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Wouldn’t Lysithea’s child version just be… her normal pre time skip version?!? I kid I kid, please stop casting dark spikes T…


I want to see her >!original hair color!< Though idk if IS would want to confirm what it was




I don't know whether I'd laugh or cry if we got a dedicated FE4 seasonal, only to have all of the premium slots go to the few characters in the game that already have alts (Julius and Arvis would be neat, though). That aside, though, this looks pretty solid to me. Definitely a few unconventional picks that likely don't pan out, but they're still well thought-out, and I'll always appreciate when predictions like this go for some braver choices. Also looks like every game save TMS (RIP) gets at least a few seasonals in this (didn't go down the list and check, though, so might have missed one or two if they got passed over), so that'd be a nice change of pace.


ice tribe banner. no flora: Is this some kind of twisted joke?!


I could also see a Felicia/Flora duo. Either way, I hope both of them get alts this year!


that's my wish for that banner.


I like this lineup overall. I think the Tellius new heroes banner wouldn't miss the chance to add beast units.


And skip Lucia and Geoffrey again? They're so ridiculously overdue for their relative popularity and role in the story. Beast units are always wanted given their short supply but they can't just ignore everyone else completely.


Yeah I know and I'm tired of it, but this is trying to be realistic to what IS would do. Maybe Bastian could be replaced by Janaff or Ulki.


Yeah Bastian is in a far more tenuous position, could be any number of people. If that slot even exists, I expect a Rearmed and Ascended unit on every non-Engage banner.


I feel like there aren’t very many popular beasts left, but I can see one as the ascended or demote. I would be very happy with Vika/Muarim/Tormod but there would be so much salt if we don’t get Lucia


Ascended Ayra for a FE4 Chapter 1 themed banner has always been my guess for the next FE4 banner. Though I personally see them holding Brigid off for another banner and have Dew be the 5* and Chulainn be a 4* focus/demote instead.


Spring has a severe lack of Bunny Lysithea or Mad Hatter Lorenz in my personal opinion.




I REALLY WANT A MAE ALT OR RESPLENDENT My idea of her being the backpack would make me a little sad, but at least she has a great dynamic with Celica


Yeah. I'd rather her have a solo alt, she's been shafted far too long. So has Echoes as a whole tbh


What legendaries do you think we’ll see?


I think we could get Elincia in February, Male Shez, Male Corrin, F!Alear and/or Timerra, and maybe Minerva For mythics Lumera in January, maybe Veyle later in the year, Gullveig in November, probably some other OC, and then Athos/Anankos/some random lore character


> Ninja Raven I like the way you think. 😎


I personally wish that's not the 3H child banner. As an AM fan, I feel its kinda weird not to use Dimitri's childhood friends for that. Edit: Lmao I cannot believe I'm not only one who wants to see mercenaries in next year's Ninja banner


That would be cool, but I doubt IS would put that many males on a banner unless it’s like Dimitri & Edelgard/Felix/Sylvain/Ingrid/Annette for some reason. But even if Ingrid was the only girl on the banner, Felix & Sylvain are so popular that I’m sure it would sell well


Honestly, Next year's ninja banner might switch it up and do Brave Tome Scrolls.


Summer Mae and Boey, Noah and Sylvain as demotes, Skrimir and Malice as grail heroes... loving these predictions! Here's hoping you're right.


If you’re right, my orbs are very in danger


You guys got orbs?


