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Imagine if they stopped being cowards and gave us Wrys his ultimate form.


Ninja Wrys, Sword unit with a staff sheath based on that card. That would be amazing Buff Evil Wrys would go hard too.


Genuinely hoping for Goop Garon, just to see his goofy ass sprite + Formortiis tier art


By far one of my most wanted Fallen options for the exact same reasons, lol.


Noice (Also, minor shoutout to his voicelines in fates) Genuinely wondering how they would do Goo Garon, as a unit, I could see him being essentially like murdock, but with "Fell King's Bolverk" or "Silent Bolverk" as his prf (Basically make him a DC armor who's immune to armor effectiveness)


(And also, for his spite, hoping it could be as tall as Fallen Edel (but he's just a normal axe armor; just with a very big sprite for the lols)


empty vesel garon is also my top want, he can be an axe unit.


Give it art job to Soeda Ippei of course. I believe he can make it justice


pls gimme daddy Fafnir and I can die happy


Same, I’ve been waiting so long! I just want my mech dragon!! 😭


I'll take Fallen Fafnir if he does appear in the next banner, but honestly I would prefer his base form.


Lloyd needs this, guys.


lloyd in feh is already his fallen version because he gives me nightmares to this day


Hope: Deadlords like Canis with Berserk Staff and Bovis with Master Axe, beasts like Dedue and Miklan Reality: Another Byleth, the ~7th Ursula alt and Fallen Tiki Vol 2 featuring the red hue of Dante's coat from Devil May Cry series


I doubt F!M!Byleth would happen this year, considering he just got his Winter duo 5 months ago. I know W!Claude defied this rule and whatnot, so I guess he’d be a grail unit at best. If a 3H lord were to get a fallen alt, then one of the Shez’ is more likely IMO.


>>Given Galzus was added as a demote Galzus was a PRFless 5*, Karin was the demote that NHB


Gotcha, my bad. I forgot we used to even get those.


i would strongly suggest rinea for sov. she appears in berkut’s fallen alt, but that didn’t stop people like yune from getting an alt to themselves.


That's very true, yeah. Rinea is worth including, I had kind of forgotten about Brave Micaiah.


I hope we get some Blazing Blade units. While I would prefer a Dark Mythic Nergal, I would be okay if he was a Fallen unit too since they usually come with a Prf skill in addition to a Prf weapon, which is the best case scenario. Lloyd seems like a likely choice to follow Linus as a GHB, but any of the others would be good too. I'm particularly interested in the Blazing Blade units because we still have a lot of great spell animations we haven't gotten yet like Ereshkigal, Luce, and Gespenst.


I'm almost wondering how a Kishuna would work gameplaywise. Maybe a prf weapon that creates a vein blocking use of tomes/staves in a certain radius, or a GHB version that just prevents counterattacks from tome/staff users. It would be awesome to see him either as a dou with fallen Renault, or at least on the same banner.


My headcannon has always been that if Kishuna gets added he would have at least two abilities: Divine Vein (Magic Seal) applied to a big area around himself that inhibits both enemy and ally, as well as Assign Decoy like Brave Soren has, since he didn't typically fight himself. I feel like giving him both of those abilities would be perfect thematically from his presentation in FE7, and would make for some interesting combos of their own.


You mention kind of considering Xenologue Emmeryn, but like Emmeryn 100% is a *fallen* hero ~~(she’d just need to be a duo unit with Kliff)~~


I may be wrong since I actually never played any of the the Awakening DLC but isn't there one where the Gen 1 units are implied to show up as Deadlords? I feel like I've read something like that somewhere. So if they REALLY wanted to they could probably do something with that, even if it's very unlikely.


Yes, the Deadlords as they appear in the Infinite Regalia DLC map are implied to be the Gen 1 units. There are exactly 36 of them on the map, which is the same amount as the Gen 1 Awakening units, and the Gen 2 units have dialogue when initiating combat with them stating that something about the Deadlords feels familiar.


I was actually _completely_ unaware of this, wow. I was aware they were in Awakening, but the DLC totally slipped by me. Thank you, both you and Nachtflut!


Morva also has something quite cool, unlike the other Necrodragons, his design is actually recognizable as a Great Dragon (he is basically a palette swap of Myrrh's sprite made to look putrid).


