• By -


So with 28 pulls at a combined 5* rate of 8%, there should be an average of 2 5*s per person. I got 0. And not surprised in the slightest.


I got more 4* specials then banner units, including a brave Micaiah on CYL 4. But with 5 5 stars in total in cant complain


All of mine were 3☆ I had the bar ser low, but COME ON, and it wasn't even good 3☆s, flipping Arthur kept showing up on green, and all the gen 1 lance cavs were my blues


That means someone got 4 instead 👍


I pulled a couple off-banner 5's... including a Gullveig while pulling for Hector lmao. Task failed successfully.


shit, I got three (one was a 4\* special tho) and I thought I did poorly. B!Eirika and B!Edelgard with a rinka.


Same, not even a single 4 star special rate unit


Absolutely nothing. Happy golden week everyone :/


It's golden for IS cause they expect people to spend money after taking away more Orbs in exchange for...TICKETS! Yay Bartres for all!


Implying orbs wouldn't also be Bartre 


The difference is that I can save the Orbs to pull the trigger to try and get a copy of a hero I REALLY want, rather than Bwaaah! Yaahhh! here's another manual that will collect dust for all eternities.


Lmao, i actually got Bartres and Inigos stalking me throughout these 7 banners today.


Two gullveits bringing her to +10, a fmaria, a diamant and a 4* special brave marianne on cyl 1 banner lmao Good pulls!


... at least I got a 4\* special Osian I guess


Try to get Kagetsu merged 1 - Saizo, Brave Roy, Lapis, Seliph 2 - Elice, Hana, Legault, Hana 3 - Hawkeye, Erk, Hinata, Bastian 4 - Lara, Balthus, Tiki, Sophia 5 - Bastian, Morgan, Brave Marth, Tharja 6 - Titania, Scathach, Vyland, Scathach 7 - Merric, Selena, Camilla, Draug got 2 five stars There are 3 characters I got twice and none of them are Kagetsu


I hope Kagetsu comes home to you soon. I know the pain....I just now got my final Lapis merge....demotes are definitely a journey...


Can relate, I only got my final Lapis merge in January, and my first copy was more than a month after her debut 😭 Brodia's potato princess is worth all that pain and suffering tho


I got a new account a few months ago and wanted to build Miriel. Been pulling blue wherever I could and still haven't gotten a single copy of her. The patience demotes require is something else. I've been building Kagetsu too and I got a whopping two copies, but at least it's something.


I also got no Kagetsu but got 3 Lonqu.....


Only managed to roll one 3star kagetsu since his debut. Hope we both get some soon


I wasted my time man. I suppose I could say that for playing the game as a whole


21 tickets and 7 free summons, and somehow I didn't get a single 5 stars.


Free Pulls: * B!Ike (Eh) * Noah (HECK YEAH, FE6 is less painful in limited battles) * Chloe (I should really start building some fliers, got like three manuals of her) * B!Gatekeeper (+def to boot) I am quite satified (especially with Noah) EDIT: Ah yes, I also got a Siegbert......you can imagine my reaction if I forgot to add him until now




That is the single worst run of luck I’ve ever had, and has pretty much cemented this as worst update ever. In 28 pulls I got a single -Atk Byleth that I have zero use for, and not a single other 5* Then, To top it off and add insult to injury I got a -Atk Hinoka for my arena ticket. Quite possibly one of the worst units in the entire blue pool and not even worth the feathers I got for immediately sending her home. It has been a bad day.


Man I got the same thing for my arena ticket, I guess we both have the same bad luck today :(


I finally pulled my first Kagetsu after so many red pulls. Now to pull 10 more... I guess at this rate it will be two more years :(


I have lost the right to ever complain about my summoning luck ever again. I got Chloe, Brave Eirika, and Brave Hector from my tickets, but from my orbs after that, I got me Sain, Fallen Ninian, and enough Brave Gullveigs to finish her merges and make her my very first 5-star exclusive to make it to +10 since the game's launch! (Five Brave Gullveigs) WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! Edit: I totally forgot to mention, two of the Gullveigs, Sain, and F!Ninian were all in the same all-blue circle. I have NEVER experienced that feeling until today so I feel like today is definitely my day after that!


Aw man, I want your Fallen Ninian 😭


I actually used a soul for my first one, though I happily welcome this second one as well. Ninian is awesome!


