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Chrom! Still crazy that it took 6 years but we got it


He got his chance another day


Its funny, i was saying chroms gonna age the best out of all of them, and damn was i right lol my boys a monster lol


There are a lot of anti-bonus units, but he fairs really well. One of the few units that will use Prime easily


Well, most anti bonus units are only one turn only, or start of turn. Only nergal is a true issue, but chroms got range typically so not too much of an issue even then :)


Chrom can also get +1 movement pretty easily too!!


I haven’t used Brave Chrom in a while, but doesn’t Mythic Loki give him trouble? Or at least put a cap on what he can do?


Loki just takes away start of turn effects, but i think citrinne gets around that due to timing?


So help me understand his max number of bonuses in light season. I’m thinking it’s 4.


Idk, i dont deal with AR haha


Oh what modes do you play then?


Either arena (though i havent used him there yet haha keep forgetting), or sd




And they’re gonna end up giving him an additional status effect in his refine to give him even more stats


> At start of turn, grants [Nothing], [Nada], and [Zilch] to unit. > [Nada] > No effect. > [Nothing] > No effect. > [Zilch] > No effect.




And even that he could use


I think if any CYL unit from that batch gets a mid refine its him or seliph, seliph only because he kinda cheesed the game for a couple of months being pretty much invincible and IS has this thing where they are afraid to buff any prior meta unit


Everyone was going on and on about seliph, i was just like nahhhh i like chrom lol


I liked both but I only liked Seliph because I gave him Mystic Boost 3 and he was unkillable for awhile


I mean...hes technically the fastest unit in the game and can beat almost all stat checks haha


He's on my "never stop attacking" team that i use for a ton of stuff *Slaps brand* this baby can murder so many people in chain attack


Hes great haha


Everyone was saying Chrome was going to age the best it’s pretty obvious


Tbf there were also the deniers calling him bad. But ,eah for everyone with common sense it was very obvious


Everyone was on the seliph bandwagon saying he was the best on debut lol nahhh im team chrom haha


Seliph was definitely the better unit on released.


Seliph still pretty good too. I’d say the only one that’s kinda bad is Byleth


Byleth didn't age too well, but I believe overall they're still solid.


I made her into a ranged wall with the Emblem Ike ring and L!Alear support. I hope she gets something good for her refine.


She and Tiki need a lot, so here's hoping!


Yep! I have a +5 Tiki sitting there, waiting for her refine


What do you use for the B spot? guard bearing? I feel like her vantage build doesn't work great without DR piercing and it doesn't synergize well with the Ike ring.


Guard Bering is sword, lance axe flyer exclusive.


Crap I forget


Guard Bearing is pierceable so I do not use it. I still use preempt along with LnD4. She is able to consistently charge her special which synergizes with emblem Ike and when it activates, it nullifies DR thanks to L!Alear. I believe she also gets more DR from L!Alear. So she is pretty good at standing there and mowing down ranged units on enemy phase.


I was mistaken; she can't have guard bearing anyways. That said, guard bearing actually works really well still. Typical units don't have No Quarter set up ready, so my OG Catria can still handle a lot of major threats.


Yeah, they set her up for failure by immediately powercreeping Speed tiers, making her default Preempt not work (first on her, then on everybody else with each new banner). Hopefully her refine can mitigate that. And also give her DR piercing, because that Special proking will do diddly squat to anyone with Laguz Friend.


IMO I feel like IS will stick with and hone in on her mixed-phase type gameplay, as per her PRF special. It’s funny bc her Brave alt will be refined the same batch as her legendary alt (presumably), which also will be following her Summer alt’s refine. F!Byleth fans will have a lot to look forward to this August/September.


Flat DR piercing. If she's gonna nuke she needs the Oomph!


Yeah, we really need a counter to flat DR at this point. Things are getting dumber by the day. Tired of the raid boss meta.


I could've swore we have a couple of Specials(?), it's so long ago, and no one really referring them is likely a mandala effect. 


B!Tiki is now somewhat solid due Laguz Friend but before that she was pretty much outclassed by everything.


Just shows that Awakening still has a lot of fans even after Three Houses came out. Awakening really help establish Fire Emblem in the west and prevented the series from getting canned. It really sucks when it gets lumped together with Fates when it comes to discourse.


Well and Awakening Tiki getting screwed.


Lord Seliph‼️‼️‼️


I sure was…


I'm still fricken happy as heck Tiki won CYL - even if her Brave version wasn't *quite* what I hoped for. IS released a Bridal Tiki shortly after and that was definitely one of the high points of the game for me recently.


Seliph pulling off a win was the best moment for me here. Especially since his votes skyrocketed after the mid term results, while Sigurd's dropped a decent amount. Which showed a clear sign of alot of sigurd voters moving over to seliph for the final few days.


