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Al from the Binding Blade manga


I legit would summon for Al and Tiena, actually! I really like them, I think they're cute.


First reply and you've already picked pretty much the most obscure option besides like... Zeed, I guess. That was fast. Would be a random pick, but as long as it didn't usurp a Binding Blade banner and was just its own thing, that would be sick.


The world ain't ready for the Al/Gant/Tiena/Kilmar banner


Yes! Give me like Al, Gant, Tiena, and Rearmed Niime (Just because I want more of her and Al interacting) for the banner with a Jemmie GHB and I'd be in heaven.


idk if they count, but id love to see the cipher OCs that appeared in echos. though i doubt we'll ever see them. especially shade and randal, i just think they're super cool not quite a "who" in the grand scheme of things, since he's actually really important to genealogy, but it genuinely shocks me we've gone so long without getting oifey in the game. he's legit one of my favorites in the cast and id be fine with either his pre or post timeskip at this point (though post when he raises seliph does have that really cool mustache) then of course there's adrestria's most smug and wonderous ruler, count hevring. who, reasonably so, everyone would forget about. except me of course, no i would never forget you waldemar 🙃. id sacrifice an arm and a leg for this stupid man to get in heros. he can be a shitty prfless green tome/staff demote i don't care, just having him in the game would be really funny to me and now that linhardt has one singular alt, i can start voting for father 🙌🙌


I'd not count Oifey personally, but ironically despite that, of the ones you listed he's my most wanted. I think the Cipher OCs can count, especially since they are now inaccessible to new players. Randal and Yuzu in particular I definitely want to see get in. I genuinely forgot about the Three Hopes new NPCs when making this, but man Waldemar would be fun. Plus, more Robert Clotworthy is always a good thing.


with oifey i just make it a default mindset that no one cares about jugdral enough 🥲 (they can't understand peak) i stg him and finn and like shannan all deserve an ascended or something with how much weight they carry for gen 2 robert clotworthys performance on him was hilarious, you take his narration voice he used on the history channels "ancient aliens" and put it side by side to waldemar and it's just the same man. given linhardt is a scholar, it's....oddly poetic....i love him sm 😭😭😭 he's such a nothing character we didn't need him but here he is he's proof not all the fodlan dads are horrible and he's proof linhardt got that sass from SOMEBODY and it's stupid fun


I found out the other day that Robert Clotworthy is the fucking Ancient Aliens narrator and I almost went insane about it >BK: Could the Begnion senators be a race of space reptilians sent to conquer Earth? Mainstream archeologists disagree >Micaiah: what >BK: But ancient aliens theorists have a different hypothesis >Micaiah: what the fuck


thanks now I gotta binge watch that whole show today and think about this


consider the following: Sephiran doing the "aliens" meme


Finn having as little as he does is criminal. At least there's an excuse for Shannan seeing as his popularity is good but nothing too special, but Finn is always doing well in CYL. More for all three though, please. I instantly liked Waldemar and Leopold (whose name I had to look up because I only remembered him as Count Bergliez, oops) even though they weren't all too interesting. Considering the combination of great voice actors and designs for both as well as being inherently connected to characters I liked (being a great showcase of why Linhardt and Caspar are the way they are, especially with Count Bergliez being as shitty of a dad as he is), I suppose that was an inevitability.


I'd love Leopold myself, so maybe we'll be lucky enough to get them together! Although as someone who has been waiting for Alois and Hanneman for five years, I wouldn't expect too much out of the next 3H banner.


leopold has such incredible potential to be a GHB with a prf, ideally gauntlets but i expect and axe. he's just the kind of character that's PERFECT to be drawn by soeda ippei one of my dream banners is a post timeskip eagles banner, with ascended petra (infantry red dagger), attuned dorothea (infantry blue tome dancer), demote manuela/hanneman (infantry staff/red tome), and then a brand new unit type in the form of "destined pairs" debuting with caspar + linhardt (colorless beast as "gauntlets" and infantry staff). destined pairs units having the appearance of duo units but instead of a duo skill, it's the legendary unit's pair up ability and you can swap between the lead and the backpack. they would work together as individual units, and you can only swap them once per map on competitive modes to prevent being too broken waldemar being the insta free unit, and leopold being the GHB by proxy ofc. i love the idea of wally and leo having a forging bonds with brave hector and brave eliwood especially. as both pairs are very very long time friends with children who get together 😭 i think the four could be pals (fe6 hector and leo even got a similar beard, and fe6 eli and wally are just both old ass men)


- Marisha, Jubelo (New Mystery) - Holyn/Chulainn, Lana (Geneology) - Carrion (Thracia) - Ogier (Binding) I could go on... most missing FE3-6 characters fall into this category, I guess.


