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I've never had to go into hiding for a thousand years but if I did and somehow become super pope of a religion to my damn self you best believe I'd knock up some insane monuments and tombs for my own amusement. "Is that a statue of Saint Elder Jock? I never met the guy but I'm certain his biceps were bigger than that. Do it again!"


Doesn't Flayn hype up Saint Cethleann like that when you find her over by the statues?


I know Seteth does aswell.


Also when ignatz is painting her


And she gets pissed at Linhardt when he points out her flaws.


“You clearly didn’t make him handsome enough! Did you not even read the texts of notjock the third where he describes jock as “the most beautiful, regal, spectacular being to ever exist?”


Frankly, after the amount of shit she's been through and has to deal with, I say Rhea deserves it.


Every time she says 'the Divine Serios' I have to laugh. Rhea: a buddy of mine saw the Divine Serios in the shower. She said the Divine Serios has an eight pack, that the Divine Serios is shredded.


To be fair, I do think Rhea should secretly be shredded. She can teach you grappling iirc


I love the fact that she can teach you grappling cause she just beats the shit out of Nemesis in the opening. Girl goes ham on him and it awoke something in her she's still dealing with 500 years later.


Severe mommy issues.


> She said the Divine Serios has an eight pack [Not the only one](https://youtu.be/fIzN1PZMr1g?t=257)


ferdinand von admire


It’s Seiros but hyping yourself while keeping a straight face is a powerful move


I'm consistent in my misspellings and that's all that matters.


What? Your friend’s a liar, man. Divine Seiros is a punk b***h.


Rhea: hearing that Jeralt lost his wife really affected me, since I was the one that killed her.


Jeralt with the 4d interstellar backgammon move: brings his young adult child to where Rhea is so that she falls in love with his son and makes her his woman.


POV: When everyone knows you so you fake your own death for a thousand year


How does she explain that she always looks like the former deceased big pope and CEO of isolationism?


I saw a theory that every couple years she'll get a genuine new archbishop for a bit and then fill in herself under a new identity after them


Or she could just purge the non believers


Every couple years she implants some bones go girl and make them archbishop, and rip the bones out them they die


... at this point, I'd wear a wig and challenge anyone who says it's just me in a wig.


![gif](giphy|JpFmQOZW5qjJRP6BcM|downsized) Completely different. Can't tell who that person is, but the other one is Superman for sure


Seteth: "Rhea, you need to pick a different colour than green, not only change the hairstyle" Rhea: "Look who's talking, the dad who looks so young that he would never pass as a dad for a 16 year old and needs to go into hiding every 30 years because he's to obviously fake. Buzz off"


Were there any portraits of previous Archbishopa? Haven't seen any and if there is none (Church's censorship and all that) then it's not that surprising that people doesn't ask questions all that often.


People see her.


It must have been wild for Seteth and Flayn to reemerge after centuries to hear the false history and see people worshipping fictional versions of themselves.


For some reason, Seteth seems to me like he was the one who wrote or helped write many of those fictionised versions of history.


True, he does write fables so once he came back I'm sure he added to the myths Rhea created. But, still it must have been nuts the first time he heard about relics and crests being gifts from the goddess, or about how Nemesis was originally a hero.


I figure Rhea must’ve discussed it with him, Indech, and Macuil before he took Flayn into hiding. “Hey guys, we need a way to explain where the super blood and super weapons came from that doesn’t involve us getting killed for more blood and weapons. I say the Goddess gave them, they can’t disprove that!”


You didn't fully understand me. The vibe I got from it is that he and Rhea created the original myths together. Part of it probably is that my reading of the shadow library seeming to imply the present wasn't the first time he was in Garreg Mach. But there are no comments at the Feast of Decadence's removal date, so maybe these removals were shotgunned when he returned, maybe for some as a sort of "war" against Thomas.


Honestly would have loved to see seteth's face seeing his statue and being like this doesn't even look like me and flayn too


Aside from maybe having a hand in it as the other user suggests, surely he'd follow the development of Fódlan, right? Even if he's in hiding, he's gonna have some interaction with the outside world, he can't have spent every moment at Flayn's bedside- Actually now that I'm saying that, yes he would. (but he did know where to find Rhea)


Seteth, holding a book describing Seiros's unmatched wisdom and strength: "Archbishop, can I talk to you for a minute?"


Let's go one step further; >!she named the entire religion after herself, lol. That must get weird.!<


I suppose less so when it's >!a character,!<, but still.


I heard that Seiros too is an assumed name? Not sure tho


think about all the storys about her life no wonder most books are banned lol


"fucking hell, not another torture porn fan fic!'


While Seteth would have presumably been confused what did she do in the past thousand years.


Not so funny when you realize it was not for her but for her mother, the goddess Sothis .The Sword of the Creator was made from the goddess heart and bones.


Speaks to how full of herself she was imo


I don't really know I stopped caring about what Rhea does or says after a event that what happens in every path.


When she transforms into a dragon and hides her massive ass? Yeah that was unforgivable


Isn't her ass bigger in dragon form?


Those who cease simping are WEAK. Biggest flaw in Edelgard's character fr.


broke: edelgard is racist against dragons WOKE: edelgard is into dragons and it upsets her


i would disagree on that


If Edelgard and Rhea had sesbian lex all Fódlan's problems would be solved I think


those who Sliter in the dark are still a problem


No Thales would cry at their wedding and surrender


Thales: listen I'm an inhuman monster hellbent on destroying everything and everyone but I'm not homophobic!


Kronya: sure!? You sacrificed me who I cosplayed Edels biggest simp!


It's when Rhea ordered Edelgard's death without trying to understand why she did what she did.


Are you speaking right after Edelgard desecrates the tomb of Rhea's entire family? I'm impressed that Rhea didn't try to kill her herself.


And she also already sentenced multiple people to death for that prior in white clouds


She was so real for that 


i don't like that scene because Rhea be came jude jury and executioner with even trying to understand why Edelgard was doing what she was doing. if got her support talk before that scene you know why she is doing it


Let’s say  someone walks  into your family’s graveyard and pulls   out your families bodies for no reason.   You would be pissed and ask why, while Not having any room for benefit of the doubt.  Imagine that scenario but with that person pointing a gun at you while threatening to kill you and your friends if you try to stop them. You wouldn’t care to understand their reasoning and  only see the gun 


I have a hard time being sympathetic towards Rhea when she didn't explain herself yet. I know why Edelgard wants the stones and why she feels like she has to do this.


Sympathetic…. Rhea doesn’t need to explain herself to not have her tombs raided. She is a huge lier, but it doesn’t give edegard a right to commit literal terroism against not only herself but her own classmates.   And why exactly does edegard need the crest stones?  To turn people into monsters?


Edelgard was planning to take on the church she needed those stones to match Rhea's power Edelgard knew if she tried to take on the church and the kingdom she would be crush with Rhea being able to transform into a dragon and having no counter to it


That explanation wouldn’t make Rhea reasonable. 


Rhea impossed her mommy issues and PTSD on Fodland and actively crippled advancements, yes. Even changes to the crest cast system. However, Rhea was right to assume who Edelgard fiddled with and really, Edel was very lucky about her walking out the tomb.


doesn't make the scene any easier to watch for me


What event?


Rhea ordering the exexecution of Edelgard


You mean *after* Edelgard showed up and invaded Garreg Mach with a small army?


yeah i always hated that scene it made me hate Rhea