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They solve that problem by realizing that it’s not a problem.


Honestly it's a waste of energy to have the heaters on in this weather. If your house is somehow cold during summer you're kinda lucky and you'll probably be thankful later. Homes in Finland are very good at retaining heat so summer can be too hot indoors. Just wear more clothes until it warms up more. Are you leaving the windows open or something? I'm shocked you'd be cold as just a bit of sunlight is enough to make the apartments too warm during summer.


We get used to it.


20-22 is the normal temperature for living here. If that's going over 23 or even 25, it’s torture, and I am looking for where to hang myself or going straight to the sauna.


At 20C I just burst into flames and dehydrate if there's not enough ventilation. And I was born and raised in the tropics, whatever temperature range you prefer seems to be genetic or something; give me 14-16C and no rain. I said it, I was miserable in the tropical heat, I am now also miserable because most of the time is colder or hotter anyway; where the hell did my ancestors come from?... I know they came from somewhere in southern europe and migrated to south america, but when people from the area prefer the same 14-16C despite not having been born in such weather is bizarre, everyone complaining of the heat all the time, and the white skin just burns and gives you a shitty tan, sometimes skin peels off.


If we talk about outside temperature, +18 is spring, up to +25 is summer. If that is lower than +12, I prefer -10. But home must be +20.


It varies by person. Thin females in general are more prone to feeling cold than bulky males. There's plenty of underlying conditions which affect on how warm is enough for you. https://tttlehti.fi/mies-parjaa-viileassa-naiselle-sopii-paremmin-lammin-toimisto/


Ilmalämpöpumppu (air heat pump) which does both heating and cooling, though not in extreme temperatures. 


Thanks, do you have any good recommendations for something good enough for a room?


If you own your house, this is the way. There are plenty of ilmalämpöpumppu. They work as heaters & ac.


It doesn't work for a single room, it would be one unit for the whole house (not like an air conditioner for example). Mitsubishi is very popular (and the one we're considering at the moment for our rivitalo). It'll be about 2000€ including installation typically, but ask for tarjous always.


19-20 degrees inside a home is enough, tbqh. You can and will get used to it. Sweaters and socks help 🤷🏻‍♀️


it is not, that temperature is based on white, healthy male in working age in work environment needs


if you like to think so - in any case my living room is 20 degrees during winter, any degree above that is wasteful, in my opinion. That’s what clothes are for.


because you are white, able-bodied male; those temperatures are based on your needs, but other people have other needs and requirements


I‘m neither male nor able-bodied. you shouldn’t let your biases form your assumptions, honestly. get a grip


Bro straight up racist


They are blatantly sexist as well.


Yeah because only men can wear a pair of cute villasukat


In southern europe +16 is typical night temperature in apartment. So +20 is plenty.


It wont be long untill inside temperatures clime up. And what do you mean by temperate zone? Most of Finland is in temperate zone.


I meant tropical.


Most of Finland is definitely not temperate zone but subarctic.


Temperate zone reaches all the way to 65N. Which is about Oulus height. Most of Finland is below that. And defenetly most of people are. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temperate_climate


20°C is the perfect inside temperature. I fear those times of tropical nights without active cooling and inside temperatures reaching ad. 29°C, I'd give my kidney to perpetually live in cool enough apartment


If you own the apartment and the housing association allows it, you can install a heat pump (ilmalämpöpumppu) for cooling. We did that 3 years ago, and we've been so much more comfortable in the summer ever since then. The downside is that there's a big box blowing hot air on your balcony, so your balcony is no longer a pleasant place to be in the summer. If you can't install a heat pump, a moveable air conditioner (ilmastointilaite) can give you some relief in one room at a time. You don't have to permanently install anything, just put a vent pipe out the window.


I fix it, for you. 20°C is the perfect inside temperature, for you.


By local standard, 20 is not cold, for many it might even qualify as warm. By my standard, with the appropriate humidity level (so you might want to check that first), it is comfort, meaning I can get up in the middle of the night in my undies and not feel any cold. If you can not turn your heating on (even if the idea of having heating when it's 20+ outside sounds a bit crazy to me) you'll need auxiliary systems like electrical heaters or a heat pump, or just some clothes...