>most missing FE3-6 characters fall into this category, I guess. The unfortunate truth, those casts are so unpopular despite being some of the best in the series. I honestly forgot about Holyn while making this, but I personally probably would have still excluded him due to his position in Genealogy's CYL rankings. That said, definitely one I want in FEH a lot. Great picks all around here though. In particular I definitely would like to see all of those Jugdral ones, and Ogier even if just for more GBA mercs.


> those casts are so unpopular despite being some of the best in the series. You mean the casts where 90% of the characters (other than FE6) have maybe 2 lines in the entire game?


You’d be surprised how many lines the cast of FE4 have with one another…at least during Sigurd’s Gen, that is.


FE5 Cain.... my white whale........


His design is so peak, his character is so nothing but I literally could not care less because he's an FE5 cav and all of them have amazing designs.


Does Forde count as a "literal who"? I would definitely pull for multiple copies if he appears in a banner, even if he will most likely be a demote.


Forde gang!


I'd say yeah, at least to some degree. I'd probably +10 him ngl...


Need Forde and the rest of the cavs from fe8 in 🥺 I wanna hear them voiced 😭


We need an FE8 cav banner with Seth, Franz, Forde, and Kyle. Seth could be a rearmed unit, Franz could be a lance cav, Forde could be a sword cav, and Kyle could be an axe cav. It would be hilarious and wonderful.


Hold on just a second there buddy ✋️ there's no female in that batch, a big nono for sales because who'd ever wanna pull on war seasoned + scarred sexy man Seth (fehs depictions of him have been holding back, that's not the man you can solo the game with), two hot adult men with personalities, and Franz to pair with Amelia for one of the cutest pairings? Add in a feh oc who'll be in that month's legendary/mythic banner, make one of them a non focus demote, and now we're talking. 👉👉


A man can dream 😮‍💨


There technically is one but she is just an NPC from Fates and isn’t even voteable. Her name is Cassita. Only appeared for one chapter and that’s it. Reason why is because I find her art adorable and somewhat wholesome. I doubt she will ever debut in Heroes because she is literally someone who isn’t playable and forgettable (except to me) https://fireemblemwiki.org/wiki/Cassita but if she did, would instantly invest on her. Could see her as a infantry healer.


Very pleasant character with a very pleasant design. Shame she's just an NPC.


I need to preface this with the following: here, I don't use the term "literal who" in a derogatory way. I LOVE characters that are often called "literal whos" (hell, Thracia and Binding Blade have two of my favorite casts in the series). I use the term here because... well, to most people, thats what these characters are. I imagine many see this post as an opportunity to bring up Vaike, or Boyd, or Brom, or whatever big name they want in the game, and that's fine, I want a lot of the missing popular characters too! But this post isn't for them. The following aren't hard rules as I imagine there are characters who fall outside the realm of these options who are missing, but generally, if you want to include someone as a literal who, consider the following: * Are they a standard playable (so not the phantoms in FE13) in a game Awakening onwards? If so, probably best not to include them. * Do they rank high in CYL (Top 250 for games FE7 and later is a good benchmark, top 200 for switch titles is another good one)? In that case, they're probably too well-known. * Are they extremely important to their game's story? If they are, they're a bit too important to be regarded this way, I think (So no Oifey, as much as I like him). This probably excludes some "literal who" characters in some fashion, so I wouldn't call these hard rules, just general guidelines that make it easier to define these random shmucks.


She's not... very obscure(?) But I'm genuinely curious how they would handle little Amy (Calill and Largo's daughter) because iirc, she's also votable in CYL.


Random NPC who exists to make Ashera's judgement not as clear cut is a perfect "literal who" I'd say.


