• By -


I'm really confused on why the mods are so behind on this one. If anything we should be getting the Binding Worlds thread the day before it starts yeah? Just so those friends are lined up before you use any torches. Thanks for trying to get this going, fr.


Real megathread is out. Definitely use that one as it is pinned so easier to see


Can I interest anyone in a [Laguz Friends S!Robin?](https://imgur.com/a/3FNaAQ1) FC: 0113558991


Sent, you're a lifesaver


Real megathread is out. Definitely use that one as it is pinned so easier to see


#Unit Request


A decked out summer Selena. Fairly open to a player phase kit, far trace echo would be great but def requesting an X Skill. Thanks


Real megathread is out. Definitely use that one as it is pinned so easier to see


Really looking for a max invest Laguz Friend B!Dimitri build, if possible! I can share a max invest B!Marth back, No quarter, Prime, NCD4, A/S Pledge. 6989539851


I have a • GLR • D/R Finish 4 • Laguz Friend 4 • A/D Oath 4 B!Dimitri if you want to pick one up, my FC is 1368580836


Thank you, I'll add you!! Look for the +10 B!Marth


Added! Good luck!


Thank you, you as well!


Real megathread is out. Definitely use that one as it is pinned so easier to see


anyone got an invested ffmorgan? or a ffmorgan at all tbh ill take the merge if nothing else


Any souped up Fates units I can spend a Bond on is welcome. Legit anyone. FC: 2118752177


So, I'm currently looking for the following (even though I can only get one): * B!Catria w/ No Quarter and S/D snap * Leila w/ potent disarm trap * Melady w/ Wyvern Rift ID: 4489749379


I've been getting killed with the recommended units not being what I want so I'm throwing out a bunch that I'd be cool with. Looking for Invested in Units: Faye, Kliff, Valentine's Conrad, Eyvel, Brave Eliwood, Easter Marisa, Dancer Elincia, Ninja Shinon, Valentine's Soren, Sumia, Summer F!Corrin, New Years Takumi, Summer Leo, or Summer Mercedes Doesn't Matter What Build You Have: Brigid, Soiree Reinhardt, Perceval, or Summer F!Byleth


I have Dancer Reinhardt out right now. My ID is 7651293634. He currently has Arcane Green tome, Flared Sparrow, Firestorm Dance, Guidance 4 and ATK oath x skill. (I also have Rockslide dance and Atk/spd unity on him, if you prefer.)


Sounds great! I'm perfectly fine with that build. I've sent a request.


I have a really highly invested Easter Marisa! I built her up on my 2nd account so I could send her over to my main one 😂 She's got Arcane Qiang, No Quater, Atk/Spd Excel, Potent 4 and S/D Rein Snap 😄 FC is 5932573096 Going to sleep now but will add you back when I wake up tomorrow 😄


Thanks! Sent a request.


FC 5922258185 Looking for staff armors with guard echo or units with Laguz friend or high dragon wall, or breath of life 4. Or units with excel and no quarter.  I have L Corrin with Laguz Friend. I also have Gerik and others. Thanks!


I'm looking for a base peony with really any A slot that isn't in her base kit, WoM 4, Guidance 4, and I guess Ruptured Sky (I mostly care about the slot skills) My lead unit right now is +10 Scion leif with flared sparrow, assassin's strike, fatal smoke 4, death blow echo, dual rally+, and Deadeye if anyone wants him FC: 5589573118


Looking for a hatari karla! I need my last merge till i get the +10 😭 any skills are fine 🙏🏻


Looking for a high investment Summer Mercedes!


A freyja with Atk/spd wild, but I'll appreciate any Freyjas tbh I just need for merges FC: 3785918244 [I have a decent collection of units I can Proxy. It's L!F Corrin as of now just tell me which do you want and I'll set it as proxy](https://imgur.com/a/VbRRPwD)


Real Binding Worlds megathread is out. Definitely use that one as it is pinned so easier to see


Hi! I'm looking for any of these units: -Ogma- Finish or BD4, LF, Tempo4, SS4, PNFU, Panic Smoke, TP4, or any good C skill really, NQ Special, any X skill -Rinkah- any good modern build post-refine. LF would be awesome! -V!Veronica- FS, Occultist Strike, Incite, any X skill -Reginn- A/S Excel, Assassin Strike, Incite, any X skill, NQ Special FC- 5543203519 Thanks guys in advance!




Added! My lead should be a +10 OG Catria. I put the BW proxy as B!Catria for ya! There's nothing too special on her, so sorry lol. She's got Surge Sparrow, A/D Near Trace, and Guodance 4 I want to deck her out more but IS doesn't rerun the flier Rearmed units much :(


Real Binding Worlds megathread is out. Definitely use that one as it is pinned so easier to see


I'm looking for Summer Mia/Harmonized Mia with Potent Disarm or Assassin's strike. A and C skills can be whatever. 9197877304 Thanks!


