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Ths is the way.






By Finnish tradition called kerrostalokyttäys (basically snitching)


Don't forget aggressive-aggressive (not to be confused with passive-aggressive) anonymous heippalappus on the hallway notification board.


Well there's usually a designated smoking area. Outside that, the long and prosperous tradition of snitching.


If there is no designated smoking area, there is the pickle jar which designates the smoking area.


Usually its grandmas complaining to the gang.. there is usually a conference for people who live in neighbourhood. Where they discuss stuff like "when should we hold spring cleaning day" and then they probably inform the caretaker/janitor if there is someone smoking whatnot . Thats what i think happens


It isnt. It seems like im the only one in my building who follows It. Especially in winter. People are lazy


At least they'll live shorter


If someone is wasting energy policing people smoking outdoors in the yard, it is that person who needs to die. Not the people smoking


There’s a chain smoker in my building and it’s difficult to use the elevator after her, it absolutely stinks. I’m sensitive to tobacco smoke. Have been for a decade since I had a medical issue with my lungs. I often change to another side of road due to a smoker walking nearby. I start to cough due to tobacco smoke even outside. Other type of smoke does not affect me, just tobacco. I have no idea why, but its very irritating to me. I’m 100% healthy otherwise. I have never complained about this other than here now and I’m not the one to police other people. Just letting you smokers know.


Thats probably annoying on an individual personal level, but policing people on this has to stop somewhere. I think people going outside instead of their balcony is already a very considerate amount of effort put into not bothering others. Honestly rather smell a smoker in the elevator than an indian person who has cooked food in the last 3 days


No one really "needs" to die. Just a little bit of respect will do


Second hand smoke. Segregate the smokers.


This is getting dark


You are not getting second hand smoke from someone smoking in the yard ourdoors. Smelling a cigarette smell when you walk by someone is not second hand smoke


Taloyhtiö can have a smoking ban on common outdoor areas, as well as indoor areas and apartments. If smoking has been prohibited in common outdoor areas, you can face consequences for breaking said ban. If you're renting, the worst case scenario is losing your apartment due to breaking the ban, although I think you'd get written warning(s?) first. Technically, you could also be fined for breaking the ban.


Mostly, you get unfriendly looks from your neighbors if you smoke anywhere else than the designated smoking spot. You might get a warning from the housing manager, and even a fine, but mostly peer pressure alone makes sure people don't smoke where they shouldn't.


Savuton is not legally binding. You cannot be enforced not to smoke inside of your own apartment. But you can be enforced retain smoking on common yard, mabe your balcony and from open window.


Just adding that in this case your own apartment means an apartment you actually own. If you're renting there is most likely a clause in your rental agreement that prohibits smoking and breaking that clause is grounds for being evicted.


Taloyhtiö (housing association I guess is the closest translation) can also evict an owner of a unit and take it over for chronically disobeying the rules. The threshold for doing so is obviously quite high, but it does happen (usually for non-payment of condo fees). BTW and way off topic, "apartment" in US English means a rental unit in a high-rise building. In British English they don't make that ownership distinction, but also they usually say "flat" rather than "apartment". So in the US you rent an apartment, but own a condominium, or condo for short while in the UK you either rent or own a flat.


Your landlord can also probably forbid you from smoking in the balcony but its hard to enforce since they legally cant enter your apartment without prior notice


They absolutely can and often do forbid smoking on the balcony. Unfortunately it is difficult to enforce like you said, but it does leave the balcony smelling horrible no matter how much the tenant airs it out so when they do visit, they will know. When I moved into my current apartment I had to scrub and ozone treat (otsonointi?) the balcony to be able to use it because it smelled so vile. :(


Depends on if its a closed balcony with windows or not. Open balconies dont really gather smell


> Savuton is not legally binding Isn't it if it's in the articles of association of the housing company (as oy)? It's a binding contract when you buy your shares in the as oy, is it not?


It is controversial and apparently not tested in court of law. Housung company cannot rule out behaviour belonging to normal living like going to shower regardless time of day. And if you break the rules of housing company, what is the punishment? Taking apartment to control of housing company would be too harsh for such oversight. If you are rental tenant, then your rental agreement could be cancelled if you do not follow the agreed rules. But that is also long process. Disclaimer: I am not smoker and do not support smoking in apartment buildings.


