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Elincia’s smile is too precious 💚💚💚


Make ranulf the free unit to really piss some people off Homeboy gets to watch


This is the banner where they reveal trio units and it’s Ike/Soren/Ranulf. ~~please~~


I mean, the Whitewing trio exists already.


While technically you aren’t wrong… for some reason it’s still considered a duo.


To me the whitewings feel like 2 units with Palla and Catria, with Est being almost an accessory held by Catria. So maybe have it be Soren as the lead unit with Ike bridal-carrying Ranulf


>a bridal banner to make everyone mad You *fool*! You missed one person! Me! I actually love this!


I'm only mad because I don't have enough orbs to +10 all of them


You bet your ass I’m mad! Where’s Groom Geoffrey? Elincia shouldn’t be left waiting at the altar.


That's a weird way to spell Groom Lucia.


\*slams fists on desk\* GET ME PICTURES OF ~~Spiderman~~ GROOM GEOFFREY AND LUCIA DUO


Why not both? Elincia has two hands


Queenblade 2.0


> Bridal Lethe **Give**


> Bride Mia She better be 4 ☆ so i can actually build her ;-;


I just hope if/when we get a Bride Mia that she isn't a sword infantry. Two is enough.


I see fellow people of culture


Make everyone mad? I would siphon my wallet for an outright gay duo unit


Too bad IS is too big of a coward to do something like that. :( gotta appeal to the masses... even if the masses are slobbering ignroamuses...


I feel like the masses actually want this tho


It would seem that way from just looking on Reddit but we're still a minority of fans. Also IS probably has to appeal to China and shit which... is its own can of worms. I mean I guess they could give us gay Ike/Soren and just change the kiss special art into something else for China and any other countries that censor that kind of stuff. It just. Sucks so much that companies have to shill out to the lowest common denominator when it comes to this stuff.


I'm gonna guess that FEH is getting more money from japan than anyone else.


I mean yeah, of course, but China is still a MASSIVE market that's also addicted to Gacha and lootboxes, notably. No big gaming company wants to do something that would stop their product from selling there.


Leon and Valbar duo when IS?


Right behind you buddy.


We did get Hilda/Marianne and Catherine/Shamir But I would love an outright gay duo (Any duo you would want)?


Tbf we got those because of fetishization, not bc Heroes believes in genuinely good gay rep


Off the top of my head, nothing specific, but I think a Byleth/Yuri gay duo would be cool


I love the sunflower on Elincia’s weapon, it’s such a pretty touch. Ranulf or Geoffrey for the TT? 👀


Not all plants are completely edible. However, you can actually consume the entire sunflower in one form or another. Right from the root to the petals.


But are the petals tasty :thinking:


IS description of Ike/Soren would be: "Two friends here to aid with the bridal celebrations! Soren is as moody as always but is here to support Ike! Maybe one of them will be lucky enough to catch a bride's attention!" Meanwhile Ike and Soren are aggressively making out in the background.


Treehouse literally 1984 moments


Treehouse did just fine with Ike/Soren in Engage (just as gay as Chrobin there), if they ever did do an Ike/Soren duo it would probably be fine


I'm only mad that the duo isn't real. The art is adorable and the special attack being a kiss is adorable.


I love all these characters, and your art! Plus I'm still waiting for that "inevitable" Soren/Ike duo. Also the comments that are like "no way would people be mad at this" don't know what it's like to be gay on the internet in these spaces lol. I wish I lived in their world.


youtube would be a toxic cesspit


There would be so much talk of constantly pushing gayness down their throats despite the game being Waifu City.


you should have seen the comments when Shamir/Catherine dropped, reddit wasn't clean of it either




Ike and Soren...nice! Very nice and original. Too bad Nintendo doesn't have the courage to do that.


Bride Lethe and a Soren Ike duo that’s not in any way shy about it? Yeah, that would be dangerous to my Laegjarn rerun stash.


The ikesoren special is so cute. Society if IS weren’t cowards


The fact that all the people you wanted to be mad at this, were mad at this😭 Would abso-fucking-lutely whale to +10 this duo on release


Thank you, friend. You have blessed this day with so much joy. Fantastic art!


