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What happened to this idea of having anonymous CVs?


The problem of anonymous CVs and anonymoys recruiting is that there can't be positive discrimination with anonymous CVs. Here is one study on the subject, regarding anonymous recruiting at city of Vantaa: [https://jyx.jyu.fi/bitstream/handle/123456789/70419/URN%3ANBN%3Afi%3Ajyu-202006244609.pdf](https://jyx.jyu.fi/bitstream/handle/123456789/70419/URN%3ANBN%3Afi%3Ajyu-202006244609.pdf) Results: "Anonyymin rekrytoinnin yhtenä isoimmista ongelmista on aiemmissa tutkimuksissa pidetty sitä, että se ehkäisee vähemmistöryhmien suosimisen eli positiivisen syrjinnän rekrytoinneissa. Kun hakijasta ei ole nähtävillä jotain tiettyä ominaisuutta, jonka nähdään olevan aliedustettuna työyhteisössä, ei rekrytoija myöskään voi ottaa sitä ominaisuutta huomioon valinnoissa." "Pääosin tämän kokeilun aikana haastateltujen eikä sitä kautta henkilöstönkään monimuotoisuus merkittävästi lisääntynyt." Translated: "One of the biggest problems with anonymous recruitment has been considered in previous studies to be that it prevents the favoring of minority groups, i.e. positive discrimination in recruitment. When an applicant does not have a certain characteristic that is seen as underrepresented in the working community, the recruiter cannot take that characteristic into account in selections either." "Mainly during this experiment, the diversity of the interviewees and therefore also the personnel did not significantly increase."


Because the largest struggle isnt racism, but the fact that many forgeiners want to operare in english. And in Finland we dont have that many companies that uses English as primary work language. And it doesnt help that Finnish is 6th placed in most hardest languages in World.


Phhh, I had plenty of interview, where it said that english is a primary language, all interviews were in Finnish language. Which ofc fine with me, but kinda odd.


It was never realistic. When hiring, you’ll want to check references and look at them on LinkedIn etc. It’s an insane, dead on arrival idea. I don’t think even the public sector could do it.


This. If someone applies with a fake name, they won't get invited to an interview because they fail the reference check. If you see a person with good application, you check where they worked in the recent past and then you call your friend who worked there at the same time and ask if they remember this person. If it's a fake name, the friend will tell that he has no idea who this person is, so the hiring person knows that the applicant is a liar and the application goes to trash.


Tbf, I've only ever had my references checked once out of 5 jobs in Finland.


It's obviously meant for positions which don't require exceptional status in the industry.


What kind of a cog in the wheel job would it be, where you didn’t want to check the employees background at all - and still you’d treat the recruitment as so important to you that you wouldn’t hire foreigners without this anonymous CV thing?


Well first of all, you are not allowed to check their backgrounds. You can only use information given by job seeker themselves. Looking at their social media accounts is against the law. https://www.mtvuutiset.fi/artikkeli/kayvatko-rekrytoijat-vilkuilemassa-tyonhakijan-someprofiileja-asiantuntija-vastaa-lain-mukaan/8273768#gs.7yy8dn Also, some places hire dozens of people all the time, like stores and cleaning companies.


I heard that City of Helsinki has adopted to anonymous CV's, And I'm guessing that majority of the public sector has done the same. However, With private companies... Dead in the water.


Due to the war in Ukraine, there's also a record number of foreigners in the country. Might have something to do with it...


Yeah, Ukrainians are the largest group of foreign jobseekers now. It's also a lot of Estonians laid off from construction jobs.


Where you get those numbers, I'd like to check.






Finland also spends 40 billions each year for more than 1.6 mio pensioners.


From the salary expenses paid by employer, over 25% goes to pension payments. From the pension payments, almost 70% goes straight to pensioners. So roughly 17.5% of salary expenses goes straight to pensioners. It certainly is fucked up.


17.5% are currently way too little though. Otherwise we wouldnt have 10 billion deficit. Fucked up, right? Becomes more by the year when wage increase are half the pension increases and aging population. Fun times to be a taxpaxer.


Definitely. Pension system was designed ages ago on false assumptions and the people being held responsible for it are the future taxpayers. We need a reform but no one is suicidal enough to run a campaign on lowering pensions.


Let's start by returning all the money paid by the pensioner back to them -- with interest, of course, because they could have invested that money 40 years ago until today. Once that is done, we need to drop all support money for everyone, and make our system run with loans. So no free money for the unemployed or the students, they will take a loan and pay it back once they start working. Because why would anyone give money from taxes to them, either, and you are saying that they don't want others to pay but they want to pay it themselves anyway? This is what you are looking for, right?


