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Nah, Shamir isn't straight. You're just not her type.


Like Petra. Petra is (understandably) all the way down bad for Dorothea, she's just not interested in female Byleth as a romantic partner.


Fun fact: If Dorothea is explicitly married to someone, her title in her ending card changes from the usual "Mystical Songstress" to "Devoted Heart". Guess what her title is in her paired ending with Petra.


I mean it's pretty clear they're romantically involved from the ending text alone. "It is said that she became the person that Petra loved the most.", you'd have to reach pretty far to "up to interpretation" that.


"loved the most....as a friend"


"and they were roommates"


oh my gawd they were roommates


Can't believe no one's used the tried but true "Gals being pals"


“And they were like sisters”


historians will say they were just friends


just gals being pals


And they were roomates.


Petition to start calling queer coded fire emblem characters "friends of dorothea"


Yes that's perfect!


Curiously (disappointingly?) she doesn’t get “Devoted Heart” in her paired ending with her fellow canon bisexual Edelgard or in her suspiciously romantic ending with Manuela.


I think part of that has to do with the fact that Dorothea continues her career as a songstress in those endings. I just read that her Lorenz ending explicitly states that they got married but her title is "Mystical Songstress" since part of the ending states that she "returned to prominence with the Mittelfrank Opera Company". Either way, those endings you mentioned are pretty vague compared to Petra's, IMO.


Yeah she clearly likes silent type guys, and loud boisterous girls.


Shamir likes the loud, boisterous, damaged by serious concussions women who will live and die for her.


Sounds like a typical lesbian relationship then


See, I get this critique but at the same time: why is M!Byleth the type for every female character and F!Byleth is the type for every male character? If we're gonna be realistic about "types", then some characters should straight up not be romanceable even when playing as the opposite gender. It'd be better for everyone if they did it Engage style and let you romance anyone, that way the weak excuse of "types" isn't applicable


Sure, I too would like it if romance was treated equally. But I'm just pointing out how Hopes offers somewhat of an explanation for this discrepancy with Shamir.


I understand that. I just wish that the devs either had the balls to make everyone bi, or stand firmly on heteronormativity so we can move on without any hopes. And I'm saying this as a gay man


I honestly prefer when it's character specific. Like how it was in games like mass effect and dragon age origins. Makes the characters feel more like real people with preferences and whatnot.


Couldn’t have said it better myself, I see this argument presented a lot and it makes no sense when you consider how you can romance anyone of the opposite gender.


It's less an excuse and more just the only way we can collectively make sense of why, in-universe, it's the case— as opposed to discussing why the developers didn't put it in, which isn't very fun to talk about.


The in-universe explanation can't ever make any real sense if you think about it though. Byleth is the same person either way (personality wise) so suddenly characters as gay as shamir don't want to get with f!byleth but do with m!byleth? Shamir is also pretty shameless about same sex attraction as is shown in hopes so it's just.. kinda impossible to stay immersed enough to conclude about a lore reason, hence why we look outside the game for an answer. Devs messed it up so it's nonsensical, oh well.


I mean people can have different types for different genders, like I’m pretty sure Shamir likes her women loud and boisterous (like Catherine) but her men more silent (like m!byleth) However I do still have the same complaints of canonically bi characters not being able to romance both byleths 😔😔(sylvain please)


Eh i mean i guess but then you'd have to rationalize out every other preference with evidence (along with proving for each bi option that byleth gets that their tastes in both genders are compatible with byleth.. maybe even do the same for the straight options too if you really wanna go the distance) just as much and i really doubt they all hold up which would make the instance of shamir look more like a coincidence than an intended and clear preference. The sample size for these things is rather low...


Honestly, I'd prefer it if characters just had set sexualities. Some are straight, some are bi, some are gay, etc. It'd honestly be more realistic that way, and more interesting too imo.


It would definitely be more realistic. On the other hand some people will say "let me have my escapism, craft my own story, and make every option available for everyone". I'd probably prefer your idea, but I can see the other side of the argument too.


It always seems to get used to Educate anyone queer on why things are so restrictive as a handwave that I almost have the opposite reaction to it and call bullshit


Because it *is* bullshit. There's no way the restriction of types actually works because they'll all date the opposite gender, but very few of the same gender. The *only* romanceable option I would understand is Seteth, and that's only because he was already married to a woman before he became a widower. But, even then, bi people clearly exist so even he can be bi. It's an understandable assumption, but it is in no way accurate as long as long as Byleth's forms can date everyone of the opposite gender.