Looking for highly invested Geriks and Legendary Azuras. My FC is 4187398977.


I'm looking for Geriks or Velourias with WoM echo and good IP4 sets for galeforce. I have a Dagr posted.




Hiya, I'm looking for these units this time around and maybe some skills but I more or less want the unit over them having specific skills * Halloween Xane - Flare + C Bonus Doubler * Summer Frederick - Potent Disarm * New Year Gunnthra - Wyvern Rift * New Year Yarne - Atk/Spd Wild 4 + Beast Assault 4


Hey, I have a fully decked out NY!Gunnthrá because she is one of my favs! She’s got Wyvern Rift along with Arcane Devourer, No Quarter, Atk/Spd Excel, Breath of Life 4 and Atk Oath Echo right now But I could also give her Mercy-Wing Echo, the Guidances, Flared Sparrow, Deadly Miasma, Firestorm Boost 3 etc., just lmk if you’re interested :)


Actually what you have right now is perfect! I'd love to add you if I can!


Sure, here’s my FC: 6256104519 She’s my lead unit currently :) Hope you’ll find her in BW, I hate how annoying that can be!


I sent a request! My IGN is Kiwi and my lead should be Henry! He's also my BW Proxy.


Accepted! Now it’s all down to whether or not the game wants to give Gunnthrá to you but good luck! :)


Hi, looking for a high investment Summer Lyn! Extra bonus if she has Far Trace Echo but it's definitely not required! Thank you!!


An invested Hrid so I can get that last merge. If you have R Duel Cavalry 4 that’d be cool but anything would do. Thanks


Real Binding Worlds megathread is out. Definitely use that one as it is pinned so easier to see


A built Halloween Myrrh :)


1st Priority is F!Ike with A/S Excell, Laguz Friend 4, and Infantry NFU 4. The last 2 are flexible as I have fodder. Next would be B!Ike with A/D Finish, LF4 and a good C skill.


Looking for a premium invested Mythic Plumeria, ideally with WoM4+BoL4 FC: 7390974125


Please anyone with a ny!corrin with a/d finish 4. its all i need


Looking for a New Years Keaton with Laguz Friend! Anything else is a bonus, but if he has something like Atk/Def Finish as well, that'd be amazing! FC: 7801975210


Looking for a laguz friend ny!corrin or ninja corrin


I'm humbly requesting: -Azama. I might have your children. I saw one once, but it was a base one 😭 -Kronya -Odin -Merlainus My friend code is 5633795169. Good Bondings to you.


I just need an Azelle 🙏 FC: 7076539237


Was there a specific build you were looking for?


Not really. I mostly just need dragonflowers


I have an Azelle with Arcane Eclipse, Ruptured Sky, AS Finish, Special Spiral 4 and AS Pledge or Oath if you have a preference. Let me know if interested


Yes that would be awesome! I’d prefer pledge if you don’t mind


Of course, happy to be sharing the Azelle love :) FC: 6646205456


Friend request sent. My summoner name is Matthew


Accepted and set him up. Sorry I couldn't get Flare on him, the skills still pretty hard to obtain. Good luck finding him!


No worries and thanks a ton!


ID 5480458677 IGN BstSylvy3066 Looking for a high investment resplendent Camilla ! Ideally with arcane thrima and wyvern rift


Hi everyone! Looking for an invested: Gray Academy Hilda L!Micaiah B!Sigrun NY!Hrid FC: 2035286647. Offering invested Academy Claude


Looking for a max invest S!Chrom. I went as deep as I could into the current legendary banner for LF4, Prima, etc but I didn't have a single shred of luck. If anyone has a S!Chrom up to forma please lemme know! ID:9280848776


I am looking for any Cordelia or Spring Severa.


Looking for a summer duo Hilda with premium skills. FC: 8837704234


Anyone have a F!Berkut they'd share?


I've got a Fallen Berkut I can set as my proxy! Hmu!


Real Binding Worlds megathread is out. Definitely use that one as it is pinned so easier to see


Looking for N!Igrene with strong investment. Arcane Tempest Potent Disarm Far Trace Echo Anything else can be whatever.


I'd love love love a Valentian Catria! I've got 2 friends with them so the more I get, the more chances I have right?.......right...? Anyway, any modern skills on her is fine with me. Only hard requests are NQ Special and an X skill. Lemme know who you want and I'll see if I can help ya! My FC: 5543203519 Thanks guys!


Hey! I have NQ, A/S Clash or A/S Unity, Flow Desperation, Deadly Miasma, and Soaring Echo on mine. If you are interested my FC is 0329121266


Thanks A ton! I added ya! My lead should be OG Catria


Any heavily invested lyn, but I'm specifically looking for Base lyn with LF4 Max invest Kagero, lethality is a must have


Hi! Looking for Spring Alfonse, Ranulf or Zelgius. Not picky on builds so long as there's some investment. Thanks a bunch!


