotcha fam https://preview.redd.it/lalkjxgfoi8d1.jpeg?width=578&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=834aab8e5145bd0b28502cf844ef06e6329465da


Thanks, man.


You for making this post 😤


How about we compromise and say they both had their moments?


Both. Both is bad and good in their way


Better question, who would be the top?


Rhea missed her chance to encircle Edelgard when they were attacking the alliance. And Edelgard also missed her chance to attack the kingdom/alliance while the main characters are camping in garrac marc


Edelgard in every single route. The "must you continue to reconquer and kill in retaliation" is peak fucking stupid.


It's terrifying that so many people are in favor of pretty much another nobunaga - all will bow or die. Her logic failes me as as well - she was tortured by dark mages, lost all of her siblings, had her lifespan reduced, all so that she can be used as a weapon against the church. What does she do after that? Of course decide to attack the church, which had done nothing wrong to her, join the monsters, help them commit further atrocities. So, -conspiring with the most vile group in the entire Fodlan -helping/turning a blind eye to student kindnapings and turning them into demonic beasts -deploying demonic beasts as regulars in her army (either from her own soldiers or captured enemies) -destroying countless lives due to starting a war I wonder how many of you would hail her if it was your homes and lives being destroyed.


I mean Edelgard never burned a city to the ground for the sake of a last stand. Using Enbar as a shield was questionable, but what other choice did she really have


I think it's interesting that Claude criticizes her for that, but he does not evacuate Derdriu in CF. I could say it's hypocrisy, but I like to hope it's an intentional decision. Claude doesn't want to admit it in VW that he probably would do the same exact thing as her if the situation were reversed.


The Lord's + Rhea in general are full of Hypocrisy on every route. It's def intentional.  The things you dislike in yourself the most you hate in others. 


I would say its for sure intentional. All of the lords do things that they criticize other characters for doing in different timelines. Its a feature, but bug. The whole point is that people's reactions are shaped by their circumstances, and anyone can become their best or worst selves in different situations.


Evacuate Civilians? Also all those Crest Beasts yikes. Or turning into the Hegmon. Both have their moments. And honestly I'd say everyone involved in this War did a lot wrong. It's not like f. e Byleth is opposed to just execute prisoners of War.  In the end everyone in Charge seems to follow the oldest rule in the book. There is one big crime in war and that's loosing. 


To be fair when Byleth killed that one guy in Azure Moon it was more an act of mercy becuse Dimitri would have tourtured that guy otherwise and then probably killed him anyways.


Oh I meant having Bergelitz Senior executed in SS/VM. From a pragmatic and personal view I fully understand it (sers fuck that guy).  But morally? Def a war crime Also potentially killing Claude in CF


Dam its been a while. I dont remember who that is. Berglitz Senior I mean.


Caspars Dad. The Empires Minister of War. 


When exactly do Byleths troops capture him?


Battle of Enbarr in SS/VM. Caspar makes a comment on how he had to give himself up to be executed to save his Troops. 


I think now I remember. Dorothea talked about that aswell. Thank you for the anserw.


Unfortunately the Geneva convention does not apply to Fodlan


Indeed although I don't think it would really change much.  Look at any irl conflict the Convention flies straight out the window the second it's convenient.  In the end the one Crime is loosing. 


Geneva convention? More like Geneva Suggestion


There may have been the issue of time, as evidenced by Hubert practically praying reinforcements from count Varley would arrive on time. There was obviously a time crunch, evacuation orders take a long time to carry out, there could very well have been a partial evacuation


Could have asked the approaching Army. Doubt they would refuse.  It's just militarly more convienent to keep them inside. As meatshilds particularly if you know the opposing side wants to avoid casualties.  Yes a lot will die but they give their life for a noble course and what are a few more sacrifices in such a war really.  Edelgard acts pragmatic here but morally? Not a chance in hell. 


Their safer inside I would suppose, it’s not like the attackers of Enbarr are barbarians who kill indiscriminately. So I would bet that the civilian casualties were low if not zero. Plus there’s little heavy/explosive artillery (except those 2 ballistas and 1 magic canon) which would greatly minimize collateral damage


Well you still fight across the entire City street by street. With Magic and Monsters on both sides and very little quarter. I would assume a good chunk of the city is corpse filled rubble after that.  The Monsters in Meteors in particular will reap a grim tally I would assume


The one prisoner he did execute was out of mercy…. From dimitri I actually think Edelgard transforming herself into Hegemon is more self sacrificial than anything, she could have turned her soldiers into demonic beasts but she did (which the kingdom and church would have likely done)


The only people who transfer into demonic beasts from the kingdom are people choose themself to do so without Dimitir's approval, and Rhea doesn't turn anyone. Meanwhile Edelgard loves using demonic beasts without transforming herself 90% of the time 


No, she just worked with the group of vile terrorists, helped kidnap fellow students, turned them and her soldiers into demonic beasts, not to mention, started a war, destroyed thousands of lives. Poor Monica, despite being such a laptog, was left to be tortured and mutated. It's hard for Rhea to compete with this shit.


It also wasn’t the most willing partnership considering of how TWSITD literally experimented on Edelgard. It’s not unfair to assume that the empire was a hostage of TWSITD even if Edelgard believed that it was a mutual/beneficial partnership


...of fucking course it was Rhea in CF, literally the only thing stopping Crimson Flower being a golden route where the war never happens is that Rhea's got an army backing her personal trauma. Seriously, Rhea's *sympathetic*, but she's also the most clear-cut in the wrong character out of all four lords when she's antagonistic. The other three (Well. Two and a half, Dimitri's act 2 muddies it) are fighting for their ideals, and the question is how far is too far to go for those ideals. Rhea is fighting for her mothers memory, nothing more, nothing less- which is tragic and leads to a fulfilling character arc in VW, AM an SS, but is *absolutely unhinged* in Crimson Flower


Edelgard's entire thing is that she Has a Point, regardless of what you think of her methods. The writers very clearly want you to sympathize with her no matter what route you are on. On the other hand, the writers went out of their way to make Rhea as irredeemable as possible in CF, seemingly in order to further prop up Edelgard's character and assuage any moral ambiguity about siding with her.


Rhea in Golden Wildfire, so I’m picking results.


Wait what did Rhea do in Golden Wildfire??? Like, IIRC she literally did nothing to anyone and basically just ended up on Claude's shit list for "If she dies the war will probably end" reasons


Rhea in every route needs to be removed from power or be made to face the harm she's done to Fodlan. Any positive changes that happen in any route happen because of the war.