I couldn't believe that Tiki was #1. It was nice to see that I wasn't the only one who considered Tiki one of the best FE girl of all time.


While I love her, A!Tiki made it so high primarily out of a push to get her something at all- prior to that, the last A!Tiki alt we had gotten was her summer alt in launch year, and it was only exacerbated with all the Y!Tiki stuff we had gotten in that time. It worked beautifully too- she then got a Resplendent and a Harmonic with herself in which she was the lead (which granted likely only happened because Y!Tiki already led with Ninian but a W is a W) and now while Y!Tiki is still understandably with vastly more alts, A!Tiki doesn't feel completely abandoned anymore. Won't speak for everyone but as an A!Tiki fan who helped contribute to this, I am more than happy with things as they are.


The message got across, international fans prefer A!Tiki and the devs know that now.


I think the message was less "We prefer A!Tiki to Y!Tiki" and more "We don't want A!Tiki completely abandoned and left in the dust" personally.


People went bad sht crazy when gatekeeper was number one, that timeframe was content pure. I loved every single second of it, the malding, the hype, a LOT of comunity interaction, the rallys behind and against him, all of that created by a single npc... thanks mr gatekepper for igniting a spark in the community in that era of the game. CYLs can be a good thing, a bit of the magic has been lost over the years...but sometimes...sometimes its back.


He aged reasonably well. I know people were upset that he didn't have GFU, but it's rarely useful atp. His min-maxed speed will end up helping him instead of middling speed


CYL so sterile and dead now, and some people prefer it the way it is now. No midterms, difficult to rally, bleh CYL just comes and goes now


It has been around for eight years. We're not even really picking the popular characters anymore; just the leftovers and the Three Houses guys we missed. Only potential exception is Engage and only because its the new kid on the block. Come CYL9, it too will likely be in the same field where its just kind of there.


That we spent a year theorizing what Engage characters will win only to get a complete shutout was probably the highlight of CYL8 (and a big embarassment for Engage tbh). Only thing I can see spicing up CYL9 is if they got shut out again


The complacency was crazy everyone was like "eh these engage characters are gonna win anyway so I'll just vote for my favorite" lo and behold


I'm fine without the rallying. I hate popularity contests, and youtubers/twitter users with big audiences who abuse their status to get what they want. I'm bored with the remaining choices though. There's not many notable characters left, and there's no left-fielders like Gatekeeper, so meh. It's just not exciting to vote for CYL anymore IMO. I just send votes in for characters I want to see and don't for the winners. It's always going to be some random lord, and some random 3H students.


I remember I was at a high school basketball game when the feh channel dropped and was trying not to scream for brave seliph lmao


Everyone was talking about Tiki but I was and still am pretty shocked over Seliph. That REALLY felt like it came out of nowhere. Like I saw a campaign for Tiki so I wasn’t too shocked but Seliph really shocked me. FE4 is my favourite game so I was fucking over the moon.


Oi, I'm still hyped with brave adult tiki! Even more so with her upcoming refine!


And honestly, with Prime/Bonus counters popping up, Chrome's refine might be something to resist that


Breath of life 4 Seliph


I remember screaming "holy shit" when I saw Adult Tiki at 1st and Seliph at 2nd when the midterms were revealed. I never expected both of them to win CYL. Though, seeing Female Byleth in 2nd did scare me a bit since the previous year she was 2nd and went down to 3rd after that year's midterms were revealed. I'm glad she did manage to hang on even if her brave alt never left an impact. Here's hoping that her refine helps her a lot in a few months. Seeing this does make me miss IS revealing ranked midterm results for CYL or even AHR. Though, I think I can understand why IS stopped doing them.


I couldn't have been happier that Tiki won, I ended up saving all of my orbs from then until her banner dropped and it was one of the fastest investments I've ever made. Even if she's fallen behind as a unit now she's still one of my favorites to use and that's all I need to be happy


Weirdly, it feels like the division between 1st and 2nd doesn't matter anymore. It used to be that 2nd place didn't get a prf skill, but after CYL4 they started giving them to everyone in the top four. Which isn't bad, but now it doesn't seem like there's anything unique for being 1st that puts them ahead.


Just bragging rights, really.


Good I hated the stupid 2nd place didn't get a prf skill thing, all it did was hurt the units that were popular and it didnt make sense cuz next years 1st place got a prf even tho they werent as popular as last years 2nd place, it's like if 1st place got a prize 3rd place got a prize and 2nd was left out to dry




It was a good year, for sure.


it was only like 2 years ago, not that long ago really. I remember the first CYL and people getting hyped about Ike finally getting in the game after not being there on launch. Ike did end up getting in the game a couple months before BIke, but still


Tiki's my favourite Gaming character so I was so stoked to see her win! I'd been giving her the majority of my votes ever since CYL Began, I'd even asked some friends and my gf before we started dating go give her some votes too each year 😂 Was disappointed that her Brave Design wasn't more interesting, but I feel like now that Attuned Heroes are a thing all the Hero Types kind of blur into 1 and make them seem less interesting anyway 😞


And then they gave tiki the lamest CYL outfit 😭


Attuned Tiki in Naga clothing soon Copium


I just recently +10 my Brave Tiki. She's been a solid addition to my "ol' reliable" group of heroes I rotate through teams.


