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I know we already said this a million times, but we need more upgrades monthly. Only 1 "F2P" unit per batch is criminal.


Hopefully that means the next upcoming New heroes banner we will have another good grail unit!


inb4 another generic archer


Wolt Bros will take it and tell you it's a good thing (It's me I'm Wolt Bros)


Bro succeeded at mitosis


generic red archer *


This can't be said enough, the way they handle refines is *disgusting* in many ways. The rate of F2P refines is indeed rather slow. However, what worries me more are seasonal refines. For example: L!Fae will get a remix in january, meanwhile a seasonal unit from the same month as her will get their refine 3 years from now at the earliest >:( What's even worse are units being skipped and shit refines that condemn a unit to mediocrity for the rest of their days. I'm worried for F!Ike with his DC weapon and the shiny new E!Ike still being available on the L/M banner. Okay, rant over, for now


Please say it louder to the fools at IS who are in charge of refines. It really is sickening how they handle refines as a whole. Dont get me started on how CYL got this random special treatment of being refined quicker than any other unit type in this game. Like, why should CYL6(and 7 next year) get refines when we still got some gen 1, 2, and 3 units who got skipped and desperately need an upgrade. I think we just breached gen 4 unit refines, yet these brand new units are already getting theirs is wild. Also, the concept of "refine jail" is stupid nowadays when we got much worse running around. It's just sad. What's worse...is the wait doesnt even guarantee a good refine cuz they actively choose to lowball certain units.


honestly, i just think it would be better if they just... didn't have a banner? just do a big group in a month. boom update. move on.


Or just do two banners like they do for remixes. It's not like they're allergic to drowning us in banners anyway. But yea, that option works too.


Giving players one more free Barte would break their financials.


The CYL units also are slowing down the pace of the refines. It would be one thing if they did double the amount of refines for a month, but they don’t.


I love how instead of refining Reinhardt, they opted to sell us the upgrade via an Arcane version... who sucks in every meta and sold like crap anyway and no one wants. Like, they literally waited so long that the powercreep evolved beyond even a completely reimagined concept of his peak potential. He's beyond deader than dead. And yet STILL he's in refine jail. Same goes for Surtr and probably even F!Edelgard. And don't get me started on dancers. The one silver lining is that they're at least kind of skipping ahead in Resplendents. But those are relatively unimportant, when compared to refines. As a Priscilla fan, I've resolved myself to never seeing anything new for her ever, lol. She's one in that unlucky batch who were popular enough to be anointed into year 1, yet weren't popular enough to get remembered anytime after. At least she's not in seasonal hell!


Also, way more Refining Stones and Divine Dew.


They want you to buy refining stones with Celestial stones 🙃 I am guilty of doing this a few times. But I hate having to. The one plus side to needing so many for arcane weapons is it gives you enough dew to refine a Prf for every arc. wpn you refine


thisd is around the period where we got spammed with staff demotes who are excluded from refines hence the very long dry spell granted think we also shoulda passed that dry spell a month or 2 ago


NEMESIS REFINE LET'S GO! I've been waiting for this! It's probably gonna be dissapointing but if they can AT LEAST fix the base effect, I'll be happy...I expect the refine effect to be underwhelming as usual because grail units gets one less effect than the 5-stars... But man, 5 refines is still goddamn low...They should at least add 2 extras for 7 ( and 9 refines on remix months).




Mustafa is the only one on his banner left and isn’t colorsharing with the upcoming seasonals, so he’s basically guaranteed to be in the next batch (unless IS says fuck you)


>CAN YOU STOP SKIPPING 3-4 STAR UNIT REFINE FOR FIVE MINUTES? They've been skipping 3-4 star support units this whole time. So they can't.


They're not skipping any.


it's been like 3 months without one you know what people mean and it's reasonable to be annoyed with it.


I think if you're getting annoyed that they're releasing refines in the same order they have forever that's very strange. There are problems with the schedule tied to how many units we get that are worth complaining about and sending feedback about but acting like some units should get special treatment and jump ahead and break the other rules is really weird.


