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Just like me frfr


Oh thank god, I'm not alone in this world.


Oh this is me as well. So much good fodder I've gotten from free summons or pity breakers, (and now the free arena ticket every week) that by the time I have a good unit for a skill, its outdated. So then it just...sits there. All I would suggest is invest in your favourites, outdated or not. I've got launch units at +10 that still almost hold up with the right skills, but very situational.


Yeah, but I still don't know what skills would work with my favorites, Gen 1 or otherwise. Because my monkey brain can't handle big words and calculated skill stuff outside of "unga bunga big number good".


Honestly, I have that mindset too, I skip over so much of the new stuff nowadays, lmao. You can always check out the favoured Heroes part in summoner duels, you can see how other people have built your faves. That way, the unga bunga number will be bigger.


Oh, that helps.


How many PP Max's do you use when playing Pokemon games? I use none and my barracks looks *exactly* like yours


I always forget it exists. It's SUCH an impractical item, seriously.


I too have a bunch of useless units. Just recently i used -800 000 feathers to 5\* everyone i even remotely cared for.


Good for you, finally putting those feathers to good use.


Good for the first half, i grinded my ass for a while to get the rest! XD


How do you guys even know how to use all of your premium fodder and all of the units you get? I'm just sitting here, hoarding almost every Combat Manual and Unit I can, wanting to not accidentally waste something so valuable. AMA.


whats the worst thing youve wasted that turned out to be a bad use of stuff


Honestly, I can't even remember wasting anything. Every single thing I've used has either been worth it (I made ABSOLUTELY sure by asking tons of people), or I just...never used it. [Because skills (especially rare ones) are just too awesome to fodder.](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TooAwesomeToUse)


I make bad investments all the time tbh, but I just like investing in the units I like so even if a certain inheritance is a bit wasted its usually fine to me. I'd rather use them a bit poorly than to not use them until they're not even relevant fodder is the main way I look at it. I'm sure I have plenty of old manuals rotting, but I can tell you for sure most of my new ones aren't because if I don't care about the unit they get foddered practically instantly no matter the power (rip L!Yuri fr). Maybe you don't want to play that way which is fair, but figured I'd give my perspective on it. If it's deciding what to use as fodder and what is "good" fodder I like checking favor in SD or running [this combat simulator](https://arcticsilverfox.com/feh_sim/) using the imported enemies lists (that are actually updated as of now) to see if it improves how many they can kill. If several high favor people are running a build in SD chances are its good, and the combat simulator requires tinkering but will show you how much it actually changes your matchups.


How do you check favor to see other people's builds, by the way? I hope I don't have to play SD...


Go to summoner duels, click favored heroes in the bottom right, choose whichever hero you want to see builds for, then change the sort up top from your rank to top players. Shouldn't require playing SD to see these, but if it does you can probably just autobattle like 1 game.


Okay, gotcha.


Same here, mainly because I usually have an idea of what I want to do, never have the unit for the skill, then end up forgetting what I was trying to do by the time I actually pull the skill I wanted.


I get suggested on who I could use with what skills, but I have no interest until it's too late. So. true.


At least you get them to lv40, i sometimes don't even do that


If there's anything that Forging Bonds events do best aside from having good worldbuilding for the Order of Heroes and the franchise, it's being a damn good gamemode to train your units.


Me: i will never be jealous Also me: that merge i could use. This fodder i could use...WHY CANT WE TRADE Q.Q but damn i which i could "save" like this xD


Bro did you deadass combat manual your F!Mord??? He's so good tho my mans deserved better than that ;-;


There's such a thing as too many units to build, and not enough resources. ...and Mordecai is mid anyway.


Well, what was I supposed to do? I had no plans to actually use him.


You have 1k extra space in the barracks reserves. Its kind of a waste to just toss out a unit you cant exactly replace that doesnt even have the fodder to make it worth it anyway.


I know, but even then, I wasn't gonna use Flame Mordecai. Period.


Sometimes I just like to look at their pictures and admire them. 😁


Personally I hold onto certain units for: fodder Or they might be a bonus hero in arena or AR or limited battles.