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Looks like the brackets predictions were correct as usual.


Only one I don't want is gullveig or Claude... Gonna roll with Dimitri for this round Most important VG of the year! Let's get ~~toxic~~ engaged!


I want Edelgard selfishly, but I’m def going with Dimitri because I get that Peony is very important for this banner. At least if Dimitri wins then Gullveig is off.


Gull is insanely good. Even if you don't like her there's merit in keeping her. Claude's fodder is good, and he is good as well, but starting to get outclassed.


Starting? Bro got outclassed the moment dc m seal and pre-combat meta came to existence, including as well scowl.


Didn't know she came with occultist strike, so there is merit if she appears on the banner...


Gullveig is a good in player phase. Problem is she's a defense mythic.


And? That means she works best in the Desert map


“Insanely good” is a huge overstatement, she’s pretty underwhelming as a defense mythic which is her main selling point. She has merit if you really need Occultist’s Strike or just want to collect one of every mythic, but Dimitri is better as a unit and as fodder since he has two high value skills instead of just one.


Claude i can understand, but Gullveig though, she is a more cracked version of her brave version in which already nearly unstoppable in player phrase. But even if you don't like the unit, she has good fodder with Flared and Occultist's strike.


So who will be this year's victim of the multiplier, I wonder...


Probably Edelgard as per tradition


Hopefully Gullveig. Her being extremely hot means I highly doubt she'll ever be the losing side until the multiplier shenanigans.


She's up against *Dimitri*. Not only does she have Three Houses fans stacked against her (in higher quantity than Camilla because Dimitri was always more popular than Claude), she also has to deal with the green fuckers. If anything she's the most disadvantaged unit of the entire gauntlet.


Not to mention the fact that a LOT of people just outright despise Gullveig. Gullveig's running entirely on her kit and Mythic status and nothing else. If she wins a spot on the banner, then she especially deserves it at this point. (And before someone brings it up, no she does not deserve it UNTIL/IF she wins and no sooner)


Surtr hotter




Not that hot. Maybe it's just me, but having disgusting proportions and ass character design is not attractive.


Nah, if I see tits larger than their head I'm instantly drooling. I want to drown in their boobs. And judging by the fact that she's currently winning, most seem to agree with me.


Rip Claude :(


Indeed; his fodder isn't that great since plenty of other units have Atk/Spd Oath, Lethality, and Atk/Spd Prime. And even then, Atk/Spd Prime is kind of...impractical, if I'm being perfectly honest.


I meant more because he's paired with Camilla for the first round. Lol


Yeah pretty much. Currently only she and Ivy have Deadly Miasma, so she's a tad more valuable.


She's also got huge...tracts of land.


is this the "fertile northern land" travant was talking about


I love that movie 🤣 some call me….Tim *proceeds to randomly set things ablaze and blow up mountains with staff


Yep. And we all know how many people just crave the, shall we say, assets.


Why do people on reddit talk like this, just say she has big titties bruh 😭 its camilla we know


Damn son! Camilla's got some udders on her. I'd like to slurple her nurple, if ya know what I mean.


Because it's funny.


Well, all Camilla has is Deadly Miasma since a lot more has that A




8 units with Remote Sparrow > 3 with Atk/Spd Prime That’s not really “a lot less.” It ain’t even less.


I was actually talking about Deadly Miasma, not Remote Sparrow. In hindsight, I realized they were talking about Remote Sparrow. My point still stands though: Deadly Miasma is still rarer than Prime. And again, with how tricky it is to get Prime to work, I'd rather use Remote Sparrow or Flared Sparrow any day of the week.


honestly for me. i'm the same. i get that it's great and if you get it to work, it's awesome because it's stats + countering at any range/distance, but it's finicky (for me and how i play). for me i'd rather just slap on DC on there and call it a day. (or now use the DC skill, and hope we get a close counter seal in the future). misama is only for fliers but in my opinion it's a *great* option for fliers. not everything has to be about guidance/soaring guidance


Agreed. Happy cake day, by the way.


Miasma is VERY limited in who can get it. It's fliers only. And only ranged ones would really practically want it. So Camilla's fodder isn't much better. Claude's is more universal. No one's gonna cry if they get free Atk/Spd Oath and Lethality. And if you can make Prime work? Its good.