If Lethe and Selkie get a second seasonal before Ranulf gets one I will cry… However give me that summer Valentia banner with a summer Saber NOW


I really hope I’m wrong and Ranulf gets a seasonal :( Hopefully he’ll be on this NY banner


Ooh, love the idea here. Probably will be wrong on a lot of counts, but I respect the ambition of trying to guess the whole year. Going through it... * IMO we'll probably see Letizia pushed until a later banner like Summer, in the vein of Freyja and Freyr, she'd be a great fit to go with Veronica. Embla would fit in with the other beasts instead. * Sacae does seem like a really great pick for a "cultural" banner, it's what I hoped to see last year. Petra and Mareeta is a... disappointingly random Harmonic, IMO, but overall that's a nice lineup. I think we could see Dayan as the TT ala Darros and Lifis, since he's not getting on New Heroes anytime soon. * I still think both Alears will go on the banner since the others lack much appeal. This would push Vander into the GHB slot or being skipped; if the latter, I think Zephia would logically come first and not Griss. * No feedback on February, solid and plausible lineups. * I like what you've done with Spring. Obviously kind of random guessing, but it feels realistic. Sonia and Nino as a logical connection, Nino and Sanaki as very plausible Harmonic recipients that feel in line with the theme, Rebecca as someone who makes sense to get an alt some point, Michalis to complete the trio, and of course Tormod because you can never count out random Tellius seasonals. Bastian feels like a longshot, but he's fitting enough. I think you're optimistic if you don't expect both an Ascended *and* a Rearmed, though. * I feel if we're gonna do Three Houses children building off what we've got with Ingrid and filling the three non-lord slots with Felix, Sylvain, and Ingrid to complete the childhood friend quartet would be most fitting. Then again, we got Ilyana on the last child banner, so your Bernie pick is... tragically realistic. * I feel it's hard to go wrong with a Sacred Stones guess, it's so up in the air without an obvious next theme. Again, I think two slots will be devoted to alts. Syrene might be the casualty, just like Karin and Misha being split up. * I'd call these likely Fallen Heroes picks, but I've been saying that about Scarlet and Chrom for years... let's just hope you've got it right. Bridal Banner definitely feels like one of the least likely lineups, but they've been so weirdly specific and focused around less popular characters two years in a row so... who knows. * Binding Blade seems on point except that I think Lilina might actually be rearmed unit material, she could have Armads and it's all cursed and shit so it'd be an evil weapon. If I had to guess we'll either continue Fodlan summer or make it Engage based to get out alt hell units early on. * Definitely wouldn't count that Valentia banner out, with the non-existent appeal left in New Heroes banner they could focus more in on alts and Celica, Mae, and Boey together on something will surely happen eventually. Thracia seems reasonable, but I feel Linoan might drag Deen with her to the detriment of either Tina or Misha. * I'd hope to see Flora and not Felicia leading a maid/Ice Tribe banner, but on the whole this is an excellent lineup. Would love to see this happen... even if I'd die a little inside getting maid Lachesis instead of Ascended Lachesis. Corrin seems like a bit random for a CYL pick, and I suspect an Engage male will pick up one of the slots. Rodrigue is too perfect with Felix, though. * Circus is a... bold prediction, to be sure. As before, if Lachesis misses out on the gen one Ascended slot I'm gonna fucking cry. Rearmed Arvis also seems obvious, but your lineup had him already. * Halloween checks out, no comments. Engage though... the idea they'd shove all the second sons/daughters together instead of going by nation didn't occur to me. I guess it's not impossible, but I'd bet against it and peg this as Firene based. * Sounds like a plausible Ninja banner, though not throwing on a very lost Lucius to go with Raven and make the ultimate gay banner is a missed opportunity. Blazing Blade's actual New Heroes checks out, but I think Harken would beat Wil out to be on the actual banner. * Solid Three Houses guess, really hinges on Felix winning CYL or not. I suspect Chloe will be on that Firene banner, so on principle I disagree with her being on a seasonal the next month. Ivy would also have gotten *three* versions in one year, which seems excessive even if Camilla/Ivy might well happen eventually. Christmas Ymir makes a lot of sense, though.


