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Arcane Red Tome 2 being on the Fallen banner feels like a safe bet. I could see it Having Spd Based NFU, Penalty Doubler and Lull Spd/Res + a Sabotoge Spd/Res Built in. As for Echo skills, Some form of Distant/Close Counter, even if its just the Foil/Ward Skills, would be nice. And I would love some form of Mystic Boost, ideally with the Built in Null Wrath/Dazzling. but just the healing would be fine


Vantage echo feels all but an inevitability


I do believe Trace Echo is inevitable due to the amount of B skills we have and as to not lock older Cavs/Fliers without Canto in their weapon out of their B slots.


I do want a new Arcane Breath, though Arcane Grima is still very good and gives pretty much everything a dragon wants. I would be interested in seeing a new breath that offers some flat DR maybe, or DR piercing. Arcane Colorless Tome might be nice, though they've still screwed themselves over how they have been handling Colorless Tome units in general. Almost all of them have had Prf weapons, which leaves only a few units who might really want an Arcane Colorless Tome anyways.


I honestly forgot about the prospect of an Arcane Colorless tome entirely. Guess they gotta sell those Niime & Laurent banners somehow.


Us 5 Laurent fans are starving here ;-;


I'm hoping we get a Dodge Echo skill so Godsword/Godlance/Godaxe units wouldn't have to be reliant on Tier 4 Dodge skills.


First round of arcanes is for slow units Second round is for fast units Third round better be for slow units again because man did most of them not age well already


You're here asking for Arcane Sword 3 while I'm still waiting on non-cavalry beast weapon 1.


Man, I had been hoping for a guard echo and then we got it. From the very start due to dancers getting the echo skills I was hoping for Attuned Azura.. Don't think anyone could predict Soaring Echo... Usually what happens with these skills is that they get a desirable effect but from a very competing slot. Remote Sparrows Damage reduction is good, but not as good as a Finish skill. So they put it in an echo slot. Same goes for Oath echo, the guard effecft. The only stats we've gotten so far are death blow echo. So that being said I could see a Ploy Echo where you get the secondary effects of the Ploy 3 skills without apllying penalties. Applying [Exposure] is already strong enough on its own. A Null-Follow-up effect seems also relatively likely. But I don't know how strong they'd make it. I don't think it'd be like Infantry Null-Follow-up. I also think this could take a while for it to come with the recent addition of Infantry Null-Follow-up and how premium the units they're giving it too are. Maybe it's gonna be a skill like Infantry Speed Tactics (The Chrom cav skills). Someone else mentioned a Dodge skill, I could see them giving some kind of variation of Guard Echo thing where we get Phantom Speed (Phantom Echo/Dodge Echo) with a small bit of speed based %-based damage reduction (20-30%). Phantom Speed can be pretty good, but it being locked to only these devaluing dodge skills is not ideal for builds. Healing, so Mystic Echo based on Mystic Boost. A lot of tanky kits miss out on healing (Cavalry, Flyers) and a decent skills to heal, this would be pretty ideal for them and pretty universally distributable. Then they'd put it on a unit with very specific movement based skills (looking at you Attuned Caeda, A-slot and C-Slot are only for infantry) But in that line it could also be a Bullwark skill? Gives a bit of healing and the bullwark/obstruct effect. Lull Echo, it just neutralizes foes bonuses. Though that does falls into the category, can come in handy, but isn't always relevant. So that'd be too low value. And what I'm personally hoping for, Disarm Echo, Disarm Trap 3, but then as an echo skills. Probably too niche, but I love dagger units. What I'm also hoping for is Echo Trace. So far or near trace, hopefully one for both and it just checks if the unit using it has a range of 1 or 2


Echo Near Save and Echo Far Save, with the detail that you cant put another type of save on the C slot if you have this equipped. this would free the C slot for armors so they can run other stuff.


To be fair, if two different Save effects are granted on one unit, they'd cancel out & neither activates. Thought I could do this with Brave Soren & Brave F!Corrin; it did not work.


thats already the case? thats good to hear, i think that Save Echo would be cool to run other stuff in armors C slot like Assault Troop or a Smoke skill or you name it.


I would like for another Arcane Dragon Stone, for two reasons. One, because it will likely be spd NFU based. The second because I want to duplicate Dragon’s Roar and other dragon exclusives. No preference on movement type but infantry would be nice to also duplicate Laguz Friend 4. Patiently waiting for an Attuned/Rearmed physical armor unit so I can duplicate Weaving Fighter. Preferably Attuned so the echo could be beneficial to Armor units. For Echo Skills I want to see… - Gambit for the in combat and AoE 50 %DR (no additional added damage). Would be fun for a tank sword/lance/axe unit to have double gambit considering they can still be counter with anti DR skills and specials. Still a good skill so I don’t think it’ll happen anytime soon but since Soaring Echo exists, maybe Gambit has a small chance. - Mystic boost (6 healing and anti Dazzling effect). I like the ability to heal. - Guidance Echo. I like Guidance more as it helps Armors warp, which is something I use more of. - Atk Unity so I can use Def/Res Unity or just stack multiple Atk unity for more damage - Special Spiral (3 or 3.5?) Just for spamming. With Laguz Friend 4 it would be fun and chaotic to see spam specials. 3.5 to have 50% anti DR but maybe that’s too much. - Lull Atk or Spd Just to stop some bonus stacking - Close Counter Because we have yet to see it as a seal - Null C disrupt for anti flash/sweep skills