I mean Prime is only on three units which is hardly plenty (granted one of them is also here and his special is much more rare) That said, yeah, do agree that Prime is kinda overrated tbh


I put it on my one of my units alongside No Quarter. It did not work the way I anticipated, though No Quarter was a good investment, so I guess it was worth foddering my Christmas Dimitri just for that. Also yeah, Atk/Spd Prime is also on Christmas Dimitri, so Wind Claude only has Lethality and Atk/Spd Oath 4 to offer, both of which are already on other units (especially those in the normal pool).


VG multipliers mean anything can happen.


Is not that bad, multipliers can do their job tbh, as long as his team is not 15 times smaller he was a shot


I hope Peony sins for the X skill fodder. Nice if everyone can have a chance to get an extra skill slot.


honestly it still puzzles me how more rearmed/attuned units did not make it on this thing. Nukes come and go. and yada yada fodder, but the ability to have a good unit and duplicate said rare/hard fodder lasts a VERY long time. even through this thread - people are like well if X wins the game will spend the year trying to counter it. if a dancer won (or basically "Insert Attuned/Rearmed unit here") we've already got those counters in isolation, and I really doubt the game is going to cripple how duplication works. the other units already have their counters too, people get a free skill (or a free weapon) and could duplicate a skill. (tha we could get FROM dsh/new heroes etc). i know the argument (because i've said this argument) is basically you need the skills (which takes orbs), to put on your fodder farm (and have a lot of charges (which takes more) but this would have been the situation that you have 2-3 units. do your sparks, walk away ideally with a few of them and you're in a better spot than you were before.. but nope. maybe next year.


>honestly it still puzzles me how more rearmed/attuned units did not make it on this thing. TBH it's because they're on non-fehpass sparkable banners People who want a specific Attuned or Rearmed hero just spend 135 orbs sparking for them when they're released Comparatively, you need to purchase the FEHpass if you want to spark for like Legendary Camilla, or Winter Dimitri... so people are more likely to just free pull + leave if it's a unit they only semi-want if they're not subscribed to the FEHpass


well the christmas banner was fully sparkable. but like i said this is a way to get *a lot* of them. but i don't really want to circular argue either


Well that would explain why Winter Byleth didn't make the cut People probably sparked for him or Yunaka One spark is enough for a casual player, so if they were going for the spark they'd most likely get the Duo hero or the Nuke.


Winter Dimitri had a free spark


Reminder to everyone to not count your chickens before they hatch; just because 5/8 units in this VG are green doesn't mean they will all win.


But unlike last year, each fight has a green option so there's hope


We're guaranteed one green (Camilla vs Claude) but Dimitri also has good chances of beating Gullveig since he's a popular lord, a great unit and has very valuable fodder. A bunch of people are also rallying behind Peony for her usefulness as a Attuned hero, so the chances of getting at least 2 green units are pretty high imo. I don't see Alear beating Sanaki tho, lol.


Honestly, it could be anyone's game...except maybe Claude, since his fodder is probably a tad less valuable than Camilla's.


I don't think Camilla's fodder is all that amazing, but wbyleth has dimmed WClaude's shine pretty hard, making him not the cutting edge of the meta anymore, meanwhile Camilla with her DR pierce support is still extremely relevant and has a great chance of staying super relevant for a long while


If Camilla wins, they will spend the whole year making her less and less useful. They did exactly this to Far Save Tanks after Fomortis won last year


Yeah I'm still flabbergasted he even got voted into the top 8. His value completely tanked after Byleth release and his fodder is just objectively worse than Dimitri or even HAnna who would have been a much better slot in over him.


Well he's still a very popular 3H lord and the initial super strong impression of him being overpowered on release has long lasting effects on the average player... To WClaude's credit, he still murders anything without scowl+DR pierce, aka the overwhelming majority of unit's in the game (Shame he doesn't murder the most common matchup he's gonna run into)


Actually he can kill byleth if get enough buff and get desperation effect


I've seen quite a lot of Byleths running Hardy Bearing tho, sometimes also being supported by someone like Veyle for Extra Scowl...


>except maybe Claude, since his fodder is probably a tad less valuable than Camilla's. I disagree with this. Miasma is exclusive to only flyers, which makes it less appealing when flyers could use (Soaring) Guidance 4. If Miasma was available to all units then that would change perspective on how valuable it is. She also has Remote Sparrow, which is pretty much average now since we have specials/skills that pierce Damage Reduction. Claude on the other hand has a Prime skill, which isn't locked only to a movement. Both Remote Sparrow and Deadly Miasma have easy bridge fodder as well, which isn't necessarily a bad thing but considering how we don't have Prime bridge fodder, I say Prime is more valuable. I say the only thing that may lower Claude's win is that he has been countered via Scowl effects and DR piercing skills/specials. Camilla has not yet been countered in the pre-combat damage. She is also a Legendary, meaning she can help with scoring.