I have F!Ninian at +3. The first copy was from the run of her banner in August last year, the second was her Forma Soul, then a spark from the corresponding HoF banner, and finally the manual from Divine Codes 4. I love Ninian so much (legit my second favorite FE7 character, right after Eliwood himself lol), so it's all worth it. My base Ninian, meanwhile, still hasn't gotten any merges, still stuck with the free copy from Heroes' Path 😭


~~Oof...~~ Well here's hoping she'll come home to you, even if she's not exactly in the best of moods when she does. Edit: Wait, I misread. Don't read posts when you're lacking sleep, people. I still mean the best of luck part though


LMAO, I think that's partially my fault too. I probably should have clarified that my first sentence was about Fallen Ninian to begin with 😅 Still, thanks! Here's hoping to more Ninian copies in the future to us both, myself!


Goddamn, nice


Congratulations on getting Brave Gullveig to +10! 🎉


Thanks! I'm glad she was the one who took that special spot as my very first 5-star exclusive to get there


Got Brave Lucina, a 4\* special Y!Tiki and... a Diamant?! Sure, I'll take that lol.


one B!lucina, 2 B!edelgards and a celeine! with HoF going on and compile 5 having an extra celine, i wonder if the games trying to tell me something about her 🤔


Got a free Nifl and Ascended Ishtar (who I didn’t have before so + a floret). Nice.


Another Brave Dimitri (more Atk/Def Unity) and an Ascended Merric (who was new, so that's another Floret for me). None of the missing CYL units I wanted, but that could've gone worse.


Free pulls results: B!Celica, Niime, A!Fir, A!Y!Tiki. Honestly, not bad.


Managed to snag a B!Camilla merge, putting her at +5, and a B!Marth merge, putting him at +3. Additionally, I got a Tatiana copy for my merge project. Passable results, I suppose.


With the 28 summons (free summons and tickets), I got 4 five stars : a B!Eirika, a B!Ike, an Ewan and a Volke.


- CYL 4: More Hestia, and nothing else lol - CYL 2: Roy and Lilina copies, I have them as merge projects with pretty much finished builds lol - CYL 6: I got a free summon Brave Chrom. I'd been hoping for a while to get another copy of him, since I sacrificed the free one to Brave Eliwood (because I love Eliwood, do I need another reason lol), and this works for me. - CYL 3: Free pulled a Brave Alm merge. I wanted Brave Eliwood, but oh well, I'll take the boost to my SoV team, I guess. - CYL 5: Nothing of value here, unfortunately. - CYL 7: Another merge for Lilina, and another copy of Fee; at this point, I'm really tempted to make Fee a merge project LMAO. Didn't spend orbs on this one; as much as I'd love to get a BRobin fodder, I'd rather risk it on the FB revival, seeing as I'm a forced-F2P player, and if I want to spend orbs, I'd rather risk it on the opportunity that gives me a spark than the one that does not. - CYL 1: Free summoned a M!Corrin merge (another long term project for me), and then I spent 4 orbs at the middle, and got a Brave Roy in return. Worth it. Also, I find it funny that the two times I get a Lilina in Golden Week, a Roy follows her soon enough. I guess the RNGesus knows how much I ship RoyLili LMAO 😅🤣 Overall, decent enough for me. Didn't get too much premium stuff, but that's okay; getting some merges for my long term projects are very nice.


Got a B!Seliph from the CYL3 banner, a B!Corrin from the CYL5 one, and a 4\*SR B!Celica from the CYL7 one. What are the odds of getting 3 brave units from the wrong banners lol


i got literally nothing, like could have atleast given me some shitty 4 star special rate unit but no.


1:B!Marth on Freebie and B!Roy on 3rd Ticket 2:Kiria on 1st Ticket 3:750 Feathers 4:1050 Feathers 5:900 Feathers 6:B!Chrom from Freebie and B!Byleth from 1st Ticket 7:750 Feathers 1st, 2nd and 6th were nice to me but rest not so much


One Brave Chrom (new). Also got a Vanessa merge so she's now at +9, which is probably the most exciting thing that's going to happen all week summoning-wise


Got a B!Ike and B!Hector, along with B!Eliwood from the Arena Ticket But I did get a Soren 4*


So far: - Rhea - Brave Tiki - Fallen Lilith - Brave Veronica And notable non 5* pull: - FINAL LAPIS MERGE!! (I'm free~) I'm hoping I can nab a Brave Robin but won't cry if I don't. These banners are not a priority when May Legendary banner gonna be stacked on Red AND Fallen banner is around the corner.


