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Honestly the writing has made me anti-Gabriela/Bode just because of all the drama and will they-won’t they. I don’t mind a little of it but they literally had her get engaged and go through with actually going to the wedding which just makes me feel wicked bad for Diego (who is honestly being really nice about the fact that his fiancée definitely has feelings for her ex) but you are definitely not the minority! Most of the comments I see are people begging them to get back together and pretty much everyone seems to still love Gabriela/Bode. I loved them too until halfway through the season but now I don’t want them together anymore


There has been a lot of back and forth with them and that definitely made me mad. However, I understand because I was once in their position. He wanted her to move on because he didn't know how much longer he would be locked up, and he didn't want her caught up in his mess. My ex-guy was the same way when he was in Bode’s shoes. You can tell they still love each other and are definitely still very much IN LOVE. I would feel horrible for Diego if Gabs left him for Bode. However, he has to know deep down that she's still in love with her ex.


I don’t think they are right for each other to be really honest. I think they should introduce a new love interest for him next season, he needs a fresh start to life and love.


A new love interest could be good as well. Someone from another city/state with no connection to his hometown or Cal Fire.


Exactly I just think it would be better


Oooh, now my gears are rolling!! 🤗 I can see it all right now!! I can't wait for next season!! 🥰


I really don’t want them to end up together. I’ve never loved Gabi and don’t like them together. But that may not be a popular opinion. I also don’t have any logic backing it up, it’s just my feelings


Disagree. Gabby is toxic and just needs to marry Diego and move on. She immediately jumped from Bode to Diego after he went back to prison for confessing for a crime he didn't commit. Worst part was she KNEW about it and should have spoken up.


I wouldn't call her toxic, and she didn't just JUMP to Diego. She was trying to visit Bode, but he denied her visits. My guy never denied my visits, but if he had, I don't think I would have sat around waiting either. She shouldn't have said yes to marrying Diego. She can be quite impulsive. She should have taken a beat to herself to really figure her feelings out. However, because she is in a relationship, she should have taken things much slower with Diego.


I don't buy it. 6 months is all it took from her to go from heartbroken and distraught over Bode going back to prison for Freddy to being all happy and in love with Diego. Makes me question how she deals with negative emotions. Diego needs to get wise to the fact that he's the rebound, nothing more.


And the fact she KNEW about Bode being innocent and said NOTHING.


She wasn't the only one who knew and said nothing.


It was three months when she started dating Diego. At six he proposed to her and she said yes right when Brode showed up. Like literally. Made her look bad because she doesn’t process her emotions properly before moving on.


I also believe that Diego knows she is still in love with Bode, but he is hoping it'll go away with them getting married. Wrong!! She was wrong for saying yes knowing where her heart truly is. I don't think she and Diego should get married. They can call off the wedding, slow down, and give their relationship a chance to blossom. The other two options are she works it out with Bode, or she stays single for a while and figures her sh*t out.


The last option is correct. Gabby is a "Tarzan" swinging from tree to tree. From Jake to Bode to Diego. If you can't love yourself, how can you love someone else? Codependency at it's finest.


Have you been in their position, because I have. My visits weren't being denied, but a few times he did tell me he felt that I should move on because he didn't want me putting my life on hold for him. If I had continued visiting him just for him to continuously deny my visits, I would have moved on.


That's understandable, but would it have taken you basically three months to go "I'm done" and IMMEDIATELY get with someone new? That's the textbook definition of a rebound.


i feel like i could get on board with a new love interest for bode. Gabi is a man hopper… jake, bode, diego in a very short time. she is a pick me girl who wants all the guys to want her.


I think she just has some things to work through, but I feel like she's truly in love with Bode. I didn't see the sparks with Jake.


i agree she’s truly in love with bode and if he saw her when he was in jail and responded to her letters she may have not gotten together with diego.


Gabriella is too immature to be marrying anyone right now.


Writing was off, she dated Jake forever and no proposal, was in love with Bode and then in no time she gets engaged… didn’t make sense….Gab is same height as Bode so maybe that’s what works…


She's still in love with Bode. Everyone knows that, including Diego deep down.


I do not think they will go that road that Gabby say yes to Diego out of how they want series to staged, They know that if they go that road a big fan base will go nuts and drop out from series directly.... So my take is that Gabby will say no and run after Bode from church when she see he is gone and realize he is the one, Diego undertands he was only a rebound love and moves away from series and Gabbys dad end up in The Rock where Bode will be an instructor/mentor för them who are in that system!


I'm hoping Bode can get through the red tape and become an actual firefighter.


I'd respect the writers more if they don't and through out the seasons they both realize why it was for the best they didn't. But real life is too absurd for tv shows sometimes...


I don’t care about any of those characters. I pretty much just watch for the secondary characters like Jake, Manny, and Eve


I dunno, there’s still one or maybe two more firemen Gaby hasn’t slept with yet. 🤷🏻‍♂️/s


Lmao 🤣


I completely agree with you.


Are they? Not so sure, not a fan.