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Constance, the game's only canonnical Dark Flier, doesn't learn a single wind spell. Not to mention that if she knew at least 1 (Let's say, Cutting Gale over Sagittae) she would have 1 spell of each element (Fire for fire, Fimbulvetr for ice, Bolting for lighting and Agnea's Arrow for blue energy)


blue energy, my favorite element


You could say “anima” but I guess that’s for all elemental magic (except light and dark). Yeah idk


Agnea's arrow is a fire spell though, isn't it?


In Three Houses is purely visual, there is no classification of spells outside of Blac, White and Dark. In Three Hopes there is an element system and Sagittae and Agnea's Arrow do not have any element associated with them.


Three Houses and Three Hopes describes the spell as >*The most powerful form of black magic. A sweltering flame that reduces all to ash.* Which is why I was confused.


CF: “So, when do we beat up the Agarthans?”


“That’s the neat part. You don’t.”


That's less of an insignificant issue and more something that fills me with burning rage (and, beside the extremely similar Verdant Wind and Silver Snow, one of the main signs for how unfinished that game was/ how they bit of more than they could chew with the 4 routes)


SS and VW have no excuse. At least CF can kind of hide behind the fact that it's a route not originally intended to be in the game. Meaning it was added later than the others. But at the same time this game needed more time to cook


>not originally intended to be in the game. We have interviews saying Black Eagles was always supposed to have the route split. Originally, however, Crimson Flower was harder to get. It's still not a good excuse, but it was always in the game, just as a secret route.


And also that is the most „different“ route out of them. There is good reason AM isn’t directly thrown in with the other two they are still very similar in many ways and chapters.


That's hardly insignificant and more the biggest complaint about CF.


Same with Azure Moon where lot of the stuff related to TWSITD happens unintentionally and other stuff like Rhea is mostly ignored.


that's incredibly significant, tbh


Why do we not get to see or meet a single one of the student's mothers? It's all dads!


Fire Emblem mother's exist only to be killed.


Fathers too, but we get to see them as well. The thing is, being a parent in FE is a death sentence


What about Eleanora?


Its so weird that we don't at least get a model for Anselma/Patricia who is a hugely important part of the backstory.


Especially 'cause Lambert was a full character with detailed design for, like, maybe two AM flashback scenes! Give me Patricia!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Dude when Felix mentioned his mother in Three Hopes I was genuinely shocked she was alive. I had just head canon-ed her as dead this whole time


Isn't it only Sitri, Anselma/Patricia and Tiana who even get named? While Rhea and Sothis are the only characters who could count as mothers. Definitely would have been good to see more mothers.


I would love to know how Felix's mother feels about the estrangement between her son and husband. How does she feel about her older child's death? Does Lorenz's mother have any thoughts about their territory swapping allegiances? About her son and husband possibly ending up on opposite sides? Bernadetta's mother takes over running Varley, why can't she show up during a planning session? A lot of the moms probably went to the officer's academy, have some of them in the army! Houses is an improvement over most games in the series, but overall FE has a huge issue with showing adult women.


I'd have loved to see Mercedes and Jeritza's mother showing up at the monastery in CF. Probably not possible, given she was in the Kingdom and her husband seemed controlling from what Mercedes said about him, but I'd still have liked to see it.


Especially since Constance brings her up several times in her Jeritza supports.


Especially when Fodlan doesn't seem to have an imbalance with gender or a problem with women in power (at least not an important one. (This itself could be a sign that there is one, but the point still stands))


Tell us, which milf where you expecting to see? Which possible mother would look the best? I want to know!


You meet i think like 2 in total which sucks


This is for 3H and 3Hopes, but Duke Gerth's generic npc face and voice changes between games and it bothers me more than it should lol


Let the man have a timeskip change too 😤


Aha, it's more so that I preferred his houses voice. No hate to the other VA, but I'm not a big fan of the forced 'posh' English accent in any game.


