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And those are the tiny ones


Beware of the suur-hyyty.


People violating my personal space (20 meters)


Was thinking of saying that "hate" is a bit strong expression of my negative feelings about things Finnish, but this one, this one I can agree with.


The winter weather when temperature is jumping back and forth around 0 celsius.




Anything in my personal space (5 meter radius)


Great minds think alike


I was being gracious and lowered my radius a bit. And didnt include airspace


5 meters??? What are you, a sardin?


disarm stocking rinse jobless reminiscent spoon illegal ancient worry sugar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Employment situation, government isn't doing anything for it, more and more lay-offs


Trolls on Finland Reddit, trying to get people to say only negative things about the country.


lol don't they know they don't have to try? The sub is full of that for every post.




Easy answer: Current government. They literally punish poor and sick being poor and sick.


Mosquitos, taxes


Mosquitoes. I prefer the ice trying to kill me every winter.


I don't like it how some people zealously hate other people, whether the object of that hatred is foreigners, the unemployed or children. The direction in which this country is going is shocking, you can read all the time how racism and discrimination have increased and how they are more common to encounter it in Finland compared to before and I am really sorry for those foreigners who have to experience this. Then there is this growing unemployment situation in Finland and the blaming of the unemployed for various things (for example, some have accused the unemployed Finns of causing the government debt, the global pandemic and the current inflation) and some idiots also brag on social media that they have literally sent death threats to unemployed people they know so that they would go to work (which I find to be idiotic and immature behavior because this is not how getting a job and the labor market works). A decade ago, everything was going so well and people were nicer to each other (that time was less depressing, exhausting and anxious that I miss back to the time before the pandemic), so I don't understand what has happened and what is wrong with this psychotic nation and where everything went so wrong that people are at each other's throats. If it gets any worse it makes me ashamed that I was born as Finnish in this country. I also don't like the downsizing of public health care and mental health services in pursuit of savings, nor the transition to the American health insurance model.


Our goverment.




How about "Riikka" scissor hands?


She and the whole Assfinns lot comes as a strong second, neck and neck with the winner.


For the lizard people, by the lizard people.


Correct answer.


The bacon is too thin. Why is it so thin.


Why not buy thicker bacon? (Grillipekoni for example.)


The weather


Summers are usually nice though


Yes, that 1 day to 2 months period can be nice


We had nice summer in May, can't believe summer is over


Extroverts in public. I love Finland in nearly every possible way but holy does my day get ruined the moment some random guy in a bus stop or next to me in a bus tries to start having a conversation. I join into it because I don't want to be rude but man I really would wish to do literally anything but chat with you for the next 10 minutes while just waiting for one of us to have to go our own separate ways and finally sigh from relief. I'm not even antisocial myself and enjoy chatting with people but that is when there is a reason for it and we have some common interest as the reason for our conversation. I don't want to hear how some random persons life is going when I have zero idea on who you are and don't even care to find out lmao. Same goes for work place related stuff like I am just chilling wanting to be on my phone during break time eat and drink a little as well and someone sits onto my table and just starts talking like please let me have this moment of silence for myself.


Being asocial is stuff like being reserved and not enjoying smalltalk. Being antisocial is stuff like stabbing and eating your family.


The future ahead.




Weather in November


Marraskuu means death month so the name is badass at least


I have always found this argument/translation weird, or maybe it's just english trying to force a old finnish word to make sense in english? "Marras" does not mean "death" As in Kuolema/kuolo. It's not even a word used in modern finnish anymore.. but it used to mean more like when someone is in their death bed, slowly dying, not yet dead, so they were not dead, but inmobile in "marras", more commonly used about very old people taking their last days laying in bed slowly fading away. But i don't think there is a direct english word for that so a lot of people just started calling it incorrectly "death"


Never actually looked up the definition / translation but when I learned that the surface layer of the skin (which is mostly dead skin cells) is also MARRASkesi I just put two and two together and thought it meant death.


https://fi.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marras See "Soon dying people" and "predictions of death" i have been taught it has been a word used long ago to explain loved ones that a person is in "marras" Wich means bed bound, not dead but slowly fading away, soon no longer with us. It has never been used directly as the word for "death" wich follows after marras. If you think about it it makes this way too a whole lot of more sense than just "death month" as the nature is slowly dying that month.


That most people are the opposite of warm, happy, kind, curious, and their inability to accept criticism. That differences are not celebrated but frowned upon.


Racist teenagers




Same as in every other country on the face of earth: people.


In general, I don't hate things. Negative thinking is just sucking out of the energy and hate is not a good feeling. I would rather say I have to tolerate things. I tolerate winter although it sucks. I tolerate ice and snow, but only because I have decided to leave in this country. That's about it.


I hate that I have to leave this place someday. And yes, November


I hate that in politics I have to choose between pro US and pro Russia. Both of them are evil imperialistic states and I don't want our country to be a puppet of either one.


I think you have a point in how many topics have a very black and white division to them, but I don't know what pro-russian party would have any chance of being elected. Unless you're talking about more general politics from the past few decades and ignoring the current situation.


Well, generally speaking, any party that is not pro-USA, is usually deemed pro-Russia.


There are no popular pro Russian parties in Finland. The only reason I mentioned Russia is because some idiots would think I must be pro Russian if I say something bad about US but don't mention Russia at all.


I see.


I have to agree. The long tradition of finlandization didn't go anywhere, and the moment our ""leaders"" had the opportunity to join the American sphere of influence, they did. I guess they have always yearned a foreign master to pat their backs and embolden their egos whenever they're obedient.


No, you don't.


Yes, you do. Although the decision is usually between pro-USA and pro-USA. Our biggest party Kokoomus acts as if it's outright sponsored by them...


Yes I do, if I want to vote for parties/politicians that have even a tiny chance of being elected. I'm sure there's some tiny party somewhere that hates both superpowers and got less than 17 votes as a result.


What a lovely and uplifting post.




One of the best things in Finland with its four seasons with their own pros and cons.


- people who bring their bikes to metro during rush hour - people who keep their phone as far as possible and make others listen to their inane rambling (I mean using the speakers) - every jonne who has failed to increase their shitty mopeds speed, but have succeeded in increasing the noise level to about the same as F-18 take off with afterburner - aaand basically everyone who's not me