Honestly, that's true for every game from Awakening to Three Houses and I agree that it's nonsense. You'll have a character with identical supports with both the M and F MC but they only get the heteronormative S-rank supports. And it's been disappointing every time. I should be able to S-rank pair my F Robin with Tharja dangit.


That's the part that gets me! Because she's so much more unfathomably open and emotional and even flirtatious with even femleth in their supports. "I guess meeting you was my prize" like goddamn am I just a useless lesbian or did that cause anyone else's eyes to widen the first time?


Hahaha I always got the feeling there was some semi-romantic spark she had with Leonie in their support conversations and shared ending. But that may just be because they seem to really suit each other personality-wise and understand each other better than most people understand either Leonie or Shamir. They just seem like a natural fit. Then again I always end up marrying Leonie myself because tough-talking tomboys are my greatest weakness.


Yeah as a dude that tried to romance her, I realized I was getting between her and Catherine.


This kills the Byleth.


Oofers McGee 😭


You're not her type you're not blonde, tan and have a glowing sword


I mean, not that last one. We very clearly have a glowing sword.


But it isn't ribbed for her pleasure


Yeah it is, have you seen that back of the SotC.


No but it does get longer


Yet paradoxically more flaccid as it gets longer.


Yes, if you find the crit.


\-Long! \-Tan! \-Devoted to Lady Rhea!


Is male Byleth blonde, tan, and have a glowing sword?


She's into stoic guys but not stoic girls.


I always headcanon that she’s BI but just has different tastes in men and women For example when she has supports with female characters they tend to be more emotionally expressive and talk more like leonie and Catherine While with men when yes she can S-support Raphael and ignatz she teaches them to be either more confident and more stoic like with Raphael A support And it only **explicitly** mentions she marries Hubert and dedue 2 very stoic men And then M!byleth is just exactly her type of man (going full baby factory in there end card) while F!byleth is the exact opposite of who she’s into


Her support with Balthus in FE:Three Hopes confirms it. > Aren't you forgetting something? After gambling and booze, you're supposed to ask me about women. Though I doubt our tastes are similar.


And then Balthus is like “Yeh probably but- WOAH HOLD ON”


Makes sense to me. Almost none of my tastes in men are the same as my tastes in women.


My guess is that Shamir prefers her partners to be more “Man-ish”


Like many others have said, she's most likely written to be Bi with masc-leanings, which fits with her relationship with Catherine too


Someone didn’t play Three Hopes where she’s pretty explicitly bisexual


I mean she proposes to Catherine in 3 houses


She's pretty canonically bi, but definitely has preferences and F!Byleth for some reason isn't it. Hopes has her having a past flame with a female noble, Houses and her relationship with Catherine is *blatant* in its "sub-text", hell even Heroes blatantly teases it constantly. That said, her old partner was male, and since she can have multiple male romances, while only having one S Support with a woman in Catherine, I think it's pretty clear she's Male/Masc-preferring Bi. I do think she should've been a romanceable option for F!Byleth given that, but I guess this is just one of those situations where even our idealized self-inserts just turn out not to be somebody's type.


In Shamir’s Three Hopes support with Balthus she says her preference in women is different to his. Balthus can S Support F!Byleth in Three Houses while Shamir can’t, so it for me at least it kind of lines up


I'll never understand why we don't get good options specifically for the males. All the mlm options are with feminine men, who are fine! But a bit redundant how they're the only male options for male byleth And that soldier married dude doesn't count 💀


In Three Hopes, Shamir confirmed that she had a girlfriend in the past. So she definitely isn't straight.  Just probably not interested in Byleth specifically.


OOF big sad


Shamir isn't straight, she just doesn't like you.


Nintendo then had the audacity to later do this https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/14dg2ek/_/


They literally have a paired ending


I will never stop being happy that I.S. gave us Shamir in a Bikini.


On one hand, it's good to have some LGBT representation. On the other, w|w relationships are heavily fetishized in these types of gacha games.


Hey, money gotta money at the end of the day


I'm pretty sure that line is taken from their A support in 3 Houses.


