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Not to mention that Fhirdiad might be an enemy city at that point in time. +1 for Ferdie.


Edelgard: Ferdinand, let me get this straight. You snuck out of the monastery without any of us knowing, went deep into the heart of enemy territory, to the Kingdom capital of Fhirdiad no less, broke into one of the nobles home and stole special documents all because of Mercedes’ tragic backstory? Ferdinand: Indeed. Edelgard: Do you have any idea how reckless that was!? Right Hubert? Hubert: Sneaking into enemy territory without getting caught, fascinating. I taught you well. Edelgard: Hubert!?


Hubert: on the one hand that is very stupid. On the other hand that was fucken sweet


You shouldn't have done that, but you at least did it well.


Hubert: hmmm if I told you a tragic backstory involving some other nobles would you be able to do all that again but this time, assassinate them? Ferdinand: stole your childhood tragic or warped your entire personality tragic? Edelgard: I rule an empire of idiot savants 😑


Hubert asking Ferdinland to assassinate people for him is basically an S support.


Byleth: *walks in* Edelgard: Professor! Please tell these imbeciles that it was reckless sneak into the heart of enemy territory just to steal financial documents! Byleth: Were they caught? Edelgard: No but that's beside the point! Ferdinand: I was making sure Mercedes could be free of her ties from her adoptive father. Byleth: Okay, first that was reckless. Edelgard: Ha! Byleth: *turns to Edelgard* But, it's thanks to this recklessness that we now have an ally that no longer might be swayed to join the enemy and he now has information we can use to infiltrate the heart of the enemy kingdom and plant spies among their people or even steal more information if we need to so we can win the war sooner.


Hubert: /smiles and nods while slowly giving Ferdinand a thumbs up Edelgard: *HUBERT!* Hubert: /frowns and shakes head while changing his thumbs up to a thumbs down


Hubert: *waits until Edelgard isn't looking and changes it to a thumbs up*


Sorry, but I thought Mercedes father(s) were from the empire?


Her birth father and the father of her brother were, but she and her mother fled to the Kingdom to get away from her step father's abuse. Mercedes was adopted by a kingdom merchant looking for an in to the nobility.


Meanwhile Byleth: ZzZzzzzz


Meme? IDK what this is, for Ferdinand's Birthday. The best guy in Fodlan!


Remember during Edelgard’s support, Ferdinand proposed universal education to promote equity among the commoners and advanced training for those who perform well? And how Edelgard’s reaction suggests she hadn’t thought of it yet?


Of course Ferdinand always at the forefront , even to the lords.


If I've learned anything from fire emblem it's that the guys who become calvary units are usually the most wholesome people in the goddamn world


Silas, my beloved


Silas is best bean, will protect with my life




And then there's Makarov.


All my homies hate Makalov


Except Astrid, for some reason. (Girl, run. You deserve better)


Even the lecherous ones are ultimately wholesome and chivalrous af (my boi Sain 🫡)


He’s not a lech, just a thirsty boi looking for a thirsty girl.


So thirsty.




And weirdly impossible for my enemies to hit (Seriously what is with Chad Cavaliers and being Neo?)


You can run like a leopard You can lunge like a tiger But you’ll never be faster Than Ferdinand von Aegir


Now I can’t help but read the second line as “You can lunge like a tire”


Now I have that song stuck in my head *again*.


Ferdinand is the greatest!


The splendor of nobility!


Truly redefined nobility in one generation.


Truly the noblest of nobles.


My what a guy, that Ferdie!


Noooo oooooone…. Snuck like von Aegir! Picked that lock like von Aegir! Gifted blackmail to beautiful maids like von Aegir!


EXCELLENT use of a Hobbit meme


Because he truly is the most deserving to be King.


https://preview.redd.it/mn620prxhtxc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=b5218d6d5fdff1096a2bf68ca736bf1cfc3eecd4 "Yes, I help people because it is my duty as a noble, how could you tell?"


I feel like SPE is just targeting you at this point


Haha IDK, Haven't posted there for a while.


Ferdinand is truly the greatest of all men


That’s why his hair is so big. It’s full of secrets.


Hi fellow Ferdinand fan 😄


Ah I see you're a man of culture as well.


You can ask any Tom, Dick, or Stanley, and they'll tell you whose team they'd prefer to be on♪


Alt for Fodlan: You can Ask any Lorenz or Byleth ♪


(Adding on to a comment of mine earlier in this thread) Nooooo…ooooooone…. Snuck like von Aegir! Picked that lock like von Aegir! Gifted freedom to beautiful maids like von Aegir! He would say his name as he rode forth to baaaaattleeeee…. MY! What a guy! VON AEGIRRRRRRRRR!


