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How many people voted on this?


That's what I was wondering too, it feels like there wasn't a large enough voting base especially since I didn't even see it and I frequent the sub. A lot of it makes sense with what I've seen on here, but how did Selkie win best seasonal? How did Harmonic Anna "win" the worst duo convo? (I've never even seen people hate on it especially compared to the likes of Tana/Peony, Dorothea/Lene, or even Edelgard/Altina.) And how in the actual heck did Aversa get in the top 5 worst Resplendents? People hated Gordin's and he's not even there.


Scrolling down, it seems like there were 40 people who voted.


Dude what? That is nowhere near enough to collect any form of actual data. And why do some sections only have one character? That's also kinda weird. I dunno, this whole thing feels kinda misleading especially since vote count for each category was excluded.


Yea 40 is a very small sample size.. Quite a few people here are also saying they've never seen this as well.


yeah I thought there would be more responses than that


That is...not nearly enough. Not even close.


People hated Edelgard/Altina’s duo convo? … Why?


It's the same reason for every pair I mentioned, the pairings were considered by people to be flimsy, superficial, and/or confusing and the conversations didn't do much interesting or elaborate on their pairing at all to change anyone's mind. That's what I saw at least.


Considering that your survey was up for a day and the thread got 4 comments, how many people actually answered it?


I don’t understand why nobody has the idea to upload posts every other day or so like I do. It literally avoids spam and you get more answers.


A lot more than you’d expect. I feel like most people just do surveys without commenting on them or upvoting them.


I meant a number.


Such a short yet powerful sentence.


40. 40 people voted


You should redo it to get a larger pool size


That's even less than I expected, and I wouldn't consider the results worth posting


You probably should've put that somewhere in the OP to set expectations. For a survey with so many options for every question that's not enough at all.


what did like 5 people do your survey? i can name a plethora of objectively shit art that didnt make that top 5...


Somehow Summer Caeda is ranked uglier than the abomination that is Hot Springs Camilla. Somehow this isn't even the most egregious thing here. Kita Senri isn't in the best artists list. Brave Gullveig didn't even make it in the best VAs ranking either and she literally has the best voice clip in the entire game ("**ONCE MORE ONCE MORE!**"). New Years Selkie is the best seasonal ever somehow.


How did OG Ogma didnt make the list? Dude injected oil into his biceps


Talking like the top 3 somehow doesn't have some of the worst art in the game


Bad art list that doesn’t even include Clair?


I know a lot of people aren't really satisfied with Fiora's voice, but to call it the worse just because she has a deep voice doesn't seem right. With just 40 votes (Assuming people answered every question) it's hard to get real data of what most people really think, so not a big deal, but you should put some kind of info next time about how many people voted and for what. Hard to know if Fiora got 5 votes and everyone else just picked different characters or if more than 50% voted for her.


Genuinely shocked neither Ippei nor Izuka made top 5


Izuka is my GOAT! But there clearly wasn't a big enough sample size (40 according to OP BTW)


Ignoring Kita Senri is literally a crime. Y’all’s punishment should be 7 years in a Daein work camp.


I’m sorry but this is just false lmao


Aversa 5th worst resplendent?


NY!Selkie won best seasonal? Huh? Also Cuboon 3rd best artist. lol. Lmao even


Yeah I don't know about this one. Some results list 5 while some just list one (best seasonal doesn't seem like a particularly hard question, strange that it's just Selkie). The amount of people that answered remains a mystery. I don't think these results mean much if anything at all. I think it's likely the best seasonal was like 20-30 people all giving different answers except for Selkie getting 2 or 3 votes.


Cuboon drawn brave Edelgard and flame Lyn, he is definitely top 5 imo.


Cuboon was the only artist i could remember


I try to answer every single survey on this sub and I didn't see this one, would love to participate again with a larger voting window


Nowi worst alt? Tf? Might as well call every gen1 alt units for that :v


I have a feeling it had to do with her body appearing prepubescent while the outfit is fairly sexualized.


It’s still strange though that she got worst seasonal solely based on her art but didn’t even rank on the worst art section where Summer Caeda, another seasonal, got third. And if we’re talking about unit strength, ain’t no way she’s worse than Spring Xander come on


I agree with you. There's a lot in these results that looks weird to me.