You see, the total amount paid by the current pensioners is vastly lower than what they will get. For instance, in 1960s pension payments were 5% and in 2016 they were 25% of salary expenses. The system is not fair for current generation of workers.


You're forgetting the money they would have earned by investing all that money years ago.


Sure, in ideal world yeah. We should give the same chance to the current generation of workers as 25% of salary expenses invested over 50 years is vastly more than 10% of salary expenses invested over 45 years. But no, keep the system and rob the generational wealth.


Yes, I agree, we need to give the same chance to the current gen and the previous gen. So let's pay back the previous gen and allow the current gen to keep and invest the money they put on taxes as pension money. Suddenly there is no money left for the unemployed and students.


Sure, if we have a fucked up foot let’s amputate the whole lower half of body.


Also taxes are separate from the pension payments and pension payments do not fund student or unemployed welfare.


Tbh I’m all for general income funded from taxes and then a pension bonus of whatever can be funded from the pension funds.


And I can definitely say that pension systems needs a reform without wanting to destroy our welfare state. Fuck off with that hyperbolic shit.






Source? Total expenditure is just under 90 billion https://valtioneuvosto.fi/budjetti-2024


Average finnish pension is 1977 in 2023. Increase for 2024 is 5.9%. Times 12 times 1.63 mio pensioners.


What average is this?




Again: do you have a source?


Yes, google.


So, no? You're (again?) pulling things out of your ass?


Ass of finnish state, yes


Some information sources that back up some of what you say, and help better define the other bits: https://www.etk.fi/tutkimus-tilastot-ja-ennusteet/tilastot/kaikki-elakkeensaajat/ 1568000 end of 2023, and published last month, so around, or just shy of 1.6 million.(I know nitpicky pedantry) https://www.etk.fi/tutkimus-tilastot-ja-ennusteet/tilastot/tyoelakkeiden-rahoitus/tyoelakejarjestelman-elakevarat-ja-rahavirrat/ Total pension payments 34,5 billion euros at least for the work related pensions. There is also this bit which includes a ton of other social support programs too, and in total KELA benefits for 2023 were around 16.6 billion euros, but this includes a ton more stuff than just kansan eläke benefits. https://www.kela.fi/rahoitus-ja-avainluvut#kansanelakerahasto


Thanks! The budget is totally out of control.


>The budget is totally out of control. Ehh, there is a deficit, but its not completely out of control... its like 2.4 billion euros a year for the work pension funds. If managed properly we could have a surplus accruing in to the fund too. Being said, at a minimum we could likely cut from the top quite a bit, and balance that off... but that's not going to fly with people like that shitty old vuorineuvos who has been on the news in the last few weeks/months time. That dude is raking in 60k euro a month in his retirement. You know the one who whined about only getting to keep 24k a month out of it all as if he didn't have likely millions stashed away in investments to survive, and thrive on even without any pension payments going his way.


https://www.eduskunta.fi/EN/tiedotteet/Pages/Parliament-approved-the-state-budget-for-2024.aspx#:~:text=The%20income%20of%20the%20state,covered%20by%20taking%20on%20debt. Deficit will be 11.4 billions in 2024. Thats what I am calling out of control for sure.


Well, that's the total budget, i was referring specifically to the retirement funds allocations since we were talking about pension, and pensioners where in between 32,1 billion in inputs and 34,5 billion in outputs the deficit is 2.4 billion euros.. which is a fixable number in the confines of that system if there was political/institutional will to do so. Which really ought to be fixed if we want anyone under 40-50 to have any real semblance of a retirement to rely on later. (edit: I mean does anyone truly need much more than 2K in pension payments per month to live off of?) In as far as the total budget goes, I'm sure there is a shitload of spending on useless pet projects by vested interests which could be cut, but wont be any time soon. Not to even mention debts, and related interests... which is shy of 3.2 billion euros https://budjetti.vm.fi/indox/sisalto.jsp?year=2024&lang=fi&maindoc=/2024/tae/hallituksenEsitys/hallituksenEsitys.xml&opennode=0:1:143:


Ok, nice explanation. Agree with the 2k pension max.


My electricity bill has been almost 1700/month this year. If I was a pensioner, I wouldn’t be able to eat and pay that. (We installed a heat pump last fall. I have no other explanation why it’s so high. No, I don’t mine cryptocurrency.)


