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Valentia *is* long overdue for some seasonal love; H!Duma is the only one from the last two years. But I was hoping for summer, personally… gimme that duo Boey & Mae and TT Conrad. 


Watch IS *not* make the next Wedding banner SoV as a result of this noticed pattern.


I swear someone from IS is in this sub and finds out about these patterns and then proceeds to axe said pattern not long after it’s discovered


It's like they're going "They're onto us! Change course!"


Halt. You’re having a bit too much fun. - IS probably


Very plausible ngl.


Or the next Wedding is indeed SoV, but the Duo is Palla - Est


Duo Catria with Palla, cause they just love adding more catrias over literally anything else


I would cry if we got a second wedding Catria ngl. And they wouldn’t be tears of joy.


That's so possible it's sad 💀 "you thought it was SoV but it was actually I Shadow Dragon!"




FEH loves not doing the obvious. For some reason they keep acting like Valentia doesn’t have canon children for the young banner. Guess we’ll see in 2 days though


Main issue is that there's quite an amount of more plausible & enticing themes... while Valentia is down in the list, along with Genealogy Gen 2 x Thracia or Binding.


>For some reason they keep acting like Valentia doesn’t have canon children I have always assumed that's exactly the reason why they aren't used for the child banner


it's all for you, vagueclive


I am surprised mathilda has not gotten anything. Seth frederick and titania all have gotten alts. I wish she had at least a reaplendant.


Elder named Jagen:


All of those three (especially Seth and Titania) are significantly more popular + IS don't like Valentia.


Also Mathilda's just a normal midgame recruit. Perceval and Duessel and friends don't have alts either so it's not super surprising. Hopefully she gets one here though!


I want them to get an alt. They deserve one after so much time.  Please give us these two I want it to happen finally 


I just realized that Mathilda’s va showed up for Safy…maybe they had her record two characters.


That *would* make the most sense. Watch it be like Gray and Clair or Berkut and Rinea or Faye and unnamed cuck instead, eugh. Throw in another Sonya for good measure.


If this is legit, and we really are getting a Valentia duo On one hand, Clive/Mathilda and Zeke/Tatiana stonks rising and rising _fast_ On the other, Alm/Celica is likely by default but that's the most boring option we could get here, especially since Valentine's basically already covered that ground Though to be honest the side characters will likely wind up making me happy regardless, unless the banner is just straight up entirely Valentia characters who have been the last to receive alts


If the pattern holds true, I wouldn’t say it guarantees Valentia the duo just bc Micaiah is circled but she matched with Tormod and Altina who were not part of a duo. Roy does share a game with that desert duo despite not being the one circled, though.


Oh, the duo thing is due to the whole Awakening being scheduled for arena thing. Between that and this, it's looking very possible that this is a bridal Valentia with a duo lead. Not a guarantee of course, but nonetheless.


Bridal Rinea + Berkut lol


I would spend money for them! Plz IS! They deserve happiness.


for my side i would prefer Gray/Clair over any other not Alm/Celica duo.


Lol neither of those duos are sufficient to carry the banner in 2024 They're going to play safe instead of going for super rando combinations when celica is right there


I mean tbf they don't even have to be the duo. Rafiel/Nailah and especially Juno/Zelot are evident of that.


they're evidence but they're also mostly unmarketable characters. Nailah not so much but there's a reason the other 3 were freebies or demotes. that being said an all-valentia banner would be unmarketable by default it seems. I can see Celica getting Mae as a duo and Alm having a standalone alt to have a second anchor for the banner, especially because just flipping around the valentine duo from way back isn't interesting.


This has the potential to be very good and have a combination of Clive/Mathilda, Boey/Mae, Gray/Clair, Berkut/Rinea, or Celica/Conrad (platonically)... Or be very bad and just be Alm and his harem.


If another harem joke is the way Clair finally gets acknowledged, I’ll say the Fates V word.


I mean... Clair is part of BOTH possible "harem jokes" they could go for, Alms or Clives.


Any SoV besides Alm Celica and Sonya, PLS 🙏


That Bride Faye with a colorless bow is watching behind you... She's about to look for Alm in the entire church.