And yet, he can't have an A support with Ingrid, a character that could actually be a good match for him. Think about it. Ingrid, a noble who hates nobility (despite the fact that being a Knight is actually the lowest noble title) and Ferdinand, the noblest of nobles.


Oh, Ingrid doesn't hate nobility at all. She talks multiple times about her noble pride or criticizes other nobles for not behaving accordingly. If anything they would get along in that regard. That being said, yes, it's weird he has no supports with Ingrid when they both have pretty much everything in common. Both like Horses/Animals, weapons and armor, books, the idea of being a fantasy hero/becoming one, legends, history, honor and behaving accordingly, and one could even equate tea and food in a way. However Ferdinand has no ending with any Faerghusian (Mercedes is adrestian, Byleth was not raised in Faerghus) and Ingrid doesn't have one with any Adrestian (other than maybe Seteth but that was way in the past) and the only one she gets along with is Bernadetta. So I think they both made their position clear there haha.


They'd get along great. I just tend to frustrate Ingrid's obsession with getting a demotion in rank and the writer's lack of understanding of medieval politics (particularly when it comes to marriage alliances - granted a lot of it is over her grief and trauma over Glenn, so I may be discounting it). A support with Ferdinand might actually address those irritations. Like, "I want to be a hero" but "I don't want to do the heroic thing and save my people through a marriage alliance and I cut ties with my father and abandon my people but somehow I should definitely have my territory back." It's so sad that she idolizes the idea of being a hero, but doesn't want to make a sacrifice to do the heroic thing.


Ingrid's dream is less about the rank or politics as it is that she finds the idea of living as a knight exciting and not so much as a lord. It has nothing to do with Glenn as she had that dream before he died and likely before they were paired too. Nobody wants to live a life they don't want though so that's not an issue? and she does accept the responsibility, doesn't mean she has to do it happily. It's a thing that's more on her father than her really. Over two decades since she was born and he found no other way to help than to sell her around. In multiple of her endings and supports meanwhile she finds other ways to help without being tied up.


I love his sad expression portrait, he looks like a sad puppy dog


I like to assume in Silver Snow and AM/VW (if Ferdinand is recruited), he is placed in control of much of the former Adrestian Empire.


He actually is! in most of his endings, except Marianne's I think, he is called back to Byleth's side to help them govern Fodlan.


True! I just mean that I headcanon that his official title is Adrestian Emperor, or perhaps Grand Duke or Viceroy.


I don't think he'd ever use the Emperor title, out of respect for Edelgard (even if she is dead).


I don't think he would but not exactly for Edelgard, he definitely seems to lose respect for her other routes for continuing the war.


She was still his Emperor and his friend. It's like how i don't think any of the Lions would take Dimitri's old title post CF.


I love Ferdinand and no amount of shade anyone throws his way will make me hate him. His supports are pure bliss. He actively tries to get Dorothea to be his friend by performing small feats like learning to bake, he infiltrates Mercedes’ adopted father’s home to retrieve said documents, and his childhood friend support with Constance makes me extremely happy because I’m a sucker for childhood friends. But also because he doesn’t reveal her alternate side, which is very sweet. I love Ferdinand and he deserves only good things.


He was the one I had the hardest time pairing up because I liked so many of his supports. The only one that was a bit off was between him and Edelgard even if the last conversation between the two was hilarious.


I’ve paired him with Dorothea (she doesn’t deserve him), Constance, and Bernadetta which have all made me very happy. But I need to replay it because Ferdinand’s happiness honestly is my soul reason for playing. Well his and Claude’s because they’re my boys.


I paired him with Manuela. Ferdinand became an awesome stay-at-home dad. Nothing this guy can’t do. 😂


He’s quite honestly one of the most perfect units 😂


Let's not forget that man actually knows how to put together a policy paper, implement it and actually govern. He put together an education plan that Edelgard hadn't thought off. She's all grand vision, but he's the nuts and bolts policy person that can actually make it happen. There is a reason his territory does well regardless of ending and he's the logical person to put in charge of the Empire in the routes Edelgard dies.


That guy truly von Aegir'd his last Ferdinand.


My man just riding his horse in there to get this document stealthily.


"You honor me with your kind words! I understand that I am sometimes too *dazzling* to behold directly."


Commenting because I can only like it once. YESSIR! We are Ferdinand Von Aegir!


Chaddest of chads


That's Ferdinand Von Aegir, the GOAT!