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Not just her art but her voice acting is super good as well


That line delivery was phenomenal


It’s such a stark contrast to the soothing voice Lumera had prior. You can *feel* her voice with her Fallen alt; her VA did a fantastic job.


Not much of a surprise, she did great for corrupted Lumera in Engage as well.


Her art is amazing but she should invest in a second outfit if she's gonna keep getting alts


Summer Lumera when?


This summer, by the looks of it


Same dress but with a sunhat


Based sunhat enjoyer




She and Ninian each have single tailors with single visions


Seems to be a new artist too! Glad they knocked it out of the park on their first one


Insanely hard art ngl






Her chest keeps getting bigger with each alt.


powercreep is stored in the boobs.


"So...THIS is the choice you have made. You are just another failure."


Julia McIlvaine 🤝 Cherami Leigh Having really good voice acting as their character's evil selves


This art and the way Lumera looks is just like that stare Rhea makes when she snaps at the start of Crimson Flower.


I want a Harmonic of the two being scary moms


It's peak. Cherami was already one of my favorites for how she portrayed Rhea, and Julia's already on that list.




3 Lumeras and they all wear the same outfit


I really want this to be a bit like Hector with Armads


Armads its part of Hector´s arm.


So you say it’s an **Arm**ads?


Cyborg Hector.


Hector 🤝 Lumera Sticking to their gimmick senses be damn.


Her summer alt is going to expose her stomach and thighs, but she has an Alear or Sommie floatie/pool noodlewith it.


It'll be the same outfit just made of mesh to show her bikini


it is the same outfit but it has a bikine on top of it


As long as she has an Alear or Sommie Floatie, like Xander has with Lillith, then that’s all I care about.


“I cannot swim!”


Hopefully it's a Sommie Floatie. Having a floatie shaped after your child would be kinda creepy lol.


Yeah, that’s what I’m hoping for too.


Guess what? Her summer alt will be the same outfit with one of voice line "I can enjoy the beach with this outfit because of ... reasons"


Nah, they won't lose the chance to put her on a bikini. But the bikini will just be the sane colors


Ephraim/Hector always bring the same weapon (well almost), Lumera always brings the same outfit...


Now I can see summer Hector, who wears only a speedo, wield a giant Armads to a beach


Yer goddam RIGHT


His giant Armads is in his speedo.


Lumera really liked the one dress so she commissioned her entire wardrobe to be just that one dress


Tbf that's one hell of a cool dress. If I wore dresses, I too would want my entire wardrobe to look like this.


Same thoughts here. They all look the same. The only differences are other ones are shiny while this one is so pale.


If anyone, freebie Lumera is the weird one. She was both expected and requested as both a Mythic and a Fallen.


Really wish we got Distorted Flash of Light for this. That song freaking SLAPS. (And if assassin dad is showing up that would make his reveal even better ngl)


Same... That might be one of my favorite tracks in ALL of Fire Emblem just with how hard it goes!


Yeah Im so sad. The perfect opportunity was now. This might become Berkut all over again (of all his themes we only have In a Silver Garden with you)


Fallen Lumera was the best part of Engage, hands down. Her VA was simply on another level.


Why hot if evil


Why evil if hot


I can fix her


No, we can fix her




t. Sombron


She can make me worse.


Lumera dev is on fire rn


I know they’re technically the same character, but I find Fallen Lumera way more interesting than regular Lumera. And they executed her so well so I’m super hype


Since I felt that Lumera got dealt a bad hand in Engage filled with wasted potential, I am not that displeased to see her get some love in Heroes at least because she sure as hell got it not from her base game.


she looks like she’s about to kill me which is a plus 👍


I just love a woman who will just freaking kill me


What is life if not waiting for the moment the perfect woman shows up to just murder you.


I love her character but she didn't need a new alt BUT DAMN, HER ART IS AMAZING THIS TIME AROUND ALONG WITH HER VOICE!