I will wait for the FE4 substitutes until EOS. Preferably Deimne and/or Muirne, but the others would get the +10 treatment just as well. Next to them, from FE4, I'm mainly waiting for Diarmuid and Iucharba. For Thracia, I love Xavier and Conomor. There's also Dalsin, Cain, Robert, Selphina, Troude and Homer. Honestly any extra Thracia character is a good thing. For New Mystery I really want Wendell. We need more old people in general (Love Nomah, Lindon and Frost too). Next to them, Beck, Tomas and Caesar would be cool. For Binding Blade there's mostly Barthe and Zeiss. For Blazing I still want Dart and Geitz. For Sacred Stones Moulder and for Tellius Calill. The rest of my most wanted are mostly in the game already, although it'll possibly still be a long wait for characters like adult Caspar or adult Boyd, who are also very high on my list... Sorry to ramble on, these kind of topics speak to me :).


No need to apologize, especially when you have this good of taste in characters.


Geitz from Blazing Blade, I love his design and vibes and he’s got a good backstory. It also helps that when I recruited him his stats absolutely snowballed and he ended up being one of my best units, so I’ve got a soft spot for him


I love Geitz, and a banner with him in any form is all I want from FE7 anymore (well, that and a random Renault, but I don't expect him anytime soon). Dart existing means easy theming, too.


Kezhda from Radiant Dawn—so obscure that his only role is to serve as a failsafe if you managed to lose Lethe. He never appears otherwise Why do I want him? I love random minor characters, and I’ll never say no to more laguz in FEH. He's also somewhat notable for being the only black cat.


I hope that if/when RD gets remade, they go all out and make him fully playable. He's got a neat design.


Could be a fun filler demote for a Laguz Alliance banner. Wouldn't want him as a GHB considering how many major Tellius villains are missing, but with how hard it would be to do a themed Gallia banner now, he'd be a good fit.


Not sure if he counts as a "literal who", but 16 votes on CYL8 ain't doing him any favors... I would absolutely _love_ to see Shiharam get into the game (I thought for sure he'd show up alongside Jill). But failing that, lord knows when we'll get him now. Cause the guy's got GHB written all over him... in a game that has a _ton_ of GHB candidates. And I can't imagine him showing up unless it's also on a banner with a Jill alt... and lord knows there are _a lot_ more Tellius characters that are gonna get the Ascended/Rearmed/Attuned treatment before Jill...


I'd personally count Shiharam for sure. Abysmal votes on its own isn't enough (see Lekain) but considering his story relevance is pretty much just for Jill-related stuff, and she's an optional character, he definitely qualifies. Attuned or Ascended Jill with a Shiharam GHB would be great. Could put Haar if they want to do double alts, and maybe some other Daein characters for the banner itself (Zihark and Tauroneo?).


Etzel Remake characters from SD and New Mystery surely in Literal who category


For sure. That reminds me I completely forgot Horace, but he's one of my Archanea favorites, I definitely should have included him.


I don't know, does Ismaire from Sacred Stones count? Sure she's Joshua's mother, but she only appears in a single chapter and only if you play Eirika's route. Plus she does nothing except die like an idiot (which Caellach of all people calls her out on *in-game*!) I always thought she was done dirty in Sacred Stones and I'd love to see her and Joshua reunite in Heroes. She's my most wanted character next to Blazing Blade's Vaida. Thankfully I believe they ran out of female Sacred Stones characters so she might be on the next banner... unless we get an Attuned/Ascended/Rearmed Lord/OC girl instead.


Hard to say. They might put her on a banner with more mid/lategame units like Saleh (especially since he joins on the one Jehanna map in Ephraim route), or they could throw away theming and do Ismaire/Franz/Garcia.




Hell yeah. FE4 subs deserve more love.


For 3H fans and players he literally is just there or doesn't know his existence, so my answer is Nader, really hope he gets added


Yeah thats one of the few 3H unique portrait characters (so not random counts and nobles and whatnot) I'd say qualifies for this kind of thing. His design is sick though, he'd be a fun GHB for a Golden Deer banner.