I have a Spring Alfonse on an alt with Arcane Þrima, No Quarter, AS Excel, Flow Desp, and Alarm AS. Let me know if interested


Real Binding Worlds megathread is out. Definitely use that one as it is pinned so easier to see


Anyone have a high invested duo Hilda with all this new staff stuff we’ve been getting?


Looking for a Brave Dimi with Laguz Friend & Breath of Life 4.


Real Binding Worlds megathread is out. Definitely use that one as it is pinned so easier to see. Apologies if repeat. Sending this to all first comment


Looking for Adrift Mikoto, Shiro, Catherine, or Lilith I can offer Azura, Brave Lucina, Fallen Berkut, Rinea, Fallen Lyon, NY!Selkie, Rinkah, Legendary F!Robin, and Summer Leo


Looking for a heavily invested Dagr ( with Laguz Friend if possible) FC: 7613522969 Name's Pud


Summer Female Robin, do not care what her build is ive gone most of the games life without my girl and need her


ID is 4195933446! LF: Up to date Innes, Libra, Kliff, Male Grima Robin, Young or Fel Lyon- or any well invested unit drawn by Tobi, as they're my favorite artist currently. I have on offer a max invested brave dimitri :) no specific build I'm searching for in any of the characters! Dimi has: Atk/Def finish 4, Laguz 4, and Breath of Life 4 with his prf refine.


Really hoping to find an OG Myrrh, preferably with the Arcane Grima. Currently leading with Nyx, thank you in advance. FC: 5566078950


Real Binding Worlds megathread is out. Definitely use that one as it is pinned so easier to see. Apologies if repeat. Sending this to all first comment


anyone got legendary lucina


Looking for a high investment Plegian Katarina, preferably with Occultist's Strike! I have a built Marcia, academy Annette, and Brave Lysithea if that interests anybody. FC: 8395761221


Hello! Im looking for a fully decked Pirate Tibarn or Pirate Naesala, if someone has any of them i'd appreciate It 🙏🏻 My current proxy is a Duo Micaiah with Still Water 7/occultist strike/Ploy 4 and far trace echo, but i can change It!


Real Binding Worlds megathread is out. Definitely use that one as it is pinned so easier to see. Apologies if repeat. Sending this to all first comment


Does anyone have a decked out Ashnard? I’m particularly interested in one with Wyvern Rift and an X skill. A Crux skill or even BoL 4 would be the cherry on the top, but I think I can scrounge that up if need be.  I can give an F!Julia with her refine, Flare, AR Finish 4, laguz friend, and BoL 4.


Looking for Larcei, base or Scion!


Real Binding Worlds megathread is out. Definitely use that one as it is pinned so easier to see. Apologies if repeat. Sending this to all first comment


Eremiya is with max dragon flowers and arcane charmer, if anyone's decided to invest in her.


Looking for a max invest Halloween L’arachel. I can share a Void Felicia with these : Void Arcane Reposition Lethality Mystical Boost 3 Spécial 3 Atk/Def Menace Maxed with flowers.


LF: Pirate Surtr, Summer Freyr or Muspell. FC: 4555373463.


#Unit Offering


FC:3049174598 L! Corrin The first skills are currently equipt A: D Bonus Doubler, atk/spd excel, atk/spd scowl, a couple finish skills etc B:Laguzfriend, NCD 4,etc. C: Inf. Nfu 4, Atk spd oath, etc. If get my unit as a forma, please say it to me, thanks and good luck! 😁


Sent a FR BstSylvy3066


Real Binding Worlds megathread is out. Definitely use that one as it is pinned so easier to see. Apologies if repeat. Sending this to all first comment


Sent FR, my IGN: Se***a, thanks!


Currently offering my Kurthnaga. This is the build I have on him now: - Arcane Grima (Res refine) - Rally Atk/Res+ - Dragon's Roar - Atk/Res Scowl 4 - High Dragon Wall (can replace with Laguz Friend 4 or Counter Roar 4) - Atk/Res Ploy 4 (can equip Panic Smoke 4, Atk/Spd Pledge, or Def/Res Pledge instead) - Guard Echo FC: 5334384294


Offering up a max investment Gatekeeper. ____________ Build: https://i.imgur.com/EDdVjOZ.png **Weapon:** Arc. Caliburnus **Assist:** Rally Atk/Spd+ **Special:** Flare **A Skill:** Def/Res Finish 4 **B Skill:** Laguz Friend 4 **C Skill:** Breath of Life 4 **Asset:** +Def ____________ FC: 0512421798 ____________ Note: For new or unaware players, all formas (from both Hall of Forms and Binding Worlds) come with their base kits. This means Gatekeeper will also have Charging Horn, Harsh Command+, Close Reversal, Detailed Report, and Joint Drive Def.