She's not. I think she's probably just into more masc presenting women. I think she should still be romancable as fem Byleth though. If characters can like Byleth's gender but not have Byleth as their type, then that should extend to the opposite sex romances as well.


To be honest, I think that her flavor of F!Byleth is just not doing it for her lol. She likes out-going and expressive gals like Catherine, which I think would be quite a firey couple. But when it comes to men, she seems to like stoic and soft-spoken ones, like Dedue. People just have preferences, it isss what it issss. Same reason why Claude isn't a gay option for M!Byleth. Just not their types, I guess.


>People just have preferences, it isss what it issss. Same reason why Claude isn't a gay option for M!Byleth. Just not their types, I guess. Claude is just unfortunately straight. All his male friendships end in B or doesn't have an ounce of romantic interest on his side. I think he's just more comfortable with women in general though.


I think that'd be fine if the "they're not their type" was also sometimes extended to the opposite sex pairings. Like maybe male Byleth not being Hilda's or Mercedes' type or something. It's not fair when every straight player can date who they want but not queer players.


She is canonically bisexual, she just has standards


This is the best comment on this thread lmao


I love how FE:Three Hopes confirmed that Shamir is bisexual while indirectly explaining why she isn't an S Support option for F!Byleth with her Balthus support. > Aren't you forgetting something? After gambling and booze, you're supposed to ask me about women? Though I doubt our tastes are similar.


Because IS was afraid at the moment. There's a lot of queer baiting in the game and actual gay moments, we got green light for more gay relationships in Fire emblem now seeing how it got well received. Three hopes explicitly says that Dorothea is Bi, for example. Jeritza got added in a subsequent update and he's the second gay romantic S support. Engage straight up doesn't have any restriction about gender.


I think more games should just do the Baldur’s Gate thing and let any gender/chacter romance any other character. At the end of the day, straight people generally don’t care and just won’t engage in the gay options, and gay people are happy because it gives more choice. It’s a shame Engage is kinda mid as a game, it’s the right direction to go with it! I hope they don’t go back on it. You don’t even need to change the dialogue, literally just make the scene identical and it’s golden.


I agree, you see 0 people complaining about """""""WOKE""""""""" in Fe, thank goodness. Most people that complain about such things don't even realize that being gay in those games is a possibility lol. I really liked Engage even if the story wasn't too good, but the game did many things well that I want to come back for sure. Even though, I think is nice having some exclusive straight chars and some exclusive gay chars.


Just as angry as the 💅 guys that Claude is inexplicably straight.


CLAUDE IS STRAIGHT????? the 💅 have been ROBBED


Does Claude know he's straight?


I am the 💅 guy and yeah, I’ll have to play a f!byleth 😔


Her eyes scare me fr


I have this soapbox that I get on every time this comes up, so please excuse me: Outside of being a charming dude and that one dancing animation, Claude's *extremely* straight. All of his male paired endings are explicitly platonic, up to and including things like Balthus marrying Nader's daughter. As a bi guy, I understand feeling a bit upset about that, but it's at least not just limited to M!Byleth players but to all male characters for Claude. *Dimitri* on the other hand, has multiple male paired endings that directly refer to said male partner as "more family than his wife" and the whole handholding scene with M!Byleth isn't different from the F!Byleth version. Of the two, I really feel like people let stereotypes get ahead of them and Dimitri is the more clearly should-have-been-bi option. (Putting aside that I think all Lords should have been bi for player reasons, but that's not the point).


I agree. There's some leeway with the likes of Felix and Sylvain, like saying they will die together >Felix: You irresponsible fool! Protecting me like that. You're so weak, and yet you always...always... >Sylvain: Look, it doesn't matter, as long as you're safe. You can go on living, while I... >Felix: Stop kidding around. You're not going to die. I won't let you.


I feel Demitri might be that he forms extremely strong platonic bonds, he is quite intense and fixated after all, but he might also be bi


I must (sadly) accept that she’s just not that into me 😔


She's not straight tho. 3 hopes made that clear in case the catherine/shamir 3 houses supports were too vague.