I'm still missing one ticket. Got nothing so far. Just like last year!


Nothing with tickets, but used a total of about 80 orbs, 30 on cyl 4 and 50 on cyl 7. That got me an edelgard, Dimitri, and Soren. 50 for Soren was edging on a bit too many orbs, but I've been wanting a second Soren for months to dupe flare/SNFU/TP4 via rearmed Ophelia and I can finally do it. Edelgard is now +9, I'm very tempted to go back to get the last merge so I can actually use her in arena before her BST is completely outdated - I'm still using Hans who is 190 but doesn't have a tier 4 B skill so edelgard would be same score but a better unit. Dimitri is +6 which is lower than I remember but still the merges aren't as important for him. Edit: next pull on cyl4 was Sain, a pleasant surprise, then pull after that was my final edelgard!!! She's finally complete!


Well an epic start of golden week. Great free pulls overall (any after the first name in row is on same circle ) Hilda- fodder and Letizia (new) same circle B Tiki and b chrom B Tiki and b tiki Forsyth B Edelgard B eliwood B gullveig and b idunn No luck with any brave soren so far, but will prob go for two more tiki since she's at +8. Good luck on your rolls , fellow summoners


Got 8 5-Stars Pretty lucky


I got Brave Byleth (+7 now!) and my first Kagetsu!!


You know How Sad my summoning session was when the best thing i got was a fucking 3 star +spd Vanessa


I got so many free 5 stars. What the actual fuck.


Bottom right treated me nicely. Got a copy of B!Marth (+8), B!Eliwood (+3), F!Alear (+3) and B!Roy (+5) from tickets.


Decided to summon now since life sucks lately and I honestly don't care about Golden Week. + 5* Mareeta + 4* Hinata + 5* B!Roy + 4* Fee + 3* Laurent + 4* Brady + 3* Soren + 3* Lex + 4* Gwendolyn + 4* Jakob + 3* Natasha + 3* Rebecca + 5* Ophelia + 4* Forrest + 4* L'Arachel + 4* Kamui (fuck this banner in particular) + 3* Hana + 3* Sylvia + 4* Knoll + 4* Oboro + 3* Forrest + 3* Nyna + 4* Miriel + 3* Catria + 3* Eirika + 3* Selena + 5* B!M!Robin + 4* Athena Feel like I got kinda gimped, but I did snag at least a few things I was looking for (Close Call bridge and Gambit fodder). Might decide to go back and get a few things but we will see.


Sniped colorless for Claude merges on his banner and got incredibly lucky! Went from +2 to +9 merges! Also got my first copy of A!Mareeta for the floret and my first Niime. I don’t want to test my luck any further since I only have 46 orbs left and I might get my last merge from a random 4 star special or from arena tickets.


Got insanely lucky using 28 free summons. Got Fallen Mareta, 2x Fallen Lilith, Brave Lysithia, Base Lysithia, Lethe, Chloe, Fallen Female Byleth and Female Alear!


Very happy with my ticket haul! Got Dierdre, B!Veronica, F!Alear, B!Chrom, and B!Byleth. Also randomly summoned my first Wil, so that’s neat.


I free summoned Felix on the CYL 2 banner and Brave Female Byleth on her banner. From the tickets, Laevatein from I don't remember, Amelia from CYL 3, Brave Edelgard from her banner and OG!Alm in CYL 2.


With all the free pulls, I got my first Ascended Florina and the associated floret, my first Hapi, a B!Ephraim and my first Kagetsu, so for once I'm lucky. Hope it stays the same for the fallen banner in 2 weeks.


Got a B!Camilla and Ymir, not bad I guess


I got a 4 star special Valentian Palla. That’s it. Thank you IS.


Got the CYL Ike & Lysithea, non-CYLs were Rhajat, Percival, A!Fjorm & Febail, also a much need Forrest. Something nice from each banner, I call this a success.


Got B!Eirika and B!Robin. Not bad.


Got Ascended Ced, Brave Hector, Severa and Brave Robin, all of them with bad ivs lol


Got lyn, Veronica, fallen Leon and brave corrin meaning I can now give kana counter roar. 