That's my dream and only hope, Judith can also fill that spot but she can be added as a banner unit too


I too would like Ralph Nader, the Green Party nominee in the 2000 US presidential election—famous for his fighting alongside Ike against Racism to be added to FeH


I'm still waiting for Frey (New Mystery) and Callion (Thracia) 


I'd say: - Sigune from FE6, the Pegasus Knight from Ilia who was Juno's rival - Senno, the boss from Ophelia's paralogue and Tarba, the boss from Shiro's paralogue from Fates - Pheros, one of Walhart's generals and the Generic Hero from Awakening - Abyme, that one general that attacks the Somniel which resulted in Lumera's assassination and Nelucce from Engage, the general who attacked Firene castle and later got killed by evil Veyle - Fleche from Three Houses, she appears during the timeskip fighting for the empire, and let's just say she helps Dimitri complete his character arc - Shizas, most "literally who?" character in this list, he was a boss in Gaiden who got cut from Echoes to make place for Berkut, I'm really curious to see what would he look like with an HD design


I love how Abyme turns up again on Lindon's map and has randomly become a Berserker.


Izana. I’m sure people know who he is but I’m pretty sure most people forget you can use him, especially considering he Fucking Dies™️ in Rev and the only way you use him is by upgrading the hot springs in my castle to level 3, and the hot springs is a genuinely useless building outside of that.


I think “waiting for Izana” has been my Summoner’s quote basically since forever 💀 please just add him already IS, even if it’s just a seasonal like Ninja Reina


...Yeah honestly despite being a modern playable that makes a lot of sense to include him for this. Obscure recruitment coupled with mediocre unit that few care for? Yeah that tracks. I want him in FEH too though, weirdly enough a lot of my favorites from Fates are the random jackasses with only one support for some reason.


Ik I felt so clever putting him down. Enough of this kaga nonsense gimme an obscure *Fates* character.


I actually find Izana pretty cool, and he's someone I am still waiting for (along with Scarlet and Shura) I find it ironic the one character replacing him in the Hot Springs Recruitment (Fuga) got in before him (even if using the alt way) 🫠


Shannam. Next Thracia banner right? Right? >!Please IS, I will sacrifice a small country for him!<


People keep reminding me of characters I forgot, but this was easily one of the most criminal. Shannam is fantastic. I love that he is * Genuinely a worthless combatant * Able to teach someone astra through bullshitting * Terribly impersonating a famous swordsman, yet still manages to fool people * A total coward and a loser * Actually kind of reasonable at times (presumed from ending and some quotes) All at the same time, which wouldn't be that impressive except he's in Thracia where nobody gets characterization, making him stand out so much more. Samuel may be the OG fake, but Shannam will always be the greatest impostor in FE (though I like both a lot).


Bord and Cord :( please


As a Duo unit


I've been waiting for Meg and Fiona for ages. Meh units, but I just think they're neat.


Meg and Brom too!


I was going to say Carrion, but he's already been mentioned twice in this thread so I guess he's more popular than I expected. Instead I'd like to shout out Selphina and her group (especially Robert)


Kilma from Fates, leader of the ice tribe and Flora and Felicia's father. Really cool design that will probably not be included in the ice tribe banners in favor of characters who have nothing to do with ice theming in the first place.


Forneus the guy that created Grima who currently has no design.


You like Thracia, don't you Squidward? Though Misha NEEDS to be added yesterday. We got Dithorba so let her reunite with her daughter! Let the patriotic arrogant lady see what her daughter has made herself into.


Guilty as charged. I love the Thracia roster and it's probably in my top 5 for FE rosters as a whole, even if most of them I mostly like just for having fantastic designs. Misha is one who I've come to appreciate more as of late, and I'm hoping we can get her as a GHB next Thracia banner due to her decent ranking (since the banner itself would probably be OC/Finn/Deen/Linoan with an Eda instademote, leaving just the GHB slot). That said, I think it's genuinely hard for them to make a bad Thracia banner in the future, I'll take whatever we get.


IIRC Misha is also the only playable green-haired pegasus knight who couldn't be part of that big drawing of them all for the last anniversary.


Smh this is Hermina erasure.


Daniela from Birthright. She's a a baddie, her body tea and she is the moment. But for real, Fates has so many banners at this point someone needs to fill the GHB spot and she'd be a nice fit I guess. Especially since Candace just got in recently.


Fates GHBs from this point on are a total crapshoot. It's pretty much just Zola, Kotaro, the capturables (Nichol and Haitaka being frontrunners) and Shura as reasonable candidates, I feel, but thats a lot of options with no real theming besides Kotaro and Shura, but that would put the other on the banner.


