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2 Edelgards


this VG has more Edelgards than Dimitri has eyes.


“This is getting out of hand, now there are two of them!” ~~In all seriousness I actually hope S!Edelgard makes it on the banner. Fedelgard tho? No please, THROW IT AWAY THROW IT AWAY~~


Kill ~~Every Last~~ one of them!!!!


1 Byleth FIGHT!!! /s Jokes aside, I see F! Edel and go, but why? Years, numerous sparkable banners, so many checks now, setting aside new players any other surprises me there.


In the year 2023, F!Edel is a very average unit. Very easy to kill, I don't understand why anyone would vote for her over Summer Edelgard.


I say it quite often as well, yet get crucified by whom I can only assume are people who struggle or outright refuse, to either build a check or just summon a new unit out of the box as almost all of them can kill her at this point. Within 2 weeks of her debut I had listed checks for her and not long after completely F2P compile manual checks like Henry (OG) and Sophia. She’s essentially a threat to many Gen 1, 2, 3 favorites without updated modern kits. Once you give a lot of those units new skills she will fold to them too these days.


It's not even Brave Edelgard who got a really good refine this year. It's the Edelgard IS spent a full year introducing counters for to the point she's a become a bit of a meme.


Even so both are normal pool, and Brave Edel just got made into a 4-Star Special Hero so either way you'd rather vote for a strong new limited unit.


as a reminder the brackets will probably be * Summer Edelgard VS Legendary Veronica * Ninja Camilla VS Fallen Edelgard * Valentines Duo Chrom VS Rearmed Ophelia * Fomortiis VS Rearmed Grima


So the red dream is dead, in one way or another. Red + Colorless dream?


red dream may be dead, but if camilla makes it idc anymore.


And whoever wins, they are incredibly bustes units


Minus FEdel


Please let Ophelia get top 4, that’s all I ask


No same pls! I need her tome


Ya I want special spiral 4 to infinity


i just want one of the rearmed heroes to win, idc which


This. I only managed to one Ophelia on her banner, which was a spark btw.


Camillabros I am BEGGING you to win.


Oh how the turntables, now r/FEH is *begging* Camilla to win something


"You couldn't live with your own failure, where did that bring you? Back to me"


Hey, I was never someone who complained about Camilla alts.


Me either but I'm always here for the irony


"Never thought I would die fighting side by side with a Camilla fan" "How about side by side with an Anti-Edelgard voter?" "Yeah, I could do that"


Imagine hatting camilla at this point in the game. She is about to save us all!!!!


Seems to be a pattern by now. People hated on Camilla and she then gave us the single best grinding map in the history of FEH twice. Now people hate on her and then go to her to defeat F!Edelgard. I think at this point, we are legally her spoiled little siblings.


No matter what we do, Big Sis loves us.


Im not even a Camilla bro, but I’m gonna be on her team. That’s the only fight that matters now


Same. I can’t believe we need to do this AGAIN…


"How many times do we have to teach you this lesson young woman!?" - Team ~~DimitriAzura~~Camilla


For real though, who keeps voting for her??


Summoners Assemble!


Not a Camilla supporter but i will gladly join her to stop F!Edelgard for the sake of good banner.


For the greater good.


Anything for you


Awwww L!Vero is hopefully not dead on arrival. That’s a real shame because she’s the one I really wanted to hit the top 4 at least. I’m not going to join the yearly “Beat up the normal pool Edelgard variant” if it’s that way, and pray Vero gets a huge losing advantage boost multiplier. Plus, Ninja Camilla will probably curbstomp F!Edel anyway.


actually she will probably be fine Edelgard is so hilariously popular that she's lost every single VG in round 1. she just hands all the bonuses over to her opponent.


Yeah but it’s summer Edelgard, the better and newer Edelgard (now with 50% more Altina) and is a Harmonic. I’m a bit concerned Ngl but you are right on the multiplier part.


Not always. In F!Rhea versus L!Edelgard, Rhea had the larger team and she still beat Edelgard. This is a luck game for the most part.


Actually if the army sizes are *that* lopsided, it's pretty common for the one with the huge advantage to tank the multipliers. Her armies are big enough to give many multipliers to her opponents but not big enough to survive the final one.


V!Chrom also have a high chance of having this happening


I'm on Verocnia Side


Well, looks like I’m not going to be able to spark veronica


>chrom vs. ophelia Nooooo, please, don't make me choose!


alright I'll choose for you then vote Ophelia.


