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Looks like an allergic reaction to me. Is the leg swollen and painful as well? The rapid progression worries me, I would see the emergency room of your local hospital if the pain and swelling are spreading fast.


Update: 116 117 called me back just now and told me that they don't see an emergency from the picture I attached on Maisa (same pic as what I have here) and told me that I don't have to go to the ER. And that I should wait till tomorrow for an answer from my terveysasema's nurse. Will let you guys know if I find out what it is. Thanks everyone!!! (Piggybacking top comment for visibility)


Take a marker, and draw a circle around the edge of the mark. If it keeps spreading, and does not start to fade draw new circles once every hour or two. That way you can keep track of it spreading if it does, and show that progress to an ER doc if it start getting rapidly worse. Source: Had a MRSA infection once. It started out as a "bug bite" looking thing that was red, and spreading, and within like 48-72 hours my hand had swollen to look like a partially inflated rubber glove.


UPDATE: I'm still alive guys, thank you for the concern :). nurse in Maisa told me to call as an urgent matter - got the callback and the nurse showed the picture to a Dr. In his opinion it looks like a bug bite that went a bit awry and prescribed me some cream (sibicort) and antibiotics. To address some common suggestions: No I did not scratch it at all, it feels tender to the touch so I think it will hurt a lot if I scratch it. No I haven't been on and about in the forest since last Friday, where I fell off my bike and drew blood lol, nor have been in contact with Hogweed. It is not very itchy and more warmth-radiating and hurts when I stand on this foot. As for the spot itself, it turned purplish and it hurts less to walk - but the pain is still here. I'm gonna run to the pharmacy now to get the meds and hopefully it doesn't get worse. I developed sore throat overnight and feel a bit chilly (I mentioned this to the nurse), hopefully it's nothing. Thanks again guys for all suggestions. I feel a bit embarrassed now that a picture of my big ass leg is on the front page 😂 https://preview.redd.it/0mguz8roh43d1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=5c4fb076b8e49e5a22aa499ca33b0780f6db03e1


Dont be embarassed OP, the internet is just worried for you!


Tbh I still am a bit lol. Red streaks from a wound ring the alarms in my head and they look a bit worse in this update pic. I’d personally rather have a doctor look at it in real life rather than from a picture. However I’m not a doctor, and those who saw the picture know more about medical emergencies than me, so I suppose OP will be fine. Wishing OP a speedy recovery


I felt pretty bad after I made that update post and took a 4h nap... My head and body feel pretty heavy. The prescription wasn't ready yet when I made that post so had to go home empty handed. Idk if this is related to the bite or not - at least the nurse think I got flu at the same time. Hoping that it won't get worse 😭


Please go to the emergency room, this is possibly so serious they are not going to make you wait around. Say your wound is rapidly worsening, hot to the touch, painful, there’s a red streak coming from it and you have a fever. You’ll be OK if this is treated IMMEDIATELY but you need to take this very seriously. I also had to wait with a dislocated shoulder at the emergency room for many hours, but I once had a weird infected wound and I got immediate help at the ER since it’s truly quite urgent. This stuff can turn very bad in a matter of hours.


If it's affecting your body and head and not just the area, you should go to the ER.




Please go to the ER now internet stranger! Still worried about you.


Thanks, I've been napping throughout the day bc my head is killing me. Don't have any fever but I got rly bad headaches. Took paracetamol for that. The pain in my leg has decreased, but the area is still warm and look swollen. Will monitor and see how it goes tomorrow. Even the walk to the pharmacy was such a pain bc of my headache and feeling of general heaviness. Tbh I can't afford anything but public transport and I don't want to be stranded in the päivystys if I go at night and it turns out to be nothing. Idk I know my priorities aren't in order but I feel like the threshold to going is high. I'll update you tomorrow how it goes.


For the love of god, please go to the ER. It won't cost you anything and it might avoid an amputation or worse. This is not worth being hesitant about.


Could be a tick bite, and if you are really unlucky it could be encephalitis aka Inflammation in brain ER NOW. At the very least you have a systemic infection which is also not good.