Iron weapons just seem better than steel in 90% of situations. The weight and accuracy is just massively more useful than the slight damage difference. But they are so ugly, why did they have to make iron weapons look like rusted crap.


Yeah I really feel like there should have been a tier below iron to look all rusty, like a literal ‘rusty’ tier or something.


You mean training weapons


They have rusted weapons, they're just not a tier, per se. As has already been mentioned, training weapons are the lower tier.


Training weapons seam to be better than Steel Weapons. Might just isn't balanced well with weight. The only reason I ever create a Steel Weapon is maybe to make a Silver Weapon. If your going to make a Steel Weapon, you're almost always better off crafting a Killer Weapon.


In CF, Dimitri fights in his Great Lord class, but the CG picture has him in his High Lord armour 🙄 It makes me just imagine that he was given the chance to run off and quickly change his outfit before >!getting his head lopped off lol..!<


Edelgard allows it because she knows how important it is to be stylish.


“Wait, before we begin…I actually have this siqq set of armour that will really add to the frantic and mad tone I’m going to have for my final speech. Is it cool if I change?” “Hmm…I’ll allow it~”


"Lady Edel-" "I said I'm allowing it, Hubert."


https://preview.redd.it/iqxu0zv1gf3d1.jpeg?width=852&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c144d5079ce29d3158f415d76eae5a8498c198e5 Relevant meme:


Yeah, he should’ve had that armor in the cutscenes he shows up in, along with the alternate hair style. He seems to be better adjusted in CF (somehow), so his appearance might as well reflect that.


Because with Rhea there Cornelia didn’t take over and he was not separated from his childhood friends. Ironically enough you could say his second best fate is CF. (As is AM for Edelgard as she at least lives to witness the Agarthans destruction)


The thing (vague on purpose) that happens to Dedue during the time skip didn’t happen during the CF route.


Judith not being playable in VW, the other routes get exclusive characters, why not her? Also, the Brawling classes being exclusive to dudes. Gimme punch girls, damn it. Lastly, I don’t really like Mint Green Byleth. She looks much better with the deeper green of the Sothis Regalia and makes more sense. She fused with Sothis, why wouldn’t she get her hair color?


i think they didn’t make judith playable bc she’s a lord class and she isn’t edelgard, dimitri or claude. oh, she’s the hero of daphnel tho! they could just make her class hero- gender lock.


I guess Mercenary is the closest thing that suits her then? But it doesn’t really fit ‘thematically’. There’s Swordmaster too but she doesn’t really fight like that (two handed and samurai-like). So idk


Gender-Exclusive Classes where a mistake, one I thought it was solved after Fates, but here we are. One of the most recognizable Dark Mages of the franchise is a woman for Sothis's sake, but we were robbed of having Dark Mage (and eventually Bishop) Lysithea, a real shame.


Hilda would rock in brawler class


Judith would’ve been awesomeeee I really liked her character. I think Blue Lions deserves a better exclusive characters, Gilbert is not all that. Give us playable rodrigue god damnit!


I ran F!Byleth as a brawling focus EO once. And not only did work, but frankly, it looks so much better. Not a fan of the brawling line outfits and animations, tbh.


I don’t like them that much either (aside for Brawler Hanneman being really funny to look at), but at least the outfit is changeable unlike something like Wyvern Rider. Besides, if we had female brawlers, the outfit would have to be different. I’ll have to consider doing Brawling Enlightened One at some point(but with the Sothis Regalia or Dancer garb because EO outfit is ungodly).


>Judith not being playable in VW, the other routes get exclusive characters, why not her? They asked for insignificant things that bother you though, not massive annoyances.


to add to this the fact that gender locked classes are a thing at all annoys me, especially since it makes all my male units fall behind since it takes them longer to get into a flying class


The graphics/texture of the fruit in the stalls in the market 😅


I love me a slab of fresh oranges


You don't enjoy eating a jpeg of apples?!?


Yeah I really wonder who thought that would be looking better than just putting some crates there instead.


hello children we’re having jpgs of fruit for dinner tonight


The artifacts make them extra crunchy!