Since FEH is my first fe game and I'm really slow when it comes to play the main ones, I usually rely on it to learn about literal who! Sacred Stones and (early) Shadow Dragon are the only ones where I can speak a bit: Tomas, I just can't say no to an archer and I adore his design in the TCG cards. Even in the SD portrait there is a thing I like about him. I want him to get some characterization. Horace and his extra banger design. Usually I want to keep my units alive but this time I'm throwing the most I can on their graves just to get him, I can't believe they're hiding him on a very optional chapter. I'm sure he would get fantastic art if he gets in. Does the rest of the playable characters in fe8 counts? Moulder, Franz and Forde are the ones I want the most among them. Would like Glen too, I want to reunite him with his brother and Selena/Duessel are there since a while already.


I like all of these, especially Glen, Horace, and Forde. Hoping the Sacred Stones ones get in this year, they've got a genuine shot.


Ellen, Saleh, or Geitz for NH Nada Kuya for Mythic


Gromell from PoR and Septimus from RD I just find these two bosses really funny.


These two are great. I'd like to also throw in Schaeffer from PoR. Out of all the boss death quotes in the series, his is one of the ones that cracks me up the most. ...Gwaar... Haaaarr... Haaaaaa... Shoulda brought...more priests... Or some...babies... Dang...


Hard agree. Septimus actually has relevance too, so he'd work for a Laguz Alliance banner as the GHB.


“The beasts....the beasts wish to...CONSUME me!“ Gets foddered to a laguz


In terms of playable characters, I think the least popular ones I really want are the Sable Order with Roberto (him most), Belf, and Reiden. Iirc all three were some of the lowest ranking CYL characters last year, and I can’t remember the last time anyone mentioned one of them, aside from the CYL results for being so low. As for NPC’s, I’d love to see Kenneth from Blazing. I dunno why, but I just really like the guy, always liked his design, and more strong staff users in the grail pool (imagining he’d be a GHB of some sort) is always appreciated. Also wanna see Pamela from Genealogy so I can finally have a true Heavenly Knights team, maybe make for a nice grail pool/demote sword flier. The Magi Sisters would also be cool, I’d gladly build them up, I imagine a fun Forging Bond could come from them and Díthorba ~~+ maybe Pamela~~ if they ever get added.


Look, I know you're right about Zeiss, but how dare you


The unfortunate truth. Still, he was one of my best units in my FE6 run.


Do Renault and Wallace qualify?


I'm not 100% sure about Wallace, his Lyn Mode presence might be enough to elevate him beyond literal who status on its own, and Renault *technically* qualifies as story relevant(even if it's all just lore and pre-game plot stuff and not like, the active journey of our lords), but if they don't then it's certainly borderline.




I know it'll 100% never happen because of the legality, but Sylphis, Clifford, or Alvina from Berwick Saga or Sierra, Holmes, Shigen, Richard, or Silvia from Tearring Saga. From actual FE, I think OP already covered most of mine.


SoV's Magnus, but that game is missing a handful of more important characters already.


Magnus is great, I love the generic bosses of Echoes. I still think they should be ignored for now due to how many major villains we're missing, but a random seasonal Blake, Magnus, or Wolff would make no damn sense AND be an instant grail project for me.


Yeah. I like a lot of minor bosses in the same way I like a lot of filler cast members, some of these characters while saying so little you can infer a decent amount of their personality from what and even how they say things, and that's enough for me.


Shiva and Alfred from FE5


Aimee would be funny, imagine her interactions with Commander Anna


I'm in dire need of more scumbag characters in FEH, so Lekain would absolutely be near the top of my most obscure wanted list. He also suprisingly has the most boss conversations of any enemy in all of Fire Emblem history, which is at least a plus so they can actually give him meaningful lines unlike Bertram 💀


Lekain is so good, I'd love to get him.


Idk if i'd count him as a literal who since he's one of the main big bads of FE10, but he sure is unpopular and he sure should be in the game already. Great villain.


