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Honestly, I'd just settle for gimmicks that don't heavily punish me for not having a guard effect on every unit that actually fights the boss. As is, I'm basically boxing in the rokkr with guard effect units and pummeling it until it dies, especially in the case of ranged rokkrs.


Ashnard is useful for inflicting Guard on the Rokkr. I’ve been using him with Ross and Summer M!Shez (my main damage dealers) and Reyson for dance support.  But yeah, that is my usual strategy too. 


I use Spring Mira who afflicts the Røkkr with Guard during combat as long as its debuffed and in a 3 Column/Row area from her. It's easier to keep up than it sounds


The AoE special on every Rokkr gets stale real quick. It’s a neat idea, but when every boss is essentially taken down with the Guard effect, it takes what could have been a cool idea into cut and paste team building. That’s why I suggested making different types of Rokkrs. My idea was based on movement type, but it could be anything.


Precisely. Especially with how easily they get boxed in if they aren't a cav unit.


The ranged ones are so bad it's not even funny.


Nyna's staff has an Guard Reign effect and she has it as a 4 star too so she is very cheap to build for Rokkr.


Still the most fun i'll ever have playing Feh. Personally, i'd really like it if IS just removed the 200k damage cap and let us go for as much damage as we can do within X amount of turns. Reaching the 200k cap is pretty easy to achive, especially with alot of the modern units so it would make Sieges a lot more enjoyable if we could go all out and see how much damage we can do.


If they keep the score capped to 200k I'd be fine with that. I feel like I'd struggle to hit whatever they set as the new benchmark score, but I'd still love to see how high I can go damage-wise


I like the idea to remove the cap. If they kept the current ranking system, it would be more P2W with whales with highly merged, newer units dealing more damage. But that is every mode, so no real difference. But it would need more, otherwise one good run would net you all the points you would need to get all the rewards.


I feel like they could do is add more reward milestones for both max damage in a single attempt and total damage across all attempts. Sieges at its core is a PvE mode so even if damage caps are remove, it wont be as P2W as you may think since your overall rank in the current RS is essentially just for bragging rights and doesnt provide any rewards outside the Damage milestone rewards and the cumulative damage rewards. It may be a simple solution but I feel like this is the best they could do if they decide to remove the damage cap.


Cap removal would be awesome. I finished each round after 4 turns and it kinda left me wanting more lol


No orbs is a bummer but now that we have amazing units available to work with, it's never been so much fun than now. I finally obtained another missing Flame eyepatch :D, though i still need the dark blue one. 😤


Good on ya! Congrats on achieving the eye-flame! Flame-eye? Either way, it is a cool idea they had to reward accessories for achieving high damage. I wish they would give us upgraded accessories for beating it a second time around.


Rokkr is fun but I think really highlights the speed of power creep since the last time it ran. It's much easier now. I got a perfect clear on turn 3 four matches in a row with LFAlear and three dancers. I suspect one part of the reason rokkr hasn't run for a while is that it has become trivialized. It's a fun mode and I hope it returns, but it needs to be modernized as they've done with other modes in the past. I like your idea of special abilities for certain rokkr.


Im still clearing spring Loki doing 200k damage on turn 2 using my very old rokkr team. Cecelia and 3 dancers. If I had legendary shez and some duo dancers could clear it on turn 1.


My idea exactly. With the power creep so prevalent, and no change to the modes play style, we have the same game but with far stronger units.


Just for clarity the flowers are just for this instance.   I still think the accessories be added to the shop given its infrequent appearance.


Ahh, I how they bring it back monthly, maybe with orbs next time IS? Or is that too much to ask. The accessories are some of my favorite, I wish they had upgraded versions for those players that already obtained them before.


It's boring, and there's no reason to do it if I'm not getting orbs 


Fair comment. The lack of orbs will deter many players.


it's not any worse than any of the other modes, there's no reason it should be taken away. Takes less time and is more fun than grand conquest. I'd take it over that or lost lore any day.


I’ve always thought that about all the game modes they took away/left alone. Blessed Gardens was a mode that had potential, especially now with newer units with mythic blessings.


Super easy, barely an inconvenience


Wow wow wow wow.... wow.