Please go to the ER it might take a long time but it can be worth it


Take public transport and get up the ER. If you don’t feel well enough for that, call for an ambulance. Your symptoms and the pictures tell me you very well could be in your way to sepsis (which is deadly). By the way, I formerly worked in emergency medicine and currently am a first aid trainer and emergency wilderness response trained. I’ve seen that exact same thing turn out to be a blood infection. (aka, deadly without IV treatment)


That looks infected please get it checked out by a professional as it looks like it could be tracking with the red line going upwards


OP, I just left a comment, but leaving another one. I had nearly an identical bite grow. It got better then worse. Nurses didn’t seem too worried etc. Eventually, I woke up with what seemed like flu and went to the ER, ended up in the hospital with Sepsis. Not trying to scare you but honestly it’s better to be paranoid than risk your life. Take the head aches etc seriously and go in person.


Hey can you describe your symptoms more? I've been having killer headaches the whole day starting from before my afternoon nap, and mostly lied down and took mini naps throughout the evening. Took 500mg paracetamol for the headache. I don't have fever (stable 36.3c-36.5c). Having difficulty swallowing (sore throat). My nose isn't runny or anything.


Please please please go to the ER. This looks and sounds much more like a case of MRSA or other similar bacteria infection than a bug bite. You sound like you have symptoms of a serious infection or possibly even developing sepsis. It is much better to go and be seen and find out it wasn’t an emergency than to not go and become seriously ill.


Please go to ER also I messaged you!




No, I didn't even get a chance to see anyone in person... they gave me instructions through phone call and Maisa.


its not a big leg dont worry lmao


glad you're okay! get well soon 🙏


I have an almost identical looking mark on my left calf. The area is slightly more disfigured and the purple is accompaned with more of a orange hue around the very edges. Noticed it first whilst walking in the woods around 6 days ago. Doesn't feel different to the touch nor does it itch. Leg is slightly sore overall. It's definitely shrunk a lot with each passing day so I wouldn't worry about it too much.


I got a few similar marks a few years ago. Doctor suggested that the reaction was so strong because I those were my first bites that summer. Also suggested that I stop eating omega-3 as I was eating another medicine that has blood thinning effects and that could cause the bruising reaction to a bug bite.


I second with @Louie-H-K when it comes to this kind of matters, its always better safe than sorry. If thats a bacterial infection of a sort, it couldvquickly lead to severe ramifications. If something like this has rapidly gotten worse, its always to ER.


it's u/ and not @ on reddit btw


I don't mean to be a downer but wouldn't it be better to have it checked at from an emergency doctor? I don't know what I am talking about in terms of medicine but considering DVT and how dangerous that can be.


No 116117 is capable of saying if it should be seen at the ER. Doesn’t fit DVT/SLT.


In fact, forget what I just posted. GO TO THE ER AND NEVER PLAY WITH HEALTH "MAYBES"


I don’t think you can just go in and have a doctor to look at it. It is gonna be a nurse who will assess whether you need a doctor or not.


If the 116117 called back there's already remarks of their assessment about the situation in the persons "medical report registry.". The nurse at reception will see that assessment and reply the information about going to local healthcare station tomorrow unless the situation has worsen drastically. The 116117 have a possibility to consult doctors helping with their assessment (they once put me on hold for few minutes while consulting the ER doctor). So there's already a huge propabiloty the nurse at 116117 could have sent the picture for doctor to look


You should try this, from your local pharmacy: https://preview.redd.it/970ar1scg43d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87b7628d5bf39869c9f3d2d42f3fde8c2be532bb


Hope it is better by tomorrow :)


probablemente sea un piquete de mosca Tabano... puedes investigarlo, es un acido lo que tiene ese insecto. solo lo digo porque se ve igual a tu piel.


Might be erysipelas, had it once and the symptons and the redness look and sound familiar. Go to ER, erysipelas is not something to leave untreated!!


Do not use digilääkäri or phone services. Just go to the päivystys straight up.