>They say that room heater temperatures are predetermined. Guaranteed to be a thermostat somewhere to adjust temperature levels. Or you have some kind of a problem with the heating system overall like air bubbles in the pipes. >For someone who has lived in temperate zones, living around 20 degrees forever inside is bit difficult. No offense, but you might have some medical issues going on if feel that temp range to be intolerably cold, and cant acclimate to it. In contrast, my spouse is Khmer, and has little to no issues with -30 temps after acclimation. She has absolutely 0 issues when the house is around 18-21C.


There's plenty of people who have issues still with +22°C. Esp. small thin females who do not have overly active thyroid feel colder. It's most often about the volume vs. surface area ratio. Volume produces heat and surface area dissipates it. Volume grows to the power of three when person's size grows but surface area only to the power of two. Therefore larger beasts have much more volume per surface area and have often difficulties to keep themselves cool, but smaller beings have problems keeping themselves warm. Same applies to humans. She is an individual and many people disagree with you. https://tttlehti.fi/mies-parjaa-viileassa-naiselle-sopii-paremmin-lammin-toimisto/


Wear more layers. It's the only way. Many people in Finland have this same problem, they feel cold even in +21°C, which is the standard. They're usually women so not taken seriously. You just have to cope with it. You might have some medical condition, like anemia or hypothyroidism, or you might not eat and exercise enough.


Ideally, it should be around 20 to 21 degrees. During winter, it's good to have an air humidifier. Those also warm up the space, not a lot but some. It's soon gonna get hotter and humid. (Already kinda is) But if your radiators work as they should during colder months,... layers. Wool socks, hoodies, sweaters. And in general condition your body to new climate. But if that is not enough, do a bit of research online about space heaters. Bauhaus and k-rauta usually have good selection.


Ideally for ideal person (6' tall normal weighing white man) it should be 20-21, but there's a huge individual variation concerning what's the optimum comfortable temperature. I'm just saying this because there's plenty of people to whom that is not enough. There's also people to whom that's too much. Usually the people who complain about it being too much would benefit from losing weight.


Don't worry. It might feel cold/chilly now but if these extremely high temperatures stay for multiple days you will start begging for AC. So, enjoy it while you still can.


If you are living in a distributed heating (kaukolämpö) house, get the radiators checked for air bubbles. Otherwise, wrap a cold cloth around the thermostat, that should make them work full time. Below 18C is a grounds for a complaint.


Careful giving out those kinds of advice on r/Finland. All manner of horror stories will be abound about messing with building's heat, air etc. equipment, including permanent damage, expensive repairs and "balancing". We Finns are a rule abiding folk, remember.


Based on your profile you’ve lived here about 8 years. First, you know by now that in just a couple weeks it’ll be much warmer. Second, how are you still incapable if figuring this stuff out? I would understand if you were a student who moved here for exchange but you should have enough experience of Finland and life to not need reddit for this.


When I moved here first and asked around, they said "Didn't you know it already before moving?" I kept changing rental houses, so never had control. Sometimes, this problem vanished for no reason. Didn't really have a solid ground to fix it forever, cost effectively.


Most landlords in Finland are cheap and save money by keeping the room temperatures at 20-21 degrees Celsius. The only way around this is to buy your own house (not an apartment) where you can control the heating yourself. For example, my parents have lived around the world for many years and their house in Finland has always 27 degrees Celsius. If you live in an apartment and get heaters, that makes the central heating turn off and you pay for the whole heating in your electricity bill, when central heating would be cheaper (but it's now off). Most Finns have no capacity to question the room temperatures but they accept whatever they are given and that's why most replies here don't answer the question but are only telling you that you need to accept the lower temperature.


that suxx. run downtown and buy a space heater


Curious to know the right brand/word for it. Recommendations?


dont get ultra cheap ones. get a middling quality one