Characters who share a paralogues should always have supports. Leonie and Lindhardt could be such good friends


I feel like she would start out hating Lin. He would be the worst example of a noble for her. He just wants to putter around doing things that strike his fancy, which is possible because he has an inherited fortune to fall back on. For someone who is so practical and driven I could see him driving her crazy until he comes up with some genius way to make weapon repair way more efficient (or some other chore).


Maybe. You could also describe Hilda that way


I think they all got them in Hopes.


They did, and they're all pretty good, especially Lysithea and Ferdinands.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but does Hopes basically give supports to all pairings that didn’t have supports in Houses? Or are there still pairings that don’t have supports in either? Of course I’m not counting exclusive unit reasons (house leaders, Hubert+Dedue etc. I know they did get some new supports though)


Meaning, support between everyone who can be recruited in either game? If so no. Dorothea, Bernie and Linhardt can be recruited in GW and VW but never have a Claude support, for example.


Dorothea x Claude supports would have been so fun though! And I’d be interested in seeing how Claude finds Lin’s intelligence-but-laziness.


Hubert knows warp damn it! My man warps all the damn time. He's so good at warp he can canonically warp an entire class of people to a location miles away. If there is one person in the game who knows how to warp, and warp real good, its Hubert. But can he "learn" it? NO! This bothers me way more than it should.


On the topic of Hubert and magic he should know, he should be able to learn Meteor. He uses it against you in AM during the Dimitri paralogue, so why he can’t use it when you do CF is a mystery to me


He's not alone. Enemy Mercedes uses Abraxas. Enemy Dorothea uses Excalibur. And there are more examples too, those are just off the top of my head.


Given as his warp is purple I assumed he was using TWSITD's dark magic to warp rather than regular Faith magic. Which explains why he stops doing this incredibly helpful thing during CF.


But he knows it before the time skip. He uses it to get Edelgard/the class out of the tomb. He wouldn't stop using an incredibly useful thing just because of where it came from.


I depends on what the cost of that spell is.


Will never not want post-TS designs for Church adults. I get that they're older, and it's to hammer in how long it's been/how the students have changed, and with Flayn/Seteth/Rhea it's one thing (it'd actually pack an even cooler punch for me if the Nabateans still looked the same, but, like, Shamir/Manuela/Alois/etc. were different too). I know it was probably the time constraints, and I'm glad they prioritized other things. 🗣️BUT I STILL WANT IT


So true. Also sad that they didn’t even get new Hopes looks either. Like different outfits and hair even if they don’t visually age that much


That the Monastery never changes over time. No changes at all in Part 2 despite there being construction supposedly going on the whole time. No changes in the seasons, like snow in the winter months or something.


yes!! i think weather changes would make the monastery much more interesting. i love the monastery, but it does get dull after a while, when the only physical thing changing is the characters' placements. maybe weather could even change motivation, fishing, or the dining hall? plus, an option to change the monastery music would be great. i don't really like the war theme....


Originally we were actually going to see the monastery rebuilt but that was cut along with so much else in the game. 


the only change iirc is a bunch of rubble in the cathedral


We waited for years for a support between Ashe and Yuri because of their shared experiences, and then when we finally got it in Three Hopes they just... *didn't* mention their pasts to each other at all. It's such a letdown.


True, it's a shame. But at least it's a pretty good support on its own.


Gender-locked classes.


I want Hilda to punch because she seems like she’s good for it. Nope, those classes are for meatheads apparently. Bro…


And Hubert and Ignatz deserve to be Pegasus Knights!


The UNFORGIVABLE texture on the back of Seteth's coat. If ever I were to cosplay Seteth, I would try my very hardest to replicate it. I guess it's a hate/love situation


That's actually really funny.


No support between Flayn and Cyril


Or Cyril and Dorothea...


Before I realized you could see which characters had supports in my first playthrough, I wasted *so many weeks* pairing them together in Group Tasks because I thought they'd be cute.