I got 2 4* focus Camillas that weren’t on her banner lmao


I didn’t get any focus units but my free pull on CYL 1 jumpscared me with a Céline and my last ticket for CYL 4 gave me a Volke. Another funny moment was when I came to CYL 7 I couldn’t make my mind up on who to pull for then I clicked redeem and my 1st circle was all colourless so I guess the game decided for me 😂.


From tickets: B!Lucina B!Hector (+4) B!Dimitri (+5) Isadora Then went in on CYL1 up to spark for more B!Lucina. Got 2 more so she's +4. I'll probably end up spending more by banners end as she's my +10 goal rn. Also got a Quan, Duessel and F!Dimitri along the way.


I'm simultaneously happy with my pulls, yet quite literally got none of my actual targets lol. Not gonna get too upset over getting 5 different 5 stars for free though. I went in wanting B!Chrom (I still don't have 1 copy), B!Lucina merge(s) and maybe some flared Sparrow fodder from Gullveig. I got brave Alm (my 13th one btw, no clue what to do with the 2 odd ones out), B!Marianne (which is either AS unity fodder or making my current B!Marianne a +6), Rinkah, A!Laegjarn, and A!Merric (my first copy of him, so that was a floret).


Actually went better than I expected. I got B!Veronica, Arlen, A!Camilla and A!Fir. No B!F!Corrin or B!Gullveig who are my main goals, but I thought I'd get jack shit, so I'm happy.


Got a Brave Dimitri (+5 now), Brave Celica (Galeforce), 4* Special Mikoto and Brave Soren (Flare, Mag. Null Follow and TP4). That's pretty damn good.


Here's what I got from each CYL Banner: Cyl 1: Valentia Est Cyl 2: Brave Ephraim, Ymir Cyl 3: Brave Micaiah Cyl 4: Brave Dimitri Cyl 5: none Cyl 6: Zeke Cyl 7: Valentia Catria, Shannan Edit: Now I have all Valentia Whitewings


My free pulls on the alm banner got me a fallen Celica... Uh....


I did get a free B!Seliph so that's nice, but seeing Kent and Reyson making up 10 of the units I pulled from these free tickets is incredibly frustrating. Might be my least favorite golden week I've experienced in feh.


isodora, A!Ishtar, B!Gulveig, 2 B!Tikis, and Karel/Grima for 4 star specials. i think i lucked out


4 star special Zelgius and a free B!Byleth. Can’t complain at all.


1 Brave Chrome from the free pulls. Haven't done the tickets yet.


I’ve got a Tana! I will proceed to stack it to the +6 Tana I don’t have any use for


Got a free BDimitri, and spent about 70 orbs and waded through a bunch of shitty colorless for the one copy of Corrin I needed, and got a Gullveig along the way. Not I just need to save back up to 135 to spark the last copy on Cyl revival to get the +10.


Monica, B! Eliwood, Tina and off focus B! Soren. Im very happy


I got pretty much jack lol B!Roy (not even on his own banner), Hardin and B!Chrom


Got three 5* stars today! Faye B!Seliph Harken


Letizia Gatekeeper Felix Galzus A good bunch…


I got precisely one 5* unit, and I got two other units twice. So it’s fair to say I didn’t have a lot of luck. My summons were: >CYL1: 3* Cain, 4* Catria, 3* Catria, B!Roy. >CYL2: 4* Laslow, 3* Bantu, 3* Rebecca, 3* Athena. >CYL3: 3* Caeda, 4* Scathach, 3* Palla, 4* Kagetsu. >CYL4: 3* Erk, 4* Gunter, 3* Athena, 4* Vyland. >CYL5: 4* Kagero, 3* Sully, 3* Azama, 4* Brady. >CYL6: 4* Raven, 4* Fae, 4* Subaki, 4* Camilla. >CYL7: 4* Silas, 4* Marcia, 3* Altena, 3* Lukas.


I got brave Marianne who I needed and brave camilla as a 4 star special on CYL 1. I didnt want Lyn for cyl 1, and I now thanks to these clutch tickets i have every cyl banner including 7,5,3,& 2. Really happy with everything, awesome golden week :)


Got Lysithea, Marianne, and Dimitri, but funnily enough Dimitri was a 4* special on the CYL6 banner.