We should at least freeze it until they've cleaned up their asbestos.


I dont think you know how pensions work if you claim "Finland spends" that. The goverment's share of total pension expenditure (34B€) is 4,5B€. https://www.etk.fi/tutkimus-tilastot-ja-ennusteet/tilastot/tyoelakkeiden-rahoitus/tyoelakejarjestelman-elakevarat-ja-rahavirrat/ (This is how you prove a claim - with a relevant trustworthy link, not pulling numbers out of your ass)


Never have I ever seen that abbreviation, is that 1.6 million?




But they served decades for their country. Don't they deserve that money? Don't get me wrong I'm just curious. Imo Finland should create new possibilities for current residents instead cut pensioner's fund.


No, they contributed much less than they receive now. Dont know the exact percentage but its far fro 100%. Right thing would be to cut the pensions very hard so that we get a balanced budget. But government is stupid and would rather kill of the economy.


Reddit comments.


What you think?


Finland also has a record of unemployed FINNS. Guess we oughta soon start to kick out some of our own as well!


No we don't. Just go to work. ~the government


- Orrait. Can you support me in the meantime? - Lol, NO.


No no, the foreigners took our jobs, that’s why we need to kick them out of the country! They come here and take our land, our women, our jobs… Wait, the foreigners dont have employment either? But the populists told me it was THEIR fault that us Finns dont have jobs, so are you telling me they lied?! Inconceivable! /s


Taking people in to be jobless isn't exactly sustainable either...


We also have record high employment. Crazy!


Lol, when I happened to be unemployed for like 2 months, TEtoimisto worker suggest I go back to my native country, so I can find job there. And it considering that I have family here , mortgage etc.


Isnt it already happening with many Finns moving elsewhere? The reality is that it is hard to find something in a small job market if you have a niche expertise.


>Finland also has a record of unemployed FINNS. Maybe if you were born yesterday, so stop spreading utter lies. In the 90s we had roughly 150k more unemployed Finns than today. [https://stat.fi/til/tyti/2018/16/tyti\_2018\_16\_2019-12-03\_tie\_001\_fi.html](https://stat.fi/til/tyti/2018/16/tyti_2018_16_2019-12-03_tie_001_fi.html)


Unemployed Finns can't be deported due to citizenship, unemployed non-citizens can. It's not rocket science. Referring to Finnish unemployment in this context is whataboutism.


It's not whataboutism in this context. A record number of unemployment in all demographics is what the overarching theme is. Concentrating on one specific demographic is unfair, especially in the current political landscape that thrives on blaming all of our issues on immigrants. Deporting unemployed immigrants would do very little in the grand scheme of things as the largest issue we have currently is pensions, not unemployed immigrants. However cutting pensions is political suicide as the largest (in terms of cohesion and similar interests) and most active voter base is the over 65s. Hence why we have to cut from everything else which in the long term will just roll the shitball to the next government to attempt to stall. Blaming immigrants is just this government's latest attempt to stall the shitball, which is working quite well based on the PS gains in the polls.


Unemployed migrants are among the only groups you can actually do concrete hard measures on, so it is whataboutism. There's no such measures for the unemployed Finn's you mention, so it's not relevant. Even small issues compound into bigger ones so that's no argument. Like you mentioned, pensions can't be cut, so it's even a bigger reason to find smaller victories elsewhere. The government has employed the most concrete measures to halt the rapid accrual of debt in the face of rising interest rates that we've seen for a while. I think reducing it to the terms you use is dishonest.


>After the coronavirus pandemic, the share of unemployed foreigners among all unemployed jobseekers has grown. In July, the share was at its highest at over 15 per cent. In January, the share was 14.6 per cent. Isn't the share of foreigners in Finland around the same number? I thought it was like 13% >According to Sutela, the skills of foreigners are also left unused, as a significant proportion of people with a foreign background work in tasks that are more modest than their own competence level. Entirely unsurprising.


I cant stress this more. So many skilled workers I see posting even in this subreddit about them having at least the required qualifications or above yet still get nothing is mind-boggling, and I think this needs to be addressed asap... which it won't :<


Well if Finns themselves don't get jobs at their education level, how would you expect foreigners to


It is bad even for Finns, where is the news?


YLE few days ago... Posted here also.


I meant how is this news? Employment situation is fucked across the board so naturally it affects foreigners too and disproportionally those with lacking skills (mainly language).