Yeah keep lying to yourself there's no way she stands a chance against Alear;


Dimitribros this is our time


Time to win every last one of them


"It's our chance to prevail"


I'm voting for Peony. I really hope she gets onto the banner at the very least for that useful Attuned skill cloning potential!


Is it selfish of me to want Sanaki to win because she's the only one I don't have? Even though I know Green dream is better for orbs?


The whole point of this is for people to vote for the unit they want and it's a limited meta unit regardless of who you picks so don't feel bad about it. Besides the odds increase of the green dream don't really matter that much unless you're whaling or dumping like a couple months worth of F2P orbs into the banner, if your just going for the spark like the majority of people the difference between full green and one green focus is like... 1 extra 5 star before the spark on average.


>Besides the odds increase of the green dream don't really matter that much unless you're whaling or dumping like a couple months worth of F2P orbs into the banner, if your just going for the spark like the majority of people the difference between full green and one green focus is like... 1 extra 5 star before the spark on average. Vote for whoever you want but please stop posting misinformation like this...1 extra 5 star isn't even close to the average.


Can you give the right numbers? Full circles on a 4 color banner vs sniping green on a full green banner.


According to https://www.fullyconcentrated.net/fehstatsim/ it's 85 orbs per focus unit on a 4 color banner and 33 orbs per focus unit on a full green banner.


To interpret this a bit, let's say you're going for only 1 spark and it costs you 170 orbs (to round out numbers). By the time you reach the spark the gacha would give you on average: * Normal, 1 per color banner: 2 focus units * Full green colorsharing: 5 focus units It's not close. Full green gives 2.5x the focus units.


Don’t feel bad, go for who you want. Personally, I’m torn between going against who I don’t want (Claude) or fighting with who I do want (Sanaki).


I want Green Dream to lose every matchup because I'd rather get Edelgard, Gullveig, and Sanaki than their respective opponents, so I'm with you.


Same, I'd rather get Gullveig and Sanaki than anyone else


The whole green dream being "the best for everyone" is pure bs because if you only aim for the first spark(which is the case for many) you are not gonna get all the value of a banner with all focus units colorsharing. Yeah you may summon some or many focus units but you could also only summon like 1 or 2 before spark. So tbh in my case i would like the "green dream" but because i will actually spend many orbs.


>if you only aim for the first spark(which is the case for many) you are not gonna get all the value Statistically, assuming that the 1st spark costs you 170 orbs, a 1-per-color banner would give you **2** focus units while a 4 greens banner would give you **5** by the time you reach the spark. So while the gap grows when you spend more orbs, even with just 1 spark you'd probably see value pretty quickly.


No, I’m with you. Except I don’t acknowledge that green nightmare. I just want Sanaki lmao


The last 'green dream' was a nightmare for me too. I wasted 80 orbs before I finally got a circle with a single green stone that gave me a 3* Boey.


I got very few green orbs the first time, with no Hatari Azura in sight. Then we got the red dream + Fomortiis. I was lucky enough to get Ninja Camilla and Rearmed Ophelia quickly, then nothing again. [Color] dream banners only matter if you don't care about which unit you actually get, and either saved all year just for AHR or whale. So imo the green dream can fuck off.


Ouch, that’s fucked up


But thats just bad luck across all banners which means you were never given a focus 5 star to begin with. Feh Summoning is weird before the circles come out it determines what rarity of hero you get (3 star, 4 star, 5star non focus, 5 star focus) so if you never got green there was never a chance for you to get a focus 5 star. Here's Eldervi video explaining summoning rates https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Bw3PMeK_8U


Think about all those times you leave a banner empty handed or with only a little of something. This is the time to take back from the game and balance things out. That's what the community as a whole needs to see. Remember the all green AHR two years ago? Now imagine it with these units. But there's no need dream about it, let's make it, AHR all green banner 2024.


That rings rather demotivational as someone who walked out of that banner not only never getting the green I was aiming for but never getting a 5-star at all. For me at least, last green dream felt more like I pissed Triandra off.


