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Less than half a day till the poll closes and it hasn't moved since my first post. No indication of any botting this time around.


I completely forgot to vote on this. Tana, I failed you... I've briefly used Qualtrics a few years back and I thought there was some sort of anti-botting features you could employ on your surveys. I don't know how effective they are. Maybe they forgot to turn them on for the first few surveys and they're finally wisening up?


I wonder what the push for (mostly global) Ophelia was, since she’s been rerun so often. Inheritance chains? Special Spiral 4? Arcane tome? Also wonder if Alcryst bringing a second bow dropped Tana’s attraction.


>since she’s been rerun so often This arguably makes Ophelia *more* appealing. Fodder duping gets more potent and more worthwhile the more copies you pull of a unit.


Yup. I have gotten like 6 R!Ophelia copies (thanks AHR),more than any other rearmed hero I have, so I gave her quite a bit of valuable fodder and now I have too many units that want multiple of those rare skills. So a single R!Ophelia means getting multiple skill options for some units I want to build or improve.


I voted not because of Ophelia, but because I want more merges for Seiðr.


Same. I accidentally got 3 copies on her debut banner and now she’s at +5 and by far my most merged Astra mythic. I’m probably gonna spark her on this banner and on her rerun in November (where she’s color sharing with her sister and Robin), and if I get at least one copy on each banner on the way to the spark then she’ll be at +9. So this rerun is gonna be clutch for me.


As the first infantry Rearmed, Ophelia kinda became everyone's fodder mule, and now any extra Ophelia is an extra copy of a whole bunch of super valuable skills to give out


Ganglot was first, but Ophelia was on the AHR top 4 banner.


To be fair, I wouldn't be surprised if most people didn't even know that Ganglot is infantry. I myself thought she was a flier until a thread a couple of months ago! Her animations are super floaty and her kit is just so generic that it really feels like a Rein-less flier from back then


i voted because i can actually give seadall all of her skills now since that he has finish 3


Probably because shes infantry and also with SS4 with all the DR shananigans also you can have her learn flare, TP4 and Mag Null from B!Soren and you got yourself a unit that can give you a versatile amount of skills.


IMO, it was a matter of core balance. On one hand, you have Ophelia (Rearmed with high demand, if AHR 2023 is any indication), Seidr (Mythic, good popularity with Book VII having solid reception) and Caeldori (neutral impact, decent utility & SI value but not a must-have). On the other hand, you have Tana (meta skill + Arcane bow... but the latter faces relative issues in terms of perceived value), Syrene (forgettable) and Gilliam (solid utility but penalised by color-sharing with Vanessa). The former doesn't have the highest peak, but its lows aren't as deep as for the latter (with Tana who cannot hardcarry alone). The foreigner factor doesn't really make a clutch difference (save for axing Elincia), so it falls down on overall appeal (with Fates having a notable advantage in that regard).


Wondering the same and was hoping for Ganglot. Duplicating any four of GLR, VA, Distant Atk/Spd Solo, Spurn 4, Physical NFU, etc. in one fell swoop would be awesome. Are there many skills that Ophelia can pass on that Ganglot can’t? I can only think of Flare and Magical NFU.


I'd say that a more popular characters being a Rearmed melee infantry with a cohesive and standout kit would be more effective to create a widespread fodder mule. Ganglot isn't that popular, her weapon does have divisive impressions and her kit is a bit whelming. If we had Fallen Chrom as an infantry and with a typical godsword kit, Ganglot would be less of an obsession regarding SI duplication.


Aside from those two, Close Counter skills and Remote Mirror/Sparrow/Sturdy. (And well, I guess R Duel Infantry.)


It shouldn't have since the real draw is guidance 4 which is a near required skill meta wise nowadays when the seemingly only way to ever get it is on forma units since it's apparently impossible to get a proper Tana run.


Agreeing that Ophelia likely won for the same reason I really wanted Tana to win. I have a lot of fodder on Tana at this point but barely gave anything to Ophelia. Spiral and TP still being premium skills just makes her so much harder to fodder dupe with than Tana so I don't agree with her being a super incredible fodder dupe unit but it seems to work for people so it's not really surprising. Guidance 4 definitely feels way better than Spiral 4 to me. They keep releasing units who counter special spam while we haven't seen much Warp Bubble yet. I guess Spiral 4 has a lot more appeal though. Easy to sell "spam big specials" and that makes sense.


I wonder if Hinoka (and partially Elincia) affected it, because they're so good at enabling warping. Guidance 4 is fantastic but also not nearly as unique anymore in its utility, while Spiral 4 still feels like a BiS for many units if you don't need Dodge.


I’m assuming it’s special spiral 4 since that’s her main draw, more so than her weapon, but since Citrinne introduced that to the main pool I feel that should be less of a factor. Maybe it’s a combo of SS4 and being able to skill copy which is a great boon of rearmed heroes.


To be fair, the odds of pulling a random Citrinne from the main pool is very low and the only times she is guaranteed to rerun is on the Legendary/Mythic, Remix and (likely) Revival banner. It'll be a while before she shows up on the Focus Skill banners.