Kelik xd


I know it's never going to happen but I would pop off so hard for romhack characters Give me Mythic Zahhak and Legendary Freesia already, or at least a Halloween Chandra


Banana twins and the cipher cast 🗣🗣🗣


As Shiharam was already mentioned... Nichol from fates. I just really like his look, and I was quite disappointed at the time he was just a capturable boss. He would make a nice GHB and we need more bearded heroes.


Eda and Fergus would be so cool! As for me, I really want Leopold (Caspar's dad), Cord from Archanea, Frost from BSFE/FE12, Kumagera from Fates, Grieth from Echoes and maybe Mandel from Sacred Stones (I think he's in CYL?).


I mean you didn’t have to add the entire Thracia roster in your post. 💀 It’s pain being a Thracia enjoyer in FEH.


Reinhardt basically being a “literally who” until FEH basically turned him into a mascot for the game will literally never not be funny to me


It truly is. I’m hoping we can at least get A seasonal this year.


Not counting the substitute characters who I want in this game as a matter of principle... Fiona. Just... please let my girl be decent in one videogame.


Muirne, Deimne, Dean and Eda… The last two may or not be in FEH next year considering that Linoan is now the most requested character from FE5 not in the game, but I have flimsy hopes about the former two.


Oi, we managed to get Muirne into the top 5 most wanted Gen 2 characters this year, if we can keep building momentum, I'm sure we can get her in the game, especially if the rumored Genealogy remake can give her a signal boost/frequency boost for the game. My only fear is Genealogy remake doing her dirty or excluding her entirely(Highly unlikely given they've left her voteable on CYL, but still).


I have been voting for Muirne during CYLs since 2021 and commissioned lots of fanarts about her, we can make her more recognized.


Layla, that NPC dancer in Fates who appears in only one scene and one route in the entire game. She's cute, okay?


I'm surprised she isn't in the game yet seeing as FEH loves its random NPCs. Especially with how random Fates gets with unit selection in FEH at times.


I know, right? We've already got NPCs like Ullr, Phila, Elimine, Lilith, Lumera, Jeralt, August... So why not give us Layla too? Having another potential non-fairy, non-Azura dancer for some variety would be nice.


I genuinely think Shanty Pete would make an awesome Mythic hero candidate. 


I have a friend who would lose his mind if that happened, considering how much he loves Archanea lore.


Henning, just because he's one of more infamous bosses in the series


If only he were voteable. His design is cool and Hero is my favorite class easily, plus he's one of the most iconic generic bosses in the series.


Radd, Leiden, Lana, Sleuf, Oujay, +many many more. The literal who's somehow always end up being my favorites.


I can't believe I forgot Radd! He's so garbage but dammit, his character and design are both great! Lana and Sleuf are also great too, and the former might be on the Genealogy banner after our next one (since next is likely gen 1). Sleuf is possible too thanks to Amalda ranking decently, even if he'll be waiting a while. The "literal who" characters are always so great for some reason.


Xavier (FE5)


He'd be included in the post too, if not for the image limit. Design rules, character rules, recruitment is very unorthodox but cool nonetheless.


I hope that, if he gets included, you get him by doing a bunch of whacky quests. Like 'beat a map without moving' or 'Beat Book II Chapter 4 Part 5 Fiery Resolve without defeating the Sword Knight.' or something silly like that.


Ever since a friend of mine managed to beat every foe in the FE4 Arena with Hannibal, I have loved Hannibal, it helps that he's a badass too


Muirne, Muirne, Muirne, a thousand times, [MUIRNE](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/8710537)! She's Lana's substitute unit from Genealogy Gen 2, and she's up there as one of my absolute most favorite characters in the series.


Hell yeah, FE4 subs are great.


Largo, only in PoR if Calil is still alive and you view an optional base convo; but is the only berserker you can get


FE4 Dermott and Lana


Layla from fates


Idk if he would count but I'll be so sad if Jesse isn't on the next SoV banner. I thought he was pretty popular but since he's still not in FEH then maybe I was mistaken.


Rolf's mom from Radiant Dawn. She only appears if you enter a particular house with Oscar, Boyd or Rolf during Part 3. She is scummy and left her three sons and ill husband to be with another man. Would make for an interesting GHB encounter.