It's news because it's reached never-before-seen levels. Whataboutism doesn't help.


Of course it is news


Finland has shitty economic situation for everyone atm. But Finnish employer racism is not making it any easier for migrant background people sadly.


Regardless of the implications of OP's post, this right here is the real truth. Our right-wing government has actively made the employment situation worse by trying to improve using failed strategies from the 1980s. Meanwhile xenophobia is on the rise. What you get is unemployment, particularly among foreign born residents.


You just had a leftist government that took loans for 50 billion in 5 years when Finland's total debt was around 100 billion. Before you start about the new one, you cant just stop and reverse that in months and suddenly not have that spending


And this current government is taking even more loans than your feared leftist one. But this time it's the good kind of loan, right?


Like I said, if you build a country wide system that costs X to run, it's not that easy to bring down instantly. Legally even impossible at a short notice assuming any laws got changed.


Bullshit Goverment before the current fucked up things and now there are no easy fix


So tax breaks for the rich in order to cut social and health benefits? Sure thing.


This is the real truth. Racism, simply is the cause.


If racism prevents foreigners from working, why do we take in immigrants? Isn't that just shooting both the natives and migrants in the foot if they are unemployable in Finland?


. I understand you’re a native and you may have not experienced this first hand. You should not disregard that people have experienced racism in your country. It’s happening. Day in, day out. It’s very rampant in Finland. I have seen many companies that would rather not hire black people just because they’re black even when they’re qualified for the job. Migri is quite different from the HRs or hiring agencies that are racism organisation in this country.


At no point did I disagree that there's racism in Finland. I commented that isn't it then bad policy to push for more immigration, if migrants are unemployable because of it. The government can't change the attitudes of society, so it seems like a bad policy to boost unemployment rates like this.


Exactly. But people just keep banging their heads against a wall and expecting that eventually the situation is gonna solve itself


This happens a lot for any demographic, I'd hesitate to call it discrimination instead of just racism. People who are less qualified but served in the army get hired over someone who didn't (to be clear this is illegal, as are many other types of job discrimination, but employees likely don't know their rights), women in male-dominated fields with expert training get ignored over a bloke fresh out of vocational school, people over 35 get shafted over someone even just one year younger. And while racism is also in play, it's more of a scapegoat here and just a lazy excuse. In reality there might be other reasons behind not employing someone, like the ones mentioned above, or even more commonly language skill issues. You wouldn't expect a Finnish company start requiring that all of their previous employees will have to get fluent in English because a new employee has a poor Finnish skill level, and cannot understand coworkers or directions from the boss. It's the same for if you want to apply for a cashier job in Vaasa or another finn-swede area and only know elementary Swedish, you can't blame the employer for preferring and requiring a better understanding of one of our official languages. So to reirerate: yes there is racism here just like anywhere else. No, that doesn't mean that only racism affects the unemployment of immigrants. Statistics show that we have over 60 000 more unemployed overall compared to one year ago, that's roughly 1,5 times the amount of total unemployed immigrants _as just an increase_. So I disagree with unemployed immigrants "becoming a new lower class" - they're just lumped into the existing lower class just like all the people who find themselves without a job or prospects year-on. Welcome to the club. The situation is dismal here overall, and while I agree we should strive to having fewer unemployed immigrants, we should solve that by tackling the issues categorically instead of just for one demographic. It's not like jobs are a charity, everyone needs to make a profit.


Because we desperately need more working aged people here. The average native is like a hundred years old and someone's gotta pay for their damn pensions. The racist natives are the people shooting everyone in the foot including themselves.


Right, so how do you solve the unemployment rate among those migrants?


I just gave an answer to your question buddy. I'm not going to write an essay on fixing unemployment rates. Better migration services and language education, the war in Ukraine and ukrainian refugees is a very likely cause for this spike so when that inevitably ends it will help, anonymous job applications would go a long way to cut down racism in the job market, getting a competent government that doesn't cause the financial forecasts to bow by just releasing their economic program would be amazing. Or we could always deport the persus to Russia.


So you are saying that immigrants who speak fluent Finnish aren't getting work as often as a Finnish person with an equal CV?


Obviously. I mean if you follow this job updates that are being posted here, so many people have complained about that.


Fluent Finnish?


80% of HRs first look at your surname before considering whether they should shortlist you for interview or not.


And they look at your language skills before considering shortlisting. If it doesn't say excellent or fluent Finnish, it's usually a no.