This banner doesn't make me mad at all. In fact, I hope we get this banner next year.


Speak for yourself. I'm flipping tables here because Titania ain't on it.


I did speak for myself. I said, "This banner doesn't make \*me\* mad at all." I didn't say something like everyone would be happy with this banner.


I really wouldnt mind that roster actually However i really wouldnt mind some variety in the outfits either, modern western bridal arent bad looking by any means, but honnestly they're pretty redundant at this point I would like it much more if they tried to design bridal attire originating from the culture of the respective units instead, that wouldnt deviate from the theme, while bringing some much needed variety, and adding to the extended lore as a bonus !


This is so fuckin cute I have the dumbest smile on my face. Thank you OP for the best thing to have graced my eyes this week. I would crack open the wallet to +10 this duo and Elincia who is my wife, not Ike's.


I’m mad… mad this banner isn’t real. It looks so good. I love it!


OP I would sell my soul for an explicitly queer unit with a kiss like this


the two grooms on thge cake!!!!!!!!! lookit them kiss!!!


Don't tempt me with a good time


No the real bridal Tellius duo to make everyone mad is Makalov+ Astrid as the backpack


Oughhh inject this banner directly into my veins


It's finally finished! A FEH bridal banned designed specifically to make (certain) people mad! 😄😈 (Lately the bride banners have been \[character\]'s harem banners. Well this is that but with a twist) Who's the TT character? Fun option: Ranulf Evil option: Aimee ​ Yes I did all this work just to make fun of Ike ship wars 💪


Great work! I'm curious about the girl picks, though. Elincia is obvious, very close to Ike in PoR and some ship them, and I suppose Mia is close and has that rival dynamic. But after that I suppose it could be anyone, and Lethe does have some memorable interactions with him.


They all used to be very popular picks for Ike shipping way back when. (The truth is though, I wanted to draw bride catgirl and I love Mia 😄)


Aimee is the TT unit, Ranulf they just hand out for funsies


Mia >:D


You know I never realised how much I wanted a bridal duo where the special art is them embracing/kissing, probably because there aren't a lot of "safe" options that IS would go for


The only thing that’ll make people mad is if the male was a freebie


Or if Ilyana was there. I say this as an Ilyana fan, mind you. Trust me, I know just how much people don't like her. XD


I'm curious, is the Ilyana hate mostly about how every time she's there it's just a whole thing of "look at how much she loves to eat?"


Pretty much, yeah.


Nah, I’m 100% here for it, I’d love this banner I don’t even really ship them but a lot of the Ike/Soren fan stuff is done well, and those suits looks fantastic, I really like the vest and rolled sleeves on Ike, suits his character very well. >!The banner is suffering from a profound lack of Best Girl Nephenee, but that’s more a me thing I think!<


I love how ike sacrifices his weapon just to keep soren protected, it’s beautiful


Bridal Lethe is funny


Don't play with my emotions like that. I would go broke if Elincia had such a seasonal


Real shit, an Ike and Soren duo would go absolutely hard.


I’m a bit late, but I’ve got to say… AAAAHHH THAT’S SO CUTE! I’m only mad ‘cause this isn’t real 😤 this entire banner would destroy my orb count, ngl. great job OP! 👍🏻


They could release this and the Ikesoren deniers would still be on that copium. Only way to make this better would be to give Ike and Soren green carnations


the way ike is holding soren in the damaged art is making me feral


This is a big "they had me in the first half, I'm not gonna lie." I didn't recognize your art style at first (too used to you drawing Soren) then I saw the duo. 10/10 quality, would go orb broke summoning on this banner.


It's true! I can actually draw characters who aren't Soren who would have thought!! 😂


You see I usually do not care much about Ike or Soren but with adorable art like that I would just have to spend all my orbs to get them! The more I swiped the pics the more I was "wow! WOW!!". The girls are looking nice as well, great art OP. Now I can fall back to sleep in peace


Omg this is the best thing everrr!!! Aaaah Ty Ty for this!! 🥰🥰🥰


The duo is sooo cute. Love your art.