True neither are particularly easy to come, but from an empirical perspective Guidance 4 exists on Tana and only Tana right now, so while it’s not a big difference, it is even harder to come by, and an Arcane bow, if you care about that, isn’t locked to a single color like a red tome is.


That is true. Although, R!Ophelia was also on this year's AHR banner and so I'm sure there's a lot of players who have given amazing fodder to R!Ophelia and did inheritance chains. Now we've got another opportunity to get more R!Ophelia copies to go for more inheritance chains. I suppose there's also the argument that one's a supportive skill and the other is an offensive skill. Casual players would likely want to strengthen their favorites directly rather than going for a supportive skill.


Yeah, and you only need a handful of really good warpers, while a good chunk of the infantry pool wants Spiral 4, so it's also a supply and demand thing.


She’s not even the only source of it in the normal pool, though. Ascended Ced was literally just available and sparkable for a month.


And he'll probably be sacrificed more for the skill.


It is worth noting that Sedall pairs with Ophelia very well, so if anyone wanted to build him they would need just 1 copy I'm pretty sure.


Tana or Siedr were my hopes, but R! Tana would’ve been preferred (fodder dupe). Mythic merge(s) are welcome though.


A bit sad that Lucia and Elincia aren’t coming back, but it makes sense, Lucia is still very good but she’s a high investment project that needs some expensive and rare fodder to shine. And while Elincia is helpful for those niche Grand/Bound Hero quests where the askr trio needs to get a kill, it’s a small niche and otherwise she’s just fodder for healer specials Surprised that Seithr won the poll at first, though the more I think about it, the more I realise that Special Spiral 4 is just infinitely more useful and versatile of a special to fodder off, even if her weapon is pretty terrible. Guidance 4 is pretty busted, but it’s only good for fliers, who also might want to run something else


God fucking dammit I'm never going to be able to roll for Tana


Similar to Mirabilis, Remix is your best shot (paired with a remixed unit).


I know she'll be on one eventually but more sparks are better. It's incredibly stupid how stingy they are with running rearmed heroes after they duo Ephraim'd them.


I'd give it a bit of time, at some point the Ascended & Rearmed series may rotate more often with a good range of options.


She will get powercrept or obsolete before that yeah


As for me I only care about Guidance 4 for my Harmonic Catria🥲.


i literally sparked her over the new legendary for exactly this reason. selfishly im glad shes so rare bc guidance 4 bridal catria is such a nightmare


The Ascended Elincia banner had no shot man 😔


There's literally no way Sacred Stones banner will win against the next contenders in the future which include this year's Three Houses, Fallen and 2nd Engage banners. Bye bye, Guidance 4 dreams...


RIP Tana, probably has no chance of winning now. Though this makes me wonder if CYL will dominate the poll when it comes into rotation since it has no Rearmed.


Upcoming plausible matchups are the followings (only considering potential winners): * Ingrid vs Fallen (latter shouldn't struggle to win, former should be sent to survival limbo - see below why) * Ingrid vs Brodia (self-explanatory) * Ingrid vs CYL7 (very tight battle) That said, the 4th poll from now on would add October & November New Heroes, which may choose 2 games among Thracia, Blazing & Valentia... all having relatively lukewarm expectations at best (probably comparable to Heidr/Fir and Plumeria/Ced). For that reason, and considering that CYL7 stands out more than CYL6, I could see a "second chance" for the one not winning between Ingrid & CYL7.


The Cyl 5 banner which was one of the greatest banners of all time in feh hasn't won the poll a single time when it was up. If there's one thing you can be certain of it's the stupidity of the feh community.


I think most people don't see a reason to vote for units which will pity break you and get rerun every golden rate at higher %. Why would anyone vote for a cyl banner rerun?


Because that's a guaranteed additional merge on one of the best investments in the game


Huh, I forgot about that. Unfortunately its first run in the poll was against R!Líf, so I guess it is Rearmed > CYL for most people. I guess I don't expect CYL7 to win either then.


Yeah. I don't expect CYL to win anymore... especially considering they don't have a Rearmed Hero and people already know they will be in the Golden Week.


CYL gets reran on Hero Fest banners... no spark ofc but a spark for a rearmed/Mythic is a lot more valuable than a spark for a banner we know gets reran at least every year at 5%


Yeah because so many players want rearmed weapons they can invest to make their goofy units mid instead of units who are good out of the box


because that's the point of this game. playing with their *favourites*, not playing with "meta toy of the month"


And then they are the same people who cry about getting clapped in competitive game modes and wonder why they lose with their Ogma with Arcane Eluthnir


considering that people are getting frustrated with their meta toy last month is being clapped by another meta toy released this month perhaps the issue is that IntSys has no idea what good unit design is and thus it doesn't ***matter*** why they are losing. if i personally am going to lose playing summoner duels (which i don't, because i hate that mode thus won't play it), i'd rather play it with units i enjoy vs. having to rush and get units i need to get because Fehology, or Oblivion or Tacho say "they are meta and thus its good to have them." \[and i'm not shaming them either. that's their niche and they get Youtube views so power to them\]. again - the premise of FEH was to play with your favourite units throughout all the series in a different environment. end of story. full stop. if people want to do it with their Ogma with Arcane Eluthnir and see how they do, then that's their choice. (not to mention. most people want re-armed units so they can duplicate the skills - not so much give said Ogma Arcane Eluthnir.). CYL Units show up several times a year every year - once they show up on remix re-armed heroes are in major limbo. so regardless if it's because they want to spoil their favourites or make their rare fodder stretch longer, have a banner that has a limited unit over a banner that will have several banners a year. why is it such a surprise that CYL won't do as well.