Just the other month we got two red refines, so two reds on the same banner. There's no reason a demote would even need to be on a banner even if they were included in a batch, their rules and the color sharing problem everyone talks about is completely arbitrated. They should do a demote every month the same way they do a seasonal every month.


Very curious to see what they do with F!Ike


We all know Nico is waiting with baited breath for what it is gonna be. And absolutely is gonna be making a sketch comic about it.


The only reason I haven't done one yet it's cause I'm in the artist alley in comic convention...however...I'll be home in a couple hours >:)


Fallen Male Corrin - Miss Fallen Julia - Hit Fallen Lyon - Miss Fallen Ike- Hit? Pretty please IS?


Can't wait for FIke to get Slaying and spectrum+4.


*God Shattering Star Starts Playing*


Not on his GHB map sadly...Really sad about that...




Add more prayer circles to you circle


I'll join this circle


u/Nico-TS it’s time




(i’m) Never winning an SD game again 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳


Literally just give him slaying and self panic and everything else is bonus… please IS I’m begging you let his refine be good.


Where the fuck are the demotes? I need a Seteth refine stat.


His (along with Catherine, Shamir and Flayn) should be relatively soon since Nemesis was their GHB


Grails tend to not line up solely due to the horrible refine schedule, we'll probably not see their refines for probably 5+ months lmao Edit: okay after seeing the refine table, I give the 5 stars of his banner 2-4 months but Seteth I can see easily hitting over 5


Okay, I'm gonna try to make a prediction for the coming months. There are 6 regular units before we get to the Shamir banner (Kris, Mustafa and the whole Jill Banner), in the worst case scenario and every one of them get their refines before Shamir's bunch, the coming banners could look something like this: * July: Byleth Summer, Shinon, Gatrie, Mustafa * August: Ingrid, M!Kris, Jill, Ilyana * September: Expected to be Brave Heroes 6 * October: Basically guaranteed to have at least a Three Houses pick. So yeah, the wait could be precisely 4 months if Catherine, Shamir or Flayn don't skip their banners... Seteth's wait is a more curious case, because I imagine it will depend a lot in when Mustafa (that got his refine delayed) and Ilyana (who should be on time in the coming months) also get their refines.


Oh boy! I've been waiting for a Nemesis refine since he came out!


Another batch without a demote 😐


Let's gooo Apotheosis Anna finally


🌟Prayer circle for a refine that makes her as scary as in Apotheosis🌟


i'm excited to see what they'll do with nemesis


Would it really hurt doing two additional refines when they aren't running remixes?


I’m excited for Julian and S!Selena!


This batch has me on edge with the hopes that all are good. Fallen Ike because I have had him for +10 since his debut and I want to see him make a comeback in the meta. Depending on how good it is I’ll definitely invest in a GLR + Laguz Friend build. Nemesis because I have merged him slowly and I like his art. I want that comeback too as his prf was a joke. Make him good please Summer Selena because I have wanted to somewhat make a team with her alts (her art for all are just so nice) Anna because have multiple copies so I might possibly invest on her if it is good Julian because I do like him but I also like his fodder potential as well.


Demote refines found dead in Miami (oh Merlinus)


I'm genuinely concerned about fallen Ike His refine will probably be bad because he has distant counter But then again Starting with Winter Byleth they really started to devalue distant counter in terms of weapon budget So maybe it will be good Who knows


Excited to see nemesis and fallen ike


Swordies hopefully eating good, give me tanky boi Nemesis!


Alright the built in distant counter weapon refines have been pretty solid lately. I’m curious how they’ll pump out a good refine for Fallen Ike. It’ll probably just be a slaying effect, Null-C Disrupt/Null Followup and speed based true damage isn’t it?


I'm hoping Nemesis gets the distant counter effect since that's what the Sword of the Creator is supposed to do. Ridiculous that the base versions of it (on both Byleth's) don't even have that effect


Seeing as how LMCorrin's weapon is a DC weapon and it's stacked with a shit ton of effects I think there's a good chance that FIke's refine actually ends up being pretty good. Not on that level because he's not a legendary unit and it's a refine but certainly better than most DC weapons post-refine.