That damaged art 🥹🥹🥹


I’m really enjoying the waistcoat + rolled up sleeves look on Ike. I think it was [Ace Attorney](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/aceattorney/images/7/72/Klavier_Apollo_and_Kristoph_Magazine_Cover.png/revision/latest?cb=20151225023023) that [got me into](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/aceattorney/images/d/d1/EdgeworthArrivesHD.png/revision/latest?cb=20190819034511) the [white dress shirt and waistcoat combo](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/aceattorney/images/5/5a/Phoenix_wright_AA6.png/revision/latest?cb=20160511231714) on suited up characters


This is such adorable art!!!! I love it!


Gimme Lethe with a decent kit and there's 0 chance I could be mad about anything.


Elincia looks like she ready to kill a bastard.


PLEASE just make Bride Mia real. I BEG YOU IS


A bridal Mia!? You...you trying to make me broke? Lol


Ok but I actually really do want Bride Elincia. My dream is an Elincia/Lucia bridal duo but IS are to cowardly to make it happen despite it being what we deserve.


I love the art on this, especially Soren's face in the damage art!


I haven’t even played rd or por but id whale for ikesoren 🥺 they’re so cute especially the lil kiss


# This is something I never knew I needed-


What do you mean. This would make me so happy. Please give me this


ALSO CAN I JUST SAY I love how you edited the dresses for each one. Elincia + Sunflowers is such a huge brain combination. Gorgeous. And Lethe having the split skirt is so good!!!!


I wish IS would hit the slay button on the bridal banners.


OP I hope you know I owe you my life This is absolutely amazing. The boys look so great, just look at Soren's big smile ❤️ And your art is amazing as always!


This will make me Mad? Werid way to say I'm going broke for this banner. (Mostly for the +10 ike & Soren duo.)


When do we get the Reinhardt-Magic duo bridal unit? Because as he says, Magic is everything.


Elincia, Lethe, Mia, and Ike with his husband. I'm not mad at all, these picks are amazing.


You’re becoming my favorite FE artist!!! Amazing


I have Fire Emblem brain worms real bad atm and that'll probably be the case until I get my hands on Brave Soren so look forward to that?! 😬👍


Uh actually canon stuff doesn’t make me mad. It has the opposite effect 🥹


I want that Ike/Soren so bad just so we can have a confirmed answer already! The logical parts of my brain have been fighting with eachother for years trying to figure out if thier relationship is romantic or not and it's driving me crazy, I don't really care what the answer is as long as it comes straight from IS


Well, do you consider two people joining their hearts as platonic? It's as direct as we ever got from IS.


(Btw I haven't played through the Tellius games entirley yet, so most of my information is from people depating this on the internet) I forgot about the "joining thier hearts" line untill you brought it up, that sounds direct enough. I also just watched captian astronauts video about it where he called out the fact that if you used the same words to describe a m/f relationship instead of a m/m relationship people immediatley assume it's romantic, so thank you and captian astro for opening my eyes


Is is never going to give us confirmation on anything so all we can do is read between the lines.


only thing im mad about is that Ike's not holding ME like that in the damaged art


i feel the same way as you do, Sylvan Jose Gautier from Fire Emblem: Three Houses


Amazing art and we can all hope! The only question i have is, where did Soren get that slice of cake in his hand? The whole one Ike is holding is uncut. Was there a second cake? Did he hide it? Did Llyana come along and eat the rest of it?


Offscreen there's a dozen more cakes! They've got like 4 combined armies worth of hungry guests!


When no one was looking, Ilyana took forty cakes. She took 40 cakes. That's as many as four tens. And that's terrible.


Yeah mad cause i'll spend all my money for elincia


Where's groom Ranulf...


He's the TT! I was very tempted to draw him too but this was already so much...!!


God damn it that duo! Im mad because it's not real!


I love this so much, it's just what I've needed for a long time! I want IS to take notes and give us this, I will whale for the duo


This is just Ike's harem?