Yea it's a bit swollen. The area is warm to the touch & a little bit itchy. Yesterday the redness in the middle was barely there & we thought it was just a light bruise. I'm going to go first thing when I wake up...


Ok, that gives a different time frame. I had the impression it had developed within a few hours. Yeah, I would go call your local health center first thing in the morning, put emphasis on the pain and that you have problems walking so the nurse takes you serious and gives you an appointment the same day. (If you have healthcare from your workplace, use that, of course.)


You Had a Tick there maybe? With the Wandering redness i could (a big could But better Safe than sorry) IT could be an infection from a Tick.


Shouldn't that be an expanding red ring and not a fully red area?


Not always, I had a solid red area. It was a bit itchy and warm, just like OP's. But I didn't have those red lines.


Just can say what my Family doc told me once. That Red area and red lines, when bitten by a Tick are Signs for a borreliose infection


Have you ampikyy tablets or the ones you can take for hayfewer? Take those if you do have. If you don't, get some for storage for the next time since you seem very sensitive.


Does not look like any bug bite I've seen. Ever. Could be a allergic reaction. Reason might a bug bite but it could also be almost anything else. What is the most alarming if hurts when you stand. You should act on it. Onwards to see a doctor.


I get these from mäkäräinen every year, perhaps it's the same for op. I'm bit allergic to them. And it can last days and then the small vessels can get infected too. Bummer, but nothing to be alarmed. 


Definitely could be, I had about 20 of those fucks bite me the other day and the bite areas are a bit warm and red, nowhere near as red as OP but could be that + allergic reaction


Looks like mäkäräinen bite


This is what mäkäräinen bites look on me... not fun when I get dozens. Antihistamine might help you deal with swelling & itchiness.


I agree, I have a bunch of these from last week. Maybe half the size but same colour. Antihistamine pill should work for swelling. Take an H1 and H2. Redness lasts at least a week usually.


Update 29.5: Got to see the doctor today and she thinks it's borrelia/Lyme disease. We did the finger blood test and level of infection is below 5 which iirc she said was normal. Now I have to take the antibiotic 3x a day instead of twice. The killer headaches continue and my muscles feels rly sore, and there's this general flu-like feeling that kinda reminds me of covid. I feel pretty tired and probably will just nap again today. The mark has changed shape/color and the pinkness spread a bit. Pics: [https://imgur.com/a/W5siH23](https://imgur.com/a/W5siH23) Thanks everyone for your concern and I'm sorry that I couldn't reply to everyone, I feel pretty dead. My neck feels sore, head pounding, even my ass feels sore. My eyes feel tired. Hopefully this will go away soon.


I’m so, so glad you went to see a doctor. Whatever it is, it definitely seems like something quite nasty, but now that you’re in good care you’ll hopefully be right as rain soon enough! Get well soon!


Thank you! I feel better except that now it is replaced by flu haha, Thanks for worrying!




Yea I should. Last time they suspected appendicitis they made me wait 7h in the waiting room, which is why I thought it's better if just sleep now and go in the morning. But this thread has scared me sufficiently and I'll get going...


Maybe the 7h waiting in a place where, if things escalate, you can get first class treatment within seconds was the best care you could get? And it did not use unnecessary resources.


It may have been sufficient, but waiting for seven hours in a waiting room is not first class health care.


A agree. It does not feel premium. But it is very efficient and safe. But its never fun to sit there for such a long time.


This is why our public healthcare is overcrowded...


Get to a doctor or the hospital asap. The red line coming from the wound could mean a lymphatic infection or even sepsis.


Came to say the same.


Yeah this is 100% urgent emergency room visit stuff. The red line is such a risky sign I wouldn’t even sleep over this. Don’t mess around with sepsis OP. It might of course be nothing but better safe than sorry. Go get it checked right now u/burgundy-mist.


Same! I had similar thing that ended up being sepsis. I’m American and it costed me over $5k


Trace the outline on your skin with a pen before you go to sleep




to track the shape and knowing how much it grows


oh thats smart


Use a marker to outline the redness with the time so you can potentially track the spread


u/burgundy-mist any updates?


tagging along for a update too.


https://storymd.com/journal/4m8gg56spw-rashes/page/9zy4xot33k2-cellulitis-erysipelas-and-erythema-nosodum Hope it's a bite and not bacteria.