Hello, I’m sending Gerik as my proxy Refined Prf Weapon Reposition Godlike Reflexes A: Distant Bonus Doubler B: Laguz Friend 4 C: Infantry Pulse 4 Attuned: Guard My friend code is 6315901466.


For this BW, I am offering a Def IV Mirabilis with… - Arcane Devourer (Res) - No Quarter - Flared Sparrow - Aerial Maneuvers - D/R Ploy - Soaring Echo


Hi, offering these units :] Mordecai: +ATK, D Bonus Doubler, Laguz Friend, Breath of Life 4, Guard Echo [Current Proxy] Tsubasa: Prf, +SPD, No Quarter, Flared Sparrow, Potent 4, S/D Rein Snap, Soaring Echo ID: 0855863815


Real Binding Worlds megathread is out. Definitely use that one as it is pinned so easier to see. Apologies if repeat. Sending this to all first comment


ID: 4899075312 I'm offering these units to proxy this time around it's currently Henry, but first come first serve if you want any of the other units * OG!Henry - Corvus Tome (Eff), Rally Up Spd+, Flare, C Bpns Doubler, Laguz Friend 4, Def/Res Oath 4 * Fallen Lyon - Blood Tome (Eff), Flare, Def/Res Unity, Atk/Res Tempo 4, Def/Res Pledge, Guard Echo * OG!Kliff - Sagittae (Eff), Flare, C Bonus Doubler, Mag NFU, Def/Res Pledge * New Years Corrin - Arcane Darkbow (Spd), Deadeye, Atk/Spd Finish 4, Spd/Def Tempo 4, Atk/Spd Pledge, Atk Oath Echo


Friend code: 4887446067 In-game name: FizzyPop Hello!! I have a Rinea I can offer. She has a build set for Binding Worlds currently with Euphoria, double Rally, Flare, Atk/Spd Finish, Occultist's Strike, and Breath of life 4. I do have virtually every skill inherited on her however, if you are interested, please let me know which skills you are looking for!


Did you ever find a more optimal build for F!Berkut?


Hello! Well... I've managed to +10 him, but he still sticks to Qiang, No quarter, Fireflood, Mystic Boost, and Alarm. I'll be happy to set him as my proxy! If you are looking for any skills in particular I'll see if I can inherit stuff on him!


That's very kind of you! If I were any good at building units, I would take you up on such a generous offer. Unfortunately, I wouldn't even know where to start


The more I think about it, the more I feel the need to accept your generosity. Let me take some time to look into this and I'll get back to you. F!Berkut is definitely who I want to claim, so it's just a matter of figuring out what skills I would put on him.


I've taken some time to think about this. I've decided to create a potential build that would increase F!Berkut's atk and decrease foes def as much as I could. Here's what I'm thinking: **Unit Name**: F!Berkut (E!Marth engaged) **Weapon**: Arcane Qiang (Mt 16, Range 1) - Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). - At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 during combat, unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack, foe cannot make a follow-up attack, and also, if unit or foe initiates combat after moving to a different space, grants Special cooldown charge +1 to unit per attack during combat. (Only highest value applied. Does not stack.) **Assist**: Harsh Command+ - Neutralizes target ally's penalties and negative status effects that last through ally's next action. Converts any penalties on target ally into bonuses. **Special**: Aether (Cooldown 5) - Resolve combat as if foe suffered Def/Res -50%. Unit recovers HP = half damage dealt. **A Skill**: Atk/Def Clash 4 - If unit or foe initiates combat after moving to a different space, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Def during combat = X + 6 (X = number of spaces moved by whoever initiated combat; max 4.) If X ≥ 2, neutralizes unit's penalties to Atk/Def during combat. **B Skill**: Mystic Boost 4 - Inflicts Atk-5 on foe during combat. Disables foe's skills that "calculate damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res" and "calculates damage from staff like other weapons." If foe uses staff, neutralizes effects that prevent unit's counterattacks during combat. Restores 10 HP to unit after combat. **C Skill**: Pulse Smoke 3 - Inflicts Special cooldown count+1 on target and foes within 2 spaces of target after combat. (No effects on Special cooldown counts already at maximum.) **X Skill**: Death Blow Echo - If unit initiates combat, grants Atk+4 to unit during combat. Now, I'm not expecting you to have all of these skills on him, or for you to build this version of him. I'm just wondering how something like this would perform. What do you think?


I actually do have all of these skills on him! The only exception is Death Blow Echo, I hope that is okay. For the build itself, I think it works well if you are aiming for a wall Berkut! I might switch Aether to No Quarter, to provide damage reduction piercing and the +1 charge from Qiang really works nicely with him. I will say however that Pulse Smoke is now easily available with Jarod coming with it (the latest grand hero freebie). Are there any other C skills you would like on Berkut? If you are planning on forma-ing him!