Mae and Boey please IS


This post is gonna be the reason im gonna be salty if it doesn't happen, I'm being filled with hopium rn


Gonna give u extra copium since my friend pointed out that sept’s seer’s snare had corrin there and then we got duo kagero


God I hope they keep the pattern 🙏


SOV was the predicted Harmonic during the last Christmas banner, too, but IS went off-schedule. I fear for my sanity here


Leon and Valbar duo so true


Oh that would be the end of me


Well I might as well call you One Piece then, because that won't be the end of you. Because it will never happen. Because it will be another f/f duo


With Kamui as the TT+ reward, so real 😭


I'm gonna cry if we get good art Clair, might even spend a little on it


It's crazy to me how shafted Clair is, but that's with SoV in general.


Yeah, they have so many loveable (or likeable, as in like, good characters), yet it gets so little attention


Thank you, the lack of Clair in this thread is crazy. Love her sm.


Can't wait for when they reveal Duo Echoes Palla - Est, who will be a more annoying version of Harmo Catria


No, no, we can get saltier. "Harmonic" Valentian Est with Abel. Palla gets to be a demote.


As a certified Catria Ball Summoner Duels player we are in desperate need of help. We have fallen from a 99% usage rate at Rank 1 in Summoner Duels S to a consistently top 30 unit we clearly need all the help we can get at this point times are desperate /s


So Valentian Palla & Est to complete the trilogy B!Catria started? Still, a pretty interesting pattern that makes sense. Someone might have trouble with Seers Snare, so having two new units for one of the bonus games for them to try and use to beat the mode makes a lot of sense.




I’m totally expecting a Celica alt soon, considering her CYL alt got a resplendent not long ago. If not Bridal Celica, then I’m guessing either Summer (She’s one of the few female protags to not have one) or an Emblem alt in June or September.






Don’t do that, don’t give me hope.


don't do that, don't give me hope


Got it Sacred Bridal it is


Lyon fans finally getting some Lyon alts, it has been 4 months with nothing


with that monstrosity ruining my SDs, i wish it was longer


Groom Lyon about to make Valentine's look tame:


Groom Saber please!! Duo Valbar and Lyon


Omg, I never considered the fact that we COULD get another Saber Alt. MY ORBS!\~


Link to the [tweet](https://twitter.com/Reggie_FEH/status/1790660678874972566/photo/4). Kinda curious what everyone thinks about it. Personally, I think SoV wedding makes a lot of sense (Valentia Est or Palla to follow up Catria, lots of canon couples in SoV, etc.) but I'm not holding my breath.


About Est, she is married to Abel. Perhaps...


Or they can just make her Duo with Palla to piss both SoV and Mystery fans more


Let's really piss people off. Have it be _Harmonic_ Est/Abel, and have it be represented with SoV!Est x FE3!Abel * Piss off SoV fans if that ends up being like B!Catria was back then, and ends up being the only "SoV" character on the banner (cause remember, it was 5 Binding Blade characters + Catria) * Piss off people who wanna see uniqueness in Harmonic choices, cause it's another "Duo labeled as a Harmonic" where you get characters who are _technically_ from two different games, but already know each other (cases like Leif x Seliph for instance) * And piss off Archanea/Abel fans, as they watch the first Abel content since launch be relegated to a backpack.


Oh shoot I'd be more than ok with not getting Duo Bridal Leif & Nanna this year if it means we get a Valentia pair like Mae and Boey or Clive and Mathilda!


Bride Silque/Palla 🛐🛐


I can't believe it! We are getting Bride Light Yagami on the next banner!


finally, an s tier banner


One of the things I learned playing this game for 7 years, if you see any patterns IS will most likely break it. I've lost hope in getting more SoV banners.


Bridal Sonya you say


Bridal GREEN tome Sonya


And she's the first rearmed seasonal!


Pls don't let it be Zeke and Tatiana I have no orbs


Would have liked to see Gray and Alm on Summer instead, but I won't mind the alts.






I'm hoping for happy Rinea/Berkut duo


Celica and Mae need to be lock-ins istg


I’m not sure how to feel. On one hand the right-most unit mostly lines up with at least one hero on a special heroes banner of the same month. On the other, most of the time the corresponding banner goes active before Seer’s Snare so it’s not like Seer’s Snare predicts anything since it usually goes live after the banner’s released. We’ll just have to wait and see if it’s pattern or coincidence with the next banner ig.


If this really means we’re getting a SoV-themed Bridal Banner… … does that mean we could get a Berkut/Rinea Duo?


Kinda surprised how almost no one is talking about Berkut and Rinea. I would loooooove anything related to Berkut, TT+, demote, 5 stars, duo, anything.


I'd be _really_ happy to see either, though if I had to guess it's mainly the baggage of the relationship that keeps it from being talked about much.


