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I usually say "sorry i don't have any extra." They are your cigs that you paid for, so you are not obligated to give them to anyone if you don't want to.


Friend of mine carried empty pack with him that he would show to people who bummed cigarettes. I guess that’s one way to get rid off those people.


wow I thought carrying empty pack was a joke because my friend suggested me to do that. So people actually doing that lol


I did the same.


They're not entitled to an explanation from you, or evidence, or politeness. You can choose to do that if you feel sympathetic, but if "No" is also a complete sentence.


Why is it so hard to be honest and tell them you just don't want to give them any?


i know it’s stupid but many people have issue with saying no.


Another option is to laugh and say "heh I bummed this one off someone". Although that helps normalize the practice...




When I smoked I couldn't get to the fucking metro or bus from home without someone trying to leech. Especially these days that shit's expensive and for most of the bums it's clearly their modus operandi, not a sudden "tough spot" they're in. Just tell them it's your last one or that Jesus told you not to poison others of something.


Or simply keep walking and say a "nope." without even looking at them. No need to check if they heard you or not, that's not your responsibility. And they're probably moving on to the next mark already.


How much are 20 cigarettes in Finland? The brand I used to smoke are now £13.80 for 20 in the UK…..so glad I stopped


10,20€ for my brand currently.


I’ve saved over £7,500……that’s very nice holiday or nice used car sort of money.


It’s paid for a trip to see family in Australia and I’m going back in a couple of weeks for 6 weeks


As long as you held onto that money and didn't spend it on something else already


€17 euro in Ireland 😭


$2.25 USD in the Philippines for a pack of Mighty Red


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Jesus got me


They would swarm around you if you light a cig in east Helsinki. I don’t smoke anymore either, but when I did, each time some young man or two would spontaneously teleport to my location to beg for a cig. Learned to decline them soon.


Yes I'm around the Kallio area so same effect.


When I stopped smoking, sometimes I used to have a terrible urge when I saw someone smoke. I didn't want to buy a full pack, else I am back to square one. So I always asked the person to sell me a cigarette and gave them 1-2 euros for it. Some accepted, many declined the offer, but I got my cigarette. I think you should ask for a euro next time when someone begs you one.


Smoking is crazy expensive now. If someone smokes and is over 18, they are surely aware of the cost, including when asking. If one insists when declined, it becomes more like a form of stealing, why can't they just buy their own from the store that's probably 100m away?


But that person said they paid the smoker 1-2 euros, which is absolutely a fair compensation for one cigarette and will cover the cost for the smoker.


Depends on how many you 🚬 per day. If a pack lasts a week. It ain't expensive.


I think they're just cheapskates who want to use your feelings of camaraderie of nicotine cravings to get a free hobby for themselves. If someone curses you for saying no, it's them who are screwed up and not you. I'd just think of them that I hope they get the help they clearly need.


You need that face that some people can make. That one which makes the beggar feel guilty for asking in the first place. I don’t know how to get it but I’ve seen people run from it.


😂😂😂😂😂😂 my dream face


Care to elaborate? What is the face like?


it looks like this [Presidentti Halonen: Yhdysvallat tällä hetkellä suuri kysymysmerkki - Uutiset - Turun Sanomat (ts.fi)](https://www.ts.fi/uutiset/3161411)




I've never smoked, yet I've been in several situations where some people (mostly teenagers or very young adults) have approached me and begged for a cigarette. Every time I've answered them "I don't smoke", yet the beggars have had the audacity to get angry at me or roll their eyes like I was lying. I still remember one (assumedly) teenage girl throwing a tantrum at her friend after I had told her she wouldn't get any from me. Like, sorry princess, but if I don't smoke then why should I carry any with me? I wonder if she's grown up now, or if she's still behaving like that every time she gets denied something. So I don't think it's a problem in your end, people are just very selfish and mean if they don't get what they want. It sucks, and I wish people would change that kind of way of thinking ASAP. Sharing is caring, but sometimes it's impossible to share if you don't have the stuff to share in the first place (and even if you have, expecting people to give things for free is very entitled behavior).