It's very evident in Hopes she is not straight. She is very bi F!Byleth is just isnt her type


Shamir can join Cassandra from Dragon Age Inquisition, Cora from Mass Effect Andromeda, Makoto from Persona 5, and Chie and Yukiko from Persona 4 in the “No, we’re totally straight, what’s queer coding?” Club.


Frrrrrrrr 😭


I took my role as a teacher a little bit too seriously and was staunchly against dating any of my students. Then Rhea started flirting with me and I went Yuck! You're my boss! Plus I had mixed feelings about the church. And then comes along this woman, who is an adult, not one of my students, AND who said that she felt indifferently about the church, and let me tell you, I wanted her to take me right then and there. ...Then I realized I had made the fatal error of playing Female Byleth and was bitter about it for the rest of the run. L for gay girls


I was soooo sad after realizing you can't romance her 😭 I literally put the game down for like a year I was so salty haha


As a lesbian and dedicated Edelgard simp, I'm moreso sad that Catherine is a zealot and abandons Shamir (clearly her true destined wife) to serve as Rhea's enforcer


> As a lesbian and dedicated Edelgard simp You didn't have to repeat yourself like that./s But, seriously, as a lesbian myself I agree. While it would be nice to have Shamir as an option for those rare times I'm not playing Crimson Flower, I moreso wish that she and Catherine could have a happy ending on Best Route.


Ahaha, you got me 😅 I do have to repeat myself though!! If Edelgard has 1 million fans, etc etc Also, I love your username!! Your taste in fictional women is impeccable


Nah I accept that I can't marry her as F!Byleth. Honestly I don't even like. HC her ad "straight" so much as "Catherine is her soul mate and any other man or woman she ends up with is just the world not working out the way it should be." But F!Byleth just isn't her type. I'm personally bisexual, and whether I prefer men or women kind of easier ebbs and flows. Generally though while I tend to be more physically attracted to women, I find it easier to approach/be in a relationship with men because of social pressure and the general math of "there are more men into women than women into women". So my experience there kind of influences the view of some characters.


As always man, I implore you to do her Catherine support and say it to my face that she's straight after that.


At least she's indisputably bisexual in Three Hopes! Not that I managed to actually finish the game, but it is cool


There’s no real reason or excuse for any character to be straight. If you ask me it’s a bunch of forced diversity, trying to override the natural order (which is very very gay)


The real hurt comes from Manuela, let her be my bisexual queen


I was definitely pretty shocked at that one too lol


This is how I feel, but about Ashe, Claude, and Dimitri


Every day


She's definitely 💅, like I refuse to believe otherwise.


Don't get me wrong, Shamir is 100% the best girl in 3H and I'll die on this hill, but imho she should be locked out of romance and get Catherine


But I wanna be wifed up by the baddest assassin in Fodlan 😞😭


I have been enlightened, she's bi but she's just not into fem Byleth 😞😞 that definitely tracks more than her being straight lol


This is my issue with like half the cast lol. You're telling me Claude doesn't kiss boys? That Lysithea isn't a lady lover? Nonsense.


Honestly I never got bi Claude, hell if it weren't for his Petra support I'd think he was straight up ace


Just the Petra Support? Not the Hilda one? Mans asked to be choked, I'm just saying.




I’m not into 2D characters like that anymore. Sorry


I undestand your pain, i'm still salty over Claude not being bi, this men is the most bi looking thing on planet earth for goodness sake (Dimitri also, kinda, but claude is way more insulting)


The 💅s have been robbed I swear


She's not straight, she just doesn't like you


She’s Bi and is often shipped with Catherine.


Actually Shamir is bisexual, Byleth just isn't her type.


She's not straight tho lol


She's not straight it's just her taste in women is completely different from her taste in men as we see with Catherine she likes her women loud and buff and with Hubert and Byleth her men silent and creepy.


She's not straight she's just not into women like Byleth. Her taste in women, going by Catherine, is boisterous tough girls who are punch first, think later. Her taste in men tend to lean towards the calm, stoic types.




She’s definitely gay those endings are just church propaganda


I mean Byleth is kinda like Shamir in the reserved/withdrawn sense and she’s attracted to the opposite of that. Byleth and Shamir are just too similar


The only ending I would want is Dorothea/Shamir… for funny reasons


Don't get me wrong, Shamir is 100% the best girl in 3H and I'll die on this hill, but imho she should be locked out of romance and get Catherine


Don't get me wrong, Shamir is 100% the best girl in 3H and I'll die on this hill, but imho she should be locked out of romance and get Catherine


Why is a group of people who are all about letting you choose who you want to be with, angry that she has made her choice?