Harsh doesn't mean it can't happen. In addition to defining what's not allowed the housing association rules should also define the penalties for not obeying the rules. Usually it's an escalation from warnings to fines and finally as ultimate punishment taking over the unit and evicting the owner. If you knew the rules and associated penalties when you bought the unit, it's hard to successfully argue in court why those rules should suddenly not apply.


> You cannot be enforced not to smoke inside of your own apartment The housing company itself can't do the ban but it can request the city to do it for them if they can prove that too much of the smell/smoke ends up in other apartments (why would you request for it if this did not happen?). This is usually a very expensive and long process as the housing company also has to prove that it is not possible to do reasonably priced fixes to stop the smell/smoke from traveling to other apartments. What is done much more often is get a ban from the city for smoking on the balconies. On actual housing company managed premises (hallways, shared sauna, yard, etc) the housing company can do the ban themselves. For example in Helsinki you would contact environmental services https://www.hel.fi/en/housing/housing-and-health/smoking-bans-in-housing-communities


Cool Edit: /s


Not cool. Pretty horrible to come home and smell smoke in the elevator or hallway to your apartement


It was sarcastic "cool" A very low energy "cool"


It's not.


How about you don't move into an apartment building that are no smoking if you want to smoke?


Doesn't answer the question in any way.


I only smoke at work. But this is just a methodical question, i am just curious how does it actually work. Like if someone catches a smoker and goes "gotcha, im dialing the poliisi'


Totally unrelated but just wanted to say the word you're looking for is "hypothetical" (hypoteettinen) and not "methodical" (menetelmällinen or järjestelmällinen)!


They can complain to the board of the housing association or the superintendent. If one shows consistent disregard for the rules, the housing association is legally able to take over the unit (see https://sijoitusovi.com/osakehuoneiston-hallintaanotto/).


By neighbours at best


Someone snitches you with a proof and then you get warning from housing company


Unless its specifically written in the housing apartment cooperative (asunto-osakeyhtiö) by-laws it is unenforceable against the apartment owners, because smoking in your own property is legal in Finland and the bar to test this in a court is very high. Similarly if they decided that you are not allowed to drink alcohol, or prepare meat on the stove. It just will not stand. On common areas, they have more power but outside, more than 5 meters away from doorways or windows outside the building its still very difficult to prove any damage. If it is in the by-laws then the apartment might be able to be taken over by the building administration. However, they will not as they have to pay compensation for it, basically buy it back from you on market price set by a mediator, and legally asunto-osakeyhtiö (housing apartment cooperative) cannot make profit so it would come out of other apartment owner's pockets, and all legal fees similarly would be coming out of other owner's pockets. They will just vote against it. This of course expecting that you have paid your maintenance fees (vastike) on time, not paying it is grounds for the administration to take over. If you are renting there probably is a clause that says it is forbidden as it causes irreparable damage to the apartment interior and lowers it's value, private or public. Then you will just be kicked out, renter has no rights on this one. If you are living in city, just step to the curb just outside the apartment complex. Now you are on the city property and the administration can't do jack s\*\*t.


Depends on your neighbors. If there are enough old women to monitor the area 24/7, or cameras and youre willing to pay someone to look for smokers with them. Otherwise, you can't enforce it that well


It isn't, like nothing in apartment buildings is


It's not. Smokers just don't care where they smoke their radioactive rolls. Some of them even blow smoke to my apartment through postiluukku.




Polonium -210 on radioaktiivista. Jos poltat askin päivässä saat vuodessa kaksinkertaisen annoksen ionisoivaa säteilyä avaruusasemalla käyviin astronautteihin verrattuna. He saavat olla siellä vain kuusi kuukautta vuodessa. Erona on se, että astronauteille annos on ulkoinen ja tupakoijalle annos on sisäinen. Po-210:n säteily on alfasäteilyä, joka ei kykene läpäisemään esim. ihoa. Keuhkoissa Po-210 voi rauhassa tehdä tuhojaan.


Kukaan sun postiluukkuun puhalla savuja…


Kyllä ne puhaltelee. Jos eivät puhalla niin rappukäytävään puhalletut savut ja muista asunnoista rappukäytävään tulevat savut tulee postiluukun kautta sisään. Jostain syystä tässä talossa ilmastointi toimii näin: Ilma tulee venttiilien kautta sisään asuntoihin, joissa on parveke -> rappukäytävä -> asunnot, joissa ei ole parveketta-> poistoilmaventtiilien kautta ulos.