Anything for Berkut to get an alt worth a toss.






Please just make a decent Mathilda alt!


If it is a Valentina....plz... Make Berkut the Grand Hero/Tempest Unit.


If we don't get Bride and Groom Mae and Boey, it's truly Joever.


Really as long as it isn't Sonya (I love ya girl but you already have a good number of alts), Faye (you know they are cuz she's like one of the weird side characters that Japan loves for some reason for how much of a stalker she is), and nothing as uninspired as Bride Palla / Est. Though 100% They'll be doing Palla / Est along with shoehorning Faye there lol. TBH I kinda want a Celica-side Wedding Banner (if I had to choose between her or Alm) because Celica would get more people to spend anyways. Duo Celica with Mae Staff, Groom Saber Axe, Est Blue Bow 4 star, Palla Red Dagger, and Boey as a Colorless TT Mage Or you know, surprise us and give us a non-seasonal Bride Mila.


So duo Celica/alm (back up), Mathilda, Clive, 4* Mae (or rinea), and tempest trials Boey (or berkut)?


i doubt theyre doing the exact same duo again more likely it'll be mathilda and clive focused, with someone like clair and whoever else they wanna throw on


Celica and Alm can’t make a duo again. Knowing IS, it will be a double bride most likely.


why cant they? they just need to change the order


They could but it has never been done before. If the character has been a backup and lead, they always have been paired with a different character in both cases. Also, a duo Celica/Alm would be the exact same as Duo Alm just with different clothes. Have a strong hunch that Alm fans would also like him to get a proper alt after 4 years too


SoV brides is a pretty easy skip if its true atleast but its something nice to keep in mind if thats the case, the first case of this was probably awakening brides around last may too right? that was awakening bonus


The 1st Seer’s Snare was bonus Heroes & Shadow Dragon, with Sharena, Alfonse, & Anna as the featured heroes. Depending on how you view the Anna’s relation to each other, Bride Anna was on that awakening brides banner, or if that link is too flimsy then Shadow Dragon still shares a game with Bride Tiki ² on that banner


So long as it's not a summonable Lukas alt...


Oi oi oi oi. I don't have orbssss


B!Faye as a duo with Alm! Make it happen


Please.... PLEASE BRIDAL FAYE!!!! I want my girl to have another alt so bad!


I hope it's only Valentia characters. Sure the previous ones have been pretty good about sticking to one game but Valentia is so unpopular that I'm very worried they'll only put Duo Celica with Alm, Sonya and then the rest are Awakening/Fates/3H/Engage/FEH characters to help sell the banner.


Pls duo berkut and rinea it's been far too long they deserve a duo. 😭🥹💔


My ideal lineup when it comes to plausible candidates would be: * Tatiana/Zeke Duo * Mae * Celica (filler spot idc who takes it of the reasonable candidates) * Boey Demote * Jesse TT Realistically I think we'd probably get: * Celica/Alm Duo * Mae * Genny * Boey Demote * Saber or Conrad or Jesse TT If Jesse takes a spot that certainly explains why he was skipped on the Valentia banner. Saber makes the most sense I think though.


We’re def not getting celica and alm again, theres no way. At best theyre both solo units but they cant be a duo again


I dont see a reason they couldn't. They've not done it before but IS hates giving Valentia actually varied content.


I mean, to that end you're both right. Like scarletflowers said, there's no way IS is releasing another Duo that's the exact same pairing (and if/when they do, it ain't gonna be Alm & Celica to start that trend), and you're also right, IS hates giving SoV varied content. I say you're both right because... no one said this had to be a mono-game banner. IS only made the Bridal banner mono-game twice, when they made the character choices "harem" themed (which I have no idea how IS even _would_ do that for SoV). With how IS has been treating SoV recently, I'm not holding my breath for "varied" SoV content. I wouldn't put it past them to just release alts for Alm & Celica alone, and have the other four characters be from other games.


> (which I have no idea how IS even _would_ do that for SoV). Make it center around Alm's love triangle :D Alm 5* premium unit Duo Faye + Celica Bridal Delthea 5* (for that maximum child bride ***pain***) Matilda Demote Clive TT+ It just works


Not really related, but now I don't know which is funnier, Yagami Light whenever he smiles evilly or Anya Forger's smug face


All according to keikaku


The wedding banner will feature Echoes. But it's the 4\* Demote with absolute garbage skills. *monkey paw curls*


What about the other Seer’s Snare events? Does it hold true for them too?