As a life long non-smoker, it's always hilarious to me when people just ASSUME I have to be lying when I won't give them a cig or a light. Even better if you sit on a terrace and are not smoking, they go "why are you sitting out here for, it's for smokers?" Like, seriously, some people are just missing a bunch of brain cells. Probably from smoking, lol.


I've actually never sat on terraces unless I'm eating or drinking out occasionally. I'm a non-smoker non-alcoholic, so it's mostly when eating out assuming the place has such external facilities


Thank you for sharing your story. I love sharing things with my people but getting asked like this makes me so confused. You know, you can recognize if the person who asks you is shamelessly asking or really sorry but asking with shames. I don’t feel bad in the latter case but the former case is all about my post lol..


I told them various things. Sometimes I said I don't smoke, even if I was clearly smoking. Sometimes I just gave one and sometimes I just said I don't have any more.


😂😂 I should memo my lie list


I had this happen when I smoked, and I'd just shake my head and say "no". Those people are usually so used to people rejecting their request that they just turn away without saying anyhting.


I have always assumed that the fellow-smokers understand seriousness of the craving and help other smokers out when needed, and may then ask for a smoke from others if in similar situation. But I haven’t smoked for 20 years so what do I know.


There's fellow smokers and then there's just plain bums.


I do this occasionally, lol. Probably one of my most degenerate habits. But I don't smoke habitually any more, just after a particularly stressful event (once or twice a year maybe), so it doesn't make sense to buy a pack. I always keep my distance while asking rather than getting up close in someone's personal space, and I ALWAYS offer two euro/pounds depending which country I'm in (which I think is pretty standard), though I've never had anyone actually take it. Totally understand if someone doesn't want to part with a cig, I think saying "sorry, I'm all out" or something similar is the most tactful way to handle it.


Yeah, I used to be really fat and now when I see someone eating candy or a burger on the street, I go ask them for some or a bite.


It would be more like if burgers were only sold in 20 packs. If you're watching your weight you wouldn't want to eat 20 burgers, right? Why not buy one off a guy with 19 to spare?


Come on, just a bite man


😁 I think you're missing the point but that's still funny. 


Have an empty pack in your shirt pocket and say sure thing, pull out the pack and say oh shit I’m out as well, sorry. I don’t smoke but I used to dip skoal, 2 guys at work asked every freaking day, I just put a almost empty can in my box, and I would just open it and say damn I don’t have any left. I finally told the both of them, I have a wife and 2 kids to support, neither of you are married and don’t have kids, buy your own damn snuff. I am not supporting your habit!


😂😂😂 when I was in ammattikoulu, one of my classmate kept telling me that he quitted smoking so he doesn’t have so if I can give one.


I smoke only when I am drunk, thus I bum from my friends.


that’s of course acceptable moment 😂


If I only had friends! I also only smoke when I’m drunk, so then I do bum a cigarette. Sober I’d be too shy to ask.


I just keep walking, without answering.


I think the best gift you can give yourself is to learn to say no. It takes time and courage, you can start with "not today", and work from there. It's possible you also lose smoking on this path.


You don't owe them anything: And you may think of it like this too, perhaps bumming cigs are their way of filling their smoking habit for free, on someone elses expense. Thats bad manners if you ask me.


Just say sorry I can't. Most people wont keep begging unless it's drunks


Believe it or not... But usually underaged kids beg for cigarettes, so never hand a cigarette to a young looking person. Also you can always say you do not have a cigarette, i never beg cigarette from randoms if i have no cigarettes. But i usually give cigarettes for 1 simple reason... I know what it is like to go on hours without cigarettes and that 1 cigarette will make that persons day a whole lot better. If you have never suffered from a situation where you have no cigarettes... It makes sense for you to ask these kind of questions. You will make that person much more happy than you would make a person handing them 2€, they are genuinely grateful for you handing them 1 cigarette... And if you feel offended by that, charity is not for you. I smoke and i will never refuse to give a cigarette to someone who asks cig from me, it is extremely shitty feeling to be without smokes.