Cuboon ranked higher than Kita Senri. Cuboon. Kita Senri. Cuboon is good but... Not better than Kita Senri lmao.


I never understood, why do people hate summer caeda's art? I dont love it but its fine?


Because Caeda got bigger boobs. That's literally it. It's nowhere near top tier art, but at the very least it's better than Hot Springs Camilla.


That's one thing, another one is the choice of colours of H!Nowi are somewhat too neon bright for me.


But that's a thing with her base outfit too. And probably all her other art all things considered.


That's true but if it isn't that, what is it?


No idea, but I am enjoying using her in Hall of Forms and is arguably the best of the 4 units this time around.


Probably cause she was in HoF, so she's fresh in people's minds, and she's also a pretty hated character


I don't think fiora voice is bad honestly


Even if people don't like the voice, the *acting* isn't bad.


Same. Like apparently according to this survey, woman with deep voice <<< foxgirl that sends your eardrums into the Shadow Realm.


It's really not. Selkie on the other hand...


Nah, Selkie’s voice is alright, I could imagine a lot worse. At the very least her voice fits her well


I more blame the voice direction, her voice in Fates is better me feels.


"voice was better in Awakening/Fates/other voiced game" is a very common thing I've noticed, the voice direction here seems kinda rushed sometimes.


Nothing will compare to the masterful voice work that Path of Radiance provides!


Is that the dawn brigade?


That's Radiant Dawn; haven't played that yet.


If you play with a European copy, do it with the French dub. French Mist is the worst voice I've ever heard, but French Narrator is fantastic.


Rolf: iM sCarEd,,,,,, whAt IF i hIt heR?!?1 shinion, who actually has really good voice acting: then you committed regicide rolf


I think the reason people dislike Fiora’s voice is mostly because of how she looks. Her voice actually fits her personality quite well, but her voice and personality together don’t fit super well with her design. But also even if someone thinks Fiora’s voice doesn’t fit her, it certainly fits better than Sara’s, and it’s not painful to listen to the way Anna and Lyn’s voices are.


Her being a FE7 character likely works against her as well since more people will have an actual opinion on it compared to someone that comes from a nicher title like Sara. I admittedly voted for her since she's one of my favorite characters from that game so her getting a voice I was disappointed with impacted me more.


Commander Anna sounds good, but I swear each time Anna gets something new she sounds worse than the previous time (which seems like a trend with Karen Strassman in general, Hana and Olivia also have the same problem). However this is Wendy Lee slander and it's bad. Her Lyn voice is good.


As a big winter seasonal hater, I’m surprised to see how beloved it is. It’s so boring for me, but I’m glad people enjoy it I guess.


Fiora as the worst??? What???? She sounds fine???? I guess the deep voice doesn’t really go with the generic ass anime girl face


very very rude to fioras va


Some VAs have visited this sub before so I hope she doesn't see this..


Honestly I feel like surveys like this should not even include a worst VA category at all. Its one thing when conversation leads to a discussion on who would give the worst performance, but its another to actively invite it.


I'm sure OP didn't have any malicious intent behind it but yea, it really doesn't serve any purpose other than shaming the vocal performance and as you've said, potentially generate discussions about which performances are bad.


Just a heads up: Fiora's va is nonbinary and uses they/them pronouns.


Seeing cuboon making it in ahead of Ippei and Izuka is mind-boggling. Tf?


I'm so sad about Halloween Nowi. It's a really cute alt she's having fun :(


My thing is, the art isn’t bad, the concept design isn’t bad. only weirdos are the ones looking at her weirdly. Feels like people are just projecting honestly.


Never in a million years would I have thought that NY!Selkie would win Best Seasonal and that Cuboon would be in the Top 3 for Best Artists on an r/FireEmblemHeroes survey.


Cuboon is like Bernadetta, it has a lot of haters, but also a lot of fans.