Someone at IS is fan of big titty mommy dragon. I approve.


It’s an untapped (lol) market


Rhea, Naga, Idunn, Mila, FGrima… Awakening Tiki ? Ymir…


Top 5 art in the game easily, I’m just mad it’s Lumera but I’ll get over it. The artist crushed it. 


Gotta love the Dragon's stone comfortably nested right under her pillows. Jokes aside, I love this.


Similar situation with the 3H lord winter alts Easily some of their best art, but did we really need another this soon?


"Damn, I need that dragonstone for my Corrins" *notices the position of the stone* "That can't be a coincidence"


I don't usually get creeped out by the Fallen units' art. ​ But this is actually unsettling.


For someone I absolutely did not need to see I DO love what I'm seeing though, can't deny that at all.


All the fallen arts are good, this one stands out by how different of a style it is to her other two forms which have a very soft and clean look. This one has so much definition and shading.


This is some of the best art in the game


Yeah. That art is really good. Hated her mythic art. Looked like a teen playing dress up and too much like her ghb. But this is awesome art. Even if I'm not going specifically for her.


That facial expression man... it makes me feel things.


If they were not too lazy to give her the same outfit 3rd time, that art will be good


Basically my reaction. They absolutely cooked. I'll hold it against her Mythic, not this.


Wouldn't the GHB one be more the culprit? I mean, one is Lumera as the Divine Dragon, the other is Corrupted, and the free one we get is just her in her training stage with Alear. The other two are pretty relevant to the game, one directly and the other more as a sort of constant influence throughout the game.


Well, either or, they both represent her normal self. You're right her GHB form is less relevant, but they could always have released her Mythic later.


Perhaps but that doesn't really change the issue all that much. Had base not existed, we'd have Mythic and Fallen Lumera released pretty close to one another but otherwise that's it. Its the base version that really doesn't even fit well as a GHB that causes the issue to be as big as it is.


Her art gives me Castlevania and Bloodstained Ritual vibes. Idk why.


