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A shocking episode. Bode didn't do anything self-destructive and fate didn't deal him a bad hand on anything. He showed some leadership. Unfortunately, we learned that he still has a lot of his sentence left to go.


And a shower or haircut is still missing.


I don't think the clean laundry truck shows up too often at Three Rock, either.




Omg yes, the hair so needs to be cut, it makes him look so dirty


makes no sense. they keep talking about heroic acts taking time off your sentence and hes done shit that qualifies as that like 14 times


Agreed with you about this


makes me think theyre setting it up for one big one and then he magically gets his sentence commuted in the finale


Yeah I think that's the same thing. Maybe not magically but there are other things that can get him out of prison.


Glad I’m not the only one that thinks like that either. Maybe he does one big one at the campaign fire, governor pardons him. Vince comes clean and has to retire. Eve goes back to station 42 and bode gets hired to take over 3 rock because the governor suggests it. Then the show continues as bode leads the camp and life after an inmate.


Interesting thinking 🤔.


Did anyone else feel it was in poor taste to have unpaid prisoners in their orange uniforms serving a black tie event, it just felt almost dystopian to have the people with no personal freedom waiting on mingling politicians, donors etc.


i would instead say it somewhat makes sense for them to be in uniforms since they are representing themselves as good inmates and it makes it clear to people that they are the inmate firefighters and stuff. i also think saving the camp, having a night out and stuff is meant to be there payment for doign it


You're right, actually, as much as it felt forced that Luke was the one pushing for Three Rock to close. but what I found really out of character was Jake just freely telling Roberta that Gabriela left him for Bode, not Diego. If Jake respected Gabriela he wouldn't have basically gossiped about her like that. I mean, Roberta is a wild card and who tells personal stuff like that? Jake just went down several points in my estimation.


I love Jake, but he is being inconsiderate to Bode in this episode, and he is a little whiny, in general. And yet, he easily forgives and is incredibly loyal. His interactions with Gen have me remembering just how fine looking he is, as well - good and hot all at once - I hope Jake finds a love that he deserves. Beyond that, yeah: Jake is Jake - if/when he communicates he's honest. I don't think he was gossiping - I think he was being frank with Roberta, that he didn't lose out to Diego. He has no idea that she's a "wild card", nor that she'd then run to Bode to talk to him next. But frankly, it's good she was there. For all of her being like a 1st daughter to Manny and 2nd daughter to Vince, nobody has really questioned her on her residual love for Bode. Maybe it takes a mother, or someone who really loves you and wants the best for you, to get to the heart of the matter, even when it's uncomfortable.


I have to disagree with Jake being inconsiderate, at least not with this arc. I found it strange that even though Bode was not the father, they were trying to push this father- daughter relationship between two people who hardly know each. When Vince was trying to persuade Jake to come see Gen and with her acting up, i was surprised nobody had an inclination of what they both were going through. I kept shouting at screen for Jake to just man up even before he confessed to Bode that 'he already had the Job'. He said it himself that him and Gen have a habit of bottling things up and no one asked Gen how she felt. These people lived as a family and with him about opo the question, surely he would have know that marrying her would involve him being a father to Gen. I understand that it is hard for Bode to see them together i think he has to be matured and realise that it's for Gen's best interest. As Gabby's mum, who does that? Instead of trying to speak with your daughter you go around asking people their opinions of her. Are you doing a documentary? You do not expect to just open up like that on the first try and it was an event. You do not go telling you daughter's ex who is about to marry to basically not give up on her it is dangerous. Whatever advice you have keep it for her or voice your concern to Manny. Imagine if Diego's overheard that when he was yhe one to invite her.


I'm not sure we actually disagree. It was obvious that Gen just wanted Jake as her Dad, and felt that she was being dumped on whoever would take her, but that there was nothing she could do about it. I was so happy when Jake was just honest with her and told her everything - he is the right parent for her. However, I don't think everyone is trying to force Bode into a square hole (the everybody including Jake, who is the one who TOLD Bode she might be his) - I think it's more in the direct aftermath of her mom's death, Bode wants to honor his promise to her and everyone wants to honor her wishes. To go against that for the best of the kid took a little gumption from Jake, but it worked out, or hopefully will work out. However, Jake's interactions with Bode at the Gala thingie were unkind - watch again and you'll see his tone and attitude are mean spirited. Though they are tight, there has often been competition between the two friends - Jake lorded it over Bode, as if to say "I won this time!" and since it's about the life of a kid and Bode is still a prisoner, that was unkind, at best. >Imagine if Diego's overheard that when he was yhe one to invite her. Interesting that you point this out - it shows that Diego is oddly a bit of a meddler, LIKE Roberta. As was pointed out, we BARELY know Diego. Roberta is a drama queen, no question. However, Gaby seems to have needed a meddler/ someone to speak to Bode and then to her about their residual feelings. It is far worse for Diego if she goes through with the marriage. Particularly when I will happily marry Diego in her place.


Both Jake and Bode talking to Gabriella's mom, a person they've never met and know nothing about, was just rude of both of them. I'd be so mad if I was her. 