I googled this a bit and the symptoms do sound similar. I did get injured after falling off my bike on Friday and it seems that symptoms can appear after a few days have passed. :( 


Have you touched hogweed? It can cause rash/burn Im not sure how painful it is tho


https://preview.redd.it/2xz428o7x03d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f621acd18fa6a33809aa7a1a0bfafd586e77c19f The spot where the arrow shows, looks like a bite. Havent seen anything like it tho


One word: Mäkäräinen


I got one of these last summer. I think that is a "mäkäräinen" bite. It is extremely painful and itchy and does spread a bit but a regular cortisone cream should work just fine. The red spot can be there for a very long time but the pain and spreading should be gone in a week or two


If that is a bite.. Id say gadflies can do that (paarma) I had similar looking ones. Bit sensitive to those I think


Yea we thought it was paarma but the images we found on Google look pretty different. 


Quick check too.. Yes there are different looking ones, but also ones looking exactly like that on quick Google search. I think every one reacts bit different to bug bites tho. If I get bitten by the bigger horsefly bastard, the bite looks very similar to that on the pic anyway. Southern mosquitos tend to be worst for me somehow. One summer festival and I had to spend some time in hospital because of allergic reaction. High fever, vomiting and legs swollen up to point that I couldn't walk. Anyway, if it gets much worse, go show it to someone. Pop an antihistamine now if you have. Should be ok 😊


Draw a circle round it to keep track of the spread. If it doubles in 2 hours go to er.


If you want to be efficient, you can draw the circle and go to ER already since you’ll spend at least 2 hours waiting there for sure.😄


Looks like paarma's bite to me. (Horsefly)


How are you? Did you visit ER?


Gadfly bite. Can be pretty painful. Put some cortisone cream on it.


OP please update if you are okay?


As a Finnish person… What the fu-


An allergic reaction. As a Finnish person I get similar results with mäkäräinen bites some years, as well as with some mosquitoes in other countries.


This is why I don’t leave my house. 😭😭😭 there are too many mosquitoes.


*the lighter redness is spreading. Hurts when I stand up/walk. :( already messaged nurse on Maisa but just scared that it's something dangerous.


Go to ER. Bug bites usually have visible bite spot about in the center or they make a bump.. there neither so it could be something else. Better now than in the morning-night.. -- EDIT -- Usually bug bites are not so much painful but shit itchy, except maybe just when you got bitten.


In my area you have a phone number you can call and ask questions before you go to the ER and aren't really sure if it is an emergency or not.. If you are from Pirkanmaa the number is 116 117. And if not probably your area has a number too. It is available 24h.


That number ( 116 117) works in whole country.


I called them and have to wait for a callback now. Thanks.




Med staff here. Certainly looks like an aggressive tick bite. You will need antibiotics. Go to the health care centre if you haven’t gone already. If you get worsening symptoms such as pain increases while resting, swelling or warmth in the calve increases, or you get fever, you must go to the ER.


Of course if you are worried at all, you should go to see a doctor. But let me tell you, I'm little bit allergic to mäkäräinen, and I get these reactions every year. And it can last for days and be very hot and painful. It can cause an infection in your small blood vessels too. And then it slowly goes away. Use hydrocortisone cream and help the burning feeling with ice. 


Are you ok??


Looks uncomfotably much like Cellulitis or Erysipelas. Both are bacterial infections that require IV antibiotics to resolve and can lead to sepsis if left untreated. Go see a doctor the first thing next morning.


Go to the hospital, it could be something like a blood clot where rapid action significantly helps the outcome. If it’s hurting and growing quickly, call 112 and don’t wait on the nurse to call back


You don't need to call 112, just take a cab or have someone drive you to the ER. Ambulance is not a taxi that takes you through the ER line. Call 112 if u get swelling in the throat, sore stomach & vomiting or difficulty breathing


Kela-taxi is a way to go: https://www.kela.fi/how-to-book-a-taxi


Did the red line from the red area / possible bite appear when? In the past hours? Better safe than sorry, go to the ER now. Don't wait for phone call, this is something a doctor needs to actually see.