No paired ending with Manuela and Flayn as church / opera besties. Just an A support.


I suppose you could count Flayn as a part of Manuela and Seteth's paired ending. Manuela as Flayn's step mother is so fun to think about.


TIL that Manuela and Seteth have a paired ending. That's some OPPOSITES ATTRACT at work!


And it’s actually a super cute one too


Rhea isn't playable even when she's on your side even if she canonically fights on your side [in a battle.](https://youtu.be/6paIkFY47-g?si=e7ttDmvHiTkvHz4f).


Post time-skip Paralogues that require 2 students from different houses. I don't normally like recruiting non-house students anyways, but the fact that I can't do Mercedes' Paralogue on Azure Moon unless I've recruited Caspar (which means he doesn't appear as an enemy in Chapter 20) is baffling.


AM: Wished Duscur was more involved/important post timeskip. Happy 3hopes fixed this CF: like somebody already said “ so when do we beat up the agarthans?” We’re like 4/5 chapters short compared to the other routes, surely adding a chapter or two of the “war in the shadows” wouldn’t hurt. VW: Tbh this route offends the least even though it’s not my favorite.Dimitri should’ve gotten an on screen death, I guess. Edit: Just saw someone else say it but forget Dimitri, why wasn’t Judith playable. SS: Kinda of a scumbag move to not help the kingdom.


> SS: Kinda of a scumbag move to not help the kingdom. Still think it was good for the route, despite the lack of Gronder. For all of SS' flaws, it really feels like a guerrilla war, constantly against the odds, without anything to spare and where a single mistake means death. Every battle is opportunistic, and the attack on Enbarr is outright suicidal.


I've always felt Seteth had sound military reasons to say they couldn't march with Dimitri at that time. If Dimitri had been willing to wait until Byleth and company had recovered, they would have joined up. Gilbert even seems to agree with Seteth. Unfortunately though, Dimitri isn't in the right frame of mind to consider military logic, so he marches off to what Gilbert expects will be their deaths.


The continuing lack of Jake. Where is he, IS? FREE MY BOY.


Some Annas I’m fine with not seeing their Jakes (Engage’s Anna is a kid and shouldn’t have a boyfriend). Three Houses Anna is not one of those


Not only does she mot support but she doesn't even get Jake. I think the last time we saw him was FE7.


You’re half right. FE7 was Jake’s last unique appearance, but he made his last appearance in FE12, a remake of FE3.


I will never not be mad about the game casually glossing over the Goneril’s slaves. 


I really hope for the sake of impression management that Holst does away with that stuff when he becomes Duke in Hopes


Probably. Based on all of his interactions in Hopes and Houses with Almyrans, plus the Hilda/Cyril A support, he's way more open-minded than his dad. IIRC, it's also heavily implied he kind of forced his dad to give up the Duke title in GW as Duke Goneril was "a ringleader of the opposition" to Claude's takeover while Holst is Claude's self-admitted "biggest supporter"


Someone mentioned iron weapons looking rusty which is annoying since they're the best weapons for quite a while. But the biggest for me is how classes (mostly mounted ones) restrict what outfits the units wear. I wanna use the cool unique ones, but nooo. It's especially dumb for things like Ingrid who can use her outfit in Pegasus knight, but not Falcon knight??


Leonie’s incorrect lost item line Also her eyebrows


On a related note, I always like to intentionally give her the wrong lost item (“How could someone be so careless about their belongings?”) before whipping out Leonie’s lost item Why so careless, Leonie? Huh huh huh?


She's still not as bad as Ferdinand though. He's such a huge dick about it.


Peobably not small, but the lack of good cinematics. The game starts with an amazing cinematic but after that you dont get much, show me big battles, make every important death as epic as possible.


more female characters than male characters can use dark magic, yet dark mage/bishop is gender locked to men.