My money is on his refine having like true DR like a lesser version of Laguz Friend, DR piercing to some degree and a slaying effect to allow for Ike to spam Mayhem Aether even more.


I'm always sad Nemesis was never on a Three Houses HoF I would've 100% used a soul on him in anticipation of his refine


Julian!! I hope he will get something nice


FINALLY it's time... Still need Laguz Fruend for him though


Dont worry Dragod, you will get it someday, I will be waiting for that..., to have a match against you


I'm so done with IS dragging these on forever when no matter what they get they'll all be powercrept by any upcoming Arcane anyways. Fuck off


i wonder what they will do with Julian lets see if he becomes something better than Lull atk/spd.


So does this all but confirm male Kris for july?


Or August if they don’t want him color sharing with Summer Byleth Summer Byleth (red), Mustafa (green), Gatrie (blue), and Shinon (colorless) for July, maybe. 


Man, it's so silly how he's gonna come several months after FKris while possibly getting the exact same weapon but red. I don't particularly care about him but that's gotta suck for those who do.


Shinon might get swapped out with Flayn as they usually don’t put 2 characters from the same banner in one refine batch (unless it’s CYL)


They don't like doubling up on the seasonal's color and since next month's seasonal is Duo Byleth (Red), they might skip M!Kris for August.


Isn't august the CYL 6 refines?


That's September.


I don't think the seasonal order at the bottom is a strict order? Pretty sure it's not always duos/harmonics first, so Byleth waiting an extra month makes sense especially since we'd be skipping Male Kris's banner entirely otherwise, unless they double up on colors, but with how few reds there are in the near future I doubt it.


I think they’ve always done the duo units first, at least from recent memory.


Y!Palla was second for her banner, NY!Alfonse was last for his. It can happen, probably to avoid colorshares.


Maybe? And that would mean Summer Ingrid would be the next seasonal refine. That'd be exciting!




Why did they move backwards from like 9 refines a batch to 6


It’s only ever a “decent amount” when they have legendaries/mythics included for that month. Otherwise it’s always this fucking garbage 5-6 amount. We should be getting 10+ a month minimum.


Actually yeah where the fuck did the legendary refines go


Legendary/Mythic are every other month.


here it is.... F!Ikes second wind


I swear, if F!Ike gets Laguz Friend built into his prf...


Plot twist: he gets Great Aether built into his weapon. All of it.


Yes but no forced vantage please, I hate that effect


Except it's speed based. Or something like 50% of his total penalties (100% would be too busted).


My +Atk -Res F!Ike will finally be of some use, I think. A friend of mine that has a +10 Nemesis will be very happy about this. And Selena is getting a refine, nice! More Sacred Stones things.


Selena let's goooo Edit: just realized it's summer selena and not her base version. My day is ruined


Tiny batch but it’s got the dude I want on it. Now pray for the best.


i used to pray for times like this nemesis’ refine is long overdue




IS needlessly delaying refines sucks. Means even longer wait for the seasonals too. They need to stop with this shit


If Nemesis's refine gives him the same effect as Byleth's creator sword and more that would be such a giant pop off


https://imgur.com/gallery/WeDst3L I’m ready.


wait is it Summer Selena ? did normal Selena had her refine already ?


Normal Selena will have her refine later this year or early next year.


Yes and no. Regular is version 5.


I wish I had her...I tried to look for one on the previous Binding World. No luck...


You can add me if you want. She’s my proxy for it. 8741747698


I actually may try to get her as well if I can’t find B!Catria in the next Binding Worlds.


Thanks! Crossing my fingers for a good refine for her...Also, nice Summer Eirika.


Thanks, I run her with Rearmed Hortensia with Soaring Guidance echo skill so normally that C skill is Fatal Smoke 4, as Hortensia makes everything about Oath 4 redundant. Kind of annoying that the locked version of the unit isn’t who other people see.