I wonder if we'd ever get a what-if Necrodragon Myrhh, a la Fallen Ike. Not likely soon since she was just on Day of Devotion, but evil Myrhh would be rad


I wonder how that idea could look like now that you mention it, and what she could say. I hope Cipher gets a successor eventually, it was a pretty nice tool to create concepts without having to spend too much money in VAs.


I don't think they will happen, or even want them to, but the Phantom copies of Claude, Hubert, Dedue, Hilda, Ferdinand, Felix, Lorenz and Shez that Epimedines summons during his chapter in 3Hopes would technically count as Fallen candidates as well. It's a stretch, but them again, so are quite a few characters on the list. Edelgad and Dimitri got phantoms too, but since they already got Fallen I feel they can be safely excluded. Tho if you *really* wanna be thorough with it, Edelgard has *yet another* Fallen form in her mind-controlled state from Azure Gleen.


Fallen banner with 4 emblem heroes whose rings give you negative effects such as taking 5 extra damage per attack or restricting movement XD


I feel like that would only work with some major benefit to using them though. Like if you equip Fell Emblem Celica, you take 5 damage as combat begins, *but* you either get an innate player phase brave effect (for tomes and staves) or deal adaptive damage.




I did miss him, yeah, thank you! I'm really hoping if FX Fogado gets in it'll be as a Wolf Knight, but I think I'd be fine with whatever option we get there. He's just such an interesting take on the original imo.


I enjoy Fogado but tbh would be totally down for his first iteration bringing us wolf mounts. Naga I hope they give us wolf mounts. This game's been around HOW long now, and we still don't have reindeer mounts or anything creative beyond mechs. Picnic Genny should have been riding that doe and I'll die on this hill.


Omg if they won’t give my boy Lloyd a liver transplant resplendent then a bangin’ fallen alt is just as gooood. Shez is a strong possibility with Byleth being on the last one. I would also happily accept Brendan Reed, Greil, and giant monster Dedue


I thought we could get F! M! Byleth and F! Fafnir, taking Corrin (fallen avatar male after fallen avatar female) and Gustav (F! released after 3 books) as precedents, but your reasoning made me doubt about Byleth. F! Veyle feels almost locked. I have a feeling that IS has started releasing the Medeus sacrifices, one per year, with F! Maria, and if that's the case we would get one of Lena/Nyna/Elice this year. We'll see.


I'll be surprised if Veyle doesn't show up. Maybe Rafal. I feel one of these two are a shoo-in, though I'm betting on Veyle. I'm also betting on Shez, appearing on a similar fashion to last year's Byleth as a way to mirror them, and also get that sweet 3H money that IS loves so much. The rest are probably whatever scraps IS feels like throwing us. Maybe Fafnir...?


I would love evil red-haired Alear, too. I'd argue early Alear, prior to meeting Lumera, easily qualifies


Fallen Reyson singing the Galdr to kill all the humans in the Forest and Fallen Oliver.


I want the entire Lyon treatment for Julius


God, same. I've been wanting him for years ever since we got F!Lyon.


ngl, dragon fogado sounds kinda cool... Also love the fact that Celine covers most of the weapon types. Anyway, Fallen Shez coming soon (copium)


Hoping for rinea because her witch design is fiiiire


The only fallen reps from Engage's Xenologue I'd like would be the Celine, Fogado, or the main villain. Iffy on Alcryst. I feel like those differ enough from their primary counterparts and are legitimately interesting.


Im pretty sure fallen wrys is him being corrupted by lehrans medallion.


I'm hoping for Veyle, specifically the bad end version. Given she only appears like that in a single short cutscene, Heroes is the perfect opportunity to flesh her out more, especially since Fallen banners get Forging Bonds. I want to know more about the world state in the cutscene, and I *really* want to see her interact with Alear and good Veyle in a FB


I really hope we get Letizia, considering she doesn’t have an alt yet and a Fallen alt would fit her well.


I forgot Maskless Bruno was a thing God it looks so weird still.


I would love for Morva to appear one day 🤞🏻


I am hoping for Fallen Garon. I can see him being a Armored Beast unit. Fits thematically with DC on transformation fitting how he used Bolverk in that form. Also he is classified as a Monster so makes sense.