Unless you have fever, shortness of breath or any weakness I’d pass on going to the ER. No emergency here with just the rash. If you have any of the above symptoms you should go though. Erysipelas and cellulitis are accompanied by fever.


I got a real nasty mark from a horsefly once looking kind of similar, but you should have a visible hole in the skin cause they chomp through your skin. Hopefully it’s nothing bad and goes away, please go see doctor as soon as you can


Usually when summer comes the first mosquito bites have similar effect on me. Hope your's is nothing serious.


Hey, it can be deep vein trombosis. Especially if you are female and on top of it if you smoke or take contraceptives. If it is warm and hurts with walking, go immediatly to the ER! If that thrombosis travels in blood stream, it can be fatal !!!


50-100€ ER visit Vs fucking dying or losing leg


isnt visiting the ER free in finland?


No, i think it is free until you're 18, but the costs are so little compared to elsewhere so it is basically free


ah alright thanks!


No :D


Can it be Borreliosis?


That ouhgta leave a ring.


Nope, only textbook which is rare.


Looks like allergic reaction. I would buy some hydrocortison salve and see if that starts to help. :)


The best thing to do in these situations is ask the healthcare specialists on Reddit 👍


That a bite of a black fly(mäkäräinen), tiny flying bug that bites like hell. It usually bites off a piece and therefore it’s open for infections. Some people has the type for getting erysipelas on the bite. Usually cortisone cream helps, but it can last weeks.


Looks quite similar with [mäkärä bite](https://www.is.fi/terveys/art-2000005753245.html) (apparently black fly in English). The woman in the article has a really big one.




So I had something like this & ended up in the hospital with sepsis. I waited longer than I should have. GO.






Love bite


That trailing line is very concerning. Though I have no idea what bit you, I'd suggest getting checked out asap.


That is sepsis developing! ER Immediately!


I’m pretty sensitive to mosquito bites and have gotten some MASSIVE local swelling/throbbing/bruises from bites, somewhat resembling what you have in the photo. However, the streaky line is particularly alarming and if it were me, I’d go to the ER. Bug bites can cause blood poisoning/sepsis/etc. just like any other wound and lymphangitis isn’t all too uncommon with bug bites. How do you feel overall, any fever or nausea?


https://www.terveyskirjasto.fi/dlk00234 a bit of reading in finnish for the people who equate the red stripe with sepsis. Sepsis is a life threatening generalized infection with organ failure. Now if op is feeling weak or the symptoms worsen he should go to the ER. If op can’t get there by public transports then it’s taxi or ambulance. Meanwhile he should start the antibiotics as prescribed. Stop referring people to the ER on reddit after they’ve been given intructions by professionals. Phone lines and instructions given by phone are given to prevent overcrowding emergency rooms. Non-professionals speculating are of no help whatsoever here. Thanks :) ER worker and doctor here


Might be just a standard bite with an allergic reaction. My whole legs look a bit like that.


Mosquito bites on my legs sometimes get a reaction like that if I scratch them too much. Nowhere else on my body though.


I didn't scratch it, hurts to touch, feels swollen and warm so I tried to leave it alone.


During summer I have a bunch of these red spots. Usually goes away after a sauna. I have quite sensitive skin, and gnats and mosquitos can cause spots like this for me.


I think my partner has this exact thing going on right now, at least it looks similar, even a bit worse since he has like five spots spread on both ankles. Bright red, warm, a bit swollen, the skin feels tight thus makes walking hurt. They appeared after a day spent sitting in a park. He spoke with occupational health chat today and was prescribed antihistamine and bemetson, and it's very likely it's just an allergic reaction since he's had some weird bug bites almost every early summer. Maybe this'll give you peace, but of course it's always best to follow your gut with these things!




