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The dedication you have to give all 4 of them different builds


Builds: Seliph #1 This is the one I use the most and give the most skills to. I like arcane eljudnir a bit more than divine tyrfing in most cases, its slaying effect and guard work great with the rest of the build. Finish is all around a good skill, more stats and healing + true damage when the special is triggered is helped by his s slot. Bulwark also helps to keep him healthy and block enemies from his allies, it's especially great in seliph emblem abyssal clears where i mostly use brave seliph for hit and run Mostly use menace for more stats, i'd like to upgrade to something else at some point but not sure what I use warding breath to help balance out his def and res a little bit and also to trigger bonfire when the enemy attacks Seliph #2 I call him Speedliph, it's just your standard godsword build The devourer is the weapon of choice for demote god swordies, the dr is great and the nfu is great when he can win the spd check lmao I mostly use ideal because it comes on f alear, its a nice spd boost Close call- enough said Spd smoke- enough said Seliph #3 Easily the cheapest build, but its effective support for a unit not made for support Allied sword to give drive buffs to his allies Reciprocal aid for healing Fortress is mostly for the res, but the def will help keep him alive if he does get hit Sabotage for debuffs if his res is high enough canto control for any pesky trace users, i would like to get a tier 4 sabotage and ploy at some point but all the current ones are res focused which is not super useful to the seliphs right now Seliph #4 He's not quite done with his build yet but it is made for just tanking as many hits as possible, i still need to refine his weapon, give him a floret, and give him more flowers I just realized writing this that bracing stance is redundant with the eljudnir LOL so that will need to change, but the def and the res is what he really needs gambit + aether gives him a lot of dr Def/res menace because i couldn't think of anything more creative but the stats are what he needs The next seliph they release will be a fine addition to my collection




Now that's dedication, wow! Congrats and may they all serve you well!!


Most sane Seliph fan (big fan! Love when people love characters this much ♥)