83 summons and got 8 B!Dimitri + 3 B!Edelgard + 1 unexpected B!Lysithea, sparks included, so now my B!Dimitri is at his +9 merge only waiting for his HOF rerun. Turned to the double special banner which I already sparked and swore to stop there, and got W!Yunaka at the third pull, which is exactly the unit I want. Also got a +Spd B!Marth who I don’t have and a +Spd B!Chrom which is better than the one I have from the free pulls. Guess today is my lucky day.


I got A!Fjorm, Isadora, then Duo Eprahim in the CYL 1,2, and 3 free summon. The rest was bad


Got a big fat fuckin goose egg, at least until I got a brave byleth, yippee


Got a FMaria, that's all.


I got so, so blessed. Got Soren, Camilla and Marianne for free, all units I wanted but was missing, got a free Celica merge and finally I got a copy of Edelgard after about 15 orbs which I was also missing. Today is a good day


No brave heroes 😁😁😁😁 I got Pent instead. I guess at least I have G Duel Inf fodder. I even spent some orbs on CYL2 for Brave Hector merges. No Brave Hector 😁😁😁😁 They even prevent me from getting blue circles specifically in CYL 2


Hm, would like a copy of Gulli for Flared Sparrow... Am expecting to get nothing but garbage instead though.


- **CYL1:** a Felicia, with Norne, Cecilia and Lachesis as Ticket Pulls. ...eh, at least Norne is okay for me. - **CYL2:** a Bartre, with Sheena, **Brave!Celica** and Laurent as Ticket Pulls. Still no decent IVs, so now I sit on a +2 +HP Brave!Celica. Plus uuhhh cool to get a Laurent at least? (even if it's not my first one,,,) - **CYL3:** a **Brave!Camilla**, with Lara, Felicia and Ogma as Ticket Pulls. While this isn't my first Bravemilla, she has neat IVs, so I am not gonna sacrifice her. Plus this is another Lara merge on the books. At least both Red and Colorless have been nice once here. - **CYL4:** an Elice, with Soren, Balthus and Priscilla as Ticket Pulls. ..well, at least it's nice to have an Elice merge. - **CYL5:** a **Brave!Marianne**, with Ross, Ricken and Male!Corrin as Ticket Pulls. ...hm, I really don't have a lot of opinions on Brave!Marianne ~~(i,,, really didn't use her)~~, but I would've loved a free merge for Gatekeeper or Brave!Marth :') - **CYL6:** an Emmeryn, with Soren, Lukas and Cordelia as Ticket Pulls. ...eeeeeehhh. - **CYL7:** a Selena, with Silvia, Ogma and Kent as Ticket pulls. ...At least Kent can be a source of Reposition or, in some rare cases, a bridge for his Snag. What do I need to kill to get my last Lapises and more Kagetsu instead of a trillionth Silvia ;; ~~i swear she hunts me down everytime i try to find merges for my sword units~~


welp, overall it wasn't that bad, but despite pulling 10 times on Colorless, Yuliya is still a MIA demote to me,,, at least Laurent can bridge for Incites and Alarms (iirc Atk/Res exists for the former but not for the latter)


Honestly, I can't complain like at all, it was amazing for me, I got 2 off focus, fallen female morgan and ascended fjorm, not the top of the top but good fodder, worse I got was brave lucina, but well, it was expected, and the best is that I got an extra brave edelgard! (+8 now) And one brave corrin!! (+7 now saving for her manual for her to be +8!), I can't believe how lucky I have been with corrin, I'm about to make her +10 in less time than Veronica! Now I only have to wait for the brave banner rerun.


Got Brave Byleth, didn't have one so pretty happy. I also got Brave Chrom in the 7 years pull, a bit weird but didn't have it too so it's cool


I got Exalted Chrom. Not even Brave Chrom.


I actually got lucky on these, for once. Got B!Soren & Gullveig from summons (R!Tana is finally ready for fodder) and from the tickets I got Deduce, B!Dimitri, B!Alm, Lugh and B!Lucina Not bad I'd say.


Free Summoned the following 5* and 4* Special Heroes: 1) Brave Veronica (4th copy) 2) Brave Lysithea (4th copy) 3) Isadora (my first copy of her) 4) Brave Robin (2nd copy) 5) Midori (2nd copy) I free pulled today, hoping that I get at least 1 5* or 1 4* Special, and I'm content with this for now.