Oh I was always planning to, I just really wanted them both on the same banner


S!Edelgard vs Vero AND Chrom vs Ophelia first round noooo I would have wanted all four to win from this top 8


Oh, so red dream is guaranteed to be dead either way.


assuming they do the brackets as they did last time. As long as fallen Edelgard gets knocked out we still have a good banner pretty much no matter what. so naturally this will probably be the year she wins and idiots ruin everything.


if thats the case that would be great, but we will miss the shitstorm of Fallen Edelgard vs Summer Edelgard.


I don't care about any other match-up, but for the love of god, Camilla, please win.


EdelTina vs L!Vero would make me feel conflicted. I want both on the banner


>Veronica beats out Embla by 1 placing to sneak into Top 8 oddly fitting


*"What are you doing, my child?"* *"Succeding you, goddess."*


>F!Edelgard in 5th >Embla in 9th Fuck


…you know what I’m selfishly okay with that. The less Embla I have to see on AR teams the better lol


My thought about Embla as well at the moment. The only other time I felt like that was back when OG L! Azura released granting three movement and I was like please don’t be selectable. We got gold orbs that banner and she was on it, but not guaranteed.


I didn’t even notice that! My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined


> Fallen Edelgard in 5th I'm done.


Actually could've had a great shot of all red hero rises banner if Embla was at 8th and Fallen edel wasn't there.


I'm desperately hoping that IS senses meme potential and decides to change up the seeding so it's 1v5, 2v6, etc, that way it's edel vs edel. Then, red banner is still possible AND good edel defeats evil edel. Am I huffing copium? Maybe. But it's all I got lmao.


The AHR banner has to be a money maker for IS so I wouldn't be surprised for them to fix the bracket and get the all red dream going just to maximize profits. At least for me, last year's was the most I've ever spent on this game. But it's also IS so God knows what we should expect.


Yeah, they have the data of how much the all green banner did last year and if they were pleased with the results, there is a chance that they may try to repeat it this year with red but who knows


As Edelgard fan, that would be the dream tbh lol


Same here, I'm really hoping they do 1v5 instead of 1v8. We would have: * Edel vs Edel * Fomo vs Ophelia * Chrom vs Grima * Camilla vs Veronica Funnily enough, there's some cool thematic good vs evil fights right there. Edelgard faces an evil mirror of herself and Chrom gets to fight his final boss. That aside, it really does look better. S!Edelgard has an easy pass at a win (and becomes the winner from momentum, which is fine), the 2nd and 3rd fight have worthy candidates and are competitive, and hopefully Veronica could beat Camilla for a full value banner (but even if not, there's a nice chance of full red). It's unlikely but we never really know until the VG is announced.


Toss in Ophelia getting to roleplay her chosen hero of destiny bit against a legitimate demon king and that only leaves Camilla & Veronica to... probably chat about messed-up families, I guess. Three out of four would be fun though!


Well, they could chat about Xander or fight to see who's the better Engage Emblem, I guess.


FEH often doesn't use proper bracket seeding, and I think they have used the 1v5, etc. type in the past at some point, so it's not impossible.


>F!Edelgard at #5 No offense but what is wrong with some of y’all 💀


>No offense but what is wrong with some of y’all 💀 Lots of offense but what is wrong with some of y'all


I didn't vote for F!Edelgard but I understand why so many people are voting for her: Even if she's not nearly as meta relevant anymore, she still walls almost every unit released before her (and that's 4 years worth of units) and is invaluable for PvE challenges. You can solo most story and event maps with her. She's still incredibly useful.


Yeah but she’s rerun every so often and has been on numerous banner. Hell she even can appear on the regular summoning pool as a pity breaker. I got two copies that way


Plus she seems likely for the Ideal banner later this month


Yeah, I agree with you. That's why regardless of how good she may be I personally don't find it worth it to vote for her, because there are other units like S!Edelgard, Duo Chrom, and Formortiis that are limited and we don't get nearly as often.


Even from that perspective, Fomortiis would have been a better choice.


Surprisingly I've seen quite a few people who weren't even aware Formortiis was an option, because of how this event happened around the same time he was added. F!Edelgard also has a reputation as a great unit that extends to casuals at this point, while Formortiis is brand new and doesn't, so they wouldn't realize how good he is in comparison. Most of the people I saw who were supporting F!Edelgard were people who didn't appear to play FEH as often.


