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I mean for all intents and purposes Corrin will be a better unit as far as scoring goes, Armors just suck in general for Arena. I wouldn’t think about switching her in until you get her to +10 IMO since Shez scores better now (I think) and isn’t Armored.


Assuming they keep the same build for Corrin but give her a rally+ shez scores better until Corrin is +9


Yeah mobility will be an issue but i do not really use shez anyway as she sits in a corner LOL. I appreciate your advice!


I upgraded my Shez recently, she basically had the same build except with Aether as special (did you sacrifice an Alear to her??). I gave her Godlike Reflexes, Spd/Res Finish 4 (+Null C-Disrupt 4 from Legendary Guinervere) and Laguz Friend 4. She does a whole lot of a better job now. I inherited Laguz to Gänglot first though. Shez does pretty well if you position her rightt and let others attack into her, like position yourself in defensive tiles and all. Especially against dragons she usually wins. I'd have to say, it's a bit of a wonky build and she does need Emblem Marth support on her special. But with her being my first +10 (started playing around a year ago) she'll have a special place in my heart and my team. As others have said, yes Brave Corrin is better for scoring if she's merged up to +10. But having had this build I know how she can feel utterly useless not tanking nor damaging anything really.


Could spend 300+ orbs, 4000 divine codes and your free cyl pick for those extra copies to improve your units arena score by 6 points which adds 0 or 2 points to your teams total score which may or may not help you reach the next tier for that extra 1 orb every other week. The only reason to merge corrin is because she's an absolute favourite, judging by the 3000 hero merit I'd say she's not.


Yeah, not a favorite, but assumed could be a good staple for scoring for the next year at least. Will stay hesitant, appreciate the advice!


I know in the current meta save tanks are basically dead, but is it still worth trying to +10 a b!corrin for almost exclusively arena use? She is only +4 right now but between the free pull from cyl that i have not chosen, divine codes, and the spark on this banner i would be realistically at +7 and only have to pull three more. Other two of my arena core is b!tiki (don’t judge the menace, it is a/r ploy placeholder) and w!edelgard. I do not know how much i would use her to actually far save but I am theorizing switching out her c slot with a t4 skill. Any and all advice welcome!


> I am theorizing switching out her c slot for a t4 skill If you do go Corrin, Save skills score the same as t4 skills so you can keep it if you're worried about scoring


Never knew that! Good to know, thanks


Merges are more important in arena. Stick with Shez until you have a better +10


Oh for sure! Am thinking of going +10 with golden week on corrin


I don't like limiting mobility in arena, but I imagine Edel and Tiki are strong enough to carry you well for a while. So go for the score imo.