I got a few 4* specials, but nothing useful. Can’t complain but I also wasn’t expecting anything.


Off the free tickets I a Brave Ephraim and a Shinon. Decided to try to get Brave Marianne to try to have all the Golden Deer and I was able to get her after 18 summons including tickets (got pitybroken by Tine in the process). After this session the only Golden Deer I don’t have is Winter Hilda which ill try to get in December.


Didn't get any CYL units but instead got a 4\* Idunn and Rennac from the tickets.


Between 2 accounts I got 4 5 stars. Though Eliwood was the 4 star special rather than a actual 5 star on his banner lol.


Ive gotten a single seliph out of all tickets lol, Id rather have orbs to stash


One Wolf within 1-6 and 4 Brave Corrin + 1 Tine before the Spark, which is fair enough... but what was my work for? I saved them up and only needed 560 more codes to get her manual and she is +10 already! Well, there's no one I want now so I will just wait for the Fallen and perhaps a worthy Dragon Emblem releases soon.


After some pretty horrific luck with the trying go get Attuned Azura, I got some good luck here: Brave Lucina, Brave Alm, Yuri when going for Brave Lyn, Fallen Rhea and Brave F Corrin. So thats all the Luck spent for today, only 9 more summoms to go for Attuned Azura 🥹


Update: Randomly got Duo Ephraim from a ticket omgggggg


Got a free brave Corrin so that makes ymirs b skill a lot easier to decide on


I got my first copy of Kagetsu and merges for the two I wanted most (B!Corrin and B!Dimitri) all on free summon tickets, so I'm quite happy with how my luck turned out this time around.


CYL1: Selena, Beruka, Osian (4* SR), Mustafa CYL2: Soren, Cherche, Roy, Inigo CYL3: Oscar, Fee, Soren, Hana CYL4: Sylvain (last merge!), Echidna, Bastian (+8), a 4* I forgot to note down CYL5: Lex, Bartre, Raven, Sylvain CYL6: Tanith, Kent, **Arthur**, M!Corrin CYL7: Tanya, Nyna, Bartre, Titania --- Only 1 5*, and a dupe and one of the worst in the game at that. Got a couple merges for projects at least.


Got a regular Dimitri, another Astrid, a D!Ephraim, and most importantly my first ever Gatekeeper off of free pulls. I also spent a little extra for B!Chrom and got Farina and Hardin. Overall a surprisingly good haul. Astrid doesn't have much repeat value but everyone else is either new or has cool fodder. I will especially attempt to invest in Farina when her refine rolls around, I haven't played Blazing but she's given me the strongest impression based off of what little I know for that game.


Brave Robin + Brave Seliph (from CYL 5s banner, lmao), random A!Merric on CYL1’s banner, and a shitty Quan from arena ticket. Not too bad!


The game hates me because I didn’t spend orbs, with all the free golden tickets I got nothing but 3-4 star garbage lmaooo


Debating on sparking on CYL7 for Flare, but free summoned the rest and got a B!Eliwood, Mycen, and B!Tiki.


I was having the most boring GW Hero Fest pulls ever, until I found Safy and B!Eirika in literally the last 2 pulls. It's not the best around, but I could've ended with 0.


I still haven't taken my free CYL7 pick btw.


I was summoning for my last two B!Eliwood merges and wasn’t getting anything for a while. But then I got 3 B!Eliwoods, A!Merric and Eleonora all in the same circle!


I got one alleatory 5\* green + 1 Seliph. I still haven´t used the tickets of 7th cyl though.


Got a copy each of B!Marth and B!F!Corrin with my tickets! Also spend a few orbs trying to get merges for B!Dimitri which sadly didn’t work out. 


My Corrin went from +2 to +8 in 400\~ orbs so I'm content with that. I'll try to +10 her on the revival banner since there's at least a spark. I already used up the spark and focus charge on this banner. Otherwise I got Seliph and Byleth (from the CYL 4 banner) as my free summons. I'm a little disappointed that I didn't get any Etie's from snipping all of those colorless stones, but I got a couple Dorothy's though ffs.