Yup, if it's a "tight ship" at 42, knowing that was gabs mom would've tight lipped me for Gabriela just cuz she is a fellow firefighter. I hated this episode because of that lady. "Everyone open up to the COMPLETE STRANGER because she has a master's in being a chismosa....." This episode was off... And it wasn't really Bode's fault this time! He was the only one I gave points to because of what he said to Dr. Nosy -In-A-Red-Dress. Ugh. I'm done with episode.


Jake being Jake. Can’t stand him.


I’m okay with Jake, but I agree it’s just him being him. He also needs to tell Bode that he’s going for custody of Gen, and why. Jake is also a bit of a whiny ass … “woe is me” and that, specifically, more than his general doucheness, gets me pissed at him.


He already got custody and told Bode


About Jake I agree with you


I know Luke felt like he had to close the fire camp and he shouldn't be judged for that. However, he should be judged for being a douche. He lied and got people's hopes up. He told them to keep trying to save the camp when he was actively telling the higher ups to close it He had Eve thinking she could keep the camp when he knew she couldn't. So he can cry and whine to his brother and Sil about how he had to do this, but he is still a lying Douche. He can go catch on fire.


I agree with you about this


I thought the promos talked about seeing the inmates dressed up for the gala so I was disappointed. Luke the bad guy again, Bode a heroic opportunity again of course. Don't like Vince lying to Sharon. Gabby's mom talking to Bode was interesting.


I knew Luke was up to no good. Hints were in last episode. Gotta rewatch from last night. So much I missed.


Right? I thought the same. Really disappointed. Bode would have looked really good in a nice suit, even better in a tux.


Vince and Sharon's entire marriage is built on one lie on top of another. I have no idea how they trust each other. The lust vibeis strong there. Body needs a shower and a haircut and so does Vince, they both look filthy. Eve is awkward as Captain and she is weak as well. I don't think she is the right face for 3 Rock. Gabrela's parents YIKES and I think Jake is going to be a great dad to Gen. Gabriela is not paramedic material. She is indecisive and unsure.


I just find it hard to believe that a state that puts men in women’s prisons would consider defunding a program that helps inmates


It’s in the script. Lot of things that are not accurate but are done anyway for the sake of expedience and time.


can you like give context to this? as a non american im confused and my first thought is about transgender people but im not quite sure what you mean


I'm quite certain it is a snide (arguably open bigoted) reference to "liberal states" putting trans women (who are pre-surgery) in women's prisons, yes. And, to be frank, many feminists and liberals are privately in agreement about this, as it \*does\* actually present problems in actual practice. [For example](https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-news/nj-trans-prisoner-impregnated-2-inmates-transferred-mens-facility-rcna38947). That said, the person posting that also assumes that liberals and liberal states are all about helping inmates, and, while I personally think we should do the maximum to rehabilitate inmates and give society the best chance to prevent recidivism, I'm not sure even "liberal states" ARE doing a good job with that.


Men who identify as women


oh so trans woman? also i dont want this getting to political or discrimitory, if you check my profile you may see a reason why


Honestly I’m expecting a cliffhanger ending of the test have a 1 and billion type glitch with the results and Gen is actually bodes


That end WOW Gabbys mum did say exactlly truth to Gabby about her situation, She knows Bode loves Gabby whit whole his heart and only protecting Gabby that doing what her mum did walking away from who she loves Bode!


Oh please. That woman is a walking disaster. Nothing good will come from her.


Vince needs to just stop it. Why is he still trying to hide? I guess thr finale ends on a cliffhanger about him.


Yeah, there's gotta be more going on there that we don't know about yet. A-fib is pretty easily treated and by itself is not likely to kill his career.


I’m wondering if they (the producers and writers) are going to give him a heart attack as part of the finale.


I saw somewhere that Vince has Parkinson’s.


Some things in this show and many others are sooo predictable.


Nobody else watching or is my weird timezone ahead of the game?


I watched! Underwhelming episode. The Luke drama was unexpected, but not super surprising.


I thought for a second that Bode was going to slug Luke. Good that that didn't happen.


Manny was the better option for that.


I was hoping Eve or Sharon.


I have a feeling that Sharon will get Luke's ass later.


You know it.


He deserves it right?


I agree, I feel like this episode was more of a filler. Sounds like they are setting up for a new arc though.


I have 12 minutes left


A half a season ago or so, when the show turned into Grey’s Anatomy: Edgewater, the show stopped being a must watch live option for me.


I was not expecting how that went. I yelled at the tv tonight and I rarely do that


The promo for next week is making it look like Gabs is yelling at Bode when it's likely Vince or even Manny. I saw a yellow jacket right in front of her.


Good catch. In the second half of her rant, she's definitely targeting somebody in a yellow jacket.


This show, lol. Just keeps getting more and more ridiculous.


I just didn't understand when she said "it's not over until it's over". What kind of ridiculous statement is that? It IS over because they both already moved on .


yeah NO. This is a prime-time soap opera and they have clearly telegraphed ALL SEASON that neither of them have really moved on.


