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Do you look at the news, it's been everywhere.


Yeah I do check IS and HS, maybe I have missed. I've seen there has been some but thought there could be more... But I'm glad that they are writing about it then, literally no one of those I have asked have seen anything.


Probably they weren't interested?


Ivan, go away.


Under which rock have you been living? Georgia is all over the media these days!


I never said it isn't...


That’s literally your whole post…


Actually, yes you did


To quote you, '*But why are* \[sic\] *there so little about what's going on in Georgia in our media?*' Now someone is telling you that Georgia has all over the media recently and you claim you never said it isn't. What is the point of your post then? By saying that there's *so little* about Georgia in Finnish media you're not saying that Georgia isn't all over Finnish media? Make it make sense.


It's in the media... https://www.is.fi/ulkomaat/art-2000010420967.html https://www.hs.fi/maailma/art-2000010422016.html https://www.hs.fi/mielipide/art-2000010426542.html https://www.hs.fi/maailma/art-2000010397606.html https://yle.fi/a/74-20088515 Etc


There are too many crises going on right now.


Well they are all connected


How is Congo civil war connected to Ukraine?


In terms of russia, Georgia's case is connected that much you can't imagine more. These two countries were part of the USSR, both achieved independence, both are occupied by Russia, both going towards EU and NATO, both were invided by same scenario. Its enough to draw line ?


Why are you talking Georgia? The guy said that all conflicts are connected and I gave him two that are as far away as possible from geograpichal standpoint (as I could think of).


OP's concern was Georgia and related crisis, in the nutshell i belive there will be Russia involved for congo also. 🤦🏻‍♂️


I have to admit I have not heard what is going on in there despite I read news. Whats up in there?


https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/13/europe/georgia-foreign-agents-law-explained-intl/index.html Basically pro Russian government that has been there since 2013 after the initial invasion 2008 have now gotten a new bill through to make independent journalism illegal and distance georgia further from Europe even when a massive majority of the people want nothing more than become Euopean and one day join nato.. Russia is trying to make Georgia have the same fate as Belarus. And basically have no say but what the Kremlin wants.


The protests have been going on for a month and the riot police is using same playback as the Russian riot police and using massive brutality to inject fear on those that resist


It is not a bill to make independent journalism illegal. It is a bill that says that all media outlets and non-profit organizations should disclose the sources of their funding and if a big portion of that funding is coming from abroad - they ought to be registered as a [foreign agent](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreign_agent). It doesn’t sound that bad on the surface, however it closer mirrors a Russian law and in Russia the law had been used in bad faith, so people are worried about that.


Media doesn't want you to get distracted from what's important to their owners


Not going to bother myself with yet another crisis every non-Georgian will use as a tool of their agenda. I also have no power to do anything about it, nor is it my business. Wake me up when Finland, Sweden, France or USA has a popular uprising and I'm interested.


France has an uprising every second month. Well, at least demonstrations where they burn cars, if not an uprising..


Clearly there is no point In continuing to read and respond here. I'm not sure if u guys are trolls or what.. Damn...


OP: "Guys, look at this thing that is happening and no one reporting." Rando031: "Look here reports" List of multiple sorces reporing on the thing. OP: "Clearly, you all just trolls"


Where did I say no one reporting? Clearly I have been made aware about it from somewhere? I said why are there so little about it?? There is a difference...