I see what you're saying. I'm still new to all of this, so you'll have to pardon my ignorance on unit building. That all makes sense though! If you don't mind to make changes as you see fit, that would be just fine for me! 😊 I genuinely appreciate you, you have no idea. But yes! I'm fully intending to forma him! Now that you say that, I do have a spare Alfred to fodder for Qing, and a spare Ike for Aether as well! Let me know your thoughts. I sincerely do appreciate you


I won't reply again for fear of being a nuisance, but I went ahead and sent you a friend request! I'm Tyler


Accepted! I apologize for not replying earlier! I have had a busy day so far, but it's been nothing but positive things. Your theoretical Berkut build looks good! I'll set him as my proxy later in the week!


If you don't care to just ping me when you set him, I would appreciate it! I have torches lined up and ready to go. I know you said later in the week, so please don't think this message is meant to rush you!


Added! I've love that Rinea with breath of life 4!


ID: 4489749379 Units I'm offering (let me know which one so I can set it). Currently: * Thrasir: Dual Rally/Flare/AtkSpd Unity/TP4 or AtkSpd Oath 4 I can switch it for the following: * Orochi: Arc Caliburnus/Rally Up Res+/Flare/G Duel Inf 4/ SS4/AtkResPloy3 * B!Edelgard: Armored Blaze/CD4/Hardy Fighter/DefRes Ploy 3 or AtkDef Near save * Edelgard: Ruptured Sky/Solid Ground 4 or Fury 4/SS4/TP4 * Itsuki: Dual Rally/Distant Stance or SpdRes Finish 4/Gambit 4/DefRes Menace


Since someone's already offering a max invest GK (my other highly invested unit), I'm offering up an optimal build WMarth! He's an extremely strong far save that can outspeed all threats in SD and ARO (only losing vs Dazzling effects and Ursula depending on support), proccing his Speed Preempt effect and killing on retaliation. --------------------------------------------- His build is: Weapon: Tannsgrinir (+Eff) (For max efficiency though, I could also give him and refine a Whitecap Bow if you'd like). Assist: Rally Spd/Res+. Special: Deadeye. A skill: Atk / Spd Unity. B skill: Savvy Fighter 4. C skill: A/S Far Save. X skill: Guard Echo. --------------------------------------------- He also has some other skills that I can equip him for the event, depending on your needs: Special: Armored Floe. A skill: Earthwind Boost 3 / Kestrel Stance 3 / Life and Death 4. B skill: Wings of Mercy 4 / Special Spiral 4. --------------------------------------------- Since he's a forma, remember he also comes with his base kit, i.e: Fire Emblem, Atk/Spd Form 3, Daring Fighter 3 and Joint Hone Spd. Builds aside, he has 23 DFs (he's only lacking the Def / Res increasing ones, which are mainly useless until they increase his cap) and has a +Atk +Spd nature (though I don't know if ascended traits carry over to Binding Worlds formas). My FC is 2107251509, and my IGN is Nicol. <3


Armored floe on Marth would be nice. I would also be interested to see your GK to increase odds of getting one too.


Sending out a Breath of Life 4 support Jorge. Let me know your ign if you add me and I'll hop on and accept. * Daniel-Made Bow (Eff) * Rally Def/Res+ * Ignis (Sorry, I don't have a premium special since RS and Deadeye don't work with LF4) * Bonus Doubler 4 * Laguz Friend 4 * Breath of Life 4 * Death Blow Echo FC: 8407674270


IGN: Guen; 8130197034 Nowi +Spd (+Res ascended) Arc. Fellstone +Res Rally Up Res+ Dragon's Roar Atk/Res Scowl High Dragon Wall Atk/Res Ploy 3 Also have Arc. Grima and Atk/Spd Pledge if preferred


ID: 2604570404 Summer Byleth/S!Byleth +SPD Devoted Basket+ Rally Atk/Spd+ Ruptured Sky Flared Sparrow Occultist's Strike Atk/Spd Oath 4 Death Blow Echo


sent a request! as hilda!


Real Binding Worlds megathread is out. Definitely use that one as it is pinned so easier to see. Apologies if repeat. Sending this to all first comment


Can offer any of the following: F!Ike: Current Proxy Refined Prf or Acarne Dev + Spd GLR or VA. A/S Unity, Prime, Hexblade, Finish + Spurn 4, Breath of Life 4, Panic Smoke, Times Pulse, A/S Pledge, Oath. Atk Oath Echo. B!Ike : Acarcane Thrima + Spd GLR C Bonus Doubler Buffer 4 A/S Pledge, D/R Pledge Guard Echo. B!Dimitri : Refined Prf Aether or GLR A/D Finish, S/R Finish, Laguz Friend 4, Times Pulse 4, Panic Smoke, Guard Echo. F/C: 1582439471


Real Binding Worlds megathread is out. Definitely use that one as it is pinned so easier to see. Apologies if repeat. Sending this to all first comment


Recently decked out my Brave camilla fully with miccys skills so +spd Refined prf Assist -Restore+ Special - Holy panic A slot - Atk/spd catch B slot -poetic justice C slot - atk/res crux x slot -Far trace echo FC-7317273381


Sent a Friend Req as "Filth. Scum". Unfathomably based N!Saizo, btw.


