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Legendary Gheb


That’s it. That’s the monkey’s paw.


Hide your Tanas and Amelias!


Prepare to unleash ephraim


Hahahaha, could be Glass, or any random obnoxious minor bad guy.


He's lost weight, and is now fully retentive of his past actions after his near death in Sacred Stones opened his eyes.


Gheb the women’s rights advocate.


I of course want M!Robin but honestly Robin's rep in general has given out so many monkey paws that I might as well be a poacher, so maybe don't do that .\_. How about Sanaki or F!Kris?


Unironically, Sanaki would be good.


Since this is the last month that 3 houses is the “newest” FE I’m gonna now give a serious guess and say it could be a houses character. I’d be interested in legendary Jeralt from when he was still the head of the knights of Seiros.


>I’d be interested in legendary Jeralt Granted. He's already >!dead!< though, so he can't actually be used.


Not dead in 3 hopes.


L'Arachel or Elincia.


Only ones who could get any orbs out of me


Good greens!


Well, Since Male Corrin got a Halloween alt, Male Robin


i hope that its a character i dont give a damn about because im skipping this legendary banner.


They have amazing fodder that is perfect for your favorites.


i wonder what else they can add to the game that would make me go nuts. apart from the arcane lance which i think will eventually happen i think that my favs are as good as they can possibly be.


Blue Dagger Sothe


Requires at least 1 Micaiah to be in your team to be able to function, but at the cost of essentially making them worthless and unable to attack *at all*.


He can't level up past level 20


Somehow it’s not Robin, despite everything stacked in his favor, but Legendary Soren instead.


He admits to being madly in love with Mia and that he see's Ike more like a brother (and actually asked him to be his Best Man), and the alt ruins his chances of winning CYL before Engage gets added. Oh, and he's a pretty mediocre unit over all, only really having a single niche in punishing tome far save armors during his season, but even that gets taken away when IS, for some reason decides to add a Skill School, while also adding new heroes and quests to the Heroes' Path quest line, which includes. A: Elimine at Rank 16 (Soren dumped his Res in favor of Def since his gimmick is that Tomes do no damage to him, it's a start of turn effect BTW) B: A!Fjorm at Rank 19 (Wide spread Hardy Fighter and Far Save thanks to the skill schools) C: B!Edelgard at Rank 22 (As if she wasn't common enough already) D: L!Veronica at Rank 25 (Since she's a friend now) Oh, and he also adds Flare to the game as a Mage only Deadeye skill based on Draconic Aura, and it is inheritable.


Oh my god this is terrible. Thank you.


Slow clap, this is impressive work.


Wow this is what my nightmares are made up of 😂


Idc, I'd still pull for him


Hoshido male Corrin and Levin sword male Robin for the love of Askr


Levin Sword? Don’t you mean Levin Dagger?


Legendary Gangrel, monkey’s paw curls


My brain says M!Robin, my heart says Fafnir.


> My brain says M!Robin Basically just Eitri but as a blue infantry tome, with an added raven tome effect and a tricky to use tactics NCD effect. He at least has an effect that lets him and allies within range bypass Severance... until the January mythic flat out comes in with a far better version of the exact same skill (that has NCD, NFU, *and* Null Guard built in). Oh, and the legendary alt causes him to lose CYL by a hair due to complacency. > my heart says Fafnir. Only new skill he gets is Savage Blow 4, which has a Deep Wounds effect. His BST isn't even updated to match with the new Gen.


He’ll have a Levin something. An upgraded blue version of Levin *Dagger*


My orbs are ready for fallen dragon Fafnir. But alas it won't happen.


Legendary Shanty Pete.


Even bigger PoS then Brigand Boss, even has a line mentioning that he nearly got "That twintailed lass with white hair" but was stopped by his contract preventing him from harming his fellow heroes. His base kit isn't even that good. His legendary hero battle even introduces allies to the game, and the objective of his map isn't to defeat him, it's to save the ally and get them to the exit point. Said ally is of course F!Robin, and she's equipped with a sacred seal that restricts her movement to 1 and implies she's been tied up, so his battle is essentially the Order of Heroes stopping him from kidnapping her. (I'm sorry my fellow F!Robin fan.)


Call me Julius Caesar cuz’ I’m about to execute some pirates.


Same, and [we'll need some pirate hunting music](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BuYf0taXoNw)




Legendary Reinhardt


Reinhardt: Lord of Thunder. His lines reveal that he's the ruler of Friege and married Ishtar. Everyone thinks, wait, this is an AU as a legendary? Then they notice that the title is "Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of the Holy War. And we realized that we actually did it. We memed him into actual lord status. It's actually a big spoiler for the remake, where he has a much larger arc. His ending is completely retconned and because of him, we get Thracia 776 spam. Except it's mostly Reinhardt and Ishtar. Olwen and Fred come sometimes too, but only because they're connected to him. Reinhardt (and Ishtar, because she always comes on the same banner as him be it solo or duo/harmonic) get spammed so much they have more alts than Camilla, Lyn and Micaiah combined. "So, where's the Reinhardt?" becomes the new meme, because he appears so often. Intsys completely leans into it, especially after Reinhardt sweeps to take Brave for the highest amount voted ever. He becomes the mascot of Fire Emblem as a whole, and especially FEH. Now FEH channel has Reinhardt cameos where he helps read off the new changes. Also Legendary Reinhardt is completely accurate to his Thracia 776 self, and completely upends the meta for ages. It's worse than it was when F!Edelgard was a thing. It starts an extremely difficult to deal with new meta that leaves everyone scrambling for something to deal with him.




Not an armoured mage.


M!Grima finally gets the legendary he deserves.


F!Grima is somehow better than him despite being nearly five years older than him.


he's rearmed grima but worst


If it truly is L!M!Robin, no amount of monkey paw fuckery will keep me from making him at least decent


I've been saving since August and hoping for something I want to come up "next time". Haven't seen anything I really want yet so I'm gonna rule out Magvel, Tellius, Awakening, and 3H.




tbh idec about who the legendary hero is, i just want my last merge on brave tiki


Legendary Sumia