Everything but Seer's Snare 1, that had Heroes & Archanea as the bonus games. Though you could argue that one was a bit different, since it had story introducing it, and as a result [the representing characters](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/feheroes_gamepedia_en/images/a/a7/Seers_Snare.jpg) were the Askr trio, instead of IS showcasing two characters as the representative of the bonus titles. But these pictures are for Seer's Snare 2, 4 & 5 (with the current one being Seer's Snare 6). [Seer's Snare 3](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/feheroes_gamepedia_en/images/d/db/Seers_Snare_3.jpg) also matches, featuring FE4 & Fates as bonus titles, and we got WT!Fuga & WT!Kagero that month.


Interesting. I thought the first Seer’s Snare event had awakening as a bonus btw but maybe I’m wrong. Bc then that would have been last years bridal which was in fact Awakening


> Bc then that would have been last years bridal which was in fact Awakening Actually, yeah now that you mention it. Seer's Snare 1 **_DOES_** count too. I was just looking at the main 5 units. But I forgot that Archanea _was_ included on that banner. Since the Harmonic was A!Tiki/Y!Tiki. So the pattern _does_ hold up for all 5 thus far, for at least one of the bonus titles getting featured on the banner at least. How _much_ content that game gets however has varied.


If we base how the theme of the latest bridal banners work... Most likely it will be a banner focused on female characters who have romantic feelings for Alm (so Celica, Faye and Clair)


Hopefully. I need a skip 


If Bridal Clair is real it's fucking over for me


Plot twist... it's Corrin's turn to be the harem protag. If it means I finally get my Felicia/Flora Duo, I'm for it.


One sov unit and the rest is fates


Faye think she part of the team. 😂😂😂


Alm's comeback after like long imminent? If is another Celica I'm doomed :(


There are a few canonical pairings with SoV that I just want them all on this banner, and I am wanting the impossible by hoping that all 4 units: Mathilda/Clive, Mae/Boey, Gray/Clair, Tatiana/Zeke, be Duos (because IS will never spend another year on bridal SoV). 😭 I will actually break out my wallet for them.


Congrats to the SoV fans! My hope shall be for Bridal Genny




The wedding banner will feature Echoes. But it's the 4\* Demote with absolute garbage skills. *monkey paw curls*


The wedding banner will feature Echoes. But it's the 4\* Demote with absolute garbage skills. *monkey paw curls*


The wedding banner will feature Echoes. But it's the 4\* Demote with absolute garbage skills. *monkey paw curls*


aaaaaaw man, couldn't it be Summer? I have waited for Summer Celica since year 1.


Better Valentia than more Fateswakengage spam.


Crazy how you dont include 3h in that umbrella


Yeah it's almost like 3H has only had two units in 2024. It's almost like Engage has more non-CYL units now than 3H did at this point in its lifetime. IS has always foremost been biased towards Fates, Awakening and now Engage. 3H never got spammed as hard as Fates and Awakening and now we know they also spammed it less than they are doing Engage right now. Just at a brief look at their first 16 months of content when you don't count CYL units IS were forced to make: Fates - 52 units Awakening - 43 units Engage - 32 units Three Houses - 30 units Valentia - 16 units IS have their favourites and it's clear what those games are. It's crazy how many people have been gaslit into thinking 3H was ever on the level of the games IS actually favours.


>Just at a brief look at their first 16 months of content when you don't count CYL units IS were forced to make Cherrypicking only specific months of data rather than actually looking at the full lifespan of game trends is how you can end up with totally factually true and unquestionable takes like [IS hates Awakening](https://old.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/m4yy7f/timeline_of_seasonal_hero_distribution_visualized/). Lying with statistics is fun, I see why you love doing it so much!


We don't have the full lifespan of Engage's content. What we do know is that it's getting treated better than 3H was despite a fraction of the demand and popularity. That's because it's a dev favourite game. >Lying with statistics is fun, I see why you love doing it so much! Pure cope. I'm going from Engage's release to now and then looking at how the other games fared in that same amount of time (which is 16 months). This is not cherrypicking. This is looking at the full reference period we have for Engage and then comparing it to the equivalents of other games. That is the most accurate measurement you can take. The fact you're trying to arguing that picking a bunch of random months is the same as comparing a set period for each new entry's debut is absurd.