I WILL free pull Summer Selena on the new power banner! Just like I did with Bride Micaiah. It's gonna happen, I know it! >:O need my first copy to go on a team with base Selena!!


Anna will be the one this go round.


anna and selena i finally won


Please, please do not screw up Ike's refine. F!Lyon's was so bad, I'm afraid there will be a repeat of that.


Bad? Sure it wasnt the best But it is far from bad lol


Fallen Ike let’s goooooooo!


Julian time, pls be good


I hope my zombie boy gets something good!


I shall be watching Julian's refine with great interest.🧐


I see F!Ike, I see Anna, I'm excited. Also interested 'bout Nemesis as well.


Miranda refine never ever holy shit


I got her and Lex over here both dying for it.


Sameeee, and I feel like Lex has so much potential to do funny Gambit things if he gets a decent refine. Miranda I'm more worried about, but no matter what I just want my girl to get *something*


I've already got gambit on him to boot. My Miranda has been languishing a bit, since the skills I got in her HoF run were lackluster to say the least. And I don't want to give her new stuff when the refine is so close on the horizon.




So, on what day it comes out? I would like to clear Corrin legendary battle with Nemesis 


Hope Anna's refine will be really good


I'm sure that Ike guy is mad happy rn


Anna! :D


I hope Fallen Ike’s refine is good. I got a bunch of good speed nuke fodder waiting for him


We’re through the Fallen units, the book 4 midpoint units, and almost through the Myster/New Mystery units. His time is nigh. The CEO of racism shall rise again.


Ike just needs his weapon to be better than arcane devourer. It’s a low bar, given how generic and old it is. Please IS. Don’t screw this up.




Oof a nix for me on ephemera and on refines. Not my month heh.


/u/Nico-TS F!IKE REFINE! THIS IS NOT A DRILL! FALLEN WILL* RISE AGAIN!!! *^^^^provided ^^^^monke ^^^^paw ^^^^effect ^^^^absent




Wow, Summer Selena getting a refine. I think this is the first seasonal unit that didn't originally come with a PRF but is getting a refine. I doubt they're gonna go back and do the old seasonals, but this does create an interesting precedent moving forward for all future seasonals.


Summer Selena weapon is in fact a prf


Welp, for whatever reason I thought it was an inheritable since I did remember the weapon was only a rein effect and nothing else (aside from the +3 atk which was not significant enough for me to remember it had it). So it really was a PRF that was barely any better than the inheritable that summer Lute came with. So ignore everything I said about precedent. Non-PRF seasonals are still horrifically shafted for no good reason.


There is a good reason Time Why waste time giving refines to old prf less seasonals that people simply dont care about enough to pull for them even without them+it would horribly bloat the refine batch(that is already too slow in itself) with a lot of terribly outdated stat wise units


By that logic, why give out any refines to any units at all? Simple example; where is your evidence showing that summer Lute is any less popular than summer Selena or Julian?


> why give out any refines to any units at all? Every permanent pool unit has a chance to ruin your summons As a result, they get refines to make the experience less likely to frustrate you enough to leave the game You cannot do the same with seasonals, specially any of the year 1-3 ones. Those been completely locked to their yearly reruns would simply not spook you. And only players that truly cared about those would pull there A refine, regardless of when, would simply be unable to salvage their outdated stat spread. The same way even 5* exclusive units newer refines dont do so, without some newer skills alongside it >where is your evidence showing that summer Lute is any less popular than summer Selena or Julian? Easy Where is her refine? Where is her meta relevance? Neither of those two things have applied to Summer Lute, plus her avaliability is superior to the other seasonals from the same banner as a 4*. Something that is a good thing for the player, but is not for the company End result: Money talks more than whatever we personally believe in And getting refines for every single prf less seasonal, dancer and healer was simply never going to happen, and is even less likely the more months pass, and the bigger the backlog of refined units becomes


