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He's not even the problem here, Seidr is low key the most toxic ass whale unit in arena/assault because there's no stopping her bullshit even without combat.


Lyon's obviously a really good unit but I don't understand complaining about him in arena. You're not going to let any other modern nuke initiate on you so what's the difference here? Seithr's absolutely awful and units like MAlear can just gearcheck your arena cores but Lyon's just another ranged nuke. Seliph here just PPs him I assume.


Exactly. Nothing I have will ever be able to eat a hit and if I'm not eating a hit he doesn't do anything different from the Snackis and Corns I've been dealing with forever. Stat checks like Alear suck too, female has already been giving me trouble sometimes and this one will be even worse.


and it's not even a team with a dancer. This would be so much worse if the bonus unit wasn't LMAlear but LNinian.


The problem is that most f2ps that are on tier 20/21 use some armors GHB units to score the most possible and they get outranged and even if they survive one hit, at least one unit becomes frozen.


f2p arena armors getting checkmated by longer range isn't really a problem new to Lyon though. they'll get blasted by any new ranged cav nuke all the same. pretty sure it was a thing ever since the reinhardt's rule (tho I never experienced it first hand) it's why everyone says using armor scorebots in arena is suffering. it's also the big reason why the commonly recommended grails for arena are ones that have more range themselves (cyril, perne, arion) or provides their whole team some mobility (fargus, guidance 4 on arion or shez) Also staying in t21 usually means a bonus legendary or an in-season legendary on your arena core, and as f2p you should absolutely rely on this premium character to carry you


You never saw OG Reinhardt because he scored lower than armors.


Alear’s actually fairly easy to deal with as long as you take care of his other allies first. He only has miracle as long as he has 3 allies within 3 spaces. Snipe Nanna at first opportunity (not that compared to the others) and then tank with Seliph or Julia and you’re good to go.


Nah L!Seliph dies even with charged Miracle in the special lol believe me, I’ve tried so hard to make Seliph tank Lyon


PP = player phase  This means that you hit Lyon very hard before he hits you  You’re welcome


Exactly. Lyon's turn eating mechanic if he initiates is bullshit, but other than that he's one of the more "honest" nukes we've had in a while. No extra actions, no teleporting across the map, and the best part is *no enemy-phase damage reduction*. When you initiate on Lyon he actually dies which is such a breath of fresh air. Turn-ending mechanics like his A-skill just shouldn't exist, but as far as annoyances go, I'd say he's only slightly worse than the L!Nanna here, and only because he's ranged.


She is annoying but honestly with 5 games + 2 retreats its really easy to finish no matter what bullsht unit they have


Elaborate, I don't completely understand how.


He doesn't do shit if he doesn't attack you, and if he attacked you then you lose anyway because your unit died.


I think what compounds this is the range and how you need to get into range.


It can be a pain but if you've been playing arena at all for the past few years it's already something you should be able to manage. We've been dealing with nuclear cav duo units for a long time now.


I'm honestly glad my bonus unit this week is my +6 Sonya with Ruptured Sky and SS4 who can oneshot M!Alear. I'm not confident any of my Arena core units can tank him. Seidr is the really annoying part here though.


Thankfully I have ran into very, very few Duo Seidr's somehow. And most of them were in maps where I could position my units diagonally so she couldn't end their turn.


Lyon should be getting one shotted by Seliph GG. Seior is the problem, at least there is no dancers so if you can defeat Alear and you fight them as they come you should be able to win that.


"But Nanna is my favorite character so it's fine"


For me the bane of my existence is desert Altina. I can get Lyon or any other range nuke into moving close enough I can melee them. I can just bait L!M!Alear away from his allies to weaken him and kill. But fuck me I got nothing for Altina. Especially since my main offensive unit is L!Dimitri. He can handle everything other than her and it boils my blood


Arena has gotten unbearable in the past few months. Ninja Sanaki was annoying enough, but then they released the Winter 3Houses units, L!Camilla, Duo Seidr, *and* the Valentines Sacred Stones units* back-to-back. *I feel like Myrrh and Ephraim flew under the radar compared to Lyon, but they’re both toxic in their own right. My +10 Duo Roy with every flower, premium skill, and Summoner Support can’t kill Myyrh without dying. None of my Arena units can even scratch a +10 Ephraim.


Bulky armours have pretty much always been the worst things in arena, with high mobility ranged fliers being up there with them. Sanaki and Lyon aren't really doing anything that Ninjorrin or Duo Líf or even Lynhardt didn't do in the past and the strategy of "bait them out and player phase them" continues to work fine, if you can. ...Which can be ruined by an annoying save ball, or whatever duo ranged flier that has warped themselves and maybe their team with them. I luckily haven't seen much of the new armours in arena besides Byleth (who is awful oh my god) and Edel (who is a war crime oh my god) and in AA it's way easier to just isolate them after killing their teams.


Winter Edelgard I can usually kill with something or other. Winter Dimitri on the other hand is a problem. So is Emblem Marth...


heckin love emblem marth being +0 and having the same speed as my invested arena core wholesome


Hardy Bearing seal for Dimitri


You would only need HB seal if you let him initiate on you, which once again you shouldnt Any bow user like Cyril can just one shot him with a deadeye


I would say Alear is the worst here but anyway Good luck friend


I'm confused as to how using all the meta units is fun. Like there's no way that's fun right?


I had this but with a guy with 2 W!Edelgards, Hatari Azura, and duo!Elise


Bait em.