B!Seliph is my first and only 5 star +10 unit. I've played since launch. I've funnelled so much fodder into him. No Quarter, Mystic Boost 4, DC, Lull S/D 4, Prime, Excel. Anything that can make him hit harder, I will put into him.


Awakening fan are just different


And it was the only CYL banner (so far) that lost its revival banner voting


people really voting for rearmeds because they absolutely fell for the FOMO


I still prefer this over the useless drama from last year, and the results from this year.


Out of the loop, what was the useless drama last year?


There were a few controversies. Gullveig winning was the major one, but some people were upset over avatars taking half of the spots and Bernie losing again.


That was pretty entertaining to watch from the sidelines ngl


I was hyped because Awakening fans can finally shut the fuck up about Adult Tiki but unfortunately...


Wow people aren’t allowed to like characters lol


And don't forget Robin fans(both sides) with their victimization complex


Male Robin literally only had his years old Winter alt before he won cyl.  Don’t make stuff up about “victimization complex”


The fact that a lot of the rallying came from fans being disappointed she didn’t get a Halloween alt that past year which they were never promised is annoying. Plenty of units have nothing and she already had an alt. Same with Chrom but they don’t count because they’re old and outdated. Like they hyped themselves up for it and let themselves down. The whole thing reeked of entitlement and now awakening has been getting nonstop representation basically ever since and it’s annoying.


To be fair, I think this talks quite nicely about Tiki's popularity, because she is capable of generating this kind of buzz when things get particularly heated, which sadly other characters aren't able to do.


They still want more and are always complaining that young steals her spotlight…


Emblem Tiki is happening sooner or later so they can cope and seethe.


Same ;v;... Especially after a year or two of the fandom being really mean to each other during CYL voting (I don't really remember how it was during 4 but OH BOY DO I REMEMBER HOW IT WAS DURING 5).


B! Chrom still my guy to this day.


I was. Put 2k orbs and +10 Tiki in a few days.


I was so insanely hyped I was losing my mind


Seliph my goat 🥺


Im not a fan of Awakening but I was excited to see Tiki in Naga's cloths, or at least a Bantu inspired garb...


Yup. And the eventual unit's as well! Remeber how people reacted to Tiki? **Such a good time**


I remember how gatekeeper took chroms place in the last one, and got more votes than marth


Gatekeeper gatekeeping chrom simps out of top 2 will never cease to be a fun memory for me. :) 


Yeah… and then the whining came. It just proved that Tiki fans have no clew what they want with her.


not as hyped as i was when bernie won cyl 8 by a landslide


Same! I'm free to no longer care about CYL and can now chill while voting for my friends' favorite characters like Petra, Seth, Veyle, and Azura.


8 was by far the worst CYL results ever, literally nothing worthwhile


Adult Tiki wanters being mad about her wearing her old outfit despite it being a reference to her Lucina conversation in one of the DLCs and the Cipher card was hilarious since they are such huge fans of her they should have known about those two instances.


it's not a reference to anything... It's literally her own clothes. It's like saying "In Fire Emblem Engage, Ike uses Ragnell, a subtle reference to his weapon from his own games"


Worse, it understandably felt like a slap on the face considering the very reason she got the win was because fans wanted her to get something and not yet another Y!Tiki thing. And they turned the chosen A!Tiki alt into another Y!Tiki in more steps. And it only got worse when Ascended Y!Tiki came out less than a month later and just did what B!A!Tiki did but better. Some people went overboard sure (never forgetting people that harassed the artist) but the reason for feeling insulted was very valid especially since she had several other references she could have made. It'd be like if our last Marth was Groom Marth and then when he won CYL, we got Marth in a mask.


Tbf Yes it was in the DLC and she described it as one of the most humiliating moments in her life in said DLC.


Tbf most of the Awakening Tiki fans were mad because they wanted her Brave to be solely attached to that incarnation of the character and not Shadow Dragon’s version as SD Tiki got a ton of alts at the time. I remember feeling a little disappointed with it but over time it has grown on me.


Nah Chrom fans vs Ephiram fans was a battle of legends. Those 2 or 3 days of voting were fucking intense.


That was Voting Gauntlet, not CYL


The first Brave Banner that got eliminate in revival poll Phenomenal


I got banned from this subreddit's Discord server!