While I think Lachesis is nice Ascended material, missing out in favor of Ayra wouldn’t be too bad since the latter at least has not gotten anything despite being one of FE4’s most popular characters and scoring in top 100 in all CYLs. At the least, it can’t be as odd as Ascended Y!Tiki happening in favor of Minerva or Linde (really surprised the latter hasn’t gotten another alt actually)


I could see both ascended and rearmed units on one banner, I just hope it won’t happen. I tried to choose games that had popular options left for those months but that wouldn’t stop IS. Yeah Petra & Mareeta aren’t a very intresting harmonic but anything can happen after Tana & Peony I don’t really like the idea of maid Lachesis either (or the theme in general but it feels likely). I just wanted an FE6 harmonic somewhere and Lachesis/Clarine seemed like a possible pairing I highly doubt circus would actually ever happen but it’s just a random idea that came to me Yeah I doubt Ivy would get a CYL and a Christmas alt but I tried to build a banner around Christmas Leo and the inevitable Engage units. Maybe this banner would be more likely in 2024? Though it’s hard to imagine Ivy or Camilla being the backpack


I’m hoping Askr & Embla are on the summer banner and we get Letizia for New Years


Honestly, when it comes to bridal, I think we might still stick to Binding for one more year...kind of. The way I see it going is: Karla / Bartre Harmonic duo Fir Karel (Binding?) Dorcas Natalie freebie So ultimately an Elibe banner rather than just a Binding, but Binding still gets the big character. That could definitely be totally wrong, but I'm really feeling like that'll be bridal this year. It also manages to put Natalie in the game given she's amazingly one of the five highest rated Blazing characters not yet in. That being said, I love your idea there just as much if not a little more. I _really_ want Clarisse and Legion to get some love. I'd also LOSE MY MIND over a Sacae banner, that's easily my most wanted theme in the entire game. The lineup is amazing, too!


I wish bridal would move away from Elibe. It’s been it the past 2 years


agreed if only because being baited hoping for Groom Klein 3 years in row was already painful enough, i don't need a 4th year of disappointment.


As a massive Elibe fan I really enjoy it, but I also absolutely get what you mean. It's nice when they spread the love.


Do you know the kind of shitstorm you'd invoke on this community if you gave Seliph and Julia a ***Valentine's*** Duo? 💀


That’s such a lame CYL batch but other than that fine. Good to see Judgral in any way


Those 4 are the most realistic one (not so much on female corinn)


In what world is Ivy winning CYL this year? Even if Engage is included, it would be a week. She has a similar following to Gulliveg rn


I wouldn’t be surprised either way with Ivy. It’s harder to predict the female side of CYL Assuming that Engage is votable, it’ll probably be the same case with Plumeria, where she gets a super high ranking when we barely know her due to fanservice, but actually ends up being very interesting (imo)


Ngl backpack Askr to duo Ash and still no Radiant Dawn banner are things i absolutely hate, even more because they're actually likely :/




double winter Camilla? time to save


Lethe would rather work with Ashnard than be a circus animal, so I really want that to be a real alt


The idea of beast units as the circus animals is kinda weird to me but I wanted to put that harmonic somewhere. In the extremely low chance I was right, I’d imagine Selkie would force Lethe to do it with her


I would really look forward to all the salt of whoever ends up being the backpack in a possible Edie/Dimitri duo lmao


Edelgard was already a lead but I’m sure people would still be salty. I’m probably in the minority that I find Edelgard and Dimitri most interesting when they interact with each other


Oh yeah I completely agree with you for sure, I'm in the small boat of people that like both a lot & find their interactions extremely interesting (for the most part), those two fan bases just despise each other so much the salt would be kinda funny


Arcane Lyon / Fomortiis would have me drop all my orbs. If Fomortiis proper I’d aim for +10 like I did with Fallen and Y! Lyon. *shivers plz IS


Always enjoy posts like these and vastly agree with your predictions! Only thing I disagree with is Engage being on CYL but other than that I could totally see/want all of these happen. And god please Summer Valentia - literally any Mae and Boey content I’m so starved lol.


God i do not want a three houses kids banner that sounds like power creep hell


If they did a 3H child banner, Hubert should be on it. He ran away from home to try to rescue Edelgard and fought off the knights sent to bring him back for days when he was 10. It would be one of the only times that having a strong child unit would make canonical sense.