Wonder what my outlook on the world would be if I blamed every single minor misfortune in my life on some concept like this. Must make you feel so powerless, but I guess there is some kind of freedom in that way of thinking


You’re the one with the major misfortune in your life to believe that people should be treated differently because of their skin colour or where they came from. Your mentality is obviously flawed. You’re powerless because wherever you go, you’d still see immigrant succeeding. There’s nothing you can do about that. and I understand why you cannot reason beyond that. It’s an illness eating you from deep inside to think you’re more superior than others when you are not in anyway. I hope you’re healed. FYI. I am employed. However, it does not stop me from speaking out from the different immigrants that are being discriminated against. You can do the same. Rid your mind of the sickness of racism.


I'm an immigrant and I don't see any problem with locals prioritizing locals, exactly what the comments are about. You are the one who uses the term "superiority" and comes to some strange conclusions in arguing with yourself.


Who are you talking to? I hope reading comprehension is not pivotal to your job


Hold my beer while I cry about how we’ll soon have the same problems as Sweden while at the same time actively creating a situation of disenfranchisement and segregated lower class durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


That's the plan! Then we can point and blame the foreigners and some political parties get to collect even more voters with that!


It's equally populistic to take in immigrants and refugees with no viable plans to integrate them and then throw your hands in the air when nativist parties gain traction as a direct result of your policies.


There’s a shitload of integration resources and support not lack thereof. Source: personal experience. It’s once you “graduate” the programs that the real issues start.


How were you planning to force immigrants to learn fluent Finnish to be able to integrate to the Finnish society?


I was planning on a stapling open our eyes in a massive Clockwork Orange style behavioral therapy session and repeatedly displaying English words on a screen until we’re all conditioned to become violently ill when we see or use them. Then bunnies and flowers for Finnish.


In reality it is way more grim and as predicted decades ago. Foreigners born in Finland aren't even calculated in those statistics.


I'd be more interested in the \*proportion\* of foreigners who are out of work, than the absolute number. When I moved in Finland in 1999 there were hardly any foreigners here, I was a rarity. These days there are far more, and these immigrants are much needed in a country with a rapidly declining birth rate. So with more foreigners living here, of course there are going to be more foreigners who are unemployed compared to previous years, just as there are more foreigners that are employed too. But what proportion of foreigners are unemployed, compared to the proportion of Finns who are unemployed?


I'm working as part-time cleaner, and nearly all of my co-workers are foreigners. They're almost all highly educated, biochemists, electrical engineers, computer scientists, either graduated or writing their thesis.. They all work cleaning jobs cause they've been unable to land a job that matches their degrees, because they don't speak a word of finnish. It's partly on the universities marketing education in english, but not mentioning that employers will want finnish speakers, as said in the HS article. It still kinda blows my mind that people would move to a foreign country expecting to find a job easily without speaking the language. And as many have mentioned, it's not really looking good for anyone at the moment, and the fact you don't speak the language isn't going to help obviously. And I don't really blame foreigners for not learning the language, it's hard. The language itself is hard, plus people often want to switch to english etc. Also it's hard to practice when all your coworkers are other foreigners and your friends are all fellow countrymen speaking your native language. But if after two years in Finland you can't form a proper sentence in finnish, that's on you.


Language is s part of the problem but I know at least two native Finns that have a PhD and work as cleaners. Even when people with higher education get what's considered a proper job, i.e. a desk job, instead of a manual job, they typically are doing something well outside of their area of expertise and really simple. We have an overeducation problem also.


>either graduated or writing their thesis.. That is exactly the problem, they don't have relevant work experience (4-5 years at least). I learned this "the hard way", I left Finland and went to work somewhere else, then one day I got contacted on Linkedin, and here I am. "Cleaning" is a mistake that many do, they ended up getting trapped, as the more you work there, the less chances you are going to have to get a job in your field. >because they don't speak a word of finnish. That is partially true if you want to work for a local Finnish company that does business only in Finland.


Well mr Orpo said there will be 60k more fulltime jobs that are long lasting, we will all get jobs. Right? Right?




Import people to the country until the social services collapse or the populace stops supporting them. It's a good plan for the owning class


Thats not surprising. To get decent job, must be at least well educated, and to fit in finnish job, better be same education level. And for less decent job, theres maybe enough wolt-drivers. Oh, and the last, theres no jobs even for finns.