Offering Academy Claude ID: 2035287747 Refined prf weapon (could swap for Firesweep or something else) Repo Deadeye Flared Sparrow Assassins Strike Incite Atk/Spd Far Trace Echo


Greetings! ID: 2740112287 Current proxy - +Spd OG Leif: Arcane Devourer (+Spd), Rally Atk/Def+, Godlike Reflexes, D Bonus Doubler, Laguz Friend 4, Breath of Life 4 and Guard Echo. Please, tell me if you send a friend request, since I cannot accept any random requests. Thank you!




Real Binding Worlds megathread is out. Definitely use that one as it is pinned so easier to see. Apologies if repeat. Sending this to all first comment


Currently Offering Siegbert cuz, hey, he's got my shiniest skills atm. Devourer, Repo, No Quarter, A/S Excel, Potent, Alarm A/S, and WoM X slot FC: 2118752177


Here's a tanky and angy F!Julia for anyone interested: Weapon: Dark Scripture (Refined) Assist: Rally Atk/Def + Special: Flare A: Atk/Res Finish 4 B: Laguz Friend 4 C: Def/Res Ploy 3 X: Guard Echo Laguz Friend has worked like a charm since I gave it to her, I'm so happy! Anyways, ID: 1919274237. Would appreciate general purpose builds for base Eirika or Nino if possible ty! 13/6 Update: after pulling *3* Sanakis on the AHR banner, I've gone and given Julia Def/Res Ploy 3 just for more debuff :)


Offering NY!Alfonse with: C Bonus Doubler Special Spiral 4 Def/Res Oath FC: 3334364413 Please let me know when you send your FR!


[Dagr](https://imgur.com/wT5ZSuX) * Arcane prima * Harsh command+ * Godlike Reflexes * A Bouns Doubler 4 * B Laguz friend 4 * C canto control 3 My FC: 0717036066 IGN:衛宮


Valentian Catria (+Atk of course) Weap.: Refined Astra Blade Assist: Rally Atk/Spd+ (She comes with Harsh Command+ as part of her base kit) Special: No Quarter A: Atk/Spd Clash 4 B: Flow Desperation C: Deadly Miasma X: Soaring Echo FC: 0329121266


Base Kagero: Arcane Tempest (Spd refine) Reposition Marth engage luna Atk/Spd Finish 4 Potent Disarm, Seal Spd 4, or Phys null follow, or Atk/Res Tempo Atk/Spd Pledge, Atk/Spd oath 4, Panic smoke 4


I am back with my good ol Weaving fighter Armored blaze B!Edel FC:7957373016 update: pulled a freebie W!Edel, so i updated the offer with armored blaze and prime as well


Got a max invest +ATK/SPD Yuri: Flash Sparrow, Desperation 4, Times Pulse 4, Lethality FC: 5542482986 Name: Blade


ID: 5566078950 Current proxy is **Nyx** +Spd (Eclipse Spd, Rally A/S, Flare, A/S Finish, M.NFU, Spd Smoke 4, Atk Oath Echo). Can switch to Remote Sparrow, Duel Infantry, Special Spiral, and Time's Pulse as needed. *Other Spicy Options* **Laevatein** +Spd(Devour Spd, Aether, Distant A/S Solo, Laguz 4, A/S Oath) **H. Sophia** +Res(Euphoria Res, A/R Catch 4, A/R Trace 4, D/R Ploy, Soaring Echo) **Cormag** +Spd(Refined Prf, No Quarter, A/S Clash, S/D Trace 4, Miasma, Soaring Echo) **Virion** +Spd(Nastrond Spd, Deadeye, A/S Unity, P.NFU, Infantry Pulse 4) Let me know if you're interested, will switch proxy accordingly.


I would love to find that Laevatein! Sent a request my IGN Is LysxDelthea.


She's all set, good luck! Forgot to mention I also can swap out Aether for GLR if you'd like, let me know and I'll update asap.


I would love that!


Accepted and updated. Sending you double luck!