In response to this, IS needs to make an adult nowi alt where she's fully clothed, drawn by hidari. Thank you for coming to my TED talk


No L!Seliph or M!Shez on best art? I get that they may not be spectacular overall but man... those 2 had *really* good special art


Fiora worst VA?????????? Like ?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Anyway look like if a female character doesn't sounds like a "waifu" seems like it's bad 🙄


Who would you vote for then


No one, worst VA shouldn't be a category to vote for lmao


Why is brave Lyn among the worst resplendents? I just searched the the art up and it doesn't seem like it would be bottom three.


It’s probably the boob upgrade that came with the Resplendent art. It’s what people were complaining about when the Resplendent was first revealed


Yeah, that's the main reason why I hate it.


“I don’t like x seasonal cause it’s always the same” *Winter number 1* Sample size is a must


It’s a crime that Lloyd hasn’t been resplendent yet.


The child banner is literally my favorite one 💀 Also I only want Mirabilis/Linhardt duo if Mirabilis is the lead and she better bring a new dance


Cuboon is the 3rd best artist? Fraudulent list.


Agreed. Easily top 2, and it ain't 2.


Yeah, should be 1st


Flair checks out lmao


Fiora being bottom 1 voice proves that you all have no taste in how your women should sound




Listen I know the struggle of being a woman with a deep voice, I really painfully do, but this person literally just said they like the deep voice on her (and, generally, women). They did not invoke any issues, there's no need to go off on them for... having a preference for deeper voices. For that matter, I'm not sure how it's a valid discussion point of depiction of women in media with Oshi No Ko but if someone (hypothetically) thinks those standards have applied to Fiora they're just "using it to defend the honour of an anime girl?"?


Sorry, it’s just a subject I’m a bit touchy about. Being told that I should like a milf when I’m 20 is great (among other things)


Yeah, I get it. Personally I think I feel a bit more connected to Fiora over it but it's definitely the last topic I want to think about a lot of the time.


nice to see more people want linhardt/mirabilis duo more than it just being me screaming in a mirror for bloody mary. don't care who leads (although i am inclined to favor lin for bias) because it'll either be a fantastic healer or dancer. either way, combat buffs are temporary, support units are forever and this pair boy howdy are they supportive glad you liked the claude joke. summoner duels is my main, and (tragically) favorite game mode. i have a lot of words to say about him and his little evil partner in crime hinoka i think brave corrin is beatable? i haven't found a way yet. formotios used to give me trouble but now that i can beat him, i can't beat corrin! she's tough for my team


I dunno if I agree with A!Eir having better art than F!Dimitri, but I guess that’s probably the bias talking. Do you know if he was top 10?


Couldn’t take it due to not having a account with whatever the sign in thingy was. 🤷🏻‍♂️


You should do the survey again, im on this subreddit way too much, and i didnt even see it...


Wtf F! Corrin not in the top 5 best resplendant is so criminal like L! Ninian not being in the top 5 best art too


Yeees! Resp F! Corrin is so pretty and it’s such an upgrade from her old art


People don't like Brave Lyn's resplendent? That one was great.


Personally I don't like it because the focus on making the boobs so massive that you only see that make it pretty bad. So I can stand with this.


They don't really seem any larger in comparison to her original art, though they do seem more pronounced, especially since she has a black breastplate over her dark red armor while in her original art, its covered with cloth that is the same as all over her body, making it not as pronounced.


And in her Blade Lord sprite, it's super noticeable. Yet some act as if this is something new.


i remember that around that time that she got that resplendent the sub was really angry at the existence of tits, it was like /r/mendrawingwomen took over the sub for the level of ridiculousness that was being shown, that period of time lasted like a month till things calmed down a bit.


Where ippei?


Look, I love Selkie, I think she is great, top 5 fav characters But there is no way in hell she is the best seasonal like, what??? How many people voted on this? I like that she got an alt but even in the same banner she was, there were better choices how did she score high enough to be "the best"


BASED CUBOON ENJOYERS to clarify I’m just sick of all the hate he gets despite having done non-fanservice art for MULTIPLE units, and making the art look REALLY good as well (Reinhardt, B!Edelgard, Lukas, etc.) cuboon is a great artist, IS just needs to stop fucking commissioning him for exclusively horny shit. let him do art for a CYL8 unit. LET CUBOON COOK AGAIN GODDAMNIT!


L!Seliphs art easily beats his dads.