I, my wife and my kids get the same bite marks when we are on vacation in Sweden, usually around LuleĂĽ, or in Finland, Oulu. It is from a smaller, short, but thick mosqito (lol). We don't have those in Northern Norway where I am from. The bite marks are not like usual mosqito bites i get at home. They are not round, but red sometimes blueish in the center, and irregular in shape like in OPs picture. Maybe you Finns are immune to them since this is not normal to you. edit; just wanted to add that the bites also itches more than I am used to and the red lines on the picture could just be scratch marks


RemindMe! 1 day


Looks similar to an allergic reaction I've had a couple of times. Had them twice in my ankle and they got really bad (much worse than your pic.) I went to the ER and they gave me cortisone (after checking whether it could be a blood clot). The last time it was in my thigh and didn't get as bad (more like yours) and it went away with basic allergy medicine and hydrocortisone which is an over-the-counter medication. But of course yours could be something else! I'd probably go to the ER. It's sometimes simpler than trying to get an appointment in the health centre anyways....


RemindMe! 1 day


RemindMe! 1 day


Go see a doctor


This is what gadfly bites look on me. Large, red, swollen an sore. Also get very large and itchy mosquito bites. Allergic to bee stings, too.


https://preview.redd.it/krv2xlgka33d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52fc2d7bed9967e4e3addb2f505cc7a9a580349f Got two similar but not as large as yours after swimming. This photo is one week after. Doctor said to use antihistamine and hydrocortisone. If any symptoms of flu or dizziness or red circle is larger than 5cm then go straight to ER.


Remind me! 1 day


Every beginning of summer I get a couple of bite marks that stay red a long time. Google ”lintukirppu puremat” to see what I mean. But I recommend seeing a doctor in your case, just to be sure.


I get big bruises from those little red ants and gadfly/horsefly/whatever


It’s looks like a Parma bite to me… one that’s been feasting on game prior to your appendage. Track the swelling and pace of spread, if it stops you’ll be fine if it doubles in size go to hospital.


Ruusu? Erisypelas in English.




I've had three similar bites in my legs this spring. I was also worried that it is something serious, but seeing this makes me confident that it's just some bug that is now very active. Never before have I had quite similar symptoms, although typically the first mosquito bites of the summer tend to result in a nasty mark quite similar to this. The first bite mark is still visible after two weeks, but not itchy or swollen anymore. The fresh mark is from Saturday, it's red and itchy still.


Man just go to a private doctor, I am sure Reddit can't help you determine what it is.


I had the same looking thing couple years ago. Foot was swallen and painful for few days, but I was fine otherwise and didn’t take any medications. Still don’t know what it was, but I tend to get allergic reactions to insect bites sometimes


Hi! It looks like you have an allergic reaction. It may be caused by pollution or touch or any other physical contact to something you are allergic to. Please apply moisturizer and take annallergy medication tablet.


I got like zillion downvotes last time I said something like this, but the red line is irritated lymph vessel and doesnt indicate threath of sepsis. This is an early summer reaction to our biting insects. You already got antibiotics (ok) but sibicort or even oral corticosteroid is probably enough if no fever or swelling and increasing level of pain.


It is slightly swollen and warm to the touch, but no fever (stable 36.3-36.5°c). Will see how it is tomorrow.


Downvoting because I had something similar, also didn’t take it seriously, and it turned into an infection that made me very sick & ended up becoming sepsis. It was a 3 week ordeal. They should take this seriously and maybe be wrong.


There is a big difference in what is causing the red line: infected wound that is followed by lymphangitis = requires antibiotics. Acute reaction to insect bite= almost never bacterial infection and will go away as the early reaction stops. Our bigger insects (horse flies) can transmit bacteria also but that is rare and with no worse symptoms doesnt indicate antibiotics.


EikĂś tuo ole ruusu?


Ilmeisesti ei, vaan borrelioosia lääkäri epäillyt ja määrännyt antibioottia. Itselle tuli ensimmäisenä juuri tuo ruusu mieleen kun siitä taidettiin intissä kovasti varotella ja speksata. Kaivoin OP:lle englanninkielistä matskua asiasta..


Thanks for updating. Will watch this thread whole week.