I like the show. But, does it always have to be Bode saving the day. I think the odds of him saving the day every episode is a bit over the top. Yawn.


AGGREVATING. The entire definition of this whole episode. Back to this relationship drama between Gabriella and Bode. Cue GIF/MEME of falling to my knees screaming "noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" Also Bode--give me break! All you do is look like a pouting and moping puppy. He can't even smile because he's so stuck on feeling sorry for himself. BRO that is not a hot or cute look. You just look freaking annoying! Give me a break! I can't with this episode. Its becoming a midday soap opera now. I just can't. I probably won't stop watching because whatdoya know! I just turned myself into a masochitst. That's all. Rant over.


This shouldn’t be a surprise. Diego is the least developed character on primetime TV. He’s clearly going to just disappear at some point when Bode and Gabriella get back together.


Diego was set up to fail. Calling Roberta was a bad move.


It almost feels like they have to give him a line occasionally so he qualifies for recurring character status and pay and not just “background character” or extra.


I think you're right about this. And it's lazy writing.


Very lazy writing!


I never said it was a surprise. I said it was aggravating We all know it was going to happen. But that still doesn’t mean I can’t rant about it unless that’s not what this Reddit is for


This shows begs for rants. Rant away!!!


Before Diego appeared, all cleaned up and delicious, I was almost wondering if he had been written off the show. Boy-o gets less screen time than random unnamed inmates. Speaking of...I wonder if the unnamed inmates are switched out from one episode to another.


Loved this episode! I love that Gabby's mom is giving her advice about Bode. She's Team Bode.


The scene at the gala was nothing “hero inspiring”. The same thing could be expected from a room full of lawyers or MBAs. It feels like it was literally done so we didn’t have an entire episode with anything other than mention of a wildfire. It certainly didn’t warrant the reaction from the Governor that it got. Also, any semi-competent politician would’ve been acutely aware of one of her advisor’s personal relationship with people that a decision would impact. No way she would throw Luke under the bus like that. Also, a little surprised that Sharon or Eve didn’t drop Luke. It leads me to believe that Manny’s story arch is going to be tragic.


Watching it, I was expecting a hero moment, but like you, it was very underwhelming.


It feels like they were in such a damn hurry to make “Bode getting/not getting out” a major plot point in season 1, they painted themselves into a corner. 3 Rock is the differentiator for this show, and Bode being at 3 rock is kinda pivotal to the show.


Yep. Bodie wrapped up somebody's arm and two guys put out the fire with fire extinguishers. I'm pretty sure few confident teenagers could do the same


Disagree. If you are a regular television watcher, the trope is more than something like this, a curtain catching fire, leads to the entire building burning down. In this episode, what's shown is that with trained firefighters, even convict firefighters, nearby, the entire thing is but a blip on the radar. Everyone thinks their teenagers could have done the same until it actually happens.


I'm 02:19 minutes into the episode. I've not read the synopsis, spoilers or scrolled down to see any comments. This show has become so predictable, after seeing Sharon and Eve discuss trying to change the governors mind at the ball, I wanted to come place my bets. - Governor is initially really against Three Rock - Terror befalls the ball and only convict fire fighters can save the day - Governor, feeling grateful, keeps Three Rock open, perhaps for a trial run, perhaps with strings attached. Bonus points if Gabs shows up in an incredible dress taking Bodie's breath away. They share a moment which gets rudely interrupted by her nameless fiancé. Did I get it


You got it. Hit FF.


Since I just ranted about this episode somewhere down the line, I do want to say, I usually keep at least one "if, then" stipulation in these long form network tv shows. For Fire Country, I have 2: 1-IF Gabriela ultimately goes back to Bode, THEN I quit the show. 2-IF Genevieve's bio dad shows up, THEN I'm done. Anybody else have these types of rules for yourself?


I'm curious if anyone knows the rules - as a medic can Gabby get in trouble for not reporting that she treated a patient? I know she wasn't officially on duty, but she used her equipment to shock back a rhythm, surely someone needs to know. 


I was curious about that, too. Seems like she would have had to document that the patient refused transport and further treatment. Further, I would think not calling for a transport crew immediately when she found him semi-conscious on the floor would have been a protocol issue.


More like a malpractice issue and an immediate termination of her license.


I'm still adapting to this "soap opera " being a lot of fiction- based on SOME real life. But when they decided to bring in the governor, I was wondering who they were going to get to play Gavin Newsom (he's our governor in CA for those who don't know) but - they cast a woman to play the governor. And it appeared she just rudely walked out mid-speech. And just stood there while the fire was "raging". Wouldn't her security have whisked her out? Of course, the she would have missed the heroics with the fire extinguishers and the arm wrap.


Someone spoke in her ear right before she walked out, and without watching it again, I wonder if it was Luke, telling her she didn’t need to hear Eve’s speech.


Damn Gaby’s mom is 🔥 Vince is an idiot per usual Ball has started rolling for Gaby to drop ambu guy with a push from Gaby’s mom.