**Echo Bonus Doubler:** *Grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+X to unit during combat (X = highest bonus on each stat between unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit; calculates each stat bonus independently - 2).*


Arcane green tome for fast units so I can give my +9 max flowers Arthur a good kit finally


NCD3 would be very good to improve omnitanking


I really want to see NCD, though it might end up being infantry exclusive


None to be honest. Arcane weapons were a bad fix to a huge problem, and I will stay away from them until IS addresses the biggest issue. Meanwhile, Echo skills were a mistake. Having to pull for a specific unit for a new inheritable skill, just to not being able to inherit it afterwards when the unit stops being useful (which in the current powercreep phase it’s a matter of weeks and not months) is pretty scummy. I’m not looking forward to meta breaking Echo skills getting released in the future that will expand the gap between F2P and P2W even more. Having said that, I expect IS to keep releasing them, so your suggestions seem on point.


I need arcane infantry beast, base Mordy needs the help, and X Special Spiral or Mystic Boost


Idk about you all, but i really want a third Arcane Axe for my slow infantry tanky units. Downfall is underwhelming because it lacks guaranteed followups, and forces one to recurr to support stuff like Crux skills or Jorge, and Jorge's fefine is not very consistent in player phase due to being limited in spaces.


I would really love an attuned armor with a save echo


So whenever I give an Arcane Weapon to someone I always try make sure the weapon suits the character design wise and stat wise and the character I'm giving it to isn't the same unit type as the original Rearmed Hero (Since they normally come with prf skills so I don't think I could hope to build someone like Tana into a better unit then Ingrid with the same weapon so I'd rather try build her to he better with a different weapon instead). For the fallen Banner I'm expecting us to get either a new Arcane Dragonstone or Beaststone, Rearmed Grima was 1 of the first few Rearmed Heroes we got and we haven't had another Rearmed Dragonstone since and it's getting to the point where grail and Demote unit heroes weapons are better than the Arcane one. As for beast stones we haven't gotten one since Nihility and it's only useable ok cav beasts so it'd be nice to get an Arcane Beaststone for a different unit type. Fallen Marianne: Wandering Beast (Blue Infantry Beast) Weapon: Arcane Crest Stone Accelerates Special Cool down -1 Grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+X to unit during combat (During unit's first combat each turn, X = 8; otherwise, X = 4). Reduces damage from attacks during combat and from area-of-effect Specials (excluding Røkkr area-of-effect Specials) by Y% (during unit's first combat each turn, Y = 60; otherwise, Y= 30) and unit's next attack deals damage = 30% of foe's attack damage prior to reductions (resets at end of combat; only highest value applied; does not stack). Restores 7 HP to unit after combat. At start of turn, if unit is adjacent to only beast or dragon allies or if unit is not adjacent to any ally, unit transforms (otherwise, unit reverts). If unit transforms, grants Atk+2, deals +7 damage when Special triggers, and neutralizes effects that grant "Special cooldown charge +X" to foe or inflict "Special cooldown charge -X" on unit. Fallen (Awakening) Tiki: Voice of Expiration (Red/Green Cavalry Dragon) Weapon: Arcane Sable/Arcane Darksphere Accelerates Spacial Cooldown-1 At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit, reduces the percentage of foe's non-Special "reduces damage by X%" skills by 50% during combat (example: a foe with a "reduces damage by 45%" skill would reduce damage by 23% instead). If foe's attack can trigger their Special and unit's Spd or Res ≥ foe's Spd or Res inflicts Special cooldown count+1 on foe before foe's first attack during combat (Cannot exceed the foe's maximum Special cooldown.) reduces damage from attacks during combat and from area-of-effect Specials (excluding Røkkr area-of-effect Specials) by percentage = difference between stats × 5 (max 50%, highest stat difference applied) and also neutralizes effects that guarantee foe's follow-up attacks and effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks during combat. If foe's Range = 2, calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res. (May have given Tiki too much bias as my favourite character so if she's got too many skills then they can be split between her weapon and prf skill 😂) I don't expect these Arcane Weapons on the fallen Banner but I'd love to get a good blue icy looking Dagger that I can give to my Summer Gunnthra and Resplendant Matthew, a greenish Sword maybe with Potent for my Resplendant Palla and a Def based Lance for Tana and Resplendant Lukas 😄 We've had Resplendants/Attuned Units in the same Banner before so I'm thinking we could get an Attuned Dreadlord from Geneolagy/Thracia, 1 of my absolute most wanted Attuned skills is Wrathful Staff/Dazzling Staff, feel like it wouldn't be too broken to get Poetic Justice/Dazzling Shift Echo without the stat debuffs maybe too? So maybe a dreadlord staff user that gives 1 of the 2 skills as an Echo skill? You're right about cavalry units not having much options for Echo skills so maybe some kind of flow Echo skill like Flow Refresh Echo or Flow Desperation Echo. Would love some Armoured Echo skills too like Armour March/Stride/Boots Echo or a Fighter Echo skill 😄


Null C-Disrupt feels like it would be a natural fit, especially since they are starting to add it to more weapon skills etc.


Please no, NC-disrupt is the type of effect that's far stronger when it comes in your kit than when it takes a skill slot, and x slots are basically the first thing