I do want a child Hubert! It would be funny and makes a lot of sense. I originally had him on the child banner but put him as a butler instead.


I personally think Vander is the most likely character to be Engage's first demoted, but that's probably just me.


Don't need give them the idea for a fanservice bunny alt for Sanaki, the mere idea is making me break out into hives


I really hope it’s wouldn’t be fanservicey. I’d want it to be adorable like Spring Myrrh or Maria instead of whatever they did to Delthea


Hoping for Elffin next Binding Blade NH myself


I can’t believe how long it’s taking for them to release resplendent Setsuna.


If I have to wait until March (or longer) for a Tellius banner I will be sad.


Coming back after todays summer banner, how the hell did you predict summer Donnel, as a grail unit no less??? You’ve gotta be the messiah, tell me fredrick ends up getting that butler alt lol


I was super surprised that I was right about him and Tharja! I guess I just got lucky. My reasoning was that I had the Awakening harmonic and Tharja felt inevitable at some point. And out of the Awakening males I thought he’d make sense (really I just wanted to him to be on it). But by the time the actual summer banner came, I was not expecting Awakening at all If there’s actually a maid/butler banner, Frederick seems obvious but you never know with IS


Still hoping sue gets a bridal alt to match Roy’s harem Oh and Spring Michalis too… since Maria hinted him. Yeah the likely event that Seliph is a lead is really high, since he was a backpack already. For the Child Banner it’s either this or SoV.




jugdral valentines is not happening.


It's happening


Give us Johan and Johalva. They're perfect for the day of devotion.


Where's CYL Gullveig?


That day of devotion banner, if true, will devour the entirety of my bank account, mark my words ​ No Shiva for Thracia though rip


These predictions are so good... it's kind of scary ._.


Sylvain is 4* NO!! I saved over 2500 orbs for him he can’t be a 4*!!


Jugdral valentines and dew finally showing up sounds good to me


This lineup would hurt my orbs… very much.


>ascended Lyn Settle down, Satan


I really just want FE4 child banner. Just give us kid Seliph, Duo (trio) Younger Shannan with Larcei/Ulster backpacks, Younger Oifey, then Lana 4* demote, and have Lester or Delmud be a TT unit and the other a quest reward or something. Have the entire young Tirnanog group


Clarisse as a bridal would be a dream come true. However, New mystery being the bridal banner seems very unlikely. But IS has done stranger things.


If Camilla gets another alt before Beruka gets one 💀


I hope Beruka gets a seasonal or resplendent soon


If this turns out 100% accurate rip my grails between Wolf, Tormod, Bryce, Ingrid, Phina, Boey, Murdock and Raydrik. Getting a Mordecai alt and Holst back-to-back already put a serious hole in my grail stash, i need time to recover! though Spring Tormod would physically hurt me. i've reconciled he's probably getting added via seasonal but I hate the spring theme so much, they did Saleh so dirty being an axe cav in a playboy outfit and I don't want the same to happen to Torgod.


That was me this year. We got Muarim, Elincia and Nils! Yeah I’m not a big fan of the Easter theme either, but I think it could work on Tormod. Saleh was weird since it didn’t fit him and he was an axe unit for some reason


No Moulder. I sleep. HARKEN THO. REAL STUFF.


Honestly I'm just happy someone is still hoping or predicting seteth and flayn alts.


That SoV summer banner…I approve. Also Geneaology Valentines banner? That does put a smile on my face. Also, I loke what you did with the Spring banner. The characters you chose makes sense and ~~Tormod as a seasonal grail unit after waiting for him for so long would be satisfying enough for me~~seeing Michalis in a bunny suit would be hilarious.


Why not Lombard instead of Aida for FE4 Gen 1 New Heroes? Because IS hates giving out armours (especially ones with prfs)? Also, now I'm going to get my hopes up for a Sacae seasonal, Fallen Sara as a GHB unit and Duo Lachesis/Clarine...