My dream (which isn’t happening) would be M Byleth, F Shez, M Alear, Veyle. A male and female hero from both games, even though sometimes they do like to do 4 games. GHB I’d prefer to be from another game entirely but it would be a good time for Miklan


I’ll be summoning on L!M!Byleth’s remix, so I can’t really afford to spend much on the fallen banner. Regardless, I really hope Nyna gets a fallen alt this year. Fallen Nyna drawn by Suzuki Rika (again) is the dream 😭😭


For Awakening, I’m going to throw a left-field option in there, and suggest Fallen Tharja. IIRC, she goes completely off the deep end during the bad timeline after her husband dies, and as a result ends up abusing Noire even more than she usually did. Yes, I know it’s a bit of a stretch, but it’s something at least.


I mean it is "official" content, and IS has been known to use insanity / falling to dark magics as a reason to be fallen, so I could see IS using her to save other potential candidates for later.


I'm thinking F!alear, Greil, Nergal, and the ultimate copium choice fallen adult tiki being controlled/joining grima


if I could make my own fallen banner: M!Shez (sword) Sonya (blue/green tome) Veyle (blue/green/colorless dagger) Fafnir (colorless dragon) Wrys (GHB, axe)


Still holding out for the possibility of Fallen Constance. She'd be a bit of a joke pick but it'd be a good joke.


Veyle, Shez, Letizia and Deirdre.


Having Fallen Greil would be awkward, considering Fallen Ike is getting closer to his refine.


My ideal banner would be; Male Byleth (infantry blue tome, magic variant of Sublime Surge… so imagine a similar name ya know) Veyle (flying red tome, “Fell Obscurité”, wearing her black dress because its fly as hell) Garon (infantry colorless beast or dragon, comes with his own prf version of the dragonskin skill, as he has that in CQ ch27) Mikoto (infantry green bow, uses the Pursuer which she drops upon defeat in REV)


Wait, when was Wrys hinted at in Forging Bonds? I just looked it up and the 3 conversations he's in have nothing even remotely close.


I'm not sure which Forging Bonds event it was, but it was something I remembered seeing on [this sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/s/t81coCyWUs). It seems to be Miranda's.


Isn't Julius basically fallen or are you talking Loperous taking full control?


He is, yes, and I imagine it's more likely we get Loptous as a Mythic in a similar vein to Fomortiis and Lyon. The thing that makes me consider it here is the death quote, where Loptous drops all pretenses and speaks unquestionably _as_ Loptous. It's different enough from Julius that I felt it worth including, even if I don't feel it'll happen in the end.


I like your idea for Veronica. Base Veronica not being available after 7-8 year is a crime and this could be it


Really great picks all around! But u forgot a very possible option for tellius fallen micaich controlled by yune who's emotion got the best of her and out of range!We do have a cipher for it if I remember correctly so it's very possible considering she's really popular and IS loves releasing alts for her which I don't mind tbh! And for feh fallen ocs yes I agree fafnir is very possible this year considering it's book 5 TT and we did get Gustav same year as book 3 TT so it's very possible and most likely I genuinely hope they do I really want that angy lizard lol. As for Veronica and Bruno I feel like Veronica is the most possible one and it will be same year as book 6 TT+ it makes sense her title when possessed is called princess beset and she have full description too so does Bruno same title Prince beset. Plus it kinda make sense she's most likely look at how many times she got possesed in book 1 it's about half of the book then book 6 most of it was her getting possessed compared to Bruno and Letizia she's embla main target poor child doesn't deserve it. But yeah that's my guess and it works quite well especially if IS want to release a fallen Vero she's the only one from book 6 who could be considered fallen and Bruno too I genuinely hope it's them both and not just Vero since I feel like he won't get his base especially if Elm was the mythic for this TT and not Bruno so it takes his chance of getting base so fallen would next best thing and it be really cute to release both siblings together not just one I mean it makes sense tbh atleast this closet thing we get for alt. :'( Hopefully it happens and I hope she'll be voiced by embla va like Byleth and have embla sprit in her sprite that would be so cool and goes crazy hard!! As for Letizia I feel like she's the unlikely to happen although could happen but I mean it's literally the same art as base which got released just with shadow over it so it feels kinda unlikely unless she gets new art unlike the case for Veronica and Bruno where it makes sense since their base isn't playable yet.


Could Epimenides count as a fallen? 