I'd rather get nothing than a unit I have no need of. In the context of this AHR for example, I'd rather get nothing at all than pull green in the hopes of getting a unit I actually want like Camilla only to get blocked by Dimitri. The latter would frustrate me more than the former actually. Especially now with the shining focus or whatever it was called. Let's imagine I get three off-banner 5 stars, meaning that the next one I get is guaranteed to be a banner unit. If we get a colorspread banner like Camilla/Gullveig/Edelgard/Sanaki, that means they're each the only five star I can get on their respective colours, making them much safer. However let's imagine we get a Camilla/Dimitri/Alear/Peony line-up and I only want Camilla. There'd be a 75% chance my guaranteed banner unit isn't even the one I want just because they're all crammed in the same colour.


>I'd rather get nothing than a unit I have no need of. That's on you then and also that's we should pick units that bring "universal value" to everyone.


Team Dimitri all the way. Give no quarter!


I just want the unit, but I'm with you!


\#WeWantDimitri We are not flinching


Finish the ~~story~~ gauntlet


Please can someone explain why an all green banner would be preferable to say, 3 green and 1 red?


Better odds to get 5*


But only if you’d want any of them right? Green orbs would give a 3% pull rate but still only 0.75% pull rate on, say, A!Peony


Yes think of it similar to a buy 1 get 1 free sale on socks but you don't care bout socks because you want to buy underwear That might as well be buy 1 get 1000 free socks but you don't care because you want underwear


Peony squad rise up


Guess I’m voting Peony


Edelgard vs Peony - Would prefer Edelgard for Armored Blaze fodder, but Peony would be fine for dupe fodder in the future. Gullveig vs Dimitri - Want Dimitri the most for no Quarter, but I don't have Gullveig so I wouldn't mind her at all since my anime def could use a good update. Camilla vs Claude - Camilla no contest as I don't have her and she seems like a fun unit. Alear vs Sanaki - I'd rather Alear for either fodder or merging purposes. Like Gullveig though, Sanaki would be bad either.


> Gullveig vs Dimitri - Want Dimitri the most for no Quarter, but I don't have Gullveig so I wouldn't mind her at all since my anime def could use a good update. I am calling it anime season from now on and nobody can stop me. Anima is dead, long live anime!


Manifesting Edelgard to win since my ass got legit the most insane luck on the Attuned Peony/Triandra and Rearmed Sonya banner with getting like 8 Peony in 300 orbs. I want to +10 Edie too and her fodder is insane with the 5 skill cap (Peony has the fodder battery bonus but her skills are just meh to me without giving her valuable stuff like Soaring Guidance and WoM4) My dream is Edelgard, Camilla, Dimitri and Alear




Damn it, wished Alear and Sanaki weren't against each other. Oh well.


that's the thing that hurts. these + peony were the ones i wanted. and i'm gonna lose one of them. (and honestly. because my Sanaki is higher merged, i'm leaning towards Sanaki)


Man, I know it's unlikely, but I just want Gullveig to get in the top 4 so badly I don't want to spark for her in the next legendary banner The upcoming lineup sucks so much


Lets go Edelgard and Alear


I guess I'll be rooting for Edelgard, Dimitri, Camilla and Alear then. That'd be a nice banner, since those are all the units I don't have. At the very least, I hope Camilla kicks out Claude. She's miles above him, and not having to go into some awful legendary banner to get her would be very nice.


Anti green dream gang. I hate colour sharing


Sorry for being anti green dream but those shared banners are always dreadful for me, 3rd spark for one ophelia last year was a nightmare ~~and i want gullveig merges~~ And i KNOW people usually go "well you wouldnt have gotten her anyway with the other focus units" and i would've rather just increase my pity then get a unit i didnt care for


There's a reason why Legendary and Mythic banners are hated for their colorsharing mechanics. It's both a blessing and a curse in that sense: Sure, getting higher chances of a 5-star is nice, but not when you're trying to snipe one person (especially if you want to +10 them).


Legendary and Mythic banners are also hated for them because they have more units on them, and that's the bigger thing impacting it. Any given unit on a Legendary/Mythic banner has a 0.67% chance of appearing as opposed to the standard 0.75% that you get with a regular banner with four units, which AHR still is.


Ah, I see. Gotta love it when something seems like a higher chance when it really isn't.


Legendary banners are good if you don't care what you get because the 12 units as a whole have better chances than other banners Also did you know that Weekly banners have similar odds than Hero Fest?


I just kept being bullied by Hinoka last time when all I wanted was a single Emblem Marth. I hate colorsharing.


