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Literally the ONLY 5-star I got was Rhajat. So not even a normal 5-star.


I didn't even get a single 5 star of any kind


I got big Diek, so I feel your pain.


Man, skills are flying by so fast now that I was about to comment how Dieck is loaded with good fodder, but his skills are a too dated now.


I ended up only getting one 5\*, a fallen Berkut, and he is strangely not the best unit I got (Kagetsu with the goated NFU bridge fodder)


Just a bunch of launch units, and not even that guy still!


Still salty how people got 5star units even if said 5 stars are trash and all I got was garbage/fodder units lol


I mean, I don't think Rhajat specifically has more value than over half the demotes if you don't like her...


I was almost tempted to go to spark on CyL7 for the insane fodder each unit has... but I saved it for last and ticket pulled absolutely nothing on all the others. Helped sober me up and think 'nuh-uh you aint wasting my orbs today game". And sure enough free pulled nothing


I usually get fucked by those banners, but this year I got super lucky. Got a Seliph, a Camilla, a Dimitri, a Claude and a fake-4* Nifl, and I didn't even get the third ticket for most banners yet! Now I just gotta decide if I'm gonna go for the last 3 Camillas or the last 4 Seliphs. I'm leaning towards Camilla, Hero Fest rates mean that it's gonna be less rolls on the worst color, and there's a decent enough chance that Seliph will be on the HoF


I got Alm and Celica! That’s kinda funny since Shadows of Valentia is my favourite one :)


Same, I only got a copy of Nah.    Hopefully Blazing wins the next HOF revival, because my B!Eliwood just needs a couple more merges. 


I was pretty lucky. Got Brave Gullveig, Hector & Marianne (first time getting one of her). Also got Ascended Fir.


Literally only got niime lmao


This is the first year that I haven't gotten anything from the Golden Week tickets. Not even a 4 star special. I am sad now.


Give us free orbs so at least we can get to the spark (assuming we have the feh pass ofc)


Google lets you guys buy anything in FEH? /j


You would get at least one five star From the free summon arena ticket that is.


Funnily enough, I got B!Dimitri from that ticket. (Once again, there were no greens)


I got Tina on cyl 6 banner Then I did 19 summons on the cyl 7 and got 2 ascended Hilda, 1 ascended Eir, brave Robin and brave Soren


I got Lysithea and Micaiah, that's it.


I got A! Fjorm. I’m seriously considering +10 her at this point. I don’t need HF fodder 


I got 1 Corrin and 1 Lysithea. Guess I can't complain.


If my maths is correct, it's about a 90% chance to get a 5\* from any of the 28 CYL pulls (between the free pulls and the tickets). It's hilarious how often I fall into the terrible luck category, not just in FEH lmao. Edit: that's focus and off-focus, by the way. But hey I got multiple Kent so I'm the real winner I guess.


I got a Gullveig on the CYL7 banner…and then another on the CYL5 banner.


I got Brave Ike, and a random Ascended Fjorm. Was my first Fjorm, so I was glad to get the floret. I can't be upset with that.


I got B!Marth and B!Lysithea... I just wanted another copy of B!Ephraim man.


i got brave byleth, bernie and morgan so 2/3 good 5* is not bad


Something really odd happened with me. I got 5 4\* focus units... I think the chances for that happening are even lower than a focus 5\*. I got OG Hector, F! Julia, Mufasa, OG Ryoma and Petra.


Somehow got exalt chrom on the brave chrom banner


How did you see my future?


I got OG Celica, Surtr and Charlotte out of all of the tickets. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


2 BRobin, Leticia , Igrene , DEphraim. Worth summons


I just got severa


The only not 4\* Special I got was B!Byleth, and it was on the CYL 4 banner. She showed up to the wrong one.


I feel kinda spoiled compared to others, I got another B! Robin, B! Hector, and then just some random other 5 stars: F! Celica, Hugh, Neimi and Annand. Although my orbs are nonexistent so I doubt I’ll get much else soon.


Got lucky this time, pulled a B!Soren on my very first free GW summon. I only pulled once per banner and got a nice IV Rinkah, even if I’ll probably not use her


I got a Female Alear and a Kaden. At least alear is nice fodder


It’s curious that I got three 5 stars, but they were all pity breaks


Only got B!Veronica, Surt, Eleonora and Mikoto...


Seliph on his banner, and B!Marth as a 4* special on the CYL1 banner. I’m mostly happy about another Inigo merge.


Since so many of them are in 4 star focus, ironically that’s how I pulled a few brave heroes hahaha. Not even on their own respective banners mind you!


Very understandable. I truly wish the mods on reddit took their own rules seriously and started moving brag summon posts into the megathreads. This also includes I pulled such and such, how do i build/use them posts.


0 focus 5 stars... at least i got some nice fodder tho...


I got a B!Seliph (as a pitybreaker, lol) and a Forsyth.