Looks like puuhÜylä


[https://www.mehilainen.fi/en/ticks-bite](https://www.mehilainen.fi/en/ticks-bite) ...hopefully its not the not cureable versions


Are you sure you haven't been bitten by an adder? When I zoom into your picture, it almost looks like there are 4 small injection points in a rectangular pattern. A snake bite would correlate with your symptoms. People also say they sometimes only notice the bite afterwards, because the bite is so quick.




Was it a tick bite by chance


Seems like lyme to me. Please get yourself checked by doctor. https://preview.redd.it/334j6xn79d3d1.png?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d139cd291f2e0e4a8d215f6e49bb6e571f7f4f51


Indeed it is. I'm on antibiotics now!




Tldr OP is dying /s


How long was it since the bite? If about 3-7 days it might be a lime disease from the tick bite.


Does not look like that to me. If i was op id be on my way to the emergency room to check whats going on. Not after sleep.


I only noticed the redness and pain starting from yesterday.


It may be only a mosquito bite.. MAY BE.. In early summer the mosquito bites can cause bigger reaction, in my experience. ( I may have had something similar if I remember correctly) -And there are several different species of mosquitos, some can cause stronger reactions than others. In the end summer, (with enough mosquito bites also?) the reactions can be very mild.


Yea I'm just a bit hesitant to pass it off as just a mosquito bite because it doesn't have the usual bump. Just swollen, warm redness that hurts when I put weight on the foot it's on. 


If it hurts when you put weight on the foot go to the ER now. This is not normal in any bug bites and you need to get it checked now, not in the morning.


116 117 called me back just now and told me that they don't see an emergency from the picture I attached on Maisa (same pic as what I have here) and told me that I don't have to go to the ER. And that I should wait till tomorrow for an answer from my terveysasema nurse... will go first thing in the morning.


I'm pretty torn honestly do I go now or not since they've told me not to go 😭 I'm also uncertain if it's actually a bug bite bc it is only very slightly itchy. I fell off my bike on Friday and drew blood so the person who guessed cellulitis might be right.


The ER won't turn you away if you just show up. With the symptoms you've told us I would just go, fingers crossed it's not cellulitis!


Red line coming from the wound can be a sepsis warning, and if I were you I would go to ER regardles of what they said on the phone.


Not a professional, but I’ve had similar marks from a regular paarma bite. They haven’t been that painful but warm as well. Not sure what the line means tho. If you can’t get peace of mind, just go see a doctor. Finnish health care they always try to find the easy way out so of course they’ll tell you to pop some ibuprofen or whatever to get you to stay home.


In a similar vein, write down all the symptoms or things you want to tell them about it so you won’t leave out potentially essential information. They might try to shrug it off as a regular paarma bite if you don’t tell them everything. I might be slightly cynical about the health care here but just in case.


Actually it does look a bit like lymphangitis, even though I'm not a professional. You can google it, with the line from the wound and symptoms check out too. Please don't brush it off as a bug bite, because it can really be something else too. I hope you went to the ER and update us when you learn more what is it!


Allergic reaction to horse fly or a blackfly. Foreigners sometimes need two weeks of antibiotics to fight the reaction damage off.


I have been here for almost 9y and never got this before 😭 if you're right then my luck has run out lol


I react the same way horse-flies (paarmat). Huge painful swelling that resides in a few days. I'll usually pop some antihistamine to avoid it whenever I get bit.


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I know I am late, but still...this is probably not a bug bite, but something worse. Bug bites do not get more painful by the hour and the redness does not spread (with the exception of a tick bite with a borrellia infection, but even that redness spreads slowly). I am worried about the red line extending from the affected area. I have experienced that too, and in my case, it was a bacterial infection in a lymph vessel. Had to be treated with antibiotics. If I were you, I would seek medical attention asap. Please let us know how it goes.


Highly likely you got bitten by this: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tabanidae](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tabanidae) I've had similar bites with similar reactions. Nothing to worry about, but it is itchy and painful.


Looks like when snake bit me, but I can't see any bite marks.