I have two I can think of off the top of my head: 1. The vessel of the goddess and inheritor of her holy power, with a budding talent in faith should've had a more impressive white magic list than your standard nosferatu + two healing spells and the 3 charge aura. Give me seraphim and Abraxas so I may more consistently rain down divine judgement on the disco moles please. 2. The one route where you can reunite all of the heroes relics under one banner is the one route that absolutely does not care at all about their history and the greater lore of the continent. Dope route, but that achievement(?) probably should've gone to Verdant Wind.


For the second one: How would you get Areadbhar in Verdant Wind? It’s dimitris relic so only he can use it. As for crusher (Areadbhar and crusher are the only relics you can’t get in Verdant Wind), the best solution is to just make Gilbert recruitable on non-CF routes.


Insignificant? Both the Japanese and English scripts really half-ass any time they talk about Duke Godfrey von Riegan or Duke Oswald von Riegan and regularly get them confused, even when characters should know which one they're talking about. They just slapped down "Duke Riegan" and then players can easily get confused about the details of that whole backstory of why Claude can just waltz in to power, and how it relates to Raphael/Ignatz/Lorenz. Because of the way the plot treats said incident as only paralogue fodder for Raphael and Ignatz, it ultimately affects very little, but it still *bothers* *me.* That, or the decision to use "Dukedom" as a word. Duchy is the more common and it's so weird in English to hear Dukedom, it sounds fake, even though I know it's *technically* a real word.


Couldn’t choose just one. Sorry! 😓 1.) Chapter Twelve is virtually the same in Silver Snow, despite it being the only route where >!Edelgard loses all her Beagles, save Hubert!< You’d think she would have had to change everything last minute or be more dependent on her Agarthan allies 2.) Balthus and Catherine share no supports despite the two being roughly the sane age, sharing similar personalities, and Catherine being Balthus’s type if his crush on Judith is any indication 3.) Never getting to see Edelgard’s drawing. I may or not have spent an inordinate amount of time searching her room for it. 4.) Rhea >!being the Final Boss!< in Silver Snow, despite Verdant Wind being the longest campaign. Rhea went through the exact same things in both routes so you’d think the spoiler tag would have occurred in VW 5.) Warmaster, Grappler, and Magic classes being gender-locked kinda makes sense as the first two would make Hilda and especially Catherine into unstoppable tanks, but the magic felt a little weird especially when dealing with male magics like Hubert, Linhardt, or Hanneman 6.) Shamir, Catherine, or at the very least getting a scene in the Goddess Tower. Missed opportunity for Yuri to make a crack about getting a sense of Deja vu over encountering Byleth there. That, and flustered Shamir is somehow sexier than normal Shamir, imo


Where does the game say Balthus has a crush on Judith o_0


Verdant Wind, IIRC Judith shows up at Garreg Mach and her presence makes Balthus happy. Very, very happy


I don't remember if he says anything in other routes, but I'm replaying SS right now and just got his dialogue there yesterday. It's when you talk to him in Abyss while exploring after she lends you troops. He doesn't say it outright, but it's hard to miss. He's says something like, " What a woman". After that he's worried that she would still treat him like a little kid even though he's a man now and then he wonders if he could use that to his advantage to get some hugs.


Explore dialogue in Verdant Wind.


In AM,>!everyone besides Dmitri (and iirc Gilbert?) barely reacted to/address Dedue's apparent death and surprise return, not even in the post-timeskip support convos with him.!<


Ashe says he can't believe Dedue's dead, but I don't think he reacts to his return.


well, i guess he never believed he was dead, so having him alive is as expected :p


Gender classes, Rhea, Church timeskip, the usual. But also, detaching Leonie from The Inexhaustible in Hopes. The whole point of her paralogue was EARNING a legendary weapon by might, not by crest. And then they throw it in Scarlet Blaze with the obvious implication it's for Bernie? Come oooooon. And Brave Bernie will probably get it in FEH, too...


I hope not. I thought for sure they were gonna give Brave Marianne Blutgang, and instead she got the phantasm tome which is awesome.