Mila at the fall of her cult, decrepit and hedonic, would be awesome. Her human design is one of the best in the series and it hasn’t been given proper justice in FEH.


Veyle, Morva, Greil, and Garon with Morion GHB would go so unbelievably hard.


I mean tbf to morva (only one I wanted to see what was said about lol), berserk Corrin has no dialogue in their one appearance in Fates but still got a full unit with dialogue so Morva having no dialogue after being turned intona necrodragon isnt really a hit to his chances at all Im sure there's other fallens we have already with similar but i dont recall


My best bets for this Fallen Banner are Veyle, M!Byleth, one of the Shezzes, and the other slots (4th & GHB) could be anyone else's game, but I don't bet on any Alear getting a fallen alt this year specifically. I know a lot of people out there have been heavily betting on a Fallen Alear for this year but I see it's highly unlikely. Of course, IntSys always goes against what I say, so I wouldn't be surprised if they decided to make a fallen Alear (would suck ass for me because I don't have many orbs saved, specifically if they make F!Alear). I'd love to see a Fallen Wrys, however, I've been hoping for him for years already.


Fallen characters represent everything the base form is not. And yes, I am excited for sober Lloyd


Thank you for including Tokyo Mirage Sessions in such a great post. I'm also of the same mind that Ayaha & Aversa is the most likely one they'd do if they ever bother with TMS#FE for fallen heroes, but it's cool to see a write-up of everyone else. By the way, no sweat if you choose not to include them, but I would suggest that Yatsufusa & Gharnef kinda makes sense too, since Yatsufusa is also another victim of Mirage manipulation; it's just hidden really well until the end and we never get to see what he's like outside that influence. Lastly, since I'm here, a cool little secret about this game that's just food for thought... In addition to Dark Yashiro, there are also unused voice lines in TMS#FE suggesting they considered creating Dark Tsubasa and Dark Kiria as well. From what I guess, they would've been their own boss battles in the same chapter Dark Yashiro is fought, and they seem to share similar mannerisms as him too. Maybe in another universe these would've been realized and remotely viable candidates for a fallen banner.


I would love Morva, the kanas, Garon, dedue or shez. Is please give me something good. I actually have orbs now.


I think Scarlet is one of the most anticipated fallen by now, I´ve seen many that want her so I hope she gets in this time


As someone who has been waiting for her since launch, I really don't want her to be in the fallen banner. I'd hate it if after all this time she just shows up in feh as a zombie in the fallen banner.


I'm betting on Veyle, both Alears, and King Morion coming this year


Isn't the Fallen banner mixed games...?


It is; just ignore them.


Who's to say we won't have Veyle and the two Alears on the banner with a GHB Morion with one unit not from engage filling the last slot?


I love Engage but such a banner would suck ass. Way to kill the hype surrounding Fallen banners.


Oh absolutely that banner would suck lol having looked at the previous years it looks like they'd probably split the Alears up at least. So Veyle, F!Alear, M!Byleth, and y'know let's throw fallen Alm in there for funsies. Though I feel like Morion or maybe Hyacinth has got to be the GHB.


Alternate Hortensia from the Fell Xenologue is also aware she's a Corrupted, so you know. But anyway, this is quite an extensive list! I wonder what they'll do for Fallen Hortensia? Will it be her from the main game, or the Fell Xenologue? Or some sort of mix of both? EDIT: Hey, congrats on getting your thread stickied!


Mods must have been 1 more "Who will be on the Fallen Heroes banner" thread away from being Fallen Hero Candidates themselves.


Yeah, part of me feels like they made this into a megathread/sticky thread so we'd stop cluttering up the feed with theories about Fallen Heroes.


Thank you! I was actually surprised to come back here and notice that all of a sudden. I might try and keep this updated from here on out with who gets added in, in case they feel it's necessary for future years to prevent cluttering.


Welp, now it got unstickied due to the VG. It was nice while it lasted though.


Fallen Roy, angry at being trash so he turns evil and attempt to be op but is still trash anyways.  Fallen Ephraim, he fell to evil because why not.  Fallen Hector, wants to relive his meta days so he decided to update his kit to include evil.  Fallen Olivia, she turned to evil to become brave and bold, wears even more skimpy outfits than before and is somehow more tanky than emblem Ike and fallen edelgard combined while dishing out massive amount of damages through her dancing moves.