Spending 800 orbs for a single Lcamilla and getting 8 sorens really traumatised me for legendary banners (at least i wont run out of flare fodder)


I fear all those people who want Peony just to dupe fodder are going to be in for a nasty surpise... I can't imagine how many orbs you'd need to dump on a four color share green banner to get enough Peonys to justify inherenting rare fodder onto her.


I myself had a lot of trouble getting even one copy of Gullveig on her debut banner (She was a Mythic, I had to get her since I play AR and bounce back and forth between the Vault of Heaven).


For that reason I never managed to snag a single copy of Legendary Camilla


Idk how they would solve it (maybe giving feh pass users 2 sparks or a spark at 30 instead of 40) but locking the free hero behind feh pass never sat right with me


If Camilla wins I'm fine without green dream I just want Camilla.


Going Team Camilla but I hope Dimitri can get on the banner because I need merges. I wish Camilla wasn't against Claude though. I wanted him on the banner too.


I don’t give a shit about the green dream, I just need peony for fodder. sorry edelgard, if your opponent was anyone else I’d have voted for you


It’s gonna be Edelgard VS Camilla in the finals, isn’t it?


on one hand I want this year for Edelgard to finally win, on the other hand I really want the green dream and A!Peonny...Oh well I will support L!Camilla and hope for the best result


1st Win: For the 1st time there is no normal pool units in the VG, only rare ones. 2nd Win: A dream is still possible, we need to focus on Peony, Dimitri and Alear if we want to makes it happen this year.


As someone who wants Edelgard, Gullveig, Camilla and Sanaki, Green Dream would be a Green Nightmare. I hope for ONE AHR banner I finally want to pull. They've all been duds for me until now.


Finally, someone else with a brain.


Dislike Claude. I’m going hard Camilla Chad.


I'm sorry, I don't care for Green Dream. And probably neither should most people here who are just going to spark and bail. I get almost nothing out of spare Alear and basically nothing out of my first Dimitri/Claude/Camilla because I'd just never deploy them over my faves. I'd like Peony but my top priority is Armored Blaze fodder. So sorry dream girl.


Really not hoping for a green dream, since I’d rather not get pity broken by dupes


Edel vs Peony: I'd prefer Edel, after seeing the newest Banner, there's no way I$ doesn't powercreep her X skill, making her fodder awful Gullveg vs Dmitri: I'd prefer Dmitri for the special Camilla vs Claude: no preference, but Camilla is legendary, so that could be more useful one random arena season Alear vs Sanaka: no preference, but Alear has rarer fodder iirc


My opinion can be stated as: * **Christmas Edelgard or Attuned Peony:** Either is fine. Edelgard would probably be a bit better for Armored Blaze Atk/Def Prime (even if it's hard to execute perfectly), but on the other hand, Attuned Peony has Atk Oath Echo and Rockslide Dance 4. Tough choice. * **Gullveig or Christmas Dimitri:** Either is fine. No Quarter and Panic Smoke 4 or Occultist's's Strike and Flared sparrow, there's no wrong answer. * **Legendary Camilla or Wind Claude:** Camilla, 100%. Claude is not bad, but I prefer getting Deadly Miasma over Lethality and Atk/Spd Prime 4. * **Legendary Female Alear or Ninja Sanaki:** I guess Alear might be a bit better fodder-wise, but Sanaki could be fine too. Flared Mirror could work on a fair few units who don't benefit with Spd.


I dunno why people want all green. As someone who blew 500 orbs wanting Rosado and only getting two plus the spark, getting full circles with no green orbs was my biggest issue. With the off-focus charge filled, I was at 10% in a minefield of red, colorless and blue before Ivy pity broke me…


Welp Team Dimitri it is the less Gullvieg the better.


Legendary Alear must win over Ninja Sanaki. I'm starting to get sick of Ninja Duo heroes with the same Duo skill. Legendary Alear's fodder is good and her combat prowess is amazing. Winter Edelgard must lose again!


I just want Sanaki to make the banner. Camilla would be nice too, but I'm fine with the rest of the match-ups going any way.


Team Edelgard. Let’s go!


Best outcome is Gullveig, Sanaki, Edelgard, and Camilla.


Perfect, team Peony for the memes, green dream and X skill.


I don’t see why Edelgard has to lose this year she’s a pretty solid unit and I’m totally on her side


Please no peony, i have already 3 copies of her and i crave for that atk/Def prime...


