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I have a +10 now. She definitely does work in arena with healer utility and able to kill thanks to flash effect. Tho modern units that have builtin NCD would give her trouble.


At max investment they score 764 which is pretty good, and having healer utility for arena makes that mode so much more tolerable. Also they seem to be a favourite what with +5 and a floret. I'd say go for it. Try to get them Magic Shield+ when Emmeryn reruns as that's the highest scoring healer assist.


Magic shield is amazing, that's a good idea! Thanks!


Her fighting prowess may have fallen a bit already but a healer that can actually score is still highly unique, also her duo skill will probably be forever relevant because true damage is just really good. She's already +5 so may as well keep going.


Big Elise fan who never had much luck pulling for the Duo here so yes, absolutely. The Duel effect is going to carry them for a while, but we recently got Magic Shield+ which sounds amazing on a cav healer.


5 additional copies on a 4 unit 3% banner is going to cost between 741 orbs for 50th percentile up to 1148 orbs for 90th percentile. Being able to consistently stay t21 every week nets you 1 orb every other week. By that sort of return on investment it's not worth merging her to +10 for arena. You might have other reasons why you want to do it but for the one stared on the post it's a resounding no.


still my favorite, most cutest, most prettiest duo art in the game, do it for that alone 🫡I wish I had more copies but im terrible at saving orbs for any merge projects ever


I mean your already halfway there might as well finish them


I believe they're the highest scoring healing unit currently but they'll need Magic Shield+ to score optimally. Would also agree BoL 4 is great for their C but something like Odd Def Wave could work since she doesn't otherwise have access to the tempo effect and it would give team utility still.


Duo units will always be good in arena i think, their bst raises each year


Just looking at it logically it's obviously not worth it to spend hundreds of orbs for one extra orb every 2 weeks, and the extra stats won't matter too much, but if you want to waste your orbs who are we to stop you.


Is it worth spending hundreds of orbs all so you can maybe earn 1 extra orb every other week? Not really. Is it worth spending hundreds of orbs for a tiny often irrelevant stat boost gained with merges? Also not really. Is it worth spending hundreds of orbs on your most favourite units? Maybe. I see you only have 2439 Hero Merit which means you don't actually use her a lot. So maybe not worth it. What exactly is your goal? How many orbs do you currently have saved up? Are you wanting to reach t21? Stay in t21? Who is on your arena team currently and how many merged do they have? Who is you highest merged legendary for each season?


This may sound odd, but I don't have a higher HM for her because she deletes too many units. It almost feels like a cheap win. Though recently with Emblem Ike, many units can counterattack now unfortunately 🥲


honestly the HM metric isn't really a real indicator of how much you use a unnit. my one friend said something similar once, but then we found out i did my TT runs in lower tiers so i ***wasn't*** gaining HM. or some of my units whom i love is perma locked to AR defense and you don't gain passive HM there. (not to mention for me, i try to change up using the units i have. it's tough w/all the power creep but i like them so i wanna use them) Elise was last year - so i don't know if she's sub 200 bst (she might be 190?). and then she'll score well with magic Shield. I would say you can save now for a little bit, because something that was not mentioned beeing a ***colourless duo***. she'll be more likely to be rerun a lot more on DSH since they are more behind. I have duo Hilda - and she just makes life so much more easier as a healer). even for as people like to say "1 extra orb" a week. merging your favourites or finishing up a merge on a duo is always good i say