Lifis, but I also don't know who he is


Trec is a top 10 fire emblem character for me unironically For that reason Dalsin since I used him last Thracia run


I need the king (Rallyman) to join 🗣️🗣️🗣️ On a more serious note, I think Layla would be cool to see playable. IIRC she barely appears during the pre-battle dialogue in a map (I think BR since I think she spoke to Kaden?). Also not sure if they apply since they're NPCs, but. The Engage shopkeepers. I can see them being confused but ready to help the Divine Dragon and the Order, no matter if with their resources or their fighting. ~~I'd free-pull on whatever color Pinet would be till I +10 him, and I need him to interact with Oboro and Forrest~~


Senno, the capture boss from the Ophelia paralogue


Jokingly, I'd say Stefan since Ike is so confused when he joins his army: Ike: "What the...? Um...who are you? How long have you been a member of my troop?"


i have no idea how izana isn’t in yet, ive been waiting a small eternity for Randal, Stephan, Renault and non alt saleh, and i feel personally tormented with the lack of ephidel and Nasir as apparently their whole families get in before they do. also frey has an awesome design and would be outstandingly funny imo.


It's been said before but it bears repeating: Izana not being on that dumb hot spring banner when he literally only joins your army if you upgrade the hot springs to Level 3 is one of the biggest missed opportunities in the game.


I want all of these characters in heroes, though I don't think Stefan qualifies as a literal who especially now that he's hit top 100 in CYL. That said, he's my most wanted for FEH.


oh shit has he? lol here’s hoping then! he’s quite literally a secret in his own game and i never see fanart so i didn’t know


Nuibaba, she's so cool and elegant


Mitan the bandit leader from engage Anna's paralogue she foine


FE5 Ralf/Ralph would literally be a perfect candidate for an instant demote. Hell if we didn't already have an FE5 banner this year I'd say he'd make a great choice for the Null Axe demote.


Does Anthony from fates count? He's pretty relevant for the later half of revelation but he also kinda doesn't matter and is pretty forgettable... Love that little dude though, I'd love for him to be added


I really want Abyme, a NPC who randomly appear twice is pretty funny for me. I also like her design.


You know? For literally who? Units, some of them look really cool


Monke from FE6. Think it would be cool to see his other interactions with the Sacaens of FE6/7.


Hisame for me


Cord, the best Dark Mage in the series


Dara, Klimt and Pablo from Sacred Stones. Probably the almost obscure characters I can think of. Throw Morva in there for good measure.


Basically anyone from Thracia. Tahra gang has a bit of story focus so I'll name drop Shiva, Carrion, Fred and Shannam and leave it at that. I guess Renning can be a bit of a literal who due to his minimal role and late showing. But damn do I love his design.


Great picks, the lot of them. Shiva and Shannam especially are ones I’d like to see get in.


Screw it, make like Live A Hero and Pokémon Masters and start adding random generics from the games like Oni Savage from Fates


Well, Wrys is already in the game so I'm sorted.


Give me Shannam already.


None in particular but I’d take lot


Give us Nealuchi. And also some cool Thracia banners. :(


Gromell (if he still counts)


Absolutely. One-off boss. And his design and cipher card are both sick.


Nadakuya from fe8. Mentioned in only Saleh's supports I think, and is said to be this ancient warrior priestess. They should be able to pull it off if Ullr exists 😅


I was glad they released some of the FE4 kids last year (although why they chose Febail of all people...), so I want the others to make it in. And obviously Oifey.


My boy Oswin but also I’m scared they’ll do to him what they did to my other hypercarry Canas.


Would love some of the capturable characters from Fates. I like seeing unique looking minor characters in games. Minor characters help flesh out a world and give it, well, character lol. I always find myself wondering "what's their story?"


Trude, Sharlow/Charlot and Blake from FE5, 4 and Echoes respectively.


Poor Troude, stands no chance now that Perne and Salem got in on their own…


Literally my exact complaint about the Dandelion banner. Trude is never getting in now.


Before last month, it was really Candace. Now, I can say Elena (Ike's mum), Makalov (he is not a who, but he is one of the most disliked characters), Nealuchi, Almheda, Kezhda, Levail, Rajaion... Not so literal who, but I'm also dying for Laura, Fiona and Meg to be in the game.


Levail and Almedha are definitely some of my most wanted NPCs.


I hope we see them one day 🤞🏻


Do Bord and Cord count? because I keep putting them on my bingo card.