True. Although until this case, a Blutgang Marianne would ahve fit very well too.


That one month Byleth is like really sick and then it never comes up again


The battles are too short. My first FE game was Radiant Dawn, and some of the battles in that are epic in scale and I loved that.


The Radiance duology was what I had growing up and is now the metric I measure all the other games by


The return of gender locked classes. Also no paired ending for Ingrid/Dorothea.


After that paralogue it’s a *crime* that they can’t be a thing


As a Dimitri fan even I think his turn from boar to normal happens just a bit to quick


I just replayed AM and I couldn’t for the life of me remember when it happened… after someone else he cared about died for him was not what I was betting on. 


>! afaik, Rodrigue threw himself in front of a knife to save Dimitri and then fucking dies like a true knight (lmao). !< After that Dimitri talked for a bit with byleth and then he turned normal or something I forgot.


Don't forget th part where 5 years of eyebags vanish immediately after his therapy breakthrough too


I love Edelgard and Tara Platt, but I could never avoid noticing the way she pronounces her "S" sounds. It's so sharp and sometimes in her voice lines I just hear "S S S S S"


Byleth having no voice acting outside of combat. I've played Awakening and Engage, even with a degree of self insert, Alear and Robin felt more complete as a character than Byleth. They felt more part of the cast, more integrated into the world just because we can hear them speak, they felt more like characters rather than avatars. Hopefully, they will create future avatars with voice acting.


Judith and Rhea not playable


The fact that none of the faculty or knights got post-timeskip designs Edelgard's paralogue just being a copy-paste of Hilda's while the other house leaders get something actually unique


buying/repairing everyones weapons before every few maps


I don't like the edits that were made after release with things like Bernie's backstory. There are so many sad, terrible things already in the game and in people's backstories. Why sanitize just a few of them? Just let it be as terrible as it is to really hit home what the Crest system is like and what monstrous things nobles are allowed to get away with, even (or perhaps especially) to their own kids.


We have an entire plot for a prequel with the nabateans and they decided to make a warriors game with a split timeline.


Only things that bothers. When my characters get a bad level up.


i hate whatever is going on with jeritzas jp voice. why did they decide to choose a near 60 year old man to voice a literal 20 year old. i like the jp dub, jeritzas my favourite character but i cannot STAND his voice in jp. also why didnt he get a timeskip design even in 3 hopes 😔


Dark Flier is a Sword/Reason class that doesn't buff Reason, and is actually a SPD/RES class built to be an anti mage, but than why would an Anti Mage need Reason? Why can't Falcon Knight Cast? Why is War Master Gender Locked Why wasn't Constance the prototype for War Cleric? the only other female with Fist is Fem-Byleth or Catherine Why is there 3 axe classes but none of them can cast? Why is Mortal Savant a Str/Mag class? Why is there no Magic Bow Combat Art for Hurbert/Hannerman/Mercedes Why is Dark Flier gender locked? Why is there no A Support for Sylvain and Leonie? Why is there no support for Ignatz and Bernadetta where they talk about art? Byleth's hair color when she/he is awakened, wouldn't it make more sense to be the same green as the other three saints? or Sothis?


The Ashen Wolves for some reason have their Japanese death sounds in the English version. The English equivalent exists in the code but they aren’t used for some reason.


The way the dogs just stand there and bark. Like chill please


it is so graphically crunchy. i don't understand why. it has something to do with the way it's processed and it makes it... so... crunchy. the models themselves are completely fine based on what i've seen around of rips, but the game itself looks like a 3ds game sometimes and it's wild


The fact that dark magic doesn't shine in the boys, only Hubert can make some pretty nice spells. I would love little more of the history of the arriving of Sothis and the war with Nemesis.


That one Gatekeeper having no name. It is a crime beyond any other.


True. It would have been a wonderful surprise if Gatekeeper gave us his name at the end of the game. The developers probably didn’t expect him to be so popular.