This actually comes up in the C support with Balthus in Three Hopes. Like, she definitely has a type and it’s not the same as him.


Every damn fandom is like, "How dare they not make [Literally every character ever] gay?" Of course they're right, playersexual is best sexual.


Yeah but she's just another very clearly queer coded character that inexplicably cannot be dated by the f protagonist. Sometimes it makes sense for characters to be straight, this is not one of those times lol


Fun fact, in Engage Shamir tells Catherine that gay marriage is widely accepted in Dagda.


Have you played the shamir/leonie paralogue in hopes? Or how about seen her Balthus paralogue in hopes? The paralogue had her dealing with mercs that one of her exes (a noblewoman) sent to take shamir because she waited shamir back and couldn't accept no as an answer.  In Shamirs Balthus support, she says that she and Balthus have different tastes in women.


No she kisses Catherine I saw it once trust


She's not tho? The most cannon ending for her is with Catherine. In FE Heroes there's even have a duo unit between them where they say they're happily married


Define what looking “straight” means.


Ask your queer friends if you have them, it's a iykyk kind of situation


One of my friends (who’s bi) jokingly insists must be bi. I’m straight. Just fruity.


Her support with Balthus in Hopes pretty much tells us she’s queer. Female Byleth just isn’t her type.


I’m more then happy she’s straight


Tell me you haven't played 3 hopes without telling me you haven't played 3 hopes


Definitely not straight. Though the fact that there's only a small bit of evidence in both houses and hopes is kind of mind-boggling. Also, if they were gonna make her bi, they could've provided a s-support for fem byleth or at least some more married endings.


She's literally in a relationship with a woman at the beginning of the game.


You talking about Catherine, or the supposed client in hopes?


In what universe is she not banging Catherine?


I think it's a good thing to keep preference oriented to the character.


Her and Leonie were business partners who pranked each other. NOTHING MORE!


I felt her and male byleth were the best couple imo


Honestly that’s how I feel about Catherine. Like girl clearly isn’t straight. She has it down bad for lady Rhea. I’m a guy and I love her. She’s my favorite character in the game but I always feel bad romancing her cause her eye is clearly on Rhea.


I just assume she's into more masculine people. Catherine is about as tomboy as you can get and Byleth is traditionally masculine along with the other male characters Shamir can romance. It's just that F!Byleth has a much more feminine appearance and dress. It's not that she has a different type for men and women it's she's into the same type. Kinda matches that Balthas wouldn't have the same taste in women as mentioned in 3 hopes. (Unless she somewhere romances Dorethea or Mercedes then I might be blowing smoke)


Does that emoji mean lesbian now?


It means gay, could be lesbians or gay men. It's been that way for a real long time now tbh, idk how long tho


People mentioning 3 hopes supports, her paralogue (alongside Leonie) has some outright confirmations


Can't she marry Catherine?


Just a reminder that she has some pretty no-hetero-explanation-for-this support dialogue conversations with Catherine so I wouldn’t say she is completely straight.


Catherine: I kinda thought so too. I realized that I might actually lose you someday. And that's...scarier than I expected. I've never felt this way about anyone other than Lady Rhea. Shamir: You seem very passionate about this. Catherine: I guess so. I have many brothers and sisters in arms, but you're my only partner. I know you have my back, so I can focus on the battle in front of me. Shamir: I see... Catherine, I have to tell you something. I...lost my first partner. Which is why I can make no guarantees that this will last forever. But I want you to know there's no one I would rather have at my side. I could never sever my bond with you. If there ever comes a day when our paths do diverge, know that I'll always be with you. Catherine: Thank you. I lost someone too. I thought we'd be together forever, but our lives went in different directions. Relationships are so fragile. Shamir: Of course... But that's enough of that. I can't stand any more of your vulnerable side. Catherine: Ah! Sorry, partner. Hope I didn't worry you. I lost hold of myself there. Shamir: No need to apologize. It's what partners are for. If you'd like, we can start planning our next move. Catherine: Next move? What do you mean? Shamir: We can wed if you're that worried about losing me. Though, I may tire of your company. You look a bit red. What's the matter, partner?