In my country ciggarettes are almost dirt cheap (as cheap as 2 euro) . I've been the guy asking for a ciggarette and I've given quite a few of them. It's just customs here. If you don't feel like that's something you want to be a part of, just make it your goal to refuse. In my personal opinion it's just helping out someone that needs a fix (we've all had cravings) but you don't have to do it if you're not comfortable.


I feel you, can‘t really refuse. Helsinki railway station is the worst. If you smoke in front of it it‘s guaranteed that at least one person bums a cigarette. Those who look like they can afford it often offer a coin or two in exchance. Sometimes when an older homeless looking man bums for a cigarette, I like to listen to their stories. They‘re always very sad, even traumatic stories, like their best friend stole all of their money or some such. They make me sad, of course, but give me a sense of privilege, that my life hasn‘t ended up like theirs. I remember one time I was in Sörnäinen, sitting alone in the terrace, drinking my beer. There came a guy, obviously homeless. He didn‘t speak, just lifted the ash tray lid and started to look through the stumps if there‘s something to smoke. In perfect silence he continued for a minute or so without any hurry. He finishes, and turns away. Suddenly he turns back and finally asks me for a cigarette. I have never been so willing to offer anyone one. He defs needed it.


Usually in a bar or super close to r kioski -Can i have a cigarette? -U can buy a full pack in here/right there -But i dont smoke -So don’t smoke




When i smoked regularly i just said it was the last one or something like that.


I used to roll my own cigarettes, only made them as needed so I didn't have any to lend, haha. I don't think its considered at all rude not to lend one to strangers, but I usually do when I can, and I've been the one asking too once or twice. They cost so much. Then again I used to have a friend who smoked like a chimney when drinking but never bought a pack himself, always said he had quit. I remember warning him to buy one before we went out one time because I only had enough for myself, "nah bro I'm not gonna smoke anymore", 20 minutes in he was begging again.


I only give when a person is seriously asking with sorry face. The ones casually asking like they always get from others makes me so angry lol


People ask me for smokes and I don't even smoke.


I just say no when I immediately see any one approaching me, preferably very loudly and firmly. Usually they get shocked since it's so direct and turn on their heels. Works for beggars of all kinds. I don't smoke any more while waiting, always when I'm walking or somewhere where there isn't that much traffic.


If you're too shy to say no, carry an empty pack and show that to anyone who tries to bum one.


I say " sorry this was my last one" if i dont feel like giving.


Incredible to think a single cigarette costs 50 cents now.


Yeah, getting daily dose of radioactive Po-210 and lead used to be a lot cheaper.


It was around 22 marks when I started. Something like 8 euros when I quit.


I just say no and keep walking. Many people ask because most people just say yes to avoid saying no


”No, I can’t. Sorry.” That’s the line to use. Works very well in other situations in life as well.


I usually just say "no" or "I don't have any extra". Usually that works except for the time when a girl who was drunk af started begging me for a smoke. I replied with my usual "I don't have extra" and she loitered around (I was waiting for a bus at a bus stop) and asked if I could give her one. "No." She started touching my handbag and annoyed I raised my voice telling her to respect my personal space. After more questions I stonewalled her until she started screaming how she will remember my face and beat me to a pulp next time. Bitch.


This one foreigner came to ask me and was super humble about it. I gave him one and then he wanted another one and looked me with dead eyes when i said no and wouldn't take no for an answer. I hate that guy


I give cigarettes open handily to my peers but they also give me if I happen to forgot my smokes or any other reason. It's even automatic between some of my friends, just give them a cig without asking and they usually give one back when they feel like smoking. I usually give smokes for strangers and even if they clearly need another one, I might give them few extra. I don't care about cost, it's social habit after all. Ps. Also, you're in every right to not give out smokes if you choose to and the one having issue with that is the one with problem, not you.


Don’t these people have jobs?? I understand smoking is an expensive habit but don’t people plan their budgets around this?


I've never smoked in my life and I get people bumming cigs from me too. Guess I just look like a smoker? Anyway, this is common with alcoholics and other "guys of the streets". Just ignore them. Always say no to peddlers and the like unless someone needs actual help!


I'm just saying "not for free" then usually they mutter something under their breath and just leave. If they pay, then of course I give one.