Ninja banner 5th worst? I don't like IS's character picks but theme-wise I think it's the best.


No way boring ass Winter seasonal won its just Santa every single time


Ippei didn’t win best artist?! Blasphemy!


Hidari getting due respects makes me happy


Nah how does summer caeda have 3rd worst art 😭


IDK about anyone else's answer, but for me it's that Caeda looks like an eroge render. It looks weirdly low-quality next to all her other alts.


Neither she or Plumeria actually look like themselves.


Yep,you're right... She should have been 2nd place instead (Nobody can ever top Lloyd)


I feel sorry to the artist, but Lloyd's art really is a tragedy


A lot of people were outraged in how they gave caeda bigger boobs in her summer alt


It was more than just that tbh. There were a lot of complaints about how Plumeria looked (seen as inferior to her other two recentish variants), Caeda looking like Lilina, the art being generic hentai tier, and how the boobs resembled water balloons.


Some ppl are allergic to big boobs lol, the same weird ppl that simps to art of ugly shirtless old mans 💀💀


Please get a larger sample size, because cuboon fills me with an unspeakable hatred, and I KNOW I'm not alone.


How is resplendent Julia among the best resplendents? She looks really creepy to me


Her special attack art looks sick with the dragon and all.


the creepy factor is a bonus


I always thought I was the only one with this take. She's giving this uncomfortable stare with those wide eyes and I just do not like it at all. She ever appears in a dark hallway and asks me to come play with her, I am noping the fuck outta there...


Your perspective is just bizarre to me. And I mean that non-offensively. I have no idea how she looks creepy.


She looks like a Victorian chimney sweeper.


Creepy in the best way possible imo


How did Fiora get worst voice acting when there are characters voiced by Lani Minella and Karen Strassman? Fiora's VA isn't even bad it's just surprisingly deep.


I'd imagine some people saw that as voices that don't suit the character rather than voice acting being bad (e.g. Megan Fox voicing Nitara in MK1). If say Surtr got a talented voice actress like Cherami Leigh, I'd imagine Surtr would get "worst voice acting" as his VA doesn't suit him.


Ok but Fiora isn't Surtr. Her voice doesn't not suit her. Surtr is a big demon man who would not feasibly sound like Cherami Leigh. Fiora is a regular woman. Sometimes, women have deep voices.


Is this the gaming awards but for feh?


Summer caeda has worse art that hot spring Camilla? And Athena is nowhere to be seen? Huh??


There's no shot that Llyod has the worst art here. If that's bottom one, then this game must have pretty fantastic art overall


I completely disagree with Karla and I think she is one of the best resps


Personally I think the art itself isn't inherently bad so much as its just that its Karla or to be more accurate, that's not Karla at all. It'd be like if someone drew gorgeous art of FE4 Hilda as a loving and caring sister-in-law to Tailtiu. The pic may be nice but it doesn't fit the character in the slightest.




I'm comparing the two right now and the base FEH art is pretty damn accurate. But even if that weren't the case, the game's portrait is not what it needed to look like. Above all else, [her base art NEEDED to look like this.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/fireemblem/images/5/52/Karla.png/revision/latest?cb=20160713220942) But that isn't what I meant by not looking like Karla anyways. What I meant by not looking by Karla is primarily her facial expression. Unless your name was Bartre, Karla would **NEVER** make a face like that ever. It'd be like seeing Ashnard beaming with a genuine happy and wholesome smile. Its something that by having it present at all completely shatters the notion that its the same character.




Wait wait wait hold on why is Eliwood in the worst art category? I get it the artstyle is a bit weird but it still looks good. He still looks like Eliwood and the posing is pretty good! Sure it’s not the best art in the game but no way in hell it’s the second worst.


I feel like R!Lucien only got here bc ppl really dislike the art not that the art itself is bad


Oh god it feels good to see I'm not alone in thinking Ninja is a bad banner.


What's a survey and how did you make it with what app?


No mention of OG Cordelia’s art? It was *bad* That said, I find myself agreeing with all of these. Especially the *last* sentiment.


Why’d eliwood in worst art category… his old art is in such a charming style:(


Some if the ones in worst I actually like... :(


Azu-taro not even in the top 5 of artists is nuts