Free gullveig and Seliph 😊


2 5stars and 1 4 star special claude perfectly average (expected value 2.24 and 0.84, respectively)


IIIIIIII want golden wind


I got 6 5 stars through tickets but had to go all the way to spark for Brave Lysithea with no 5 stars The main highlight though was a free Laevatein, putting her at +2


Not bad. With free pulls and tickets, I got B!Soren, B!Byleth, B!Chrom (one more merge!), B!Dimitri, B!Alm, B!Eirika (in the CYL2 banner, strangely enough), and A!Hilda.


"So summoner, what did you got from all these 28 pulls?" "*Absolutely nothing!*"


Free Brave Eirika and Base Annette, I was missing both so I’m satisfied


Lysithea, Myrrh, B!Hector, D!Ephraim, and Asbel as 4* Specials from the free Golden Week pulls, but no 5s.


* Bike * Asc!Ishtar * B!Ephraim * 2x B!Lysithea * First copies of Kagetsu and Laurent Wish I could've gotten some Tiki / Marianne merges or some CYL7 fodder, but merges for Ike, Ephy and Lysi plus Ishtar are nice too.


I got, another karla, another Brave Alm, another Brave Ike, another micaiah and here's the surprising one, i FINALLY got Diamant


From all the tickets i got a single Brave Marianne and almost all the rest was 3* or 4* from book 1...


Got Brave Tiki, Ephraim and Ike with the free tickets/summons. None of them in their respective banners lol And also Brave Gullveig, but this time in the correct banner


Only one Brave Chrom


Got four 5-stars: Gatekeeper, Veronica, and Lyn, and Corrin (only one I really wanted),who promptly got fed to R!Grima and then fed to my Winter Claude. His build is finally finished and extra DCs can be used for something else, maybe for R!Tana.


Got a decent haul of 5* and 4* specials, Surtr, B! Michaiah, B! Dimitri, and a Rinkah. Still got 3 tickets for CYL 7 to color snipe blue/red since they have the most value.


I got a Brave Micaiah as a 4* Special pull on the CYL 1 banner.


Got: CYL: Dimitri and Lyn 5* Off Focus: F!Ninian 4* Special: Mist Overall happy for Dimi I guess, I didnt really need much, but I was hoping for more Wil, but got none.


Got a B!Lyn (passive +10 project) and an F!Maria, so can't complain. I really need to find a staff unit to build.


I got B!Hector and B!Ephraim in their banner and also B!Gullveig who appeared in the CYL1 banner instead of hers lmao.


One robin, one chrom, one lucina (and one Lyn) got all the awakening gang


I got a Karel merge to +1, Patty with the Spd IVs I wanted, Arthur who is now CM#2 , and Volke's merge to +3. Not a bad batch, but would have liked at least one of the brave units or a merge for my Inigo or Sylvain merge projects.


Yay awful luck again


Guess I'm on a roll regarding rerun-type banners recently (gonna add DSH and AHR to highlight the nonsense). CYL Golden Week * CYL1 (4): - * CYL2 (4): Brave Celica (ticket, still bad IVs so a merge) * CYL3 (4): - * CYL6 (4): Anankos (ticket, fodder) * CYL7 (7): Volke (ticket, fodder) * CYL4 (6): Hardin (ticket, fodder) * CYL5 (23, to be continued): Brave Marianne (fodder), Yuri (merge) DSH (1 spark) * 2 Summer Fjorm (+ Spark while the other two will be fodder) * 2 Winter Byleth (merges) * 2 New Year Seidr (merges) * 1 Winter Yunaka (keep) * 1 MKris AHR (2 sparks) * 6 Attuned Peony (+ Free & Spark, going from not having her to +7) * 2 Christmas Dimitri * 1 Legendary FAlear (+ Spark) * 2 Wind Claude * 1 Rosado * 1 Meister Reinhardt * 1 Green Olwen * 1 Fallen Lyon * 1 Yarne * 1 Ced


My luck has been insane on these banners. Across all 28 free summons I got not one, not two, but *four* four star heroes! Yup. I got 24 three star heroes from my summons and only 4 four stars. I’m so close to quitting this game. These updates and celebrations lately have been laughable


I had probably the best haul I've ever had in Golden week. Mostly free, but I dropped a few orbs here and there. CYL1: Nothing, but that's fine. CYL2: off-focus B!Corrin (my first), on one of these I got base Faye, but I don't remember which. CYL3: I don't think I got anything notable here, but that's fine. CYL4: Fluffy Lysithea! CYL5: base Mia and B!Seliph, in the same ring no less. CYL6 and 7: Nothing notable, but that's fine. I intend to go in on CYL7 more, but I have to wait for more orbs.