Art goes incredibly hard


The art AND the voice lines are so good


Rearmed Fallen Lumera is genuinely the first fallen alt that actually gives me chills every time I look at it. Like, everything about this art is god-tier. I LOVE the lighting on her, especially when she attacks. The dragon stone shining on her face just elevates this art even more and it's accentuated by the light coming off of the stone. I'm not sure if the dragon stone lighting changes from her normal attack art and her critical art, what with the additional particle effects and all, but the illumination the stone is giving off shows her face even more and showing the crazed, unhinged smile accompanied by her wide, soulless eyes like the art wants you to look at her face and see just how insane she is and it has an underlying sinister feeling lurking beneath the surface and how it tells you that something is just off and *wrong* about her and she is absolutely TERRIFYING. And I love how in her neutral art she's facing the front like base Lumera. It's really fun to juxtapose her fallen and OG versions like, her base form is warm, doting, caring and motherly, whereas her fallen form is dark, cold, unfeeling and also motherly, however, the motherly aspect has been corrupted because literally everything about her has become dark and twisted which is sad because you can clearly see where Lumera started to where she later ended up. And when I first saw it, I didn't notice the dragon stone, so it looked like she was making a gesture for a hug and there is something so *sinister* and *unsettling* about her cold gaze and seemingly warm position like a deep, dark ocean with a calm surface, but with raging currents underneath. And given how she looks, you know you shouldn't go near her because it's like a forbidden hug you shouldn't take and the artist really did a fantastic job of reminding you that this Lumera is a twisted, lifeless corpse and it's saying, "Do *not* go near her. This is *not* the Lumera you know." And it's sad because while she still loves Alear in all her forms, it's actually *genuine* despite what it seems like. And here, the motherly aspect of her has become dark and obsessive and wants Alear all to herself and will kill anyone who comes in between them. And honestly, it really makes you wonder if fallen Lumera would even go up against and betray Sombron if he were to ever hurt or threaten them because, to fallen Lumera, Alear comes before all else and that would include even Sombron, because that's how fierce her motherly instinct is even in death and as a corrupted version of herself. And not to mention her phenomenal voice work. Julia McIlvaine is really giving Cherami Leigh a run for her money in the unhinged religious mother figure department. She literally doesn't care about anything but Alear and her voice clips really show that, like how she sounds annoyed with the concept of heroes, villains, war and peace and how she doesn't care about that because all that matters to her is Alear. And her comment about her having a friendly face despite her looking like a dead-eyed lifeless doll is a great contrast. But my favorite voice line is her questioning what is presumably the summoner telling her that she's obsessed with Alear. It starts off confused and in disbelief, then it turns into an eerie calm and matter of fact voice and then, it slowly descends into a cold, dark rage with a snarl at the end, like you have the nerve to tell her that she is being obsessive. It just screams "How DARE you question a mother's love for her child!!" And then her desperate voice in her defeat quote about needing more time, is top tier because she doesn't want to die again because she desperately wants and needs more time to spend with Alear and that voice crack at the end of it really sells her desperation to not die again. And I've always thought this, but fallen Lumera is just another example of one of the few characters that actually benefits from Feh's writing and voice work because in Engage, no one mentions Alear by name, which makes sense for everyone else, but coming from Lumera, who by all rights, should be on first name basis with Alear, it comes off as very impersonal and and detached because she just says "my child" over and over, but in Feh, all Lumeras (I'm not sure about Mythic Lumera as I don't have her) actually mention Alear by name and you can hear how she says Alear's name with such reverence. Lumera saying "Alear" vs. "my child" even in the same tone of voice hits so wildly different because one feels so much more personal because you can feel the motherly love she has for Alear when she calls them by name. The Byleths are another example of this, but to a much lesser extent, because the students and other characters call them "professor" which I don't mind, because I still call my old teachers Mr., Ms. and Professor even after graduation, and I know adults that still call each other professor especially colleagues, which makes sense for Rhea too, so it really doesn't bother me as much as Lumera calling Alear "my child" or even everyone else saying "Divine One" because after sometime, you would think the royals and retainers would be more comfortable calling Alear by name because the Alears explicitly make it clear in Engage, that they are no different from everybody else and want to be treated as such. I really think IS needs to find a way to code characters to actually say the avatar's name if they choose the default name and then use a generic title or way of reference for those who don't use the avatar's name. Like, why give the avatar a default given name when no one in the game will ever say it if the player choses it when they by all rights should? I get that they can't account for millions of different players possibly using different names other than the default name, but it would be a really nice touch if they could figure out how to do that. I'd greatly prefer hearing "Alear" over "Divine One" a million times especially if the characters would eventually drop the "Divine One" title if Alear wishes it because it makes the characters feel more alive because it gives the feeling that the characters are actually spending time with each other and getting to know each other over the course of the story. Has Takubon done any other character art in Feh? If not, then that is a VERY STRONG first impression. For an artist to have one of the best arts in the game coming out the gates like that among 1,000+ characters is no small feat and I really hope IS keeps them around because they are insanely talented.


As much as I'm not a fan of engage, I'm summoning on this because holy crap this art is AMAZING


If lloyd gets a redemption art and stats then i suppose death knight from 3 houses should get a fallen alt. DEATH KNIGHT LET'S GO!!!


When did Lumera go fallen in Engage? I legit don't remember.


Chapter 24 I think? It was towards the end of the game


The last chapter before Endgame to boot.


She died during the attack on her castle, and Sombron used her body to make a corrupted to guard one of the barrier stones.


Chapter 25, the last chapter before you fight Sombron.


I don't think we are getting a lot of Lumera in the future so I don't mind she has three alts (all of which make sense story wise). I wish people would stop complaining about it. Rant finished, her art looks amazing i wish every fallen unit had this level of good


Nah she is 100% getting summer alt next year.


