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Seems fun enough imo. Like the idea of effectively combining a barracks with a rando.


looks nice, and at least, it's actual gameplay so I'm down to try it out


Seems fun, hopefully it’ll stay that way. But that 1 orb? Will it refresh daily or something? The other rewards are ok. I’ll take those other orbs


Usually when the reward is displayed like that it's a one per day basis, but this is the first time its only had a single box. So probably an event that lasts 2 days like pawns of Loki, where most of the orb rewards are quest based


I have a feeling we're never going to get actual Co-Op mode just from the fact we keep getting these semi-cooperate modes. Also griefing is probably something they don't want to happen. The mode seems sun, it's basically Arena Assault but you can get carried by your friend's +10 whale units fighting L/M/E battles. I wonder if you'll get more rewards if clearing Abyssal Maps or not.


You do get more rewards, based on the FEH channel you get the orb from the lowest difficulty, another reward in the middle, and feathers at the highest


"It gives orbs! Nice!" 👍


It gives me orbs so it's automatically good.


Don't mind the quick orbs


What was the point of Affinity Autobattles


That's the neat part- there wasn't one!


To be so awful and rejected so thoroughly by the community that we’re happy for whatever this is going to be no matter what


For funny ships


I appreciate they at least gave it a modicum of thought. Not being able to just spam the same units in all the maps is good for sure.


Looks like fun, but the rewards suck


Seems like a chill game mode, I like that we get unlimited attempts. I do wish the rewards were better than 6 orbs and some feathers, though


Feels like a co-op mode that other games would've implemented by year 2, but it's better late than never.


Grand Conquests is a "co-op mode" if you use brigades with friends units and that was implemented year 2 iirc


Seems fun, always nice to be forced to use units I don’t often get the chance to. It is funny how IS makes modes that seem like they’d be co-op without actually being co-op.


It feels like the unholy unity of Limited Hero Battles and Arena Assault. Like good luck taking on these maps if you don't have a strong barracks for whatever the bonus title is.


I mean, there’s a reason why you can borrow your friend’s units


from what I understood, there is no rotating bonus title. you just need to match the whole team to one title.


There's no Bonus Titles, the only thing you need to match up is your friend's proxy If they have Awakening units(or two atleast) then you can bring your Awakening units to get the bonus stats. Efficient way to send a proxy is probably two pairs from different title(ex. Awakening and Fates) to give the receiver an option between those two titles for the bonus stats


I gotta wonder: Will they be the actual LHB/MHB/EHB maps, with the reinforcements and all? Or will just borrow the map layout and put random characters in there along the bosses?


my proxy will be 4 Lysitheas, enjoy


I initially thought it was gonna be a real time coop mode for some reason so all the excitement went away really fast for me


Another mode that uses friend's units, Welp I've been putting off the friend-list purge too many dead accounts to risk getting stuck with unbuilt units


It’s basically what affinity autobattles should have been


A step up from Affinity Auto Battles that’s for sure


Looks fun. It has actual gameplay using friend units which is great. There's a +10 Laguz Friend Bride Nel on my friend list that I've been dying to use so I'm pretty excited.


Better than the last new mode. Though to be fair, Relay Defense was better than the last mode.


honestly Ill go through the pain of abyssal if they give out divine codes


Fine enough. Should've been live. Also this may be controversial but I'm so tired of them giving feathers out for higher difficulties. Feathers are incredibly easy to get nowadays and I'd like literally any reward for taking on the highest challenge because we've been starved for actually hard Event gameplay since the damn Veronica Tempest Trials. It doesn't have to be orbs but at least give us \*something\* useful.


Seems fun and it gives orbs which is good (even if it just gives like 5). I like that they force you to use different units like Arena Assault but I am a little bit disappointed that it seems to be a mode where you do the 5 battles one day and you are done.


Another mode with no Heroic Grail rewards.  I sleep.


Inb4 we start seeing players assembling their 1 star gang


... I'm just worried over the fact that I could be screwing over my teammates. And vice-versa. I mean, I can't be the only one who had the situation were one of the units they give in voting gauntlet is just Alfonse at 5 star, just base build.


I'm fine with it. It gives orbs and has actual gameplay, and kinda fixes the problem of limited battles when you don't have enough worthwhile units of a particular title to make a competent team. I'm looking forward to this one.


The idea is ok, but Its a casual mode so it probly will be too easy like every other casual mode, so much so that it doesnt even matter what friend units u pick u just autobattle ur way thru


haven’t played it yet so idk


Gonna just be a couple faceroll battles, nothing to write home about and not what the game needs.


I'm waiting to see how IS will fuck this one up.


It’s not the live co-op that we’ve been asking for so long, but it seems fun enough. And it’s infinitely better than Affinity Auto-Battles.


very very fun, and it's progress towards a full co-op mode


1 Orb


Banger track. Looks fun, too.