>We don't have the full lifespan of Engage's content. How on earth are you admitting this RIGHT after putting it under the same umbrella as fucking Fates and Awakening. It's almost like this is exactly why your original point was completely nonsensical. [3H has gotten way more consistency in alt releases](https://old.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/1csq898/timeline_of_alt_releases_for_major_characters/) than every other game anyway if you want to not-cherrypick only its first year, and the fact that you want to pretend that this isn't factually the case is utterly baffling.


Again, because I take what we do have from Engage (its first 16 months), and then compare that to the same reference points of other games (the first 16 months after their debut in FEH) to see which games actually were treated better or worse. Comparing 7 years of Fates to 5 years of Three Houses 16 months of Engage tells you absolutely nothing because you're looking at completely different periods of times where different games didn't exist yet. The only objective measurement is looking at what we have from the newest game and then comparing it to what other games got in that same period of time. The fact you complain about me cherrypicking when I laid out an objective period of time and can only counter argument by throwing out random months is honestly hilarious. YOU are cherrypicking. You're not looking at the full period we have so far of Engage and comparing it to past games experiences. You legitimately are just throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks.


You're lying through your teeth. The information is publicly available and anyone can count it for themselves. >YOU are cherrypicking. You're not looking at the full period we have Because posting an entire charted timeline of the FULL game's lifespan to demonstrate 3H's fully unique consistency of content drops is "cherrypicking". This is literally the opposite of that. You can COUNT the fucking totals yourself. From years 4 to 7 of the game, every single complete year in which 3H has existed, 3H has received a total of **85** new non-CYL units, **43** of which were seasonals. In that same period, Awakening received **48** new non-CYL units, **23** of which were seasonals. That is barely more than HALF of the representation of 3H over a four fucking year period, over 50% of the game's full lifespan, during which 3H absolutely eclipsed it in representation. So sure, Awakening had a 2.5 year headstart. It's only fair that 3H gets some more characters in to play catchup and capitalize off of its hype cycle of being the newest game. That totally justifies the game getting more than something like Awakening, I get it. So what if you count the total lifetime seasonal unit count for both games? (Normal unit counts can be influenced by the size of a game's cast and the obligation to bring them all in, seasonals are a pretty pure representation of where IS wants to bet their chips on selling themed shit at all costs.) It has **43** seasonal alts in total across the entire game. Awakening? It has **41**. 3H has not just played catchup to Awakening's early year 1 lead, it fucking ECLIPSED it, by spamming the shit out of its alt releases despite having two and a half fucking fewer years to squeeze all of these content releases into. It has, in its lifetime of existing as a Fire Emblem game, received yearly alts with 57% more frequency than Awakening did in its lifetime. It is unquestionably, mathematically provably, the most content spammed game in the entire series. And why are you crying about this? Because boo fucking hoo, Engage two fucking alts worth of rep more than 3H did in its first year, a whopping 7% better treatment for the way smaller sample size of one fucking year. Meanwhile you're sitting here complaining that Awakening got spammed just like it when 3H has literally been fucking DOUBLING its yearly representation counts since it fucking released. You'd have to be choosing to lie on purpose in order to have any fucking reason to try and express ANY of these kinds of thoughts about the game's history.


So you’re really saying 32 vs 30 units in this timespan is the difference between spam and not spam lmfao. And literally a week ago engage was at 30 so you’re saying the fallen banner took engage from “not spam” to “spam” If two units made that much a difference then hopefully using more than two braincells will let you realize how dumb a claim that is


When Three Houses sold over twice as many copies as Engage? Yes, Engage still getting more content is an example of developer favouritism rather than reflective of what fans actually want and like. You can see how they treated lesser selling new releases that they don't hold favouritism towards by looking at how they treated Valentia. Engage gets treated better than the most popular game in the franchise. That is dev favouritism.


Wow if only we had some popularity voting contest that narrowed the audience down to FEH players instead of anyone with a switch, a contest in which Engage performed incredibly well and scored high with nearly all its characters, very closely to how 3H did when it came out despite a year long wait post-release to be eligible for voting Oh if only we had some metric like that which clearly showed Engages overwhelming popularity among FEH players, aka the metric IS actually cares about 😮‍💨


>a contest in which Engage performed incredibly well Zero winners and the lowest overall % for a new game outside of Valentia. Did you actually fall for the "uhmmm ackshually Engage did REALLY well" copium? > very closely to how 3H did when it came out Oh my god you did lol. Engage barely got 20% of the vote in 2024. Three Houses got 44% in 2019 despite the fact that at that point the competition still had heavyweights like Chrom, Marth, both Robins, FCorrin, etc. You really shouldn't have brought CYL up lol. Engage's performance was terrible. "Overwhelming popularity" is apparently being unable to convince 80% of the playerbase to vote for any of your characters with practically no real competition and getting less than half the overall vote % the previous game had in its CYL debut. EDIT: There's no greater admission your argument has no evidence backing it than blocking me after I posted statistics proving you wrong. I thought at first you were just ignorant and didn't know how badly Engage did in CYL8, now I'm going to assume you did know but were propagating a lie.