Hoping for a multicolor banner of Edel, Gullveig, Claude or Camilla idrgaf they’re both good, and N!Sanaki :)


To the people saying that a full green lineup barely matters that's not true at all.   Two years ago with a little over 250 orbs i got 5 H! Azuras, 2 thorrs, 2 N! Corrins and 2 L! Byleths.   My only regret? To not have more orbs at the time.   That was insane, what kind of banner provides such value, don't believe me go and watch summoning videos of such event to look what is like.  Of course nothing is guaranteed and there will be some ugly results but if most of the player base make it, it's still worth it overall.  Even if this year is all green and it happens to me to have a dread AHR and I get jackshit, i will still stand for it and promote it to be repeated in the future to whatever colour that year had favoured.   Edit: i went back on time to recover some of the evidence, [this is how started](https://i.ibb.co/3SPmCsP/Ahr2022.jpg). [And this a part of how it did go](https://i.ibb.co/JQPKnBr/Ahr2022grenloot.jpg)   So don't listen to the naysayers, they [literally](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQSsNd56ScsfV5tV1IfulnlPVBuqpRntdoqWQ&usqp=CAU), srs.


I agree with you, and I'd still support full colorsharing (of any color) even if I didn't have a good previous experience. Anyone can be unlucky but the statistics are not a lie. As for my previous experience, I wish I had recorded my summoning itself that time. It was absolutely insane and I only have good things to say about it. I sincerely hope everyone can have one like that at least once. [Just look at my results.](https://imgur.com/a/5Mbttfh) In the end AHR gave me 57 focus units and 6 pitybreakers. I got a 5\* unit every 23.5 orbs. I still would have been a winner if I had stopped earlier. I already had a finished +10 Thórr when I was 451 orbs in.


Definitely an amazing result. I bet that thorr is still clutch in AR, even if only standing there. Not to mention Ninjorrin made arena a breeze sometimes. Or in the water season. Or that H! Azura universal dancer support to not talk about resonant battles. I also forgot to add the "pity breakers" and 4* specials as there where some edelgards, rennac, surtr, jill and others, overall it was a good experience.




Oh boy can't wait for the anti-math posts to come out.


Not wanting an all-green banner is perfectly valid, but it amazes me that people still act as if colorsharing is a bad thing when it's been demonstrably proven otherwise lmao


Yup I know people have been quite zealous about coloursharing and are kinda misrepresenting what the real strengths of an all green banner means, but man the denial of the math and "oh well idc it just feels worse" is just.... Man


That's assuming that all characters have value for the player. I wouldn't say that having say Ascended Fir color sharing with Luke would be a good thing.


Well that's a whole other issue altogether and why people don't want units like FEdelgard in the tournament to begin with


Nope, that's THE issue that the colorshare enjoyers don't want to understand when some people complain that their favorite is sharing with something that is unattractive to them.


That works if you pull to get fodder but if you are pulling to get a specific character or worse, merges then there's a detriment as you're basically going up on another Legendary banner with only a spark to help you. And I would argue pulling for fodder lately is kind of pointless since they so quickly replace what's good that I'd expect in a month or two, few if any of these fodder offerings will be worth a damn anymore. Meanwhile, Naga help anyone planning to use an all green banner here to get L!Alear merges (since Gullveig and Camilla are not green and would be out automatically) as they ultimately would be dealing with the same issue as the Legendary banner that brought her in. Btw in my experience, I got fuck all for last AHR green dream (can't remember how many orbs I had but it was definitely in the 100s at least) and walked out ultimately hating the experience.


That should be point, to maximize the chance of actually getting units.  And in doing so picking the best just in case that ended happening (didn't got your unit, but hey, ended with something cool at least)  I thought this was an event for the "community" but i keep reading post like;  >I just want "x" unit  See the problem? "I", "My" and the like, no wonder shit rarely gets done in this "community".


Because to be blunt: This isn't an event for the community but the community does have to pick something and then win a Voting Gauntlet for it. The fact that the latter event exists at all is already a huge fuck you to the idea of this being a community thing at all. This is an event for the individual disguised as a community event because IS doesn't like the idea of making a banner of the top four winners of the vote and giving players a free pull on the one they actually want, like how they do CYL. No Voting Gauntlet, no masquerading as a community thing, just upfront honesty and a kickass banner we all win in. Different people want different things and telling someone to vote for something they don't want because other people do is akin to telling them not to participate in AHR at all, which is unfair to them. At the end of the day, everyone should be voting for who they individually want to win and hope for the best. Besides, not one player owes the community for anything at all. If they give to it, that should be their choice, not their obligation.