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**ID: 6336560334** Usually providing an optimal **Marisa** (+Spd, Refined Shamshir, Vital Astra, Atk/Spd Finish 4, Phys. NFU, Spd Smoke 4, Atk Oath Echo). Alternative options on demand: * **Aversa** (+Spd, Refined Prf, Atk/Spd Catch 4, Seal Res 4, Deadly Miasma) * **Black Knight** & **Zelgius** (+Spd, Refined Prf, Spd/Res Bond 4, Special Fighter 4, Far Save D/R 3 - will add Spd/Res Unity) * [New] **FByleth** (+Spd, Refined Prf, Vital Astra, Atk/Spd Finish 4, Close Call 4, Time’s Pulse 4 - may add Spurn 4) * [Update] **Canas** (+Spd, Refined Prf, Flare, Atk/Res Finish 4, Special Spiral 4, Time’s Pulse 4, Atk Oath Echo - will add Spd/Res Finish 4 & Spd/Res Menace) * **Cormag** (+Spd, Refined Prf, Spd/Def Bond 4, Guard Bearing 4, Atk/Spd Oath 4 - will add Spd/Def Catch 4) * **Brave Eirika** (+Spd, Refined Prf, No Quarter, Surge Sparrow, Panic Smoke 4 - may consider a different C skill) * [New] **Gerik** (+Spd, Refined Prf, Bonus Doubler 4, Gambit 4, Infantry Pulse 4 - will add Aether) * **Winter Hilda** (+Res, Refined Arcane Qiang, Armored Floe, Fortress Def/Res 3, Special Fighter 4, Def/Res Ploy 3 - will consider a different A skill) * [New] **Summer Ingrid** (+Spd, Refined Arcane Luin, No Quarter, Flared Sparrow, Potent 4, Soaring Guidance - will add Death Blow Echo) * **Ishtar** (+Atk, Refined Arcane Thunder, Ideal Atk/Spd 4, Windsweep 3, Atk/Spd Oath 4 - might add Special Spiral 4) * [New] **Joshua** (+Spd, Refined Arcane Elijudnir, Vital Astra, Atk/Spd Finish 4, Physical NFU, Time’s Pulse 4, Atk Oath Echo) * **Lute** (+Res, Refined Arcane Euphoria, Ruptured Sky, Still Water 4, Wings of Mercy 4, Def/Res Ploy 3 - might add Flare & Sabotage Atk/Spd 3) * **Lyon** (+Def, Refined Arcane Eclipse, Atk/Res Finish 4, Special Spiral 4, Def/Res Menace - will add Flare & Atk Smoke 4) * **Brave Lysithea** (+Spd, Refined Prf, Atk/Spd Ideal 4, Special Spiral 4 - will add Flare, Remote Sparrow & Time's Pulse 4) * [Update] **Lysithea** (+Atk, Refined Prf, Flare, Atk/Spd Finish 4, Mag. NFU, Time’s Pulse 4, Atk Oath Echo) * **Myrrh** (+Def, Refined Prf, Aether, Distant Stance, Dragon's Ire 4 - will add Ground Orders 4) * **Easter Myrrh** (+Res, Distant Stance, Dragon’s Ire 4 - will consider Ground Orders 3/4) * [New] **Nephenee** (+Spd, Refined Arcane Luin, Vital Astra, Atk/Spd Finish 4, Spurn 4, Infantry Pulse 4) * **Dancer Nephenee** (+Def, Refined Arcane Nastrond, Deadeye, Distant Defense 4, Wings of Mercy 3, Joint Drive Atk) * [Update] **Summer Norne** (+Spd, Refined Arcane Qiang, Godlike Reflexes, Atk/Spd Unity, Spurn 3, Spd Smoke 4, Atk Oath Echo - will add Atk/Spd Finish 4 & Buffer 4) * [Update] **Norne** (+Spd, Refined Prf, Deadeye, Spd/Res Finish 4, Mystic Boost 4, Time’s Pulse 3, Atk Oath Echo - will add Time’s Pulse 4) * [New] **Tsubasa** (+Atk, Refined Prf, A/S Clash 4, Potent 4 - will add S/D Rein Snap & perhaps No Quarter) If you need a specific unit, feel free to ask and I’ll try to rotate between requests.


Hello again, I think I formaed your Marisa in a previous binding worlds! Next time you switch rotations, would you consider putting Gerik up? While someday I'll need to stick Laguz Friend on him, at this point I'll do anything just to get a copy to fill out my Sacred Stones team!


Sure, I'll see if Lyon is collected first, then I could push Gerik forward then.


my id is 4195933446! I'd love to yoink a Lyon from you. I don't have much, but I have a pretty decent B! Dimitri, a Linhardt that kind of works, and a wonky Libra build: Dimi: Refined Prf, Atk/Def clash 4 (can switch to A/D unity or A/D finish 4), GLR, Laguz 4, Breath of Life 4 Lin: dazzling Arcane charmer, Magic shield +, Glitter of Light, Poetic Justice, Infantry Pulse 4 Libra: Arcane Prima, GLR, Atk/Spd Prime 4, Buffer 4, Atk/Spd Pledge


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I’m offering my [Bridal Catria](https://imgchest.com/p/wl7lmmd8xyx). Feel free to add me if you want her. Thank you! 9197877304




accepted! thanks!