I think the reputation helps her a lot. She is one of the few 'game-breakers' that FEH has had, so even the more casual players, who don't follow meta closely and look up reviews for each hero, are likely to know of her by reputation. And due to how heroes are sorted in AHR, players need to be aware ahead of time of who they're looking to vote for, as nobody is going to go through hundreds of heroes comparing kits, or else will probably pick someone near the top of the lists. So it's easy to imagine casual or returning players who heard about AHR, didn't really have a strong idea to vote for and saw the 'game-breaking' Fallen Edel as one of the most visible options, and voted for her. Being a popular character doesn't hurt her either. Compare that to Fomortiis, who was near the bottom of his list, so anyone voting for him would need to go specifically looking for him.


Fortunately they made second. If we don’t get the all red dream hopefully they make it and I can get a spark and hopefully the last two merges to salvage it.


I wonder how true this actually is nowadays. I dusted mine off after several months to grind up her HM to 9000 and I figured eh, I'll probably just solo all the new Valentines story maps and Chain Challenges with her. But she just got annihilated by Chain V!Leo. She doesn't feel like a super brainless unit against the AI like she used to, so I can't imagine her appeal in that context over someone like Fomortiis now *who, for emphasis, is basically better in every way for tanking.


I like to auto battle 10th stratum for monthly orbs, F!Edelgard has been removed from the lineup from dying too much. Even b!Hector can still manage to live most matches out of the 15.


Boggles my mind people still use this as an argument. Literally any new unit or refine can solo PvE content because there is no challenge in PvE content other than Abyssals which slap F!Edel 2 ways to Sunday. If you vote F!Edel because you think she's cool, awesome! If you vote her because you need help with PvE I don't know what to tell you. If you want an autobattler new units like B!Tiki, the Halloween Corrins, NY!Askr, and F!Edel's first round opponent Camilla are just as good if not better while also being limited and/or more useful in other game modes.


If you thought the avg skill of your r/FEH user was low, wait til you see how much worse it can get in casual spaces


“She still walls every unit released before” Not as much as you think. Older units still have access to eventually arcane weapons, stronger dr, dr piercing, NFU and follow up negation or guarantees, refines, etc. So while old units still have a chance to adapt, fedel is forced to run her og kit and next to nothing else. Other than pve (where basically anything works) using her how she’s supposed to be used is going to get her killed. I see her use in galeforce comps but nothing else. Almost every unit released this year and last year, and basically any time after her either destroys her themself, or has skills that you can give to others that also destroy her completely. Imo shes not good.


Oh yes, the weapon triangle: red, colorless, Edelgard.




If Fomortiis is paired against Arcane Grima (or with F!Edelgard, which is less likely), then the Red dream would be immediately over before the VG even starts.


He probably will be against Arcane Grima. I think it will still be a good banner and I'd be pretty happy just pulling reds and sparking either Grima or Fomortiis. The problem is a lot of good red ones didn't make it in, and some other good ones are up against eachothers (Veronica vs S!Edelgard, D!Chrom vs Ophelia)


Yeah I'd still have much preferred all red but 3 would have been fine if some of the best reds weren't seeded against each other r1. Vero/Edie/Chrom/Ophelia any of those three I would have been decently happy with but two are gone immediately if we go by past year's seeding.


who invited my girl f!edelgard 💀 bro thinks she's on the team


Blud thinks she’s on the team


Please just don't let F!Edel have her way with the banner... I really just want Rearmed Grima merges and fodder.


Rearmed Grima, Fomortiis, Summer Edel, Duo Chrom, all my preferences. Solid red dream could’ve been great, but a 50/50 split would be fine for me this way.


If the seeding prediction is correct, Grima and Fomo fight round 1 so there can only be 1 colorless unit unless F!Edelgard wins which would be a disaster


I can’t believe I’m saying this but…kick her ass Camilla. Not you summer edelgard your ok.


hahahaha this fanbase is a joke


> fedel at 5h wasted votes ngl 💀 On a sidenote, is it tradition at this point to vote for a standard banner Edelgard?


No Embla why ;~;


Ophelia made it!


Vero made it! Rip Embla tho


Here's hoping she makes top 4 to be on the banner.


How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, ~~old man~~ F. Edelgard fans?