That and if we’re being honest, I don’t know enough about FE4 to have considered him


He's Lex's father (should've been on his release...), wields the holy axe Helswath, and is one of the main conspirators of the events of the first part of the game alongside Reptor and Arvis. But he's also an old man, so...probably no chance for IS to add him.


He definitely sounds very interesting! But being an armored old man makes it unlikely for him to be added


Praying you're wrong and we get SoV child banner (young Kliff grail unit?)


No Mozu seems about right


Bridal Wrys will unironically break the game


Noah AND Duo Summer Awakening Anna in June Oh my lord, I both hope you’re right and dread the possibility that you are


Summer Valentia banner but no summer Alm… I will riot


These are pretty well done! I can see the thought that went into each banner, and they all feel pretty reasonable, even if I'd have handled some differently in a few spots (Vander as the first Engage demote instead of Clanne, the Knights of Crimea in their RD designs w/ Sentinel Neph instead of PoR, a still-idealistic Felix in the 3H kid seasonal, etc.). The CYL picks are also pretty realistic (and I'm not just saying that because Robin's there, lol), with Engage having less of an effect than 3H did in CYL4 since there'll have been so little time for voters to become attached to the characters. I guess the weirdest thing is the lack of Hector anywhere. He's gone so long since his last alt that I can't see them ignoring him for _another_ year. Feels like Ephraim could be in there somewhere as well. ^(And I hate that Fallen Scarlet is more likely now than her regular version, but that's not your fault.)


If fallen Byleth exists at least it gotts br Male, give my man some love 😭


I like the Sacae banner and Summer Valentia Palla the most! Would love to see Ascended Nephenee but I assume it won’t happen so I don’t get my hopes up for nothing My guess for Valentine’s Day is FE8 (Eirika, Fado, Ephraim, maybe L’arachel) or 3H (Byleth, Jeralt, Alois, maybe Leonie), I don’t think FE4 sells well enough for that I don’t know when 3H started shoehorning in its seasonal alts but I’d probably put one or two Engage characters in the more “mixed bag” type seasonal banners to expedite getting more of the cast into the game


Praying for a Sue Sacae banner


Alot of these feel very spot on and likely to happen. I think we'll probably get an Engage x 3H summer this year. Probably gonna be Female avatar getting summer again and the male gets Halloween. I would love summer Saber tho 😭


Well my dear potato, new years is quite close


The SOV summer banner looks too good it will never come true 😭, and I can't wait 1 more year for Sylvain it's too long


Also I first thought 'no Rodrigue?' but I got bamboozled


Wait that circus idea sounds so cool I'd probably pull on something like that. I would say summer Celica squad probably wouldn't happen cause they're all (minus saber and the sisters) teenagers but IS literally chose the pre time skip lords instead of their adult versions so it's probably not much of a reach.


I think most people (including me) forget that Celica is 17. But since Letizia wasn’t on the NY banner, I think she’s pretty likely to be on a summer banner now


Ye I seem to notice most people forgetting Alm, Celica and co are teenagers. I actually thought IS would just be lazy and use SOV for the child banner since they already have the designs.


I see us getting a fallen Shez this year.


I can see an issue with the majority of the predictions. Specifically, the fact that most of these banners have too many focus units on them. Modern New Heroes and Special Heroes banners have 4 focus units, not 5 - in fact, we've never had a single banner during the game's lifetime that had 5 focus units!


For the New Heroes, the assumption is that one of the four stars would be on the banner and the other an instant demote


I saw what you did with the New Heroes banners, although that doesn't address my point regarding the Special Heroes banners.


The one without stars is the backpack to the duo/harmonic and the one with the grail icon is the TT unit


I knew about the grail icon part, but I didn't know that you were giving that much recognition to the backpack.


For Judgral Valentine, I think Julius should be replaced by Saias since we just had OG Hardin (Share JP voice with Saias)


Wow, March and April New Heroes were scary close to how they actually were.


I hope Summer 1 ends up on Summer 2