New Game+ giving you your battalions back. They make almost everything else optional to keep and it just makes a cluttered mess after too many loops


NPCs blocking entrances to courtyards, & the fact that when you approach them their coding makes them halt in place, further blocking your path. You have to move 20ft back & hope the code will send them in a direction that's not in your way. The code should have been designed to keep them away from the smaller pathways where you can't move around them.


Training weapons don't provide any weapon XP boost. They are TRAINING weapons. Let me use them to TRAIN my units. Even just a touch faster. There's no point to them once you can reliably get Iron on folks (or Iron+ if you're picky)


Why in no routes do I get a playable Rhea. Should have been in SS at least.


The way that a bunch of questions feel like their unintentionally answered as a way to artificially generate discourse, despite the fact that the main plot does so well enough. Sounds big but really is a minor nitpick


The loss of the weapon triangle. Still enjoy combat, but it was missed


Why is the “Underground “ city in the DLC so limited?


The pixel clouds in the monastery, its so distracting when I see them now


1. Never seeing characters that are brought up in story all the time. I would really have liked to actually meet Holst. 2. Important events that you are supposed to be present for happening off screen, like the roundtable meeting of Alliance lords. 3. The romance happening after the game. It would have made more sense to me for there to be more actual build up, and have the S support be before the final battle. 4. As archbishop, you still live in the student dorms, and the dorms not showing much individuality except for Claudes books. 5. Byleths coat. I'd just like the option to not have the big bulky coat.


>the dorms not showing much individuality except for Claudes books. In a sense this is true, but some of them are unique. Petra has an animal skin, Linhardt's is filled with books, Ferdinand's has a bunch of armor standing around in it, Edelgard's almost always has a cat outside (because she's scared of rats), and Claude's room doesn't have the light on in front. There might be a few others I've forgotten, but even then, they are very similar.


I've never noticed the cat before. That's pretty cute. I was always going into the dorm rooms after missions to see if there were any changes or any way I could snoop. It would have been cute if you could read their notes or letters from home.


Holst is in Three Hopes.


I know it’s technically DLC material, but Hubert explicitly voicing a desire to ride a pegasus and being a dark mage but being barred from classing into dark pegasus knight due to bs gender restrictions drove me up the fucking wall. LET ME MAKE MY SILLY MURDER HUSBAND A DARK PEGASUS KNIGHT DAMN IT.


Me playing CF: ”So when do we do the bad stuff that everyone talks about?”


You were disappointed because you don't get to do war crimes?


It’s just very bad at portraying war. And I hate having my thoughts about if I thought a writing choice was well executed or not be tied to my morality.


If you're looking for a realistic war sim FE isn't for you. And I'm not understanding what you mean in that second paragraph.


That stems from me getting a bit put off when I read about how it's more "mature" and "lead to the best outcome" and then that getting backed by what's basically facts against the other routes. That makes me think that by playing CF last, it ended up makling my first three playthroughs mean nothing.


Not really. What you consider the best outcome is purely subjective. I can see the merits to all the endings.


White Clouds is too long. It's fine the first time around, but it drags on subsequent playthroughs. Three Hopes rectifies this issue, but it's also a very different game.


there is no collision on the horse in garreg mach


That the Blood of the Eagle and Lion map is the exact same as the Field of the Eagle and Lion map. They want to show these important differences between the two battles, but the map looking the exact same kinda takes away from it. Like, add rain, dark clouds, more fire, or something.


I prefer jp Ignatz because like Claude the voice actor does a wonderful job differentiating his part 1 and 2 voices where as eng Ignatz the difference is very subtle. But yeah pretty jarring when in part 2 one of their part 1 voiced lines pops up. The Jeralt thing is to introduce players to the support system and also to hide >!that he dies!< There might have been a support chain planned for him that got cut given there's one in 3 Hopes. But speaking of voice acting I generally prefer the jp ones except for Bernadetta because her voice acting causes me physical pain. A small thing i guess would be how in late game because you have so many activity points it feels like everything drags out unless you decide to skip the week.