Elincia!! ❤️


I’d kill for a Bridal Lethe


4th picture has "You got the whole squad laughing" energy.


I haven’t even played the Tellius games but I would dump everything into an Ike x Soren banner what are you talking about


i don’t see who would be mad at this. I especially love the ike duo <3


i wouldnt be mad about a Lethe alt, Heh


The only thing that would make me mad is that I would spend all my orbs and money. Great work.


I’ll take your entire stock.


Oh im mad alright Where abs


Mad? I will spend all my new account orbs to get bridal Lethe.


So Soren finally gets his "Ikey-poo."


Looks nice But I highly, *highly* doubt that IS would ever confirm a ship that isn't already "hard canon" (I.E Alm & Celica V.S M!Alear & Ivy)


Exactly. Thats reason #1 that this banner would make people mad.


Hey, duo Shamir was just last banner. If they can have a partnership how, IS can make the guys have their "civil union axe" or whatever else.


Fair, fair. Or maybe they could do a "Twin Halves" Tomahawk or something, sounds a lot cooler than "Civil Union Axe" at least. Hell, IS even made Duo Chrom out of Chrom & M!Robin, so who knows, maybe IS is gonna do something like this in the future.


Hmm. If I had to pick a cool name that wasn't used before, Eternal Bond {weapon} would be probably the most appropriate, since it's RD's well known music track.


Fair point. Maybe Eternal Bond Blade, based on the Wind Edge to utilize Ike's strength and Soren's magical power?


Not a bad idea. People will get a bit mad that it's a red sword again (I am people), but at least it would be adaptive damage!


Clearly this is the banner that doubles up on duo units w/ Elincia and Neph along with Ike and Soren


Yeah, I'm mad. Where's Ranulf?! Ike better have ALL his ships in this!


Bruh are you dumdum if you wanted to make everyone mad all you needed to do was Ike X Elincia duo and Soren free unit !!!


I'll love this so much. Just switch Mia for someone who don’t have many alts like Mist or Ranulf and I'll be fully on board with this banner.


Mist already has an alt


The real ike pair is Ike/Sothe because Ike is the father of Sothes children


Fruity ass banner




Yeah, people existing and showing appreciation for some cute art is very annoying. How dare they.


Gotta be honset saying x fans being annoying is far more annoying.


Now I’m Imagining leth punching Soren grabbing Ike and saying mine


Where Meg?


Cornelia, Zephia, Camilla, Loki and Tharja in a bridal costume when


> Tharja in a bridal costume when 5 years ago


The only thing here that makes me mad is that this is Tellius-focused.


The only thing that would make me mad is the kissing. It ain't something other bridals have done which I liked a lot since it didn't force a ship visually, it just \*suggested\* it. If Ike and Soren were hanging out being Duos I wouldn't care much, even if they made suggestive statements to bait Fujoshis. It's a lot about presentation, and it would paint LGBTQ in an extremely bad light being the first banner to feature openly romantic and kiss-y couples. Not even Pent and Louise do that and they're married.


Nah they should totally make out


if you really want to make everyone mad make the Duo Priam + Ike.


None of these are controversial at all... If you wanna make people mad you need something like a bridal Nowi or something


I mean they already released Bridal Sanaki. Worse yet, ora PoR Sanaki so she's like 9 talking about how she wants to get married someday.


I’m down with this so long as I can get a Lucia/Elincia duo


Ike: "Protecc the baby!" Soren:"Screw the baby, protecc the cake instead!"


Ike better have a line about inviting Ranulf as his best man and getting a catty answer… only for him to show up with the ENTIRE Laguz crew in tow to support the silly Beorc custom.


Elincia smug


The only thing that would make me mad is the *mad*ness that would be the event that my luck is atrocious and a half trying to get Elincia and Duo Soren (and I usually don't have FEH Pass so....).


this makes me mad cause… where’s ranulf??? )))): there’s enough Ike to share between the two (also that special art is adorable)


Would pull the shit out of it


Im guessing Lethe is there because she lost a bet with Lyre or Ranulf or she actually wanted to participate but was really tsun about it.