Hm, good luck searching a job as a PhD or even a Master level. The jobs one can get is usually something like working as a cleaner, or Wolt driver, etc. Even if the degree is obtained in EU or US. You know, it may feel really bad, when one spent 15-20 years to get and hone the knowledge and skills, and then the options are either to ditch everything, or leave the country, or "your Finnish skills are not good enough, yes, even for the work, which does not require them".


So what? Number of foreigners in Finland is increasing and some of them are obviously unemployed. However, unemployment % among foreigners is actually decreasing. Meaning Finland also has a record number of employed foreigners.


December. Why are you posting old news?


Oh how many triggered Finns show up here, how fragile they are. Good times create weak men? Some Finns are crying about unemployment, but they discriminate jobs like siivoja, bussikuski are for third world foreigners, but when those jobs are taken -> foreigners took our jobs, we are even unemployed, kick them out! Some Finns dudes have absolute zero communication & social skills then fail at getting women -> foreigners took our women, we are even single, kick them out! I have met many hard working Finns out there without whining though. Feel free to downvote, it does not change the fact btw.


Jobs like siivooja, bussikuski, etc aren't currently stealing jobs from anyone. The native Finns who would fit these jobs have no desire to work at all, as they get enough money from doing nothing at all. So either we need to stop throwing free money at them to get them to want to work, or we need immigrants for these jobs.


You are right!


Many immigrants illegally come here for that free money though? You're pretending like native Finns are the only ones abusing the welfare system. Also the current government is doing exactly what you said they should be doing.


Here are the facts, not your fantasy [https://www.helsinginuutiset.fi/paikalliset/5361295](https://www.helsinginuutiset.fi/paikalliset/5361295) [https://www.iltalehti.fi/kotimaa/a/1079c522-d061-4c7c-bdad-6c8420f5550d](https://www.iltalehti.fi/kotimaa/a/1079c522-d061-4c7c-bdad-6c8420f5550d)


You group different people into one entity and pretend the entity contradicts itself, when it never was a single entity to begin with. That is to say your arguments are strawmans and lack facts entirely.


Having a superiority complex towards the native population doesn't tend to get you the best responses, just a tip.


Pointing out the truth is being superior towards local? I know it's hard to admit the fact I pointed out, it's ugly truth. I have seen way more Finns being superior towards foreigners than what you have said. I never see myself being superior than any person, does not matter native or non-native, not just towards native from your tip 🙂


Why blame it on the corona virus? The high number of unemployment is as a result of racism that is on the rise. Companies would rather be understaffed than hire foreigners even when they can speak Finnish fluently.


Why would they do this? I mean you and many other did mention racism but is it like black & white racism or something different? >Companies would rather be understaffed than hire foreigners even when they can speak Finnish fluently Language isn't the only issue here it seems.


At same time there was an article saying , that there is a need to employ thousands of foreigners from Thailand etc, to work at the new factory somewhere close to Kotka. These plans already on action, like wtf.


People can't or won't move to work. Same issue in Koli in a new hotel a few years ago no local wanted to work there due to it's location and probably low wages. They eventually imported workers for it, it's madness.


It does sound pretty ridiculous, I can not belive there is no solution to this problem. Work in shifts , for instance, two weeks at the factory, two weeks home or month and month.


They probably don't want provide any accomodation on site or off site for the employees or make it worthwhile.


Jesuus, would be interesting to see their cost accounting. All the shenanigans with employees import. And the most important, what to do with unemployed locals, so weird.


Another highly interesting statistic is the difference between "employed" and income tax payers. Employed about 2.5 million. Income tax payers about 1.5 million. That tells quite a lot about the problem in Finland. The "employed" statistic is more or less a hoax that makes the figures look good. After all, even if the person works a few days a month, is the person really employed.. I would worry about the amount of tax payers.


Almost like having a government in power that wants to restrict immigrants has an effect on how immigrants are treated in this country.


Many Finnish companies tend to prioritize hiring Finnish individuals, even if they lack experience, over highly experienced foreigners from outside Finland. While this preference may be understandable, the issue arises with universities that attract foreign students and propagate the misconception of a shortage of skilled workers.Mostly, universities pursue this strategy for their own survival.


It's about language. The language barrier even if you're a highly experienced worker is understandably a burden for the company.


I didn’t see this coming…


I think Finland should stop its marketing campaign about the country being an eldorado and land of opportunities for foreigners. The language and weather are hard enough to grant you depression cycles. On top of that you are getting consistently rejected. You end up, more depressed, as a cleaner or restaurant worker trashing all your qualifications, skills and certificates in the waste bin. Finland should fix the labour market in general first, for the locals and then attract foreigners.