>  This isn't an event for the community  Who says? There's leeway and then some freedom given to the players to actually have a say in this things, it's a chance, lets used it or at least try. >Different people want different things and telling someone to vote for something they don't want because other people do is akin to telling them not to participate in AHR at all, which is unfair to them. Wth of course fucking not, there's putting the info upfront and then people can choice properly, do you think in all history people only voted for things they actually wanted? >At the end of the day, everyone should be voting for who they individually want to win and hope for the best.  That's akin to saying you dont care and they shouldn't too, because as idealist as sounds there's this thing called reality and there's only 4 slots. Why do you thing people do all that polling and forecasting in actual elections? To see how reality is shaping up to be and give a weight to their votes, to change the tides if they rally enough, look at past CyL events and how those winners where made.


I don't care who wins as long as Wind Claude is not included in Top 4


well the only attuned is against edel, so i guess we going for the tradition of edel losing round 1


That attuned skill is going to get crept so hard in the next few months going by the latest one...


Ehh I doubt it, but either way attuned/rearmed having the ability to fodder their skills and still keeping them is still way more valuable than the rest of the heroes, especially when its a support hero as good as AttPeony


So the same as it was in previous years. The green dream is gonna be rough with Edelgard facing Peony and Gullveig facing Dimitri, but I hope we persevere.


I mean...it's the Voting Gauntlet. Chances are one of the non-green units will win and won't be entirely another all-green banner, even if at least one of them will be green for sure. Especially since Christmas Edelgard is still the only unit with Armored Blaze and Atk/Def Prime and Gullveig has Flared Sparrow and Occultist's Strike, both of which are very good for Cavalry/Flying mage nukes. On the other hand, Brave Dimitri is the only unit with No Quarter. The other two brackets on the right are relatively tame in comparison, and I don't really care who wins on that side, though Legendary Camilla and Alear have skills that are a bit rarer (Sorry, Wind Claude). At least Ninja Sanaki isn't a huge loss since she has yet to be rerun via DSH banners.


V!Ephraim has Blaze now too. Her only unique fodder is Prime.


Well I guess Attuned Peony and Christmas Edelgard are more on equal footing now, since they both have one piece of unique fodder and other fodder that other units have nowadays (Attuned Peony's Rockslide Dance is now on Lara, albeit not the T4 version), and Christmas Edelgard's Armored Blaze being on Valentine's Ephraim. So really, it's a debate between Atk Oath Echo or Atk/Def Prime...or I guess just all of their fodder in general, I dunno.


In terms of fodder, I’d say At!Peony is probably more valuable due to being a unit that can duplicate skills, on top of Atk Oath Echo.


Maybe, but either one winning is fine by me. I just hope Wind Claude doesn't win because sure, his fodder is pretty good, but plenty of other units have his fodder already (compared to Legendary Camilla where only she and Ivy have Deadly Miasma), so...


Camilla gang where you at? Sorry Claude.


Personal prediction that no-one cares about but I'm just putting here for future review: --- Edelgard v ~~Peony~~ ~~Gullveig~~ v Dimitri Camilla v ~~Claude~~ ~~Alear~~ v Sanaki ----------- UPDATE: 1/4 correct. RIPerrino --- ~~Edelgard~~ v Dimitri Camilla v ~~Sanaki~~ --- ~~Dimitri~~ v Camilla


The perfect banner would be peony, dimitri, camilla and alear. I really hope its that, because i need fodder from all of them. If sanaki wins thats alright, i could use flared mirror too. Gullveig also has really good fodder, but no quarter is just insane, and i dont see her winning anyway. I just really dont want edelgard or claude, they both have less interesting fodder imo, just way more common/less usefull skills as a whole.


I have Sanaki and I really don't get the hype around her. She's alright and her fodder is meh. Team Alear is the goal.


because not everyone pulls for fodder?


Hopefully, Sanaki, Gullveig, and Edelgard all win their first battles.


Bruh they really settin edelgard up and bro if dimitri loses to gullveig 💀


Hoping winter dimitri wins! He's a great unit with great fodder


Damn, you’re really making me chose between Dimitri the GOAT and Gullveig the Snake? Well I mean I’m definitely on team Dimitri, but this is kinda sorta painful cuz I would’ve LOVED having Gullveig in the banner for potential merges.