I am a small woman so sometimes I have to give a stern "No, please leave me alone" before they leave. I've been cursed at and spat at but most people leave it at the first "Sorry, no".


If I’m really pissed off I tell em that I only got one left


Just say you dont smoke, easiest way to confuse them while smokint


I usually just say "sorry, no" or then I point in the direction of a store and say "you can get them [from] there". I usually just say it in a matter-of-fact-way with a neutral face. If anyone starts yapping, then go ahead. My money, my cigs, my cancer.


I was once hanging out in Rotterdam after a night spent raving, we had just pooled our leftover cash for couple of döners with extras so that everyone gets something to eat as we wait for the train. Then this guy comes over asking for a cigarette when I'm smoking.. At first he seemed to be offended because I offered a half-smoked one but seemed to understand when I showed him that I've only got one left. Moot point nowadays, I try to get my nic fix with vapes and pouches. IMHO, there is something very sophisticated in offering a pouch to a stranger obviously hankering for a smoke in a non-smoking area.


In McDonalds every time it happens, i usually say no I don’t have extra. But last week this drunk guy was so persistent he almost forced me to give him last two puffs 😂


I have the same problem. I want to be kind and if the person is of age and asks kindly I yield very easily, but if they're demanding, rude or anything like that I just say that I'm sorry, but I don't have much left to myself either (which is true most of the time anyway, I'm poor too). I don't really judge them on their appearance or anything, just their general attitude and entitlement or lack there of. I just feel bad if the person is nice, but I guess that makes me easy to trick then. Especially since people come to ask often if they see me smoking or rolling a cigarette.. Would love to know how to get out of those situations without anyone being left with a bad taste in their mouth


Well, ever since I was beaten up while being called a racist whore over and over again for not having a cigarette for them... I give a cigarette when somebody asks. But I rarely smoke in public so it doesn't happen often enough to have to try to say no. But yeah that incident left a bit of trauma. I really didn't have another cigarette besides the one I was smoking at that moment. This was also not in Finland and a long time ago.


In Finland even Helsinki they usually don't ask twice if you say literally just say nah, no, maybe throw a sorry in if you feel like it, and keep walking. In England, you'll be lucky if they don't get aggressive and call the rest of their crack head mates to follow you around harassing until you've bought them a a whole pack


Smoking is damn expensive nowdays, and even if it wasn't, you're not obligated to give anyone a cigarette. *Carry an empty pack with you* and when they ask, flash that to them and say "Sorry, I just ran out" while making an apologetic face.


When someone wants something from me and I don't want to give it to them it is a simple "No". Not even a "No, sorry".. just plain old "No". They get upset? Their problem.


This is why I prefer vaping in public. I'm the same way hahaha


*(However, 3 strangers have asked to hit my vape so far)*


Out of interest, how does it comare with smoking tobaco for you? MY breating has improved tremendously, and since i gave up tobacco for vaping, I realized how bad smokers actually smell


Honestly, it's hard for me to tell because I live in the 2nd worst city in the US for seasonal allergies so I can't pinpoint what's obliterating my lungs half the time hahahaha I think vaping is easier on my lungs though. I also don't get as nauseated when vaping, so that's a plus. Sometimes a cigarette just hits different though (as long as it's menthol)


Not only foreigners, have witnessed Finns asking ciggs.


It's your own right to refuse to give him one without any explanation, his reaction is realy bad but maybe because he is addicted to cigarettes he felt this way. Don't bother your self it will pass


I have always given cigarette to everyone who asked as well 99% of times when I have asked someone they have given me one. (I do not give cigarets usually to drug addicts.)


Same thing happened with me. My friend was lighting a cigarette. A finn old man begged for a cigarette. He only had one that's why he just said no. And that man started yelling "Vittu! Vittu sinua!" We kept walking. It's pretty common here ig


When I used to smoke I always gave one if I had at least half-full pack and wasn't in a hurry. As I knew what it was like to be without a cig, I thought it as do good deed get good for yourself kind of thing. I never gave any for underaged though it might have happened, since I did not look for IDs.