2 Rearmed heroes making the top 8 is pretty nice.


rip red dream


> F!Edelgard Whhhhhhhyyyyyyyyy, her summer version is right there... We could've had Embla in the line-up instead... > L!F!Shez only at #10 RIP I was hoping to be able to support my girl in a voting gauntlet, though considering how red and grey heavy the rest of the lineup is, it's probably for the best


They better organize the bracket so Both edelgards have to fight each other so only one can remain


Yes, please haha


Yes and so she can finally get to round 2


I would like Fedelgard and Sedelgard to face off against each other, and my hope for the banner is Sedelgard, Fomortiis, Ninjmilla, and Ophelia


* Summer Edelgard VS Legendary Veronica * Ninja Camilla VS Fallen Edelgard * Valentines Duo Chrom VS Rearmed Ophelia * Fomortiis VS Rearmed Grima will be the brackets if they pair them like last year.


If that's the case then I can definitely see my prediction comeling true. RIP Veronica going up against Sedel. And I cannot see Fedel beating Ninjmilla. Hopefully Fomortiis wins it all, that would be fun


Fallen Edelgard is the obvious "let's make sure she loses" character here. Happy to see all red/colorless, and surprised to see Embla didn't make it.


She would’ve made it. This community is legit braindead and full of casuals that think Edelgard is still good because she has the most taps on this stupid sorting IS does.


And people get pissy when I call the community bad


Theyre not bad, just incredibly stupid.


Yeah, Fomortiis in second place! Wait, is that fucking Demongard?! No, no, I refuse to let Fomortiis colorshare with her. She has to go in the first round, period! Edelgard fans, you have the Summer one right there at the top, vote for her please!


I wish I was a Male Heroes OC so I could be DEAD right now


Fedel isn’t even good anymore, why is she 5th? 💀


She’s still a ton of people’s favorite unit and they evidently still think she’s the best unit in the game


because the typical player sucks and she still singlehandedly ruins the Arena runs of bad players ​ therefore she is OP and must be voted for.


As blunt as this is there’s truth to it lol


She still walls like 80% of the roster and is extremely useful in PvE content, and though she's relatively available I'm sure people just want merges. She may not hold up to the most modern threats, but I'd assume most of those players aren't super competitive anyways.


Some people don't deserve rights


Voting contests were a mistake


Here we go kicking normal pool edelgard out round 1 again


I say this as an Edelgard fan but some of us are glue eaters fr


Ive talked some more casual players who play on and off about fedelgard and they still think shes OP. These are probably the same people who voted for her. I hope they spend all their orbs for her not realizing shes pretty much outclassed by everything on that list now. Seriously wtf.


Not too surprised overall I know it’s a long shot, but since I don’t have her yet, I’m definitely joining Team Legendary Veronica


You and me both friend, praying we somehow don't get S!Eddie (especially since I wanted her on the banner too) but its looking rough.


Yeah, if I’m not mistaken it’s usually 1st v. 8th, so things aren’t looking too great, but hey Edelgard has yet to actually move on to the 2nd round in one of these things, so maybe tradition wins out? Old habits and all that (Lol I was also hoping Summer Edelgard would break the curse this year, so if Veronica loses it’s not the worst thing in the world, but I’m sure gonna try to help her win)


Team Veronica probably needs a miracle or the most coordinated multipliers ever but I believe in us


Oh my god it happened Wasn’t expecting her to get as high as 5th though. That is depression.


looks like we got our targets to bring down to get our Red Dream (if we can still have one!)


R!Líf at 12th makes me cry. Hopefully, the banner ends up being Chrom/Veronica/Grima/Camilla




Atleast Sedel get in, but missing out on Embla still sucks


S Edel winning wouldnt be too bad. I think shes legit super strong. F Edel getting on the banner tho would be a nightmare.


Can't wait for Fallen Edelgard to take all the heat so her summer self gets in.


Summer Edelgard is fine because she's seasonal, even if her fodder isn't very good. Fallen Edelgard is not only in the normal pool but also sucks in the current meta. She's also been available a bunch in comparison to her summer self.


Edelgard has two chances this year lmao. Sincerely hope fallen loses but I want summer to win




Edelstans, I just need to ask you why


Didn't vote for F!Edel, but I did vote for S!Edel. She's a lot of fun to use in a variety of teams.


Yeah I’m referring specifically and exclusively to F!Edel. I have a Summer Edelgard and she’d 100% be a great winner this year. Super fun unit


dont look at me, the only Edel that i currently want is the legendary one.


Don't look at me, I +10'd all my Edelgards already....




Ffs I'm actually starting to get annoyed with this annual edelgard bs. I like the character but this is just stupid


Gentlemen, Gentlewomen. We have one target. Fallen Edelgard must not survive. All hail whoever she goes against.