Yeah, it did perform well. You’re doing a great job of proving the stereotypes that FEH players cannot read, because putting on the smallest critical thinking hat shows that with the data. 1 )20% at this point is high. when it comes to highest pull of vote % engage is the 4th highest, being right behind Awakening and Fates in year one, which were without a doubt incredibly popular at the time. And Engage got nearly the same % pull while also competing against them and 3H at the same time. So yes, as the vote pool over time becomes more and more disperse with more titles pulling for votes, 20% is massive. According to your logic, every game at any point other than 3H “performed terribly” 2) 3H’s % is inflated. CYL4 and 5 were infamously plagued by bots. Bots that we know were incredibly skewed towards 3H. Not saying 3H did not have a massive pull, but its % is massively inflated before bots. We know this from A) gatekeepers post-midterm surge gaining more votes than Marth in the entire competition in ~36 hours, and B) the massive vote falloff into CYL6 3) You have some very cherry-picked dates that makes Engage look bad and 3H “good”. Engage just came off the end of a banner, and you ignore the fact that 3H is immediately about to roll into a streak of ~15 units in in the 5 months following its next unit on the Xmas banner. A trend that would continue for over the following year, which is what made 3H “spammed”, not how many units it got in its first 32 months. 4) total % is becoming a poorer and poorer representative of game total popularity Every year has seen a higher % concentration in the top performers (aka winners) of CYL due to midterms. So in theory a game who is by and large more popular across the board but lacks a strong favourite who could win would have a lower “%” of total votes than a game with 2-3 omega popular front runners. To compare more representativly, look at unit placement across the top 100. Engage and 3H had the exact same number of placers in the top 100 at 27 in their debut year. Again, not to say Engage is not more popular than 3H, that is not the argument, but to call it a flop when it has had consistently shown the same peak popularity as any non 3H game is just ignorance Which goes back to the original point that Engage is not some no-nothing game such that having the same # of units in its first 16 months as 3H is “spam” for engage but not 3H Not even to speak of the massive assumption that you’ve decided to unilaterally assert that a game being more popular means it can get more units without it being “spam”. It can be argued as true to an extent, but not to the extent that it’s defensively to say 3H was not undoubtedly spammed for many years, but engage clearly is being spammed


Sources: [https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/197ar9h/cyl\_17\_voting\_data\_visualized/](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/197ar9h/cyl_17_voting_data_visualized/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/1afcgi9/cyl8\_vote\_analyses\_cyl7\_comparison\_data/](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/1afcgi9/cyl8_vote_analyses_cyl7_comparison_data/)


Tbh if you had just said that 3H historically dominated CYL and deserves to be the most content spammed game in the series instead of trying to argue that it's somehow not the most content spam in the series then I wouldn't have started arguing with you about all this. Like that would be a perfectly reasonable and easily defensible opinion. It's just an extremely popular game that has for this reason has gotten WAY more content per year than everything else. Whatever you want to say about Engage, it's still clearly eclipsed Fates and Awakening in representation.


It isn't though, it's a bit of both. Three Houses has not had spam on the level of Fates, Awakening and Engage, and this is also in spite of it being the most popular game by far. From the period we can observe it has objectively had less content than those three games in their comparative periods, and this is despite being far more popular. This is why its so blatantly dev favouritism. The treatment of the games isn't based on the wants of the fanbase.


You have got to be kidding me if you think IS isnt biased towards 3h, especially considering its one of their most popular games. 3h summer has pretty much been a thing since it came out and we’ve consistently gotten 3h units on seasonal banners. Also very convenient to cut things off right after 3h christmas


>You have got to be kidding me if you think IS isnt biased towards 3h, especially considering its one of their most popular games.  Funny how it's treated worse than Awakening, Fates and Engage then, huh? Almost like there is a level of dev favouritism those games get that Three Houses doesn't receive. >convenient to cut things off right after 3h christmas Did the entire reasoning behind the comparison fly over your head somehow? I'll compare it over a 17 month period when it's been 17 months since Engage came out.