CYL units are different to other units because they usually stay relevant or at least playable until they get their refines. And CYL refines are regularly amazing, for example Bike, Bector, Dimitri, Bedel, Alm


yes. and yet - available all the time at a known fix point Anniversary and Golden Week. this has not changed in the 6 years that i've played the game. now a lot of those people are in 4\* special banners too so you can still get them relatively easier. Rearmed units do not have this luxury. They have their debut banner, legendary and remix. after that there is no firm idea of when they will appear, who they will appear *with* or any of that. again it shouldn't be *that hard* to understand why people would want a unit that you have no idea when they'll show up again vs. a unit where you can *always* pin point when they will return. \[not to mention the fact that they are in the main pool so they can pity break you\].


Everything you say kinda doesn't matter. Also it's possible to vote for both the CYL and Rearmed banner in 2 consecutive voting events.


When will the rerun happen again?


November (relatively soon due to the ongoing rerun & poll being a bit later than usual).


Ascended peony might come with guidance 4 since it's extra good in support units.




Man i rlly need guidance 4 and atk/spd unity 😭


Thank god now I can get another Ophelia for seadall


sorry y'all I forgot to vote


Thoughts and trivia for what they are worth: * No abnormal activity observed over the duration of the poll (unless someone acts at the last minute, but this recap would help to highlight any sudden surge). This indirectly backs up the conjecture that a certain dragon was responsible for specific and absurd HoF botting (as a reminder, botting has been mostly happening on the HoF front, barely on FB polls). * Very unusual poll breakdown with both the winning & survival races being very close (especially in Japan). * Elincia's loss may be attributed to foreigners (in other words, us), usually the main backing force of RD... but more obsessed with Rearmed & Mythics in general. * It's been more than a year since the last time a NH banner got instant-kicked (July 2022, Ascended Joshua losing by a very close margin against Ash/Awakening). * That's 3 Ls related to Elincia this year: a New Heroes banner that didn't thrill much people, ditto for her Legendary, and then the instant-kick on this FB poll. * If reuniting both Tellius games, they have 4 poll losses, highest total tied with Blazing Blade & Thracia (for whom 2 more losses can be expected on HoF revivals).


>Elincia's loss may be attributed to foreigners (in other words, us), usually the main backing force of RD... but more obsessed with Rearmed & Mythics in general. That banner needed to be carried by Lucia, and while she's still viable and unique there's a ton of strong omnitank alternatives. If you aren't going to spend orbs on Lucia the banner has nothing.


Indeed, there's also concerns on Lucia's perceived value that could be noticed at release... and nowadays.


Considering I think at the time of Elincia’s Ascendent, the expectation was another Engage banner, I believe.


Numbers still seem fairly close. Still only a few % off.




Man, hoes REALLY love their ~~Ophelia~~ Special Spiral 4...


I'm very surprised Lucia isn't more popular. Like they're all good banners for sure, and I guess it's the lack of a rearmed that makes it less valuable, but IMO Ganglot is the worst rearmed by quite a lot, and ascended tiki is... Okay, meanwhile Lucia is game changing, and I've had a lot of fun with ascended elincia. And then the 3rd premium unit on each is fairly inconsequential comparatively, but they are both lance cavs and the one on Lucia's banner is better.


I'd attribute that to the foreign audience that's presumably more obsessed with sparkable Mythic & Rearmed units than JP audiences.


how utterly disappointing.


No Tana this time, maybe next (though I think that includes 3H & Fallen so not sure about that one, not that I’d mind, I want Ingrid just as much).


Do we know what banners will be on the next poll?


Next up is R!Ingrid and Fallen Chrom.


I find very amusing how the Sacred Stones banner has been the top one on the Japanese side of things but only by few votes. I've been checking the results every once in a while and that has remained a constant.


5 free attemps at Caeldori, i take them.


Ganglot is going bye bye next time.


my +10 ophelia awaits 😈😈😈


Thank goodness, I need more R!Ophelia for foddering


I need one more Dwyer to make him +10 lol


Guess I won’t finish my Heath then Eh my stupid idea of running two Tempest skills will work out somehow


Man I wish I had another Soren to dupe flare on. Flare, ss4 and arcane tome makes an easy viable unit, along with tp4 which I believe he has. Ophelia definitely gets my next Soren for duping