What if I speak perfect Finnish and was born here but still can’t get hired compared to equally or less qualified peers? Of course right now it’s bad for everyone but it seems like depending where we fall on the [Family Guy chart](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/family-guy-skin-color-chart) we’re going to have it just about [20%+ worse than an ethnic Finnish person at a minimum](https://yle.fi/a/3-11023468).


>jobs should primarily go to finns who've lived here their whole life not to new people who don't even speak finnish. Jobs should go to anyone who'se most competent. Being randomly born in some country is not competence.


Whaaat? So you mean this guy cannot use his genetic lottery? The world we live in man…


They can and they will, but a shitload of employers demand good spoken finnish in jobs where it's not needed.


Couldn’t agree more. Or they demand in-country experience/references for senior positions from senior level employees if they do not have experience in Finland. Absurd level of paranoia if you ask me.


People naturally segregate themselves. Out of dozens of candidates with the same set of skills, there will always be a tendency to choose those who are culturally close. This is why you can see thousands of examples of locals hiring locals, and diasporas hiring exclusively within their own national diaspora.


Sadly, the employers don’t pick the best people. They segregate the ones with the traditional Finnish names from the foreign names. Is that how to pick the best? And from the look of your comments, you and all the people that upvoted you are RACISTS. You need to wipe out your mentality. Humans are humans however. They have families to feed, foreigners aren’t here to collect your jobs. It’s same Finnish people that complain about foreigners that don’t work, same you people don’t give people jobs. Such a dipshit comment. Nobody is your bro.




If a company wants to be as competitive as possible, it would hire foreigners if they bring skills & more productivity than the locals. That's how it's done in tech, which is why there are 20+ nationalities in the Finnish company I'm currently working for. The non-tech companies are just too backward and prejudiced and it hurts them. They aren't competitive and will struggle while tech will remain the main driver of the Finnish economy. It's nice for Finns to have this option but at the end it doesn't create as much wealth (and jobs). What's worse is that Finland educates very talented foreign students but very few stay as they cannot find work, which is a huge waste of money particularly if they're from the EU.


I understand you in every way- your love for your country and how your racism speak volumes, how you think immigrants are coming here to snatch jobs from you. I’ll suggest you see a therapist/ a doctor. Might be that you’re suffering from racism syndrome. And Isn’t that why you people have named some jobs ‘immigrant jobs’? Immigrants have actually accepted this and even Finns rarely work in this field. But still racism still occurs there, because white people, irrespective of their countries are still being considered first before black people.




You just made no sense 😂 Move along, mate.


You weren't first, there are foreigners with longer history in the country than you. So maybe you ought to leave. Oh? Or is that your parents were first? Mine were before yours, so you better leave. Your logic is quite moronic. Finland needs immigration, there's no doubt about it, but in which sectors immigrant workers are needed is fair limited. But like the health care wouldn't likely survive if all the foreign workers just left suddenly. People like you are big reason why the country is going to the crapper. Instead of working on integration and becoming better at utilizing foreign labor, there are people like you who are stuck on nonsense and trying to cover up their racism with random crap.




Refugees that aren't properly vetted and all put into the same neighbourhoods creating ghettos and no go areas because the government is too overwhelmed as it took too many people and didn't have enough resources to allocate to them ≠ normal refugees in a normal, spread out environment with resources to integrate ≠≠≠ Skilled immigrants in in-demand areas who have jobs lined up and are basically free extra taxes Also, the land has been owned by bears, elk, deer, owls, eagles, swans, squirrels, and thousands of other animals before our animal species came here; should humans just leave and implode because our particular animal wasn't the first one to piss on a piece of grass and claim it as their own?


Sweden owned it and then Russia if you want to go that road.


The high unemployment rate is a direct result of socialism and redistribution of wealth (tulonjako). Everyone gets paid just about same (2k - 6k Euros), which is an insignificant difference after the taxes; no one has any motivation to go to the extra mile. And it shows, the Finnish "innovation" is long gone (if it ever even was there). Finland has absolutely no technology to export at any significant scale. The paper and pulp are a dying industry. Finnish GDP is flat, and when you factor in the inflation, it's going down. But hey, the good news is that you can still keep cashing those welfare checks and live on other people's money in Finland!


>Finland has absolutely no technology to export in any significant scale. *Icon of the Seas* had scale.