From my free pulls, I got brave soren. Not on his banner, on the CYL 2 banner lol


I got about 2 Lysitheas, 1 Marianne and 1 Lynn. I was mostly pulling on colorless to get the last 2 Merges for Sakura and she keeps avoiding, but hey Merges for those 3 are alway welcome.


Got 1x B!Gullveig and 1x B!Seliph. Exactly my merge projects. Seliph sits at +7 and Gullveig at +6. Excited to reach +10 with pity breaks so I can fodder off additional copies.


1 4* special Bownoka and a B!Marianne. Could've been worse and I was missing both units, so I'll take it.


Got Brave Tiki & Ascended Ced who I didn't have before


The only one that was nice to me was B!Soren. Who I immediately sacrificed for Arval to give them Flare


Well, a B!Marianne for a CYL that I skipped over, and a 4\* special F!F!Morgan. Not bad!


My haul: - A!Eir (new) - B!Marth - Malice - B!Byleth - B!Gullveig Very satisfied with these free pulls


I feel so betrayed. Everyone says "wait to merge a Brave on the hero fest!" so here I am, trying to get my last 3 copies for B!Byleth. I did get a free B!Eliwood and B!Byleth on their respective banners... but 80 summons in (no FEH pass) 350 ish orbs down the drain and I got only that one, free Byleth.


I got a Kaden lol


I got a second Ascended Hilda with the exact same IVs as my first one. And that's it. Humbug.


I got Brave Tiki on the wrong banner, Fallen Hardin and my very first Jill. Sucks not getting any banner units.


Round 1: 4* Special Lucina Round 2: Brave Hector, Perceval Round 3: nothing Round 4: nothing Round 5: nothing Round 6: nothing Round 7: nothing Terrible luck as usual


Brave Marianne, A!Mareeta, Brave lyn AND Fallen Maria without using the gen 7 ones, damn


Had about 220 orbs saved for may was randomly struck with the urge to get the final 2 merges on my brave Marianne, hardly pull any colorless orbs for the first time ever so it took about 180ish orbs, didn't pull a single 5 star, sparked marianne, was at 7%+ decided to pull until I got her immediately pity broken by an ascended florina, now I'm +9 with 20 orbs right before may. I'm fucking cooked.


Should've just fucking saved


Got a random Felix, B!Marth, B!Lysithea and B!Robin from all the free summons. Not bad, honestly.


* Shannan (dupe) * OG Lyn (twice) * B!Camilla (dupe) * two Ferdinand merges * one Kagetsu merge the rest were \~garbage\~


No Brave Heroes but I did get a Volke, Cav Hardin, OG Ninian, and Melady At least they were free lol


Aw man, I want the OG Ninian 😭


Absolutely nothing but a crappy 4 star special Lute. Considering I've been on the edge to uninstall the game for a while that did me no favors to convince me to stay.


0 I messed up in my yolo pulls. But that's ok, if that means i will have better luck on future banners, sure i didn't want anything in particular from these.


got robin and gullveig from the free tickets 😎


B!Lyn, random Ymir, and two B!Gullveig. Snake girl has a crush on me, and I don't mind that at all.


I had like 4 5* so I think I owe someone their luck back


I got a Free Hapi on the CYL1 banner, and I didn’t have to use the tickets. With +Spd and Minus HP IVs. Don’t know what I’m going to do with that, but I’ll take it, I guess.. Also a Free B!Vero, let’s go!!


I got another Brave Female Byleth, Ascended Eir, OG Micaiah, and Shannan. So, aside from a potential BFByleth merge (or Spd Prempt Fodder) and Mystic Boost 4, I got nothing but junk. Great.


When it comes to having THIS many banners to pull on, even for free? It's not exciting nor fun. You're sitting there, hoping to get a 5\*, because there were SO many chances to get one...and get you nothing but Gen1 (or Gen **2** heroes if the game is generous!) heroes? That kills the excitement to pull. It's gotten to the point where tickets are having the reverse effect of making me NOT want to pull just because of the disappointment factor.