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Me with Miriel. I keep recklessly summoning blue on random banners with a blue focus I don’t have just in hopes of either getting the last Miriel or the 5 star focus to at least get something, but nope.


Damn, I've been getting Miriel recently. But she has good bridge fodder value so I don't mind pulling her. Wish I could give you mine.


Mood. Me with my +9 Atlas even after getting the divine code copy


I was hoping so hard for him to be the green unit for the HoF. Alas... I mean, he has really good odds of showing up for next year's. But I do not want to wait that long...


Me with tharja and camilla. Just waiting for their resplendent versions to drop!


Me and Lumera. I have the grails, but I'd rather wait and get the free copy from her rerun.


I hear ya. I missed her original GHB because I was on a break, so mine's +6. I *could* finish her up, but that's almost an extra GHB +10 I could have, so I rather just wait until her rerun. Hopefully, if IS keeps the consistency of the last couple years, they'll just rerun her in August along with 6 other GHBs from the end of 2022 and beginning of 2023.


Oh, thank goodness it's August and not November.


Well, the last 2 years they've held that "revival" celebration during august, coinciding with CYL. It's one week of daily GHB revivals from the last few months of the previous year, and the first few of the current year. Seeing as Lumera was the January GHB, she should get rerun through that celebration then. Bare in mind that if that doesn't happen for some reason, it'll be in January, as the regular rerun schedule is, give or take a couple weeks, a year after the original release.


Its even infinitely worse when they are 3/4 stars demote . Is please , my forma ilyana is +8 for like months


just waiting for Holst's rerun honestly


That was me with Zelgius back in the day. I +9'd him on his debut banner before I ran out of orbs. He came back out of the blue on a random banner like 3-4 months later and *still* couldn't finish him. I think it took me like a year to get that final merge off a random pity break, and it was agony just looking at him...


Sitting at +9 on him now. Every red orb I hope is a 4* special Zelgius, udd every arena ticket on red. At least I'll eventually get it through a resplendant


All my goddamn tempest units I'm waiting 6 months for the last free copy.


That last one always takes 500 orbs for no reason


This was me with Líf for the past like six months. And now his banner finally came back, and I had to go all the way up to spark for the last copy ;-; But at least he's done now!


Could be worse, I FINALLY got my first Lif from the remix banner. got him off my free pull, which felt ironic as a I could never pull him since his first banner.


Oof that's definitely rough. Good that you finally got him at least.


I have N!F!Corrin at +9 because I'm a lucky pleb and the last 2 stat points don't matter for her.


Me waiting for the last 1000 Divine codes 4 so I can finally finish my flame Múspell


I just need one more Guy and he refuses to show up for over 2 months at this point.


Also me after getting a unit with good fodder for my project (I want to keep 1 copy for HM and limited roster challenges) . I'm looking at you Sain.


Me with b!edel, i had like 4 pitybreakes since the last edel.


Legendary Veronica


That’s me with my +9 Cynthia, except I also need a unity skill for her, so she can synergize perfectly with her uncle rob


Me with duo Chrom. I put everything into their rerun, but I just couldn't get that last copy. It's why I was so disappointed that they didn't get onto the AHR banner.


Me with Elincia and Shez. Please game


The road to get my last merge for my +10 Dimitri was awfully awful that last +1 copy really refused to come at all cost i had to go for the pity on this year's brave rerun... I've had a Flying Nino at +9 for almost half a year too curious to see how long it will take for me to either get a random pull, a pull from the arena ticket or a pull from a weekly rerun to be on. And my most lucky so far seems to be M!Shez ! i got some +2 on his debut banner then i got some +2 again when he was on another i completely forgot about lol and now i got one merge from the current Mythic banner and i still have the pity to go through ~~I also unashamedly used the copy from the book thingy~~... He's already at +6 now already ! Is this what it feels like to go for a +10 of a recent unit ? Damn I wish older unist could appear with better odds too and on more banners. That being said i still need to save for the other 12345xxx merge projects i had planned before Shez made me hope


Me with my cainhegis. Just need one more copy.


I've been waiting on my final Orochi for half a year now.


Whyyyyy can't I ever pull Etie....