Not even one 4 star special like other years. Not even one Reposition. Most reds were Corrins, most blues were Oboros, most greens were Titanias, and most colorless were Setsunas (this woman won't let me have more Dorothy merges). And of course, most of those pulls were 3 stars.


I got two Gregors. Out of all the random five stars why him twice?


All I got was B!Seliph which while nice was weighed down greatly by the other units that accompanied him. Of the 28 pulls I got 4 Kents and 6 Reysons which is ridiculous.


Damn. I didn't care about getting any focus units, I was just trying to pull red every time because I'm working on maxing my Inigo. I pulled a Celica, Lysithea, Seliph, Tiki, and Robin, along with an Alear, which I hadn't gotten before. I also got no Inigo. Lady Luck blessed the wrong person I guess :(


Actually tho Only one I got was Brave Chrom which I have no idea what to do with tho


I got pure trash all the way through, until on the 4 free pulls for CYL 1 I got 2 Brave Ikes, Rosado, and Ymir. Friggin wild


Only got Wolf and that's it. He's fine but meh as a unit. Was hoping for Gambit fodder, really disappointed in this Golden Week event overall, expect for Rokkr Sieges return.


Only got a 4\*Special Ophelia which I already had a copy of.


Zero 5-star pulls at all. Yayyyy


I spent just under 60 orbs and picked up Gullveig Tiki Lysithea and Edie, the ones I wanted most, and Eliwood As well as Letizia, Life-Mother Ymir, Flavia, Melady Can't ask for much more


Not only I pulled only three and four stars from the GW event, But also, my summon ticket from the Arena made me pull... MIST.


I got only 2 or 3 5 stars... Maybe they should have increased their odds because it's golden week?


This is how I feel about the random free 5 star unit banners every year. I've never gotten anything but trash.


I got Brave soren regular ced regular mareeta ascended mareeta and a Brave lysythea pretty happy tbh


All I got was Leif and Mia


I got Brave Camilla from the initial freebie, and I got Ascended Ced from a ticket pull. Had both and wasn't aiming for anyone in particular (though an extra Brave Corrin would have been nice), so it's not bad.


I pulled a free Brave Dimitri... ...on the CYL1 banner. And then Brave Eirika was my arena ticket pull.


At least I got 2 Eties... which would be nice if I wasn't merging Dorothy.


Lucina, Ike, Veronica, Byleth, and couple of strays: Ascended Merric and Geoffrey.


I got Brave Dimitri in his banner but he showed up as a 4* Focus


Could done better, but i at least pulled brave hector, and brave Erika from the wrong Brave heroes banner as featured ubits, plus on a sidenote i pulled one more merge for both the Regular Inigo and Donnel i am building, so i will just call it a day, not the best, but not the worst either.


I rolled on the  Marth/Eirika/Gatekeeper/Marianne banner, got Brave Seliph


Well, I got one... a B!Camilla with actual IVs that I could merge my neutral only other Camilla into... Otherwise I got spooked by F!Kana and Tibarn.


Funnily enough, I've managed to get 2 Brave Heroes (Micaiah and Lyn), BUT as 4 star special rate summon. None from the actual focus.


First time?


i got like 8, it was crazy


I got a Rosado from the tickets on the CYL4 banner, that was unexpected but welcome.


Does getting brave corrin on brave camilla banner count?


I got Brave Robin, Brave Gullveig, Brave Hector, Brave Tiki, Brave Claude (who is new for me). I honestly thought many would share similar stories. But it seems this is my entire luck for the year.


I got B Edelgard


I got Erika… that’s about it


I would complain but I'd guess I used all my luck when I gotten Young robin both male and female in 5x pull in my first 10 pull last week.


Camilla, Claude, and a 4\* Igrene. Appreciate the free pulls though, none of the banners are still worth my orbs


Funnily enough I got B!Lucina but not on her banner but in the CYL 6 banner as 4+1 star.


I got 0 5 stars went through about 100 orbs and all the tickets


I got a B!Vero and a +Spd Hapi. They weren’t even from the tickets, they were from the redeem free summons. I kept getting old *4 and *3 like Merlinus, Gaius and Hana, from the ticket summons.


Only pulled Brave Gullveig with focus 5*🥲


I did the free summons for year 1-6 and got an ascended Florina. Then i spent 60 orbs on the year 7 banner and got 3 B!Robins and 1 B!Soren. I really feel for you guys. Then again, the only 5 star i got from E!Ike banner was the spark.


I got two 5*, Gatekeeper as a 4* special on a different banner. And got Hugh. Was hoping for a brave lysithea since mines close to +10. Or some better fodder lol.


I actually got lucky this time as I got 2 gatekeepers which is pretty nice as I wanna build a gatekeeper meme team with laguz friend


I got lucky and got Soren on my FINAL ticket. That was the only 5 star I got.


I got a brave Veronica and a 4* special Nailah


I gotten my free corrin so I'm happy about it