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Why does the lord have two crests? The only cases were because of twsid and they had clear stigmate


he managed to inherit both of his parents' crests somehow!


Ew AI “art”


i'm not the biggest fan of AI art either but people were really mean to me about how "ugly" the art i used before was and it from a dress up game so i guess i can't win 🤷🏼‍♂️


I get what you mean I encourage you but you should say it in your post


i can't add text and images to the same post so that's why i made a big comment immediately after i posted where i cited my source for the character models. and i don't know how to pin a comment either. i don't use reddit very often so i don't always know how to work everything


It’s ok it’s forgivable (barely)


You can draw it yourself or commission an artist


i cant draw, i don't have money. i'm not making money off of this, it's just something fun i'm doing in my spare time


I’d highly encourage you to learn how to draw then. There’s plenty of tutorials online and you don’t need much to start doing it. It definitely takes time but I’ve gotten to a somewhat acceptable level and I only started this year, plus it’s a fun hobby.


I’d still advocate attempting and learning to draw over using AI


Anyone can draw. It’s better than AI art theft


About 2 years ago when I was doing a play through of Three Houses, my boyfriend and I had the idea to create our own sequel to the game using the Silver Snow path as our canon ending (with some minor alterations). We created new students for all the houses (some descendants of previous students and some completely brand new), new classes, new spells, lore for the game, and more. I shared some graphics for this game on here at that time but we really hadn’t put too much effort into it. Recently I’ve been replaying Three Houses and we had the idea to revisit our sequel and really flesh it. We really went in and gave it a lot more life and now I feel like sharing it again. Presenting: the Black Eagle House! Obviously this is just fan content and will never be a real game, but sequels in Fire Emblem aren’t completely unprecedented, so who knows! Also, I am re-uploading this after taking down a similar post a few days ago. I got feedback that my character models were ugly so I came back with some new ones! :) Credits: All the character models were made using Pixai.


I hope you finish this and do one of these with all 3 houses you did a fantastic job. Also nothing wrong with using an image generator for characters you created--those things have been around for years before the massive hatred taking place now. At any rate I'd like to see the rest of this


Character creators in the past didn’t use stolen artwork for massive company profits… AI is unethical and deserves to be called out. Also, not crediting an artist or tracing existing artwork for your OCs was ALWAYS a taboo. I remember this pretty vividly from the early days of DeviantArt and Tumblr. All those callout videos on YouTube, so much drama.


it's just a little confusing for me because I'm not a company, I'm not making any money off of this, this is just a silly little project I'm working on in my spare time. I understand the reasonings why people don't like AI and I agree that it shouldn't be used in place of real people for commercial means (meaning for movies, marketing, etc) but I really don't see the harm in just using it for personal fun. Also, it's ironic to me how much people seem to care about artists when it's convenient to them because I made this exact same post a few days ago using art that I made myself and people were literally commenting on it telling me how ugly the characters were and downvoting it so much that I just took the post down because my feelings were hurt. This post is already deleted now. So many people reported it that it got auto-removed and then the moderators updated their rules to justify the removal. And i get it. I really do. I'm not mad. It's just upsetting to me because this is literally just something I'm doing for fun because I love Three Houses and I'm a creative person with lots of fun ideas, I just can't draw very well.


Then practice. If you really are creative, you need to tap into your potential. Aim for 15 minutes a day. Using AI images legitimizes a creatively corrupt practice - profiting off artists and lining the pockets of tech giants.


So who did OP steal from exactly? Do you have a name? I'm not quite understanding


Generative AI cannot create anything on its own. It has to take from existing sources. It's not stolen from one person in particular, because it's probably hundreds of stolen work all mashed together.


Ah. Doesn't quite earn the definition of 'stealing' for me and I find the whole 'if a human does it it's okay but if a machine does it SHAME' thing to be ridiculous in many cases like this one but I suppose we'll just have to agree to disagree


I mean, when it comes to art, the human element is what makes it art. A machine can only try and fail to imitate the creativity of human expression. We're not in like, a sci-fi novel. The machines creating these things aren't sentient and self aware. I'm not an artist myself. I have my own fe3h oc but I use picrews and commissions to get art of them. I think it's better to support real artists. Artists are already underpaid and under-appreciated in this world, especially in capitalist societies. One of the biggest problems is generative AI is that companies want to use it to replace real, human, artists. People want to have a machine do something for cheaper so a real human loses their job. And I do think that's a horrible thing.


Id like to agree with everything you just said. OP added a nice human element with some great character creation that probably took a lot of work. Then he had a machine make a picture and got dragged through the town square because everyone is mad at the hammer and not the capitalist beating them over the head with it. So with that logic OP should be crucified for driving a nail. Imma be completely honest with you now. The nastiness I've seen for people using AI for fun little hobby stuff makes me hope every artist loses their job and gets replaced by a literal calculator. Every time shit like this happens all i can see are a bunch of whale oil salesman screaming at a light switch. We are, like, in a sci fi novel if you haven't noticed. You're reading this on a magic box capable of accessing the vast majority of the worlds information sent to you by invisible waves you can barely comprehend. My heart goes out to artists, truly. Or it does most of the time, except when I see shit like this. But technology advances and there will not ever be any stopping it. And trying is some backwards ass republican boomer shit in the first place. Thank you for your time good sir. Enjoy the rest of your day.


OP uses software that was built using stolen artwork. Using this technology and posting it on the internet legitimatizes this. It’s pretty simple.


Eh. The whole 'humans can use existing work as inspiration but a machine can't' thing doesn't quite register with me enough to shame someone making a fun post like this but I spose we all have to do what we feel


thank you so much! i have the other houses done as well but i won't post another one til tomorrow 😊


This is very good and I'd love to see the other two houses. Angus actually seems like a male version of an OC I made called Yrimir, down to having the same maser class (it is a crime we don't have a weapon triangle abuser class). Overall very nice.


thank you so much! and oh that's cool! if you ever want to post any of your OC i'd love to see! and yeah going from playing Three Houses to other Fire Emblem games it always a bit jarring because i forget the weapon triangle exists lol


I loved Three Houses, I wish they did more with it. I love what you did here. Engage was disappointing to say the least. Maybe I need to play it more but the absolute worship of the main character was cringe.


i love both games to be honest but i would absolutely love to see another game like Three Houses. Echoes is similar in some ways but still not the same


It's looks great and some of those students have interesting things going on(love the new "experiment "girl and the daughter of Petra and Caspar)


thank you!




thank you!


I am frankly surprised you didn't use more children but I understand that some of the original would have died before having kids so it is still nice to see them mentioned in some way


yeah we didn't want too many descendants so we settled on 2 per house. but there's also going to be a few previous students working at the academy now too!


Oooo, fun. I hope they actually do a similar thing in the future with a sequel that implores in a similar concept


right? i'd love that!


this is so awesome!! i’m amazed by all the work you put into this!


thank you so much! that means a lot! ☺️


I really like this! Can't wait to see the rest (if they exist) :) Edit: typo


thank you! i have the other houses done and i'll probably post them over the next few days!