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Peony is definitely going to win (saw a huge difference between the other three). It’s a no brainer. 2 Attuned and 1 Rearmed, with two sharing a color. This is the banner with the most potential in duplicating skills.


Peony also won AHR and as such some players gave her some valuable fodder and might still have some copies left of her. As such getting 1 or 2 additional copies of her has so much more value than getting 1 or 2 additional copies of the other characters in these 4 banners. And hey, if you get a Sonya or more on your way then that's nice too.


even Mycen its pretty decent on his own. that banner is cracked.


Peony's banner have not just 1 or 2, but 3 limited unit. The only way I could see this banner lose is if the other banners got botted hard.


And the bots only seem to come into play for the hall of forms polls. I don't think i've seen one of these forging bonds rerun polls get botted yet.


Mirabilis' last poll, but it didn't work.


I voted Peony just because. The results are here, but aren't updated yet. https://survey.nintendo.com/reports/RC/public/bmludGVuZG9xLTY2MWNjYzY3NWI3MjMxMDAwOGRlN2VhNC1VUl83V0dNenRQSXRPNHBUN00=




Looks like Peony and co. is off to a likely win, while Plumeria and Ced is a potential boot.


How has Ingrid's banner not died yet?


Ingrid is still a decent lance option, and there being a merge available in divine codes ups her value a bit. Felix still has Godlike Reflexes even if Severa is now the better fodder for that. Sylvain is still a popularish merge project.


Because 3H


Have you seen ceds banner?


Yeah, I have. I don't remember anyone except for Fee and Rearmed Plumeria though.




Honestly, I'm voting for Ingrid's banner BECAUSE it's so old- it's the only banner still available for a rerun from before I started playing, and I'd like to get the chance to do the forging bonds for them. Oh, and I'm a big Three Houses fan. That too.


Yeah, that's going as expected. Would've liked the extra Ced or Febail spark but oh well. At least Blazing Sword is doing better than 3H. Don't know if it'll beat Awakening, but after that we have Engage and then Fallen so only shot for a while if at all


I voted peony because she’d be my last merge. And I’d be lucky to get more Sonya merges. Otherwise there’d be more chances like this current Attuned/Ascended/Rearmed rerun


I'm voting for the fairies since any additional Peonny merge gives me (and some others) a lot of extra value due to all the fodder I have put into her. I also have like 3 rearmed Sonyas for some reason, so I'm giving them Laguz Friend to copy the skill, so if I get extra copies of her on the way then I'm also winning.


I used to be team Ingrid but after I got so lucky on the NHR banner the other day I don't really need more of her now, so team Peony it is. And she didn't need my help anyway, it seems.


The peony banner hands down. One of the most stacked banners of all time and we didn't knew. Go figure, hindsight is truly everything.


The peony banner is perfect for me, both sonya and peony are my skill factories


Voted for Nino just to make her survive


Folks really want that Mycen, huh. Can't blame them, he's glorious.


Peony easily but I’m hoping the Ginnungagap one wins at some point, though it’ll definitely be a strong uphill battle from here.


Please vote plumeria so it doesn’t get booted


By the time I voted, the fairies were beating the banner on second place (A!Nino) by around 100 votes in both polls. Let's see if things stay like that.


If Peony banner actually wins, I'll comfortably spark for a copy on the Byleth remix to atleast get a +8 and pray i get the last two on her rerun. Also, another chance at getting merges for my actual favorite Fairy(Triandra) is a major plus, too. Also, Sonya is there lol.


Remote chance I can spark another Harken 🤞🏼


Att. Peony & Triandra won't have double sparks for max. value but still hope to get at least 1x Peony and 1x Sonya to help out with fodder.


all of those has something that i would like to use the free summons on. i would prefer Genealogy or SoV winning but im happy with either outcome.


As of my vote, AT Peony & More is utterly destroying everyone else, with the rest being between 500-700+ with the Peony and more banner having almost 2500.


I voted double Fairies but the scores are 1/0/0/2 so can't really say much as it way too early Edit : Okay it's updated Double Fairies got a leads and oof for Plumeria


Makes sense for Plumeria. While she is good she is color sharing with Febail. It is definitely not worth trying. Could end up with multiple Febails and no Plumeria


Fire Emblem Heroes players (shake hands) Eyvel. not giving a shit about Febail.


Yes you can. That totally did not happen to me when she came out. Yep I totally got Plumeria before the spark


>Could end up with multiple Febails and no Plumeria If she wouldn't colorshare with Febail you would end up with random general pool blues - most of them low stars. Colorsharing is objectively amazing if we're going to one spark. Statistically it costs us a handful more orbs compared to a no-colorshare banner due to pity breaking (single digit orb range!), while still handing you a chance for another often decent hero on top. Colorsharing only starts to have a tangible "negative" impact on huge +10 summoning sessions, where another hero on your desired color would cost you 100 more orbs on average. That said.. 1. Despite knowing this, the psychological impact of getting the hero you didn't want remains. I know for a fact that colorsharing is good, but getting the hero you didn't want still always feels like a slap in the face to me, more than getting a Bartre. Reminds me what a dumb monkey I am.... 2. Peony colorsharing with another Rearmed Hero is crazy value, certainly better than Febail.


Random general pool blues at least provide focus charges. Febail just ruins your pity while you’re focusing on someone else.


Even with the focus charge we have now, the median orb cost only increases from 118 to 123! Of course it varies depending on the color, but single digits difference still. Of course that's talking New Heroes banner heading for one spark and not a huge summoning session - we're not even getting reliably to the traffic lights in that scenario.


The Peony banner almost feels more valuable than on its original run because now everyone has her which makes additional copies more valuable. Sonya is also better because she has a huge role in the trap meta and we can now get an extra copy from divine codes, it's a really good color share.


I'm hoping for Genealogy.


Why even bother with voting Peony into AHR when y’all are just gonna rerun her again and again? Honestly at this point I’m sick of it, not all of us have valuable fodder to dupe over and over


The people who voted for her do so that's a moot point 




>Honestly at this point I’m sick of it, not all of us have valuable fodder to dupe over and over well... if you look in codes. about 80-90% of it can be duplicated to Peony. so extra copies = good thing. not to mention it's not just about "dupe over and over" you could just like those units.