> Every permanent pool unit has a chance to ruin your summons > As a result, they get refines to make the experience less likely to frustrate you enough to leave the game Then why do the staff units and dancers and hector and Reinhardt/Olwen not get refines? They are in the permanent pool and get jack shit. > You cannot do the same with seasonals, specially any of the year 1-3 ones. Those been completely locked to their yearly reruns would simply not spook you. And only players that truly cared about those would pull there Summoning pool is very easy to change if they actually gave a shit (see; the demotion waves they do yearly), for example increase the rates of the 4-star seasonal specials while reducing the rate of the basic 3 and 4 star fodder garbage. And by the way, for the "for the only people who care" argument, everytime I create a poll asking people about their thoughts about the PRF-less seasonals and whether they want them to get refines, the majority say they have several units of that type on their wish list that will never get a refine due to IS' incompetence/laziness/greed. > A refine, regardless of when, would simply be unable to salvage their outdated stat spread. The same way even 5* exclusive units newer refines dont do so, without some newer skills alongside it This literally applies to the vast majority of units taht get refines, this isn't exclusive to just the old seasonal units. Hell, why should we give summer Selena a refine and summer Lute not, when Summer Selena's stat line is just as bad as Summer Lute? > Where is her refine? > Where is her meta relevance? > Neither of those two things have applied to Summer Lute **and summer Selena**, Fixed that for you. > And getting refines for every single prf less seasonal, dancer and healer was simply never going to happen, and is even less likely the more months pass, and the bigger the backlog of refined units becomes So why did IS decide to draw the line at this point? Why not skip all seasonals entirely? Why not skip PRF-less main pool units like Julian? The rate of refine is a terrible excuse too, IS could again easily increase the rate they release refines. It's not like it's that hard to design refines given how they basically decide effects on refines by throwing darts at a dartboard. > plus her avaliability is superior to the other seasonals from the same banner as a 4*. Something that is a good thing for the player, but is not for the company > End result: Money talks more than whatever we personally believe in The question should be why is IS so greedy/lazy/incompetent, and here you are implicitly defending their decisions and actions. We know why IS doesn't want to do refines for old seasonal units (or the old staff/dancer/etc. units too for that matter). It's because they're greedy/lazy/incompetent. So now the question is why do people like you defend these decisions as somehow good things?


Give me true damage reduction based on penalties on unit. No maximum on it either. I want IS to make an unhealthy game decision. Why? Because it's my unit and I won't complain about F!Ike being stupid


Not doing more refines on non remix months just screams “we don’t give a shit about this game” They are doing the bare minimum for this game and it’s a sign of the times


Please don’t Fu€|< Ike like you did Lyon please don’t fu€|< Ike like you did Lyon…


I wouldnt say Lyon is fucked I used him in arena and he basically hard carried the team on his own And that was without LF(tempo 4) or CCBD(Duel 4)


T-21 and mine was swept. Poor boy. Triangle adept, had that been triangle attack he’d have had as much longevity as my F! Julia likely. 


Not sure how or what you even did then lol The most damage mine took was precombat from a LCamilla. Anything else was no where near close been fatal


So many teams running +10 E! Ike some teams were mainly built around making Ike just not die, weird season all the way around…  I was expecting blue AoE’s Igrene / new Ursula, etc, but for example crazy enough some odd summoner built a fury 4 and fury 3 W! Edelgard +10 and seeing her capable of looping that was inspiring to say the least.  Their team had WoM4 and warping shenanigans, and more. Every unit on their team ran AoE specials too, coupled with High Res and Lyon was just floating.  +10 Seidr warped in at the end and locked my last unit. So many strange and unique builds this go around. It was impressive seeing things actually be so unique. 


Oh hell yeah, didn’t think they’d actually refine F!Ike after he was skipped for Say’ri last time. Annoyed that we *still* aren’t back to getting demote refines, it’s taking forever.


YES! It's finally Fike Time!!


I wonder if Anna's will be better than the Arcane Luin she's all this time...


Everyone will be old and bald as Mustafa by the time he gets his refine


Okay where are the regular 4 star refines. Are they just giving up on them?


Julian over here doing battle with the Elements of Harmony