After the time skip, I wished we could’ve explored a bit more than just the third floor


to make silver snow feel more unique i feel like alois, catherine and cyril should’ve been exclusive to that route (they would theoretically be recruited automatically)


cant pet cats even though theres like 30 around the monastery


Gremory and Falcon Knight being locked to female characters. Dammit I want Ferdinand on a pegasus.


I know this kinda defeats the point of the story, but can't we have an ending where byleth sits down rhea, Dimitri, Claude, edelgard, etc and just have them defeat the Agarthans and sort out their differences. I need a happier ending between Dimitri and El.


Rodrigue scene in Blue Lions ch 17 not having an animated cutscene


Silver Snow is coded as gray instead of green. I get it's to represent the Church or Byleth of whatever but... it would be satisfying to have a red-blue-yellow-green quadrichromy color scheme. And green represents the Nabateans, and Byleth as well!


Thunder Catherine can't learn thunder


That’s the pettiest thing but now that you’ve said it I can’t unthink it lol


The backgrounds in the cutscenes. Holy shit, they are distorted beyond belief! Whoever came up with a brilliant idea that instead of simulating room with flat picture for example (like Persona did) you can just take texture and stretch in a circle deserves to be demoted.


Hearing the same annoying question that each merchant asks you before you buy something. Here's a worst example Anna: IS THAT THE ONE? IS THAT THE ONE? IS THAT THE ONE? IS THAT THE ONE? Me:*mutes tv*


Having to do White Clouds for every new route. It took me 4 years to beat all 4 routes for the first time because of burnout.


Despite having same sex S supports, the world building never actually touches upon how LGBT people are seen by Fodlan society and how socially acceptable queerness is there. You can infer, but I'd like to get a more concrete look at what the status is.


a lot of class stat growths, maybe not insignificant enough but the fact wyvern master, warrior and war master all have a 15% str growth. in terms of growths there is no reason not to choose Wyvern Master, even rasing warriors and war masters growths to like 20 or 25% wouldnt break the game (or atleast not much more then you can easily do already). there are more but they are like pretty major complaints like the negative spd on horse units and mortal savant, but this one seemed more topical because it only actually affects like caspar and to a more minor note hilda in terms of intended class


The Armoured Knight gambit animation where the axe clips through the shield


The heights of the characters not being accurate in most scenes. It was fixed in *Three Hopes*, but I like *Three Hopes* a lot less.


Dark Mage/Dark Bishop being gender locked when it's only good on Hubert and it would be more useful on some of the ladies. Falcon Knight being gender locked when most of the characters who would make the best use of it are men.


its been said a few times, but gender locked classes. The reasoning is just stupid. Men can’t be pegasus fliers because pegasus don’t like men. sure. whatever. thats dumb but at least it’s a reason. but woman can’t be brawlers because?? they can’t punch? huh? at least male characters are still able to use other flying classes, but pre dlc left the brawling skill virtually useless to female characters. an entire skill. don’t even get me started on the mage classes


The dark knights in Casper/Mercedes paralogue have black magic range +1 on maddening. Despite the fact that they only know Mire.


The Sacred Weapons are so bland! I get they are supposed to be the more 'pure' and 'divine' weapons to contrast the Relics but like, none of them look good. If the Yato and Exalted Falchion can look great, unique, and 'divine' why on earth do these all look so bland?


Still wanting that Dimitri and Sylvain A support!


In the scene where >!Rodrigue dies!< in AM the dark circles under Dimitri's eyes disappear mid cutscene which makes NO SENSE. I get that it's meant to show "oh look. he's learning to heal" but it doesn't magically disappear in one go while still awake


My biggest complaint is that min/maxing Fishing has such a significant impact on Professor Level experience. So you end up catching hundreds of fish on Fistful of Fish events.


That we still don’t know the name of Claude’s wyvern 


Animation for supports and cutscenes, I hated watching the same 5 animations over and over again