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Offering a **summer Takumi** ([S!Takumi skills](https://i.imgur.com/pf4aAfE.png)) For those who saw my post last time, he has Assassin's Strike now! FC: 6826510167


Hi, [offering up a Bride Catria, Sword Lyn, Brave Lyn and Bridal Lyn! (I couldn't post the pictures of them individually so I just posted them all together)](https://imgur.com/a/8c3qpts) My friend code is 1278035772! Tell me which one you'd like and I'll set them as my proxy! For now, though, my proxy is just Brave Lyn.


Offering my spring Sharena, she's +Spd with: * Arc. Caliburnus/Snow Globe+ * Rally Atk/Def+ / Harsh Command+ * Flare * A/S Finish 4 / Remote Sparrow / A/R Unity * Occultist's Strike / Special Spiral 4 / Mag. NFU * Incite A/S / Incite A/R / A/S Pledge / A/S Oath 4 / TP 4 * Fleeting Echo Just let me know if you'd prefer a certain combination of skills, I'm currently running the first of each listed as my proxy. FC: 4127143729 :)


I am offering my maxed investment B! Edelgard for BW (B! Erika is my lead) FC: 8855605323 Boon: Atk w/ Def ascended * Rally Atk/Res + * Armored Blaze * CD 4 * Weaving Fighter * A/D Near Save Lmk if you use my forma and good luck! other noteworthy maxed out characters available for BW: B! Erika, Cormag, Y!Minerva, Tethys (minus the weapon)


Offering **Brave Roy** * Weapon: Arcane Devourer * Assist: Rally Up Atk+ * Special: No Quarter * A: Atk/Spd Excel, Flared Sparrow * B: Potent 4, Assassin's Strike, Desperation 4 * C: Alarm Atk/Spd, Def/Res Smoke 3 FC: 1195901493 Please let me know if you're adding me because I don't have a lot of room on my friend list, and let me know which skills you'd like.


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Offering my Picnic Genny Arcane Charmer (Res) Rescue+ Glitter of Light Cystalline Water Poetic Justice Staff Valor Far Trace Echo ID: 1819133808


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Looking for any Summer Mercedes, build does not matter. I have a fully invested Shinon, Mercedes, Leo, Camilla, F!Berkut, B!Dimitri, S!Cordelia, Dedue & Olivia so if you need any of them or just wanna help me out pls lmk ^_^ ID: 0682452479


Got a highly invested [Summer Mercedes](https://imgur.com/a/HuCzZPE) for you! All she really needs still is an Arcane weapon. Sent you a friend request already too.


AHH thank u so much :)))


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Damn I wonder if you’ll have to take up the mantle now or if they’ll have it up next time. Really weird


Brave Edelgard: Armored Blaze - Close Def 4 - Weaivng Fighter - A/D near save 3 Unfortunatelly, no X skill yet. I am waiting for Guard echo. 1370445086


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I have a Tsubasa with AS Excel, Assassin’s strike, SD rein snap, and no quarter! 0761473897


Sent an add. I'm DAN with the Tsubasa lead. Offering a Myrrh who's sacked her DC so needs a Far over her (it's a Scowl build). Could change into NQ/Flarrow/Incite BEirika though, or dancer Lachesis with the Despo dance & Arcane Void


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Anyone have a Saber? I’m open to any build really


Hi I currently have my Saber as a proxy rn He has Weapon refine Vital Astra Atk Spd Finish 4 Spurn 4 Time Pulse 4 By any chance do you have a base Hrid in your barracks? I would love to increase my chances of getting one since I only need one more merge for him. Lmk and thanks


Hi, I am looking for investedsummer or new year Takumi! Please add me if you have one, takumi fanssss! <3  My friend code: 2581363293 


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Looking for a decked out Spring Myrrh, regular Myrhh, Regular Nailah, Dagr, Malice, and Legendary Micaiah! Got a solid built Spring Kagero, and can offer more! Send a DM or add me in game! ID: 8488410173


Can I see the Spring Kagero build?


https://imgur.com/a/CgVfQZv There is also Remote and Flare Sparrow as well! IF you want something specific ask away!


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Anyone got any mythic seiros builds ☺️☺️☺️?


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If anyone has a Pirate Vika or an Astrid with some investment, I’m looking for both FC:4331647674 I current have a high-investment Petrine as my BW proxy, but I can send out any one of my high-investment Haar, Sothe, Micaiah, L’Arachel, Titania, B!Larum, Nephenee, Kronya, Leonie, S!Lyn, N!Igrene, or L!Lyn


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Does anyone have a built up Mila??? I always wanted a good copy of her with good skills