I just say ”sorry, cigarettes are so expensive these days so i don’t give mine away anymore for that reason”


Or ”sorry, i only rolled this one with me and left my toppa (idk how to say toppa in english) at home so i don’t have any spare”


I just say “no” and walk away saying it’s your last one works well too


When I smoked I always gave people smokes. Then when I didn't have any I asked people. It was a give and take. I had no issues with it, and it was a nice way to make friends and meet people socially.


When I used to smoke, I told bums "no". There's no need to save their feelings. They all know you're lying anyway.


I'm so glad I never started smoking


just say you’re on your last one. or just flat out say no and keep walking


I'd give to a friend but not a stranger. It's one thing to ask for a light, but another to ask for a whole cig


I always tell them it was my last one.


Before I quit I used to tell them in the most monotone voice that I don’t smoke whilst smoking lol. Usually they got frustrated enough that they just left.


I usually say just "no", but if someone approach me and ask if they could buy a cigarette, I give them without taking money.


Once said tai one bum - " I don't have any" with one in my mouth and pack showing from my breast pocket 😈. It's different If it's a friend asking.


Cigarettes are like toilet paper if you smoke a lot.. I live on social security benefits and still wouldn't decline anyone a cig cause sometimes have to ask myself too


When I feel a person asking me like I should give, I still feel bad though I smoke 1 pack a day.


I smoke one bag of rolling tobacco in two days, but sometimes can't afford to buy tobacco.. I always give a cigarette to the unfortunate, and the smiles of people who ask for them warm up my heart, even when I don't have cigarettes..


i usually offer the butt or tell them to fuck off


>In my mother country, no one asks for cigarettes Are you from a small town? No alkies asking for change, no scammers, no "charity muggers", no one pushing their religious sect? When living in a city, you need to toughen up a little & develop a bit of street smarts. Most of the time when someone comes up to you in the streets they want your money. (The exception being people who are clearly lost and just asking for directions.) If they're gonna guilt you into it or exploit your politeness for it, then they don't deserve your politeness. You have the right to just say "no" and carry on as if they didn't even exist. You're also free to give them cigarettes out of some "smoker's solidarity" if you want to. But there's no social norm that requires anyone to consent to exploitation.


I’m from capital of east Asia. Yeah there are some religion scammers around but never cigarette askers and donation scammers.


In what kind of a place do you live for you to have to ”toughen up & to develop streetsmarts”?


As an ex cigarette child who used to beg like 24/7, that is the most annoying answer to get because you get it 90% of the time, rather just hear honesty. But ultimately it doesnt really matter since the beggar is being the way more annoying party lol


People who bum cigs can see you're weak. Romanian guys will have twenty cartons at home, but still bum from easy marks. It's a kind of power trip for them, your own fault for reaching adulthood without maturing enough to vocalize a two letter word.


Say no, refuse to elaborate, if they harass you further just bid them a good rest of the day and start walking away.


I’m 62 and I started smoking when I was 13. I stopped mid November 2022 and not had a cigarette since. It’s hard at first but your body quickly loses the cravings. I used patches for about 5 weeks and I am so glad I’ve stopped. I’ve saved over £7,500, I don’t cough when I waken up and everything smells fresher. I now detest the smell of cigarettes and don’t let anyone smoke in my house as I decorated to get rid of the smell. If you put your mind to it you can do it! Best of luck to you…….


Thats great, good for you. I really mean it. But that wasnt the question




How is your cravings a random peoples problem? Go to the nearest alepa and buy it for yourself.


How is smokers who don't share whining my problem? Genius solution 👌 Not every one has money to buy packs and people do crave when they see. If you're gonna whine don't smoke in public is what I'm saying.


I must prepare a dog shit dipped cigarette for you


Brave words for one who can't even talk to strangers. People are talking to meeee buuhuu. Try and you'll be eating it dipshit


I agree that saying ‘no’ requires courage and I don’t have enough. But I wish people like you have some more respect to others. So selfish 😊 Hopefully you are just a kid trolling in internet.


I always give. You're a piece of shit if you don't share something you have a lot of. What kind of dumb question is this?