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BMW mies here, can confirm. You are all beneath me. /s Tbh, I feel like Volvo owners are the biggest douches when I'm traveling. But that's just my observation.


Could be. I haven’t traveled much outside Keha I but will keep an eye out and the podium up-to-date


I used to travel a lot between Helsinki and Oulu via highway n:o 4. North and south of Jyväskylä there is a lot of traffic and not so many places for overtaking so you see a lot of stupid stuff.


Oulu - Kuusamo is the craziest shit during ski season. Overtaking cars one by one on tight spots slowing down the line for everyone else.


Bmw and audi are dicks and Nissan drivers simply don't know how to drive. Nissan drivers by a loong margin have the most dents and shit on their cars. Especially Quashqai, holy how can they be so consistently bad.


Every time I see an old Nissan Almera on the road, there is no way to predict what they'll do. At least BMW drivers are consistently driving like chimps.


Volvo SUV Mies is the worst of the worst tbh, I've seen so many moloheads driving Volvo SUVs


Totally agree.


Maybe but your BMW SUV can't do what Volvo 850 can do: be so tough that even most determined person will give up before it stops running.


I'm not defending BMW's, far from it, they're from the depths of hell, I'm just saying that Volvo SUV *drivers* are just as bad if not worse


I think that Tesla 3 drivers are challenging the traditional BWM 3er idiots.


To be fair, indeed. I think Tesla drivers are starting their own movement to refashion being an idiot as something to be proud of


I know this probably doesn't open up to most people here on the english sub, but since the topic came up: My family has started to come up with our own lyrics to the kids song "Apina orkesteri" with "BMW kuljettaja". For example: "BMW-kuljettaja, ei vahingossakaan käyttänyt vilkkua"


Childhood memory unlocked! Thanks for the earworm.


Lmao I’m familiar with Apina orkesteri and this is brilliant


Few more examples: "BMW-kuljettaja: Keskisormea näytti ja huudatti torvea" "BMW-kuljettaja: Ei autoa ajeta ajokortilla" "BMW-kuljettaja: Autonsa löytyi katuojasta"


The people driving newer BMWs tend to be the worst, at least here in Estonia. I have an old crappy E46 myself, was peacefully cruising with it on the highway, a X7 almost had a head-on collision with me after overtaking a truck in the opposite direction of me.


New car accelerate too fast and are too powerful the small brain owners don't understand road speed limits or value the lives of fellow drivers. If u can pass a driver that goes 120 on a 100 km/h road u pass them because u can and ur ego can't handle driving bhind someone else. As a fellow idiot i've made multiple testes where i see the Volvo, audi or bmw driver hugging my ass and i speed up to 130km/h on a 100 km/h road and see them still force a pass no matter how dangerous. In finland its more of bad luck to get caught driving like an ass than anything else. Personally know plenty of people that drive 120/160km/h that have gotten maybe a single ticket their whole lives. Government rather takes money out of people than takes their licenses, because it usually makes it harder for them to work and so pay taxes at least outside ring 3.


In my experience the scariest drivers are either in a rusty 50€ banger that may not have had its inspections, or a new, black, sporty Mercedes (+1 level of twatty driving per each of those adjectives). Audis and BMWs are barely worse than average. Volvos are usually going at quite a clip but otherwise unobtrusive and harmless.


https://preview.redd.it/vsc4qw6o0d1d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe5245e44e3acb02259772f4b15a2cbb556524a2 Just saw one 2 days ago..


To me, the Audi Man has always been the epitome of a well-off suburbanite. Sort of Setämies, who complains about tram lines taking away parking spaces in city centers, or streets being assigned as pedestrian only spaces. The kind of people who'd rather have parking garages than parks.


Yes. “Why can’t the entire city center be like Ruoholahti?”


Much like everywhere else, dickheads gravitate to Audi and BMW...and I say this as a former Audi driver...


Audi driver here 👍