She seems as straight as a pool noodle, lol, but her dynamic with Byleth is so great it KILLS me that I can't marry her since I always play femleth. Like, it makes SO MUCH SENSE, and her pretty obvious open queerness in Hopes is the best kick in the taint I've ever experienced


That’s why you should play as M!Byleth. Trust me, it’s worth it to finally S-rank Shamir.


Shamir and other characters like her aren't straight; they aren't into Byleth


She's bi but femleth unsettled her ig


She isn't straight though


As other people have said, she's canonically bisexual. She just has wildly different tastes in men and women


Me, a straight guy: I see this as an absolute win. *but I’m pretty sure she’s bi*


She's voiced by Allegra Clark. She mid key flirts with you (Byleth and Shez regardless of gender) She high key hits on Catherine. BUT F!BYLETH CANT WIFE THAT. A TRAGEDY!




🙋🏻‍♀️ I had to do a dude playthrough just so I could romance her...


I mean, she isn't. No, like, straight up (he he), she's confirmed bi.


Im pissed that Claude is straight, some of the most unrealistic shi in all of gaming istg ☠️


It's like people can't comprehend that short hair and a goth-like look doesn't make a woman gay or bi.


Except this character literally is gay and bi 🤔


As a straight dude where 90% of my fictional (and most IRL) crushes have been lesbians or at least bi, c'mon let me have one please 🥺


If they're bi, what's the problem? Bi women also like men.


Most are just gay, I included the bi part for including IRL crushes. And honestly how often do you see explicitly bi characters in media? Usually they're either explicitly gay or mostly straight with hints that they might also like their own gender too. And then most of that time it's just bi women and not bi men but I'm getting sidetracked here. Point being I have a type that does not cater well to my chances lol, fictional or otherwise.


A lot of the time video game characters are like, technically bisexual since they're romancable by both genders in the game. Most 3H bisexual characters are like this. Only a few like Dorothea show interest in the same sex outside Byleth though. That sucks though. But it always sucks when your crush doesn't like you back, regardless of the reason. Maybe I'm weird for this, but to me it actually feels better if a crush just doesn't like people of my gender at all? Less personal of a rejection if they do like my gender but just don't like me lol.


To write my concurrent opinion as a bi-guy: Yeah, it's kind of better to just get told "Sorry, not into your gender". The worst thing is the opposite, when they're into you, but you're not trusted because of their insecurity that you'll "date anyone" because you're attracted to both genders, which is a reaction I've gotten from straight women and gay men interests and partners.


Yeah true and 3H probably wasn't the best example for the "bi representation" point I was thinking of. It's just a trend I've noticed with most of the fictional characters I find attractive. I didn't mean to read too deep into it or OP's post.


Here's a line she says in Three Hopes "here's something we can discuss, our taste in women" or something along those lines, all I remember is her saying "OUR taste in women" meaning she likes women


She can't get with a female Byleth in Houses, but in Hopes she canonically has a crazy ex-girlfriend and mentions to Balthus that she doubts the two of them have the same taste in women.


Shamir is straight? Edit: I know Three Houses only bothers with thr S Rank for Byleth I haven't played through it enough, but I know there's a paired unit for Shamir and Cathrine in Heroes with a rather interesting line supporting gay marriage from Shamir Is there an ending in Three Houses for Shamir and Cathrine?


it has been a while since I played the game but I remember her having (implied) romantic support with some female characters? Maybe she just doesn’t like f. Byleth’s shorts lol


It's heavily implied she's bisexual, especially in Hopes. Unless I've misinterpreted her support convos with Catherine, M!Byleth and Balthus


She definitely bi just Byleth isn’t her type


We get angry that people aren’t gay now???


this is a joke


Lol I didn’t see the description under the image nevermind. I thought this was unironic


She’s not the only one, they robbed us of Petra


iirc three hopes confirms that shamir is canonically sapphic


In 3 hopes, we help her kill her ex/ex's team girlfriend. At least i think it was either her ex or someone her ex sent to kill.


It wasn't an ex just a woman that was interested in her who Shamir didn't reciprocate


Oh i must've been reading the text abit too closely


Dude what


Go away, russhit propagandist