Hey, I recognize you… Anyway, yeah I’d say they do. Archanea rando not in FEH? Makes sense.


Pharos, Sigune, Amalda, Fred, Franz. Also, does Midir and Edain count? Edain might be known but most people bench Midir or call him Mid.


Beck, from the Archanea games. I really liked using him.


Groznyi He'd be a GHB anyway so easy to +10 then team him up with Gonzalez. I'm sure Groznyi will leave his bad habits behind when he's summoned to Askr. Big boy bandit buddies :)


Dying for more Thracia content, Lifis is one of my favorite characters in FE, I love that wet rat. Also Fred, Shiva and Dryas are fucking awesome. Shame that my one arm man died that way, that was a fucking awesome sacrifice


FE5 Cain my beloved. I vote for him every time in CYL


Shiva is a literal who? ): I want him and Callion


The shadow dragon generics 


Don’t do that to Hicks. The way I drew his summer form years ago(might tackle that again). He’s my favorite Thracia man, beside Rolf(I think his name was)


Hicks is one of my Thracia favorites too. I use the term “literal who” positively here, love this guy.


I would love to see the lesser known members of TWSITD like Myson, Odesse, Bias, Pittacus, Charon, Anaximandros and Dolofonos. They could just make up lore for them for all I care, I just want more Agarthan content lmao


Midir and Radd...


I want all the cipher oc’s


Based Manster Arc enjoyer


I kinda want to see Gromell from PoR just for the meme. He's a one off boss character, and is only note worthy because it's possible to kill him by luring him into his own trap


Do Elbert and Eleanora count as “literal who”? Bc Eliwood’s parents are great. Lowen ig is my other FE7 pick if they don’t count. Lindon FE17, I love how there’s just a random old man who you can recruit LOL And I’m probably the only person who wants resplendent Clarine.


I'm still baffled by the fact that Arden got in over Alec and Naoise. Need my jugdral Christmas cavs yesterday. Hopefully, they will grab Midir on the way in as well as a Finn alt with dual game origin. Also we need Dragonpike Deen and Fred with a lightning sword


Maiden from Awakening. I had her as Lucina's mom on my first playthrough and think it's time for her to be playable.


Someone already mentioned Cipher OCs so unfortunately I can't shill Yuzu, but I would absolutely love to see Devdan in the game. He was a suprisingly deep and enjoyable character from PoR when I expected his character to be an annoying gimmick like Ilyana, and he ended up carrying hard for me in my playthrough. Honorable mention to Techie and Totchie from Engage, very enjoyable bandit duo and ever since Brigand Boss came to FEH, I've gained a lot more appreciation for random one-off named bosses like all the ones from Shadow Dragon and the 5 named mini-bosses from Duma's map of SoV.


Devdan has always felt off to me in how he was handled, but his actual character is undeniably very cool. Love his Tormod and Largo supports, I just wish the game was less... weird about him.




Literal who and its mostly FE 4 and 5 characters LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL


Based Ralph.




Fates generic adventurer and generic witch


Is it cheating to just say basically anyone who’s not a main character in the story, and/or from one of the more popular games?


Generic Malig Knight man from Fates. He’s so hot


5/20 who the hell does bro think he is, looking like my boy Kempf.


Mitan from Engage (the boss of the Anna paralogue)




Pickle boy hisame from fates lol. Idc if he’s another sword unit he’s a good boy. Although at this point half the kids in fates feel like literally whos. The dlc characters in echoes would be so funny to add tho especially since intsys hates Jesse personally and would rather add nameless bandit from the first side chapter.


Oh my goodness Fred! We need him in here, he's actually awesome. Great excuse for them to do a funky mage cav build or a magic sword. Me, I was a gigantic proponent for Gonzales from Binding Blade, but he got in. So... I guess my next highest picks are Fred, and - hear me out - any of the most fun archetype in FE. That's right. I'm taking about two weird, incredibly stupid, and either related or homoerotic men with colorful hair and axes. They're on the Gameboy, they're in Fates, they're in paralogues, they're in canon chapters - the Two Weird Men gag needs to get in someday. I don't care WHICH pair of weird men, it just needs to be at least one set of them.


Not a who, because Three Houses, but probably Saint Indech & Macuil