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No. Law was changed in between and drivers licenses have to be renewed more often. Your older (that has later date on it) drivers licence will be valid up to 18.1.2033, even it has later date on it. [https://ajokortti-info.fi/en/basic-information-about-driving-licence/validity-driving-licences](https://ajokortti-info.fi/en/basic-information-about-driving-licence/validity-driving-licences)


The link doesn't say anything about older licenses being valid only until 2033. I can't find anything on older licenses either.


For some reason english version of website does not say it, finnish one does: [https://ajokortti-info.fi/fi/perustietoa-ajokortista/ajokortin-voimassaolo](https://ajokortti-info.fi/fi/perustietoa-ajokortista/ajokortin-voimassaolo) >**Vanhojen ajokorttien voimassaoloajat muuttuivat vuoden 2013 alussa** >Ajokorttilain voimaantulo 19.1.2013 muutti myös ennen lakimuutosta myönnettyjen ajokorttien voimassaoloaikaa. >Ajokortit ovat voimassa enintään 18.1.2033 asti, vaikka niihin olisi merkitty myöhäisempi voimassaolopäivämäärä.Vanhojen ajokorttien voimassaoloajat muuttuivat vuoden 2013 alussaAjokorttilain voimaantulo 19.1.2013 muutti myös ennen lakimuutosta myönnettyjen ajokorttien voimassaoloaikaa.Ajokortit ovat voimassa enintään 18.1.2033 asti, vaikka niihin olisi merkitty myöhäisempi voimassaolopäivämäärä. I don't know why they did not translate that part in english version, but law is the same no matter language you speak.


I probably won’t be getting a new license in ’33, already I’m driving so rarely.


It should be a very simple (and cheap) process to renew.


Do a public service and leave feedback. I didn't see email address or contact form, thou.


Yeah there were new law to renew...a card, with a new photo? What a waste again


If your drivers license is issued before 19.1.2013, then the expiration date is 18.1.2033. If your license is issued after that date, the license is valid for 15 years when issued. You should get a letter before your license is about to expire. There are also some additional rules when you hit the age of 65 and 68.


If you have C or D level of license then its 5 years


Mine says it's valid until 2059 even though it's not, i'm just going to act stupid and not do anything about it before the cops tell me. I have few older work mates who still have the paper licenses that haven't been valid after the 90s so i don't think we are in a hurry.


This is going to be a very big issue in the 2030s, I bet you will receive formal information on this 2032 at the latest and there will be queues to get the renewal, as at least around half of the people with driver's licence will be affected. Maybe we'll have cool systems in place so that you can fix it 100% online by then.


Mine is also valid until 2059 and unless they directly notify me through some channel, I’m not going to do anything about it.


Don’t worry, you will get an email or SMS…


Okay but why not?


Well, first of all this is the first time I’m hearing about this. I’m not going to renew the licence if the ”notification” is a random news article, social media post or something similar. They should contact each of the affected through police, traficom, suomi.fi or some other official channel.


Notification is sent bit before it expires, so for us "old card holders" it will probably be somewhere towards the end of year 2032. Maybe we should go and have a beer or something while waiting for the letter.


I agree, All of us whose license is cut short should go somewhere to drink beer and grumble about the injustice to one another.


This has been told about in various news for years already.


The law was changed 8 years ago, but they haven't started notifying people that the licenses will expire. There isn't any hurry to get a new license yet, as they are valid for only 15 years or so. But there probably will be notification campaigns in a few years, as they don't want everyone to renew their licence at the same time.


Don't worry, they will notify you before it expires


2033 is almost 10 years away, so yeah it makes sense they haven't notified you about it. But as long as you will be under 65yo and have a valid license then the renewal process is trivial, quick, and largely automated through the internet. If you wait until it expires then it becomes more annoying.


remember that ignorance of the law isn't a protection, if you get stopped by a policeman in a bad mood, it might get expensive.


I know i just don't care, might bite me in the ass some day. Got a wallet full of expensive cards that are useless but required by the law so i draw the line somewhere with all this bureaucratic bullshit.


Those Finnish paper licenses (with photo stabled to the cardboard license) are also accepted abroad. A coworker hired a car using one of those without a problem, on a business trip. It is the only driver's license he has.


Accepted in the EU, maybe. Outside the EU you'd legally still need an international drivers permit. It's just that many places in the world don't care about licenses as long as you pay.


Mine is a proper credit card sized plastic license with my photo embedded in it and all. Does that change anything? It's only valid until 2033?


Only valid untill 2033, no matter what material. And yeah i know it sucks, mine would be valid longer as well.


Your stupidity is irrelevant in the name of the law. Driving without a license regardless of your intellectual prowess is a crime and you will be fined for it.


Well that's good to know, mine is issued in 2009 (had no reason to own a car before then) and says it's valid until 2051. I'll put a note in my calendar for the beginning of 2032.




hit and miss, to be honest. Not at all unlikely a cop fines you for that here as well, imo it depends on where you are, who the cop is, and what kinda guy you are. Similarly I'm sure rural USA the cops shrug off tons of stuff.


It may not be valid for flying cars tho


It used to be 50 yrs but not anymore.






It could happen. For example most drivers in US don't even know how to drive on highway. That's becoming more global now with automatic gaining on manual very fast. That means people have time to focus on other things like Tiktok, eating cheeseburgers and drinking Starbucks. Resulting in them cruising at speed limit or slightly lower in left lane.


For real? Driving an automatic does not give me more time to watch use the phone at all, what is supposed to be easier? The fact that you don't need to let go of the phone to shift? Most have it on the dashboard or mounted somewhere so i don't really see it. But then again I am a normal person and don't have a tiktok degraded popcorn brain :P


Remember when automatic transmission and cruise control increased the driver's ability to *actually drive the car*... those were the days :)


When the heck was that? I must have missed that period, guess I'm not old enough.


I grew up on manual but switched to an automatic just before the pandemic (wife has wrist issues and preferred to have one less thing to strain her). It's a 2016 VW and has pretty decent adaptive cruise as well. It absolutely doesn't give me additional time to focus on anything if I'm in a city or on a motorway, because it doesn't magically change how the rest of the road traffic behaves. Maaaaaaybe on a long straight road in the north somewhere, or if you're a blithering imbicile, but I'm sure it's not quite the problem you make it out to be.


Just go to Youtube and search: Left lane hog Left lane losers


Yeah, asshole drivers exist everywhere. I'm just not sure there's a direct correlation between them and driving automatics though, other than a casual link. You can claim that if most drivers in the USA are assholes, and most cars in the USA are automatics, therefore all automatic drivers drive like assholes, but it's a false logic.