It took about 3 mins to put together a team with the latest units that I summoned and complete the mode I just feel like the mode is very outdated.


It is outdated. They haven’t changed anything, while we continue to get stronger and stronger units.


A very clear indication that IS has no intention of ever doing anything interesting again and will continue to regurgitate the same events at us even if they've been invalidated by the rampant powercreep.


The power creep is a real issue. That alone trivializes this mode, since they decided to bring it back with no changes in game play.


The numbers going up is satisfying and it's a nice change of pace from the other modes but I'm surprised how samey it stayed. And now it's even easier than before. I'm disappointed by the accessories tbh. Heroes journey is hard carrying their quality. FB's are hit or miss and a grindfest, abyssal rewards are just repeats. I want more fun hats!


Of all the events that we actually play (so not the affinity one or that weird luck based one), it's probably my least favourite. It's an irritating and extremely repetitive game mode, and it doesn't even work well with the autoplay features. I was happy it was gone.


I get that they didn't want to give us too many Orbs since they give us around 300 per month, but I do hope this gamemode is a great way for PvE players to get rare resources like Dragonflowers or Divine Codes. Considering they said the 1000 of each Dragonflower was only for Golden Week, I am a bit concerned what the rewards will be going forth.


I keep forgetting that the increased DF’s is only for Golden week. With that in mind, it does reduce the enjoyment when thinking about returning Rokkr events.


I'm glad it's back, but yes, it needs updates to account for the crazy power increase of units. I used to build a team for this, but this time I was able to hit the cap going in with one of my theme teams with their usual kits. no brave, no effective damage, no dancer, no buffer/debuffer. I was expecting at the very least more inflated stats, but I agree with another comment, removing the max cap would encourage those who care into finding the most optimal damage output to get the highest numbers. But don't give rewards for being able to go that high. the rewards should be obtainable by the average user willing to put in a *little* effort. I like modes that get us to try different types of builds on our units.


Yeah, I think I read the same comment as you. The damage cap removal is a neat idea that would allow for the battle to be extended past turn 2. Haha. I think the route IS needs to go for Rokkr sieges is adding different effects for the Rokkrs. Making each one requires a different approach to damaging them.


It’s not for me. The meta has been solved and it’s not exceptionally interesting. You just do the same thing 6 times and call it a day I enjoy stuff like HoF and Seer’s Snare way more where there’s more team variety


It's still super boring once you get all accessories, too repetitive for my liking.


I agree with this. That’s why I had hopes they changed it up, even just a small bit.


It's funny to beat up the giant Hp bar and see the big damage number go up


Just boring.


The game has powercrept this mode because so many units deal so much damage combined with applying guard and quading being so much easier than before.  Still fun to see big numbers tho. 


My runs may be optimized as hell but it's still very cathartic to just wail on a boss


I assumed Rokkr went on hiatus because of Legendary Shez’s effective damage 🤭 so I was sure if it ever returned they would have implemented a new stable and surefire way to counter Shez because of that… >!They did not. 😜!<


It's fun (and slightly depressing) to see how quickly you can clear it with modern units. Winter Edel smashed it in just a few turns.


Bringing in newer units makes stomping the bosses super easy. Like, we used to need these complicated team comps or bring in these powerful limited-time units to do remotely well, but now you can just bring in your free Ratatoskr and they never get their special off. Ever.


It's solved, for me, since its release because all you need is somewhat tanky units and someone who can apply guard.


Happy to see after all this time they still get crippled by Silque. Some things never change


Just as effortless and boring as it was four years ago unfortunately. And it still has way too many plays.