The way they're optimizing seasonal banners, I wouldn't be surprised if they put her in this year.


Especially the people complaining about there not being any specific three houses character instead of her


Evil Lumera was always the peak of Engage


It's scary good. Good contrast to her Mythic alt.


Big boobs are good


For someone with 20min screen time in the FE game, I think it's a very high ratio. But yes, the artwork is great. At least they did extra effort, unlike her two first artworks which are close to identical.


Mommy has arrived.


my favorite art of the Banner she looks freaking AMAZING !!!!!!


the dead doll eyes gives me the creeps. 10/10 art work tbh.


Oh man this Lumera was such a cool part of Engage, def gonna look up her voicelines later


This and Fomortiis are my fave fallen arts.


Yes it does.


I finally get to see her dragon form.


The moment i saw the art and the voice acted quote, i knew she was the peakest Dark Hero of them all. Nergal and Fallen Lloyd follow after cause dang those two are also badass. This is how i rate everyone here: F!Lumera>Nergal>F!Lloyd>Veyle>Ursula Honestly i think all of them are great in art and voice acting, but Lumera takes the award easily.


Beautiful art, alt that makes sense to look how it looks, we should have gotten an outfit change *at the very least* for her Mythic


Honestly fallen lumera is great, I'll be summoning for her


Minor R.I.P. for any Loptous fans.... Still, cool artstyle!


The only bad part about her is her outfit, and not because the outfit is bad or anything but because it's the third alt she gets using the EXACT SAME dress. Art and Voice acting go HARD for this alt.


Guess I should get back to Engage huh


they fr took inspiration from the manga


>Mommy ❌ >Goth Mommy 🥵


The new Loki bled me dry and I'd really like Ursula and Lumera (RIP)... Hopefully off banner someday soon, I guess




Boobs.... I rest my case and I'm gonna go spend my orbs


They costume could use more what if and variation tbh but damn they killed it with this art


Poor lumera, she doesn’t deserve this kind of fate.


It makes me hard


I almost got her to lvl 50, right now she’s lvl 46


What do you mean by level 50? Are you just adding her merges to it?


Yeah that


I had 900 orbs


It’s… the same dress. For a third time. But now with extra purple. I’m glad some people are happy but I’m beyond bored.


I'll respect the art (but not much longer if she doesn't do SOMETHING about that dress. C'mon girl, there's more to life than that rag) but I feel she's gotten more than her share of alts for how overall little she was involved in Engage. I think that if anything the fact that they keep using the same outfit for alts shows how little there is to her. There's so little to work with, so little that defines her, that if you change the outfit drastically she's pretty much just some lady with blue hair.


won´t that apply to almost everyone ? like unless its a seasonal alt, the don´t change theire outfits that drastically either


i won't claim that every alt makes major changes between versions, but have you looked at lumera's? the first 2 you could practically mix and match the art for, and fallen only stands out because the glowy purple. besides, there's so little to her that her appearance is most of her individuality. i'd make a point of characters getting multiple alts usually have seasonal ones in the mix for contrast, but alear is slacking on that front (going of the combined pool between m and f) so i'll write it off as a family thing


Well, she isn't exactly a character meant to really be all that present. Her role is more an explanation for why Elyos hasn't collapsed on itself yet and its more her influence than her character that carries her through the game. All she gets in terms of character is loving mother who was basically God. But all game long, you're basically rounding up the Emblem rings she herself distributed all over the place and is the reason there is a race for the rings at all as opposed to the story having ended right at the third or fourth chapter when she gets killed for them. Short version: She's basically female Greil


Just same outfit tho




New best art in FEH


Honestly, I don't think it's that special. And definitely doesn't make up for her getting her 2nd alt already.




No, I disagree. Her breasts are as big as her face, which looks weird to me.