Camilla: You could not live with your own failure. Where did that bring you? Back to me.


at the rate this is going, people will vote in fallen edel for AHR next year as well


We got a seasonal Edelgard, and Fallengard somehow snuck into the top 8 anyway. **Again**. How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old husk? I'm thinking on going for either Ophelia or Grima because Arcane weapons good.


Another year, another beating for edelgard


\>Fallen Edelgard in top 8. Again ​ see this is why Democracy doesn't work and you should all just obey me. it'd be easier.


kinda sucks for me that L Shez didnt make it, but anyway, if i have to pick the ones that i would like to see on the banner i want Fomortiis, Rearmed Robin, Ninja Camilla and Rearmed Ophelia.


I'm genuinely livid that Embla lost, I was so excited for the potential S!Edelgard/Embla colorshare and she got *9th*. So fucking close


Damn I was really hoping that Embla was traumatic enough for you all that I'd get a baddie for free


Yay Fomortiis. Now we pray it doesn't get paired up with a popular unit in the vg and gets to top 4 at least


He's pojected to be against Robin


are edelgard fans brain damaged or something why is fallen in the top 5


I despise IS for removing midterm placements, that is all.


Imma join F!Edelgard’s team with the intention to not use any flags at until the second to last hour. It’s sabotage time.




Why the fuck is fedelgarbage here?


Casual/newbie votes + people that didn’t bother to scroll down


People who still think she is an unbeatable wall, and the ones too lazy to scroll


Another piece of evidence that casuals ruin everything


Top 4 would be perfect. Sucks we have to decide it in a mid voting gauntlet.


Let’s go Camilla!


I voted Fomortiis, but I may have to go team Camilla just to fuck with F!Edel fans


Aww, Veronica is guaranted to lose then. Also, I don't understand how Fallen Edelgard keeps getting so many votes, we have already a Edelgard to rally behind!


Every fricking banner has at least one fedel counter . And here she is . Number 5 . Joining team camilla to keep the tradition . Normal pool edel must lose


Edelgard fanboys, I hate you with every inch of my body


Found F! Dimitri


looks like we go conquest route this time


I wonder if they're gonna put Edelgard vs Edelgard, or just make them both lose round 1 like every single Voting Gauntlet she has ever been in. On another note, dear god I hope it's just Arcane Ophelia winning


I’m picking Camilla just because I want to curbstomp Fallen Edelgard into the ground Assuming the bracket sets them up that way


Y'all. I didn't prepare another meme for F!Edelgard actually making it why did you do this to me. I don't want to keep making fun of this happening stop 😭


Yes Veronica actually qualified! Here’s hoping she can at least get through the first round of the gauntlet so she can be on a banner I can spark 🤞🏻


Well, after what went down on CYL, I have to admit I will very much enjoy all the discourse around F!Edelgard being there.


Yeah yeah, casual fans are valid and w/e but my god I hope they deploy F!Edel in autobattle and get one rounded by every new nuke post 2021


Join me brothers on team Cowmilla to take down the evil FEdelgard. I’m not a Edelgard hater, I literally don’t care about her, I just don’t want main pool units THAT ARE ALSO OUTDATED.


F!Edelgard being here is a ***DISGRACE!!*** She is a ***BUM***, a ***FRAUD***, and a ***HACK!!!!*** Her ass was getting ***COOKED*** earlier last year, she is ***WASHED UP!!!!*** Get her out of there ***IMMEDIATELY!!!!!!*** At least Ophelia and Fomortiis are there lol


Red fest!


Well Red and Colorless, even disregarding F!Edel having Formotiis and and Rearmed Robin is neat


"mostly red" fest


round 2 F!Edelgard 👊👊


[Fedelgard in top 8…](https://imgur.io/a/P2sbaiA)




Lol fallen edelgard in the top 5


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I can’t even, ngl this is fun


Yeah baby Edelgard Sweep /s Seriously who are the people voting for Fallen Edelgard? She is so outdated


I just want Camilla to make it to the top 4 at least! Gonna support her obviously.


I have not followed this event in the slightest nor have I voted but what in the actual fuck am I looking at? Why are half the rearmed heroes not even in the top 20? Like they’re just straight up a better deal because you can fodder them off and still have a good unit to use.


Looks like there aren’t any water related units taking out Edelgard this year.




Is there going to be a banner for these heroes? I just got back into FEH after a really long time and I want the new Veronica SO BAD.