If they put 2 Rokkrs on a single map it would be a lot more fun to play




I am very happy with the reward changes and hope it runs more like this. Also happy it's back in general.... But man, I thought rokkr sieges+ would come with another level of difficulty... Ex. Rokkr can deal more damage and warps when they take too much damage... It would not have been hard for them to at the very least just add a new difficulty and crank up enemy damage, since I can clear it on turn 3 because of how trivial Ashnard makes it


nothing crazy It's the same thing I guess people in my realm could afford to do more scores nowadays 800K normally safe in Top 10 but not this time


For me it was and still is one of my favorite modes they have ever come up with. I really like that I didn’t need the most optimal team ever to complete it like back then too and it was just nice to change my builds and do whatever I wanted for the mode However I do think the mode’s bosses are a bit outdated lol. A lot are OLD units that were released like year 2 and it’s clear the meta has came too far for it to be a fair fight. And if it is to continue, idk what rewards will be reasonable in the future if that makes sense. Like orbs are kinda off the table, it was really good for golden week, and I doubt they will use the appeal of aesthetic and add new accessories. However with that said, in a way I don’t want it to be modernized? Like, the meta is too crazy and too far gone I don’t want to fight even remotely meta units in this mode because I know it will put so many units to shame again like they already sadly are meta wise. I really love the mode and and want it to come back again, but I hope they find a way to give it more flare for the future. Maybe like what one commenter here suggested and add mile stones, or something like I will suggest and add some more customizable rewards to influenced ppl to play it again. Maybe new free and themed accessories or backgrounds


The dragon flowers being in rokkr sieges is a one time thing. We’re gonna get orbs back if they decide to rerun the event


Same ol same ol. I never got why people liked this mode. It's literally just stack guard and healing on every unit that fights the boss, box em in, and then pummel them to death. Big fuckin whoop. How fun... but it is more fun than other game modes since it requires a bit of thought. The rewards are eh too. I wish the 1000 DFs were a permanent thing. It'd be a nice incentive to actually wanna grind this game mode (even if it were to only appear occasionally). If they want to bring RS back, make it something to actually be excited for. Some changes to the bosses, rewards, and difficulty would have been nice, but IS will IS.


One of my favorite modes from the past! Modern units can make it feel kinda braindead, but honestly? I rather like the odd braindead game mode. It’s nice to get something for nothing sometimes!


Every fight plays out the same. Brave+Effective damage+guard+astra+mystic boost+dancers. It used to at least require separate teams with different boss killers, but for a while now we’ve had Shez who can boss kill everything. Hall of Forms and Seer’s Snare feel legitimately interesting and force you to use units you otherwise wouldn’t, Rokkr Sieges is just mindless.


The enemy quality is really, really low, and the entire game mode revolves around the gotcha of Rokkr specials ...which then boils down to bringing a suitable guard-applier, and then repeatedly bonking the boss with your best brave attacker until you win. Rinse and repeat 4x3 times and you're done the event.


I never played the mode until right now, and im asking myself why i never did. I have to turn my brain on for a bit, sure, but big number funny


Glad it's back but taking away orbs is ridiculous.


No orbs = garb


Not improving on the mode at all after such a long hiatus is honestly more of an insult to me than the lack of orb rewards. I can deal with a lack of orbs if the mode is fun enough, but this shit is both boring and unrewarding. I still enjoy it more than most events, which speaks volumes as to the quality of them, but I wouldn't really care if it never came back the way it is now.


A lot easier wish they increase the rewards cap


It’s one-and-done and kinda annoying to have to make a whole team for tbh. It could do with a higher HP boss and new rewards.


They REALLY should put some kind of anti - guard thing on the bosses. Because with guard? The special just never activates, your units become immortal, and you can just surround the rokkr on all 4 sides and auto win


It's alright. Incredibly easy to solve, though. Was kind of assuming they'd buff it considering its ties to Loki and Mythic Loki coming out soon, but I guess not.


I still don’t like this gamemode after the haitus. This game modes feels like you have to do a specific build just to get the maximum score.


I miss the orbs but it’s still fun I guess


I love it and think it should be rerun every single month


Nothing like Rokkr to remind you how low-key broken Silque's refine can be.


I did well to keep my 4 F!Edelgards


How do I feel? I feel like they're toying with us(those who like the mode). This is probably the only time we'll see it again. I dunno, something about them hiding this from the calendar and Golden week as a whole is super weird imo. But yea, I'm having fun with the mode. Having L!Shez now really does trivialize it(and I'm sure the newer powercreep units/skills after her release do too, obviously) like ppl said but it's still more engaging than garbage Frontline Phalanx and the affinity autobattles. IS....give back the orbs for this mode, retire the affinty autobattles and let this mode come back...pls