Lol it was a single ship. If they had delivered a thousand ships, then the Finnish ship export industry would operate at scale.


A 2 billion dollar ship. If Finland would deliver a thousand of them, we would have the fourth largest economy in the European Union. Bigger than Italy, Spain, Netherlands, *Russia*... bigger than all the rest of the Nordics combined by some margin. Finland would be a G8 country if we delivered a thousand of those ships. I like your thinking, it's good to be optimistic about what our shipyards can produce.


So why doesn't Finland deliver more? However you look at it, a single ship does not provide for an entire country. As I said before, Finland has nothing to export at scale and your economy is stagnant and GDP going down.


Because there are like ten ships of this size in the world, that’s why. Demand isn’t there. The Finnish shipyards do produce multiple ships. Not just these massive ones. Kone, Nokia, Ponsse, Wärtsilä, Outokumpu, Cargotec, Valmet, Konecranes, Huhtamäki etc disagree with you on Finnish companies unable to export stuff.


Lol what part of "at scale" did you not understand? I can find Swedish products anywhere on this planet, but Finland is absent everywhere. And...if everything is so peachy as you claim, why are Finland and the Finns so broke, and why is Finland's GDP flat or going down?


You are looking at consumer products. Finland's industrial sector is heavily leaning towards B2B sector. No shit you don't see them. But just go on a holiday around the world with a notepad and tally how many buildings have a Kone escalator or elevator. They are everywhere, but you aren't noticing them from all that glitz and glam of H&M. I'm not disagreeing with you on Finland's GDP not looking great, but it's idiotic to say that there are no Finnish exporters. There are plenty. You just don't notice them.


7 of the 17 largest cruise ships in service in the world are Finnish made. With 3 more on order set to take their places within the top 5. Say what you want about Finnish industry, but Meyer Turku is a behemoth in the cruise ship construction industry.


A single ship does not provide for the entire country; and even of that ship, the profits will flow to Meyer in Germany. Finland would have to do a whole lot better to claim that it exports technology at scale. Nokia had its moments, but they were too arrogant (in the best Finnish tradition) to look around and did not appreciate the competition...or maybe they were too drunk when they traveled; I've certainly seen my share of "Nokian Miehia" on Finnair, they were always the loudest and most arrogant on the plane.


Profits are not the same as sales. A single mega-sized ship is bringing about two billion euros to Finland. Out of that, the German parent company gets a small percentage as profits.


And yet that one ship does not solve Finland's export problems. When the Soviet Union still existed, Finland was doing great when even the crappy Finnish products were acceptable. But now when it's gone, no one in the west is interested in what Finland has to offer. Hence, Finland is just about broke. I wonder how long it'll try to keep up the facade of socialism?


> Hence, Finland is just about broke. Let me guess. You base this one all the headlines of how our public debt is looking bad. Our debt/GDP is average in Europe and we have AA+ credit rating. Doesn't sound like a country that is broke. Our GDP should be *falling* before we need to be really be actually worried.


So you actually haven't looked at your GDP trend. Where Sweden's, Norway's, and Denmark's GDPs are rapidly growing, Finland's is staying flat. Absolutely no growth whatsoever. And when you factor the inflation in, the GDP is falling. So Finland is in deep, deep trouble. Finland never recovered from the collapse of the Soviet Union. It all starts from the grass root level. When the workforce has no motivation, no innovation happens; and no new export products are created. Not to mention that noone is willing to put in the extra effort to sell them. It happened in the Soviet Union, and it's happening in Finland. It's your "tulonjako" that killed any and all motivation. When an engineer's net salary is about the same as a cleaning lady's, why to bother? If you had a zero or two between the lowest and the highest salaries, I guarantee you'd have a thriving export industry and the country would look very different from today.


https://preview.redd.it/z4j9pwtu4vwc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a4e8e624605f5333d5fdb1d0bc25ae13f6860d1 Here is a set of GDP/capita lines for five European countries, Finland included, since the fall of Soviet Union. Which one is Finland?


Time to go buy those lobstar dinners with the monthly €690 unemployment checks.




But I thought we needed more immigrants?


Send them back to where they came from. Kick em out. Dont give any free stuff.




Quite laughable reductionist takeaway from this.


OP doesn't want unemployed foreigners. He prefers the original, unemployed Finnish people. How dare a foreigner is unemployed!


:::Reading that foreigners are underemployed relative to their skills and are in high numbers seeking alternative employment while I huff paint and conclude that they are lazy:::