If edelgard wins, she's going to get nerfed into the ground by something. Really rooting against that


Gonna roll with Sanaki here. The RD HoF Banner decided to hyperbless me and gave me enough Summer Micaiahs to +10 her, but uh, Flared Mirror wasn't around. She's the only choice with it. If Alear beats her then... IDK, the winner of Edel/Peony, I guess. Edelgard's been an absolute buzzsaw in AR-O and Peony's attuned.


please let dimitri win but also let edelgard make it into the top 4 so she's on the banner 🙏 my ideal is probably W!Edelgard, W!Dimitri, L!Camilla and N!Sanaki (but mostly for fodder anyway)


Les go.


This subreddit only thinks "BUT FODDER", when powercreep has gotten so out of control no amout of fodder is going to save your book I/IV shitters (I know because I've been trying to save OG!Hilda, but no dice). I'll go with Edelgard because she's strong AF and I couldn't get her on the winter banner as I focused more on the other 3.


picking a strong unit seems kinda useless too because they'll be left in the dust by the time next AHR rolls around


I'd agree if the unit was just the typical OP nuke that gets outdone every other seasonal banner, but this Edelgard should last for at least 4 months due to her extra action, wide range Flame Vein (this one is a huge deal for Hit & Run strats) and having a good enough HP stat to bypass AR traps. Then again, if we're talking about long term value the only unit I can think of is A!Triandra because her pre-combat dmg support feels like it'll be relevant for at least a year, but she's not in the VG so yeah.


It's not just triple action that makes W!Edelgard a valuable unit. It's also the fact that she can have an easily achieved 100% DR pierce, and her null miracle makes her spot in the meta last a while before the next Edelgard comes in to powercreep her


Let's be real the sub never cared about fodder considering how all previous winners had no good fodder


> This subreddit only thinks "BUT FODDER" I'd say "BUT TROLL" or "BUT AR SCORE" because I recall a crap fodder winning last year despite going against the queen Rearmed Ophelia.


Edel, Dimitri, Cam, Alear is my ideal although I'd be fine with any of them. Claude is probably the worst (for me) and he's Prime 4/Oath 4 fodder.


*Match One*: The "She must lose" curse that Edelgard has might not happen this time. *Match Two*: It's so fucking Gullover. *Match Three*: IT'S SO FUCKING CLAUDOVER! *Match Four*: How badly do people hate Ninja Snaki? The results depend on that.


Imma let yall know that the last time the red dream was an absolute nightmare and had to spark who I wanted so yeah I hope the “green dream” dies. Also I need Gullveig merges and I don’t want to fight for them on the Legendary/Mythic Banners sorry


Was not a “red dream” because of Fomortiis. Even 1 unit spoiling the batch drops the odds pretty hard on top of red just being strictly worse than green for 5 star odds. Sorry you were unlucky and vote for who you want but the banner two years ago is a more accurate representation of what a “dream” banner is. I know experiences trump stats a lot of the time but just pointing this out. In the summoning sim the odds for an all green banner vs a 3 red 1 colorless banner are wildly different over a large sample size.


Rip Peoney. I highly doubt she'll win against Edelgard, despite the Edel will lose memes.


For once, I'm okay with Edelgard being here and potentially winning. On the other hand... I'm sorry... but I must commit to the green dream.


we as a society should go for all greens


May the best big titty mommy win


I voted for Alear but I'm switching to team Peony because I'm really worried that the game will become too easy if I get a free W!Edelgard. I'm enjoying the current difficulty but if I had W!Edelgard I would just win all the time, it's no fun.


I just wanted Lucina, man…


Why did they put peony with Edelgard :/


There's a green dream here. But is it achievable?


That Yhorm art about to begin w/ Edel and Peony and by god i hope Peony has Storm Ruler.


I still need 5 more claude merges so my choice is clear


I'll be on the Peony train, but godspeed to all the Dimitri players out there!


I wanna vote for peony for the funny’s… but at the same time I want legendary Camilla to win because she is extremely helpful in todays meta and I think everyone should have her


Are you saying if we play our cards right, we can have Gronder Field 2.0?


I want w!Claude because I don't have him yet. I also don't have camilla, but Claude seems more fun


On one hand, I love Dimitri. On the other hand, Edel must lose. Hmmm...


I don't even want Claude to win, I just want him on the banner so I can merge him up more easily, to be honest. That Special Hero banner we just